View Full Version : Westboro Baptist "church" vows to picket funerals of AZ shooting victims

01-09-2011, 12:40 PM
In case you wondered how low slime can go......


01-10-2011, 10:27 AM
that son of a bitch will get his someday

01-10-2011, 10:42 AM
Gar, scumbag.

But freedoms is freedoms.

01-10-2011, 01:08 PM
The slain girl was born on Sept 11, 2001 --- crazy coincidence.

Did you get a look at this guy; You may not recognize him without his cloak and scythe but he's who God sends to reap souls-- not the shooter.

01-10-2011, 01:15 PM
This guy is testimony to the need for advanced life directives. He's obviously braindead- someone should pullthe plug!

01-10-2011, 01:42 PM
that son of a bitch will get his someday

I am surprised that a grief-stricken family member hasn't already taken Phelps out. Just a matter of time before it happens, and I wouldn't be surprised if the investigation into his shooting doesn't dig too deeply.

It looks like he's on his last legs, though, so in any event we'll soon be rid of him one way or the other - and not a moment too soon.

It's going to take a lot of deprogramming to fix those children he is so happily poisoning.

01-10-2011, 02:23 PM
I am surprised that a grief-stricken family member hasn't already taken Phelps out. Just a matter of time before it happens, and I wouldn't be surprised if the investigation into his shooting doesn't dig too deeply.

It looks like he's on his last legs, though, so in any event we'll soon be rid of him one way or the other - and not a moment too soon.

It's going to take a lot of deprogramming to fix those children he is so happily poisoning.
We may be rid of him soon but that church is comprised of mostly Phelps family members. He is probably already grooming his successor to keep the hate alive.

01-10-2011, 03:10 PM
how are these fringe whackjobs allowed to use or hide behind the baptist name? who funds them? Its only a matter of time before what they preach befalls them. yesterday would be to soon. not very nice but they aint so nice either.

01-10-2011, 03:34 PM
what is needed is for a few hundred decent people to form a circle around the funeral creating a physical non violent barrier.

01-10-2011, 11:53 PM
I think the real motivation for picketing the funeral is access to press; as undoubtedly, it will be a media circus.

01-11-2011, 01:05 PM
Truly compassionate conservatives to block them. Angels of Mercy. When will the right wing do something about Fred Phelps and his horde of hatemongers trying to disguise themselves as Christian Conservatives?

Tucson, Arizona
by: CNN

Tucson, Arizona (CNN) -- The Arizona State Legislature is expected to pass legislation Tuesday that will bar protesters at funerals from getting within 300 feet of services, a spokesman for the state Senate said.

The action, according to Senate spokesman Daniel Scarpinato, is in direct response to a controversial church's announcement that it will picket the funeral of Christina Green, the 9-year-old who was one of six people killed Saturday during the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has made its name by staging protests at funerals of people who died of AIDS, gay people, soldiers and even Coretta Scott King.

Tucson just isn't that kind of town, says Christin Gilmer.

"For something like this to happen in Tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said. "Our nightmare happened when we saw Westboro Baptist Church was going to picket the funerals."

Much, much more: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/11/arizona.funeral.westboro/index.html?hpt=T1

The left has been condemning this bunch for years but they, Westboro members, seem to be emboldened by the at best, silence or worse, acceptance by their right wing brethren.

Is there anyone out there in DP land that would be willing to agree with me that this bunch needs to be shunned and outcast by otherwise responsible citizens?


01-11-2011, 01:12 PM
is it really fair to call them reich wingers?

was the founder a democrat for a while, and now their more nuts then that kid who pulled the trigger, just asking?

01-11-2011, 01:12 PM
Truly compassionate conservatives to block them. Angels of Mercy. When will the right wing do something about Fred Phelps and his horde of hatemongers trying to disguise themselves as Christian Conservatives?

wtf do you want us to do?

What do your heroes at the ACLU have to say about it?

Is there anyone out there in DP land that would be willing to agree with me that this bunch needs to be shunned and outcast by otherwise responsible citizens?


Perhaps if you looked around in other threads you'd already have noticed that no one supports this merry band of nutjobs.

01-11-2011, 01:21 PM
is it really fair to call them reich wingers?

was the founder a democrat for a while, and now their more nuts then that kid who pulled the trigger, just asking?

