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05-06-2007, 01:54 PM
Exclusive: Are American Democrats De Facto Socialists?
Lee Ellis
Author: Lee Ellis
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: May 4, 2007

The only way to conquer a nation is to infiltrate its institutions and churches with strong, left-leaning indoctrination, advised the founder of modern socialism. FSM Contributing Editor Lee Ellis explores the methods by which current DNC leaders have morphed into unabashed Socialists. You can’t afford to ignore this stunning report.

Are American Democrats De Facto Socialists?

By Lee Ellis

Many people who love America and the values it has established over the years have written to me, expressing great concern about the sudden spiraling down of our nation. They ask how we could now be staring at the Socialist preparation to take over our nation, and they wonder how we ever could have arrived at such a sad place.

Yes, it is sad, but let’s review some history to help us understand how we came to allow de facto Socialists, for the first time in American history, to be the majority vote in the United States Congress. It would do us well to reexamine the teachings of Antonio Gramsci who was a founding member and onetime leader of the Communist Party of Italy. He, and the early Socialists, believed that the only way to conquer the philosophy of a country like America was not to battle in the streets, but to infiltrate our schools, universities, institutions and churches with strong, left-leaning rhetoric and indoctrination. Do this and America as we know and love it, eventually, would fall.

But he didn’t stop there. “Gramsci…argued for a strategic distinction between a "war of position" and a "war of movement”. The war of position is a culture war in which anti-capitalist elements seek to gain a dominant voice in mass media, mass organizations, and educational institutions to heighten class consciousness, teach revolutionary analysis and theory, and inspire revolutionary organization. Following the success of the war of position, communist leaders would be empowered to begin the war of movement, the actual insurrection against capitalism [emphasis mine], with mass support.”

One can see this vision unfolding before our eyes in America today, and it is all the more worrisome that, concurrently, Russian President Vladimir Putin, a man who believes the fall of the Soviet Union was “the geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century”, has become increasingly more aggressive in his verbal attacks against America. But I digress.

The Socialist followers of Gramsci did infiltrate their philosophy into many of our proud institutions over the past decades and, today, flabbergasting examples abound on a daily basis. Thus we have universities that now have produced lawyers and journalists who have bought into and helped to sell the ideals of the far left. We have lawmakers who vote for destructive socialist programs and legislation in the areas of health care, education, civil liberties, free speech and more.

As another example, the organization known as "National Council of Churches" seems to aid and abet them. According to www.discoverthenetworks.org, “At its founding in 1950, the New York City-based National Council of Churches (NCC) absorbed its predecessor, the communist front-group known as the Federal Council of Churches. At one time an overt supporter of the communist cause, NCC has today recast itself as a leading representative of the "religious Left." It claims a membership of 35 Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox Christian denominations, and some 50 million members in over 140,000 congregations.”

Socialists also learned that they could help to lower the standards of education - which would allow them to create a public that lacked knowledge of history, geography and civics - and therefore could be manipulated easily by liberal media; and also of morality, which would drive religion out of the country as they have been so successful in doing throughout Europe. They decided to name this new operation, “Political Correctness.”

“To attempt to point out the odious nature of Political Correctness is to re-state the crucial importance of plain speaking, freedom of choice and freedom of speech; these are the communities’ safeguards against the imposition of tyranny, indeed their absence [emphasis mine] is tyranny”, according to Philip Atkinson, author of “A Study of Our Decline.”

But do you know what? Uncle Sam sat back and let them do this after WWII. The result was that Americans and their government were taught by Socialist-dominated schools, churches and institutions always to tolerate everything, that there are no differences between men and women, that it is harmful to compete, that we should never judge others, that all corporate enterprises are based on greed, that capitalism is inherently bad and that we have to learn to accept other philosophies of life, including those of countries in Europe and around the world that are clearly and utterly inferior to ours.

Even our courts used European Constitutions to try to color and change ours. Our Supreme Court also usurped some of the duties of the Legislative branch; it even stopped the presidential use of the line item veto, thus allowing our deficit to build. And with vicious, unrelenting and oftentimes scurrilous and specious attacks (before the cameras), our Congress has weakened the very Office of the Presidency.

Disgusted with the outrageous success of their own country’s economic basis, capitalism, Socialists understood that they could not destroy the America we love by economic programs. Rather, they decided to fight the battle in a more covert way. They have used massive immigration, multi-culturalism and political correctness to brainwash our children, indeed our society, into turning this once-thoroughly unique and proud nation into the mess we see today, destined to become Socialist by nature because of its changing, and soon to be inherent, population demographics and proclivities.

