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01-07-2011, 04:31 PM
I don't know why the parent is suing everyone in sight in this case. It's the dad who should be on trial, for gross parental negligence and stupidity.


01-07-2011, 07:44 PM
I don't know why the parent is suing everyone in sight in this case. It's the dad who should be on trial, for gross parental negligence and stupidity.


Agreed, the man was stupid for letting his son shoot such a powerful weapon.

01-08-2011, 02:05 AM
This is yet another reminder of the need for PROPER gun control, especially with handguns; both hands, elbows locked, wide stance aggressive posture! Lean into it -- kills on one end, maims on the other!

My prayers go out to the family and all those who have been affected by this horrific and preventable accident. But I'd be more sympathetic to a liability suit if a bystander was injured or killed. Hopefully the judge will see the real culprit and order a firearms safety course for those who fail to understand the intention of firearms: to kill, maim and destroy.

Tragedy strikes down people everyday, so I don't want to sound like I'm heartless; I'm just practical. I can just see this family all gathered around watching their son holding his first autopistol; "Don't shoot yet son; let me get the camera." I'm having flashes of some third-world country decimated by years of civil war requiring children to shoulder automatic weapons to fulfill their responsibilities as men. Only, we're in America and we have the available resources to train our children about firearms in an step-by-step manner, and not with the latest videogame. Hell I beat Tiger on the Wii, I should buy a custom set of clubs and join the tour; no chance of disappointment there. Yea, I know, my analogy's weak and heartless, but atleast with a RedRyder, he'd just of shot his eye out!

01-08-2011, 02:09 AM
I don't know why the parent is suing everyone in sight in this case. It's the dad who should be on trial, for gross parental negligence and stupidity.


Punishing stupidity as a crime? How? Our schools and prisons are too full already:laugh: I think natural selection should be allowed to runs its course!