We have let some Socialists get elected to Congress, some by masquerading either as Democrats or RINOs (Republicans in Name Only); we have also let them infiltrate Hollywood, replacing great American actors and directors who fought for this country in WWII and who made great patriotic films to help us win that war. Now the films, including TV dramas, are directed, produced and acted by staunch Leftists. This “entertainment” has helped subtly to disseminate Socialist (and Communist) messages to Americans, has greatly lowered youth standards of behavior and responsibility, and ultimately, has helped the terrorist regime come close to defeating us. Perhaps we misjudged Senator Joe McCarthy.

Yes, America’s conservatives are losing the war of public relations and mass communication without realizing that verbal and mental ammunition is far stronger and more deadly than the bombs and bullets of all other wars. While we won against Saddam Hussein through our military power, the terrorists have boasted that they have been able keep Iraq unstable through fear and effective use of the media ---theirs and ours! Beyond the complicity of al-Jazeera, Osama Bin Laden himself has said he will win this war in the American media, not on the battlefield.

This frightening concept is underscored by James Q Wilson in his article, The Press at War, “whenever a foreign enemy challenges us, he will know that his objective will be to win the battle not on some faraway bit of land but among the people who determine what we read and watch. We…are in danger of losing in Iraq…in the newspapers, magazines and television programs we enjoy.”

Hitler and Castro took over their countries with hypnotic words. Now we are losing our battles because we let our children be taught by our own "madrassas" where ultra left wing professors rail on about how America and conservative values are the cause for all the woe in the world. We are so naive and uninformed that we actually finance this subversive “education”, including the professors’ salaries, with high tuitions paid for from our own wallets or purses and through American taxes as well!

Other very large democracies, such as India, are having similar problems as this new form of intellectual and emotional warfare escalates, outdoing the old form of bullet warfare. A combination of terrorism and verbal manipulation through schools, universities, churches, media and entertainment work as a powerful, toxic force to mix fear and brainwashing together so that this clever propaganda can conquer powerful nations in the 21st century without one bullet fired.

How? This is the frightening part of it: once these verbal bombs explode amongst us and then are disseminated by television, radio and newspapers, many of our people are infected and, in turn, become deadly carriers of this disinformation to others via word-of-mouth at coffee breaks, in the workplace, in our universities, over the back yard fence, in letters to the liberal press, in e-mails on the internet and more. This virus also shows its results in the voting booths. We almost saw Gore or Kerry win the presidency in the elections of 2000 or 2004, and many tell us now that Hillary Clinton, who wants to socialize, and thus destroy, our world-renowned and -revered American medical and health care system, could be our president in 2008.

The intensity of this plague has increased to such an extent that we may see our beloved Republic turn into a plain democracy where we no longer use the Electoral College, thus causing the people in the Heartland to lose their votes, as only Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, New Jersey, Chicago and Detroit always would decide who will occupy the White House as a new President of the USA! We could even become a Socialist nation starting in 2008, depending on whom we elect. With the polls now showing that the seesaw has tilted slightly in favor of the Left (if one can believe the polls), is it too late to save our nation?

Not if we, who love what our forefathers founded, emulate the American spirit at Concord that fired the shot heard ‘round the world. This proud spirit can spread and counteract any leftist propaganda if we really make an effort to show it and get others to do so, too. But -- we are running out of time. The 2008 elections are just around the corner and we are now truly staring at the Socialist preparation to take over our nation.

Can we really wake up to what is happening to us and once again build up our grass roots to take back our nation? Can you speak up? Can you write letters? Can you meet with your representatives?

Can we save this Republic of ours? We shall soon have this answer.


05-06-2007, 02:09 PM
Exclusive: Are American Democrats De Facto Socialists?
Lee Ellis
Author: Lee Ellis
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: May 4, 2007

The only way to conquer a nation is to infiltrate its institutions and churches with strong, left-leaning indoctrination, advised the founder of modern socialism. FSM Contributing Editor Lee Ellis explores the methods by which current DNC leaders have morphed into unabashed Socialists. You can’t afford to ignore this stunning report.

Are American Democrats De Facto Socialists?

By Lee Ellis

Many people who love America and the values it has established over the years have written to me, expressing great concern about the sudden spiraling down of our nation. They ask how we could now be staring at the Socialist preparation to take over our nation, and they wonder how we ever could have arrived at such a sad place.

Yes, it is sad, but let’s review some history to help us understand how we came to allow de facto Socialists, for the first time in American history, to be the majority vote in the United States Congress. It would do us well to reexamine the teachings of Antonio Gramsci who was a founding member and onetime leader of the Communist Party of Italy. He, and the early Socialists, believed that the only way to conquer the philosophy of a country like America was not to battle in the streets, but to infiltrate our schools, universities, institutions and churches with strong, left-leaning rhetoric and indoctrination. Do this and America as we know and love it, eventually, would fall.

But he didn’t stop there. “Gramsci…argued for a strategic distinction between a "war of position" and a "war of movement”. The war of position is a culture war in which anti-capitalist elements seek to gain a dominant voice in mass media, mass organizations, and educational institutions to heighten class consciousness, teach revolutionary analysis and theory, and inspire revolutionary organization. Following the success of the war of position, communist leaders would be empowered to begin the war of movement, the actual insurrection against capitalism [emphasis mine], with mass support.”

One can see this vision unfolding before our eyes in America today, and it is all the more worrisome that, concurrently, Russian President Vladimir Putin, a man who believes the fall of the Soviet Union was “the geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century”, has become increasingly more aggressive in his verbal attacks against America. But I digress.

The Socialist followers of Gramsci did infiltrate their philosophy into many of our proud institutions over the past decades and, today, flabbergasting examples abound on a daily basis. Thus we have universities that now have produced lawyers and journalists who have bought into and helped to sell the ideals of the far left. We have lawmakers who vote for destructive socialist programs and legislation in the areas of health care, education, civil liberties, free speech and more.

As another example, the organization known as "National Council of Churches" seems to aid and abet them. According to www.discoverthenetworks.org, “At its founding in 1950, the New York City-based National Council of Churches (NCC) absorbed its predecessor, the communist front-group known as the Federal Council of Churches. At one time an overt supporter of the communist cause, NCC has today recast itself as a leading representative of the "religious Left." It claims a membership of 35 Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox Christian denominations, and some 50 million members in over 140,000 congregations.”

Socialists also learned that they could help to lower the standards of education - which would allow them to create a public that lacked knowledge of history, geography and civics - and therefore could be manipulated easily by liberal media; and also of morality, which would drive religion out of the country as they have been so successful in doing throughout Europe. They decided to name this new operation, “Political Correctness.”

“To attempt to point out the odious nature of Political Correctness is to re-state the crucial importance of plain speaking, freedom of choice and freedom of speech; these are the communities’ safeguards against the imposition of tyranny, indeed their absence [emphasis mine] is tyranny”, according to Philip Atkinson, author of “A Study of Our Decline.”

But do you know what? Uncle Sam sat back and let them do this after WWII. The result was that Americans and their government were taught by Socialist-dominated schools, churches and institutions always to tolerate everything, that there are no differences between men and women, that it is harmful to compete, that we should never judge others, that all corporate enterprises are based on greed, that capitalism is inherently bad and that we have to learn to accept other philosophies of life, including those of countries in Europe and around the world that are clearly and utterly inferior to ours.

Even our courts used European Constitutions to try to color and change ours. Our Supreme Court also usurped some of the duties of the Legislative branch; it even stopped the presidential use of the line item veto, thus allowing our deficit to build. And with vicious, unrelenting and oftentimes scurrilous and specious attacks (before the cameras), our Congress has weakened the very Office of the Presidency.

Disgusted with the outrageous success of their own country’s economic basis, capitalism, Socialists understood that they could not destroy the America we love by economic programs. Rather, they decided to fight the battle in a more covert way. They have used massive immigration, multi-culturalism and political correctness to brainwash our children, indeed our society, into turning this once-thoroughly unique and proud nation into the mess we see today, destined to become Socialist by nature because of its changing, and soon to be inherent, population demographics and proclivities.

We have let some Socialists get elected to Congress, some by masquerading either as Democrats or RINOs (Republicans in Name Only); we have also let them infiltrate Hollywood, replacing great American actors and directors who fought for this country in WWII and who made great patriotic films to help us win that war. Now the films, including TV dramas, are directed, produced and acted by staunch Leftists. This “entertainment” has helped subtly to disseminate Socialist (and Communist) messages to Americans, has greatly lowered youth standards of behavior and responsibility, and ultimately, has helped the terrorist regime come close to defeating us. Perhaps we misjudged Senator Joe McCarthy.

Yes, America’s conservatives are losing the war of public relations and mass communication without realizing that verbal and mental ammunition is far stronger and more deadly than the bombs and bullets of all other wars. While we won against Saddam Hussein through our military power, the terrorists have boasted that they have been able keep Iraq unstable through fear and effective use of the media ---theirs and ours! Beyond the complicity of al-Jazeera, Osama Bin Laden himself has said he will win this war in the American media, not on the battlefield.

This frightening concept is underscored by James Q Wilson in his article, The Press at War, “whenever a foreign enemy challenges us, he will know that his objective will be to win the battle not on some faraway bit of land but among the people who determine what we read and watch. We…are in danger of losing in Iraq…in the newspapers, magazines and television programs we enjoy.”

Hitler and Castro took over their countries with hypnotic words. Now we are losing our battles because we let our children be taught by our own "madrassas" where ultra left wing professors rail on about how America and conservative values are the cause for all the woe in the world. We are so naive and uninformed that we actually finance this subversive “education”, including the professors’ salaries, with high tuitions paid for from our own wallets or purses and through American taxes as well!

Other very large democracies, such as India, are having similar problems as this new form of intellectual and emotional warfare escalates, outdoing the old form of bullet warfare. A combination of terrorism and verbal manipulation through schools, universities, churches, media and entertainment work as a powerful, toxic force to mix fear and brainwashing together so that this clever propaganda can conquer powerful nations in the 21st century without one bullet fired.

How? This is the frightening part of it: once these verbal bombs explode amongst us and then are disseminated by television, radio and newspapers, many of our people are infected and, in turn, become deadly carriers of this disinformation to others via word-of-mouth at coffee breaks, in the workplace, in our universities, over the back yard fence, in letters to the liberal press, in e-mails on the internet and more. This virus also shows its results in the voting booths. We almost saw Gore or Kerry win the presidency in the elections of 2000 or 2004, and many tell us now that Hillary Clinton, who wants to socialize, and thus destroy, our world-renowned and -revered American medical and health care system, could be our president in 2008.

The intensity of this plague has increased to such an extent that we may see our beloved Republic turn into a plain democracy where we no longer use the Electoral College, thus causing the people in the Heartland to lose their votes, as only Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, New Jersey, Chicago and Detroit always would decide who will occupy the White House as a new President of the USA! We could even become a Socialist nation starting in 2008, depending on whom we elect. With the polls now showing that the seesaw has tilted slightly in favor of the Left (if one can believe the polls), is it too late to save our nation?

Not if we, who love what our forefathers founded, emulate the American spirit at Concord that fired the shot heard ‘round the world. This proud spirit can spread and counteract any leftist propaganda if we really make an effort to show it and get others to do so, too. But -- we are running out of time. The 2008 elections are just around the corner and we are now truly staring at the Socialist preparation to take over our nation.

Can we really wake up to what is happening to us and once again build up our grass roots to take back our nation? Can you speak up? Can you write letters? Can you meet with your representatives?

Can we save this Republic of ours? We shall soon have this answer.


:clap: Excellent !

05-06-2007, 02:54 PM
Actually, the Democrats aren't so much Socialist as they are anti-fascist.
The Democratic vision of America includes property rights and private ownership of the means of production, but emphasizes the rights and duties of Labor and Capital.
If you read the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, "Rerum Novarum", you will see the original thoughts, later converted by a New York politician into "The New Deal".

05-06-2007, 03:08 PM
Is money considered property?

05-06-2007, 03:10 PM
Is money considered property?

i have money that i have purchased so yes ..... but other than that no....unless you consider it the property of the government that issues it....

05-06-2007, 03:16 PM
If a person owns money is that not his property?

05-06-2007, 03:26 PM
If a person owns money is that not his property?

it is my understanding that money is owned by the govt and they let you use it to trade for goods and servcies....

05-06-2007, 03:31 PM
"Socialism" and "socialist" are probably the most overused and misused words in all of political rhetoric. Generally they're used as part of someone's scare tactics when the writer or speaker supports a radical globalist agenda.

Every government that has ever existed throughout recorded history - including the US federal government - has depended on a certain degree of socialism. "Pure" capitalism has never been achieved, any more than "pure" communism has. Both need socialist elements to survive.

Sweden and Singapore are radically different, but both use a heavy degree of socialism to sustain their economies.

05-06-2007, 03:37 PM
"Socialism" and "socialist" are probably the most overused and misused words in all of political rhetoric. Generally they're used as part of someone's scare tactics when the writer or speaker supports a radical globalist agenda.

Every government that has ever existed throughout recorded history - including the US federal government - has depended on a certain degree of socialism. "Pure" capitalism has never been achieved, any more than "pure" communism has. Both need socialist elements to survive.

Sweden and Singapore are radically different, but both use a heavy degree of socialism to sustain their economies.

Well let's try to keep that socialism down to a dull roar. I'd rather live in a country I can take some pride in.

Hugh Lincoln
05-06-2007, 04:22 PM
There's some useful information here, but typo is right that all societies have some sort of collectivism going on. To my mind, it's not forced redistribution of resources that's destroying the West, it's the death of the founding race, whites. If that sounds radical, try reading Pat Buchanan's Death of the West.


Think of it this way. There are African countries with far lower taxes and less regulation than the United States, but can you think of one you'd like to live in? Meanwhile, Sweden is pretty socialist. But it's a damn nice place to live, by any measure. The difference is that Africa is filled with low-IQ, violent, lazy Africans, while Sweden is filled with high-IQ, hard-working, peaceful Swedes.

Dang Straight
05-06-2007, 04:36 PM
"Socialism" and "socialist" are probably the most overused and misused words in all of political rhetoric. Generally they're used as part of someone's scare tactics when the writer or speaker supports a radical globalist agenda.

Every government that has ever existed throughout recorded history - including the US federal government - has depended on a certain degree of socialism. "Pure" capitalism has never been achieved, any more than "pure" communism has. Both need socialist elements to survive.

Sweden and Singapore are radically different, but both use a heavy degree of socialism to sustain their economies.

Our system is by far one of the best there is. But if our country were to be govern by a ONE party system I think we might think differently about how good it was. Having the multi-party system, you have a check and balance system to control how the government is operating.

05-06-2007, 05:15 PM
Our system is by far one of the best there is. But if our country were to be govern by a ONE party system I think we might think differently about how good it was. Having the multi-party system, you have a check and balance system to control how the government is operating.
Over 48 million people in the US do not have health issurance.
You call that the best system there is?

05-06-2007, 05:22 PM
Over 48 million people in the US do not have health insurance.
You call that the best system there is?

What do you call Medicaid and Medicare...

05-06-2007, 05:22 PM
Over 48 million people in the US do not have health issurance.
You call that the best system there is?


Government is not responsible for total welfare of all citizens, personal responsibility should be the overriding factor, if you don't have healthcare you should get a better job that provides healthcare.

Most businesses including small business offer healthcare insurance to employees now.

Wonder what the percentage is of that 48 million who have been offered that insurance but turned it down because they wouldn't be able to afford upkeep on that Mercedes they are driving and the 200 dollar kicks their kids wear.

Dang Straight
05-06-2007, 05:23 PM
Over 48 million people in the US do not have health issurance.
You call that the best system there is?

Then you feel the the govenment should foot the bill? I say if an Insurance Companys wants to do business then they set up a pool for those unable to pay the high cost of Health Ins. The people that would use this system wouldn't get it for free, there would be a cost, even a miminal amount along with a co-pay to control the mis-use of the insurance.

Yes our system is the best. Can it be made to be better, you bet but before you do that there is work to be done to obtain that.

05-06-2007, 05:29 PM

Government is not responsible for total welfare of all citizens, personal responsibility should be the overriding factor, if you don't have healthcare you should get a better job that provides healthcare.

Most businesses including small business offer healthcare insurance to employees now.

You’re never going to have "total responsibility".
The prices for decent health care are extremely expensive. Private health care companies charge outrageous prices that make it very hard for the few people who even have health care to pay. Prices for health care have dramatically gone up since George Bush entered office.

Also, its IMPOSSIBLE for EVERY SINGLE American to have a high enough paying job that covers the cost of health care.
Who would do all the shitty low paying jobs? That is where the government needs to step in.

Wonder what the percentage is of that 48 million who have been offered that insurance but turned it down because they wouldn't be able to afford upkeep on that Mercedes they are driving and the 200 dollar kicks their kids wear.
What the fuck are you talking about? If they own a fucking Mercedes chances are they can afford health care dumbshit.

05-06-2007, 05:31 PM
Then you feel the the govenment should foot the bill? I say if an Insurance Companys wants to do business then they set up a pool for those unable to pay the high cost of Health Ins. The people that would use this system wouldn't get it for free, there would be a cost, even a miminal amount along with a co-pay to control the mis-use of the insurance.

Yes our system is the best. Can it be made to be better, you bet but before you do that there is work to be done to obtain that
It's not the best. Private insurance companies charge outrageous prices for health insurance. It’s a living scam supported by the rich end of the GOP.
Universal health care would be the best system for the country, but even if that doesn't happen the least that the government could do is force private health care companies to lower the costs.