He is a genuine Reichwinger, marteen. You shouldn't have to even wonder about that. I don't know if they're more nuts than the assasin muderer but they are indeed nuts and they are indeed emboldened by those who think they can sit idly by while silently encouraging them to continue in their insanity. That makes the enablers just as guilty and just as insane.

With full rejection of the conservative community those jerks would have already been gone.


01-11-2011, 01:22 PM
is it really fair to call them reich wingers?

was the founder a democrat for a while, and now their more nuts then that kid who pulled the trigger, just asking?

You're expecting either fairness, truth OR sense from PB?

He's finding he can't disparage conservatives at all, unless he accuses them of things they didn't do.

01-11-2011, 01:26 PM
I dont think a flood, could make these idiots gone :laugh: though I wish god would try

He is a genuine Reichwinger, marteen. You shouldn't have to even wonder about that. I don't know if they're more nuts than the assasin muderer but they are indeed nuts and they are indeed emboldened by those who think they can sit idly by while silently encouraging them to continue in their insanity. That makes the enablers just as guilty and just as insane.

With full rejection of the conservative community those jerks would have already been gone.


01-11-2011, 01:26 PM
You're expecting either fairness, truth OR sense from PB?

He's finding he can't disparage conservatives at all, unless he accuses them of things they didn't do.

They are yours, la. Whether you claim them or not they claim your ideals and objectives. They are not witches. They are you. Live with it.


01-11-2011, 01:30 PM
They are yours, la. Whether you claim them or not they claim your ideals and objectives. They are not witches. They are you. Live with it.



Explain how conservatives on this board identify with Phelps.


01-11-2011, 01:37 PM

Explain how conservatives on this board identify with Phelps.


Yo, idiot. You need to take a course in elementary reading comprehension.


01-11-2011, 01:43 PM
I dont think a flood, could make these idiots gone :laugh: though I wish god would try

I think if the good conservatives, which there are many, would band together and condemn those jerks, maybe even take away their tax exemption for political involvement, etc., they would be hard pressed to continue to exist. Then we get into a 1st Amendment issue and the can of worms opens wide. Something needs to be done for certain. Most conservatives on this board agree with that even though several here have already indicated that they are just as nuts as the Phelps bunch. That's just sad.


01-11-2011, 01:45 PM
common pb, how are those basterds conservative?

Ronald reagan would piss on their graves

01-11-2011, 01:52 PM
I think if the good conservatives, which there are many, would band together and condemn those jerks, maybe even take away their tax exemption for political involvement, etc., they would be hard pressed to continue to exist. Then we get into a 1st Amendment issue and the can of worms opens wide. Something needs to be done for certain. Most conservatives on this board agree with that even though several here have already indicated that they are just as nuts as the Phelps bunch. That's just sad.


Conservatives have, and do, condemn their actions. I've heard it repeated time after time on Limbaugh, Hannity, and I believe from conservative politicians. Other than that, what else can you do?

And how are you going to take away the tax exempt status of a church if its members choose to protest on their own?

01-11-2011, 01:57 PM
He is a genuine Reichwinger, marteen. You shouldn't have to even wonder about that. I don't know if they're more nuts than the assasin muderer but they are indeed nuts and they are indeed emboldened by those who think they can sit idly by while silently encouraging them to continue in their insanity. That makes the enablers just as guilty and just as insane.

With full rejection of the conservative community those jerks would have already been gone.


They are yours, la. Whether you claim them or not they claim your ideals and objectives. They are not witches. They are you. Live with it.

PsychobluesShow me ONE freaking thread on this board where ANY person listing themselves as conservative has EVER endorsed these lunatics...

Your talking out your ass more than usual on this one...

By your rational if I call myself a drunken, blues playing, race car driver and go kill someone than all drunken, blues playing, race car drivers are the same... Are you really stretching that much on this.. Just because Phelps says he is conservative does not mean he espouses those view just as he calls himself a Christian yet he spits that vile filth from his lips EVERY DAY that no real Christian would do or say...

Every time there is a post about this inbred retarded family this board trashes them yet YOU feel the need to paint with broad brush and say they "must be conservatives" because they say they are.....

I say Bullshit on You Psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to the bottle at least than your rambling had an excuse now your being STUPID!!!!!

01-11-2011, 02:01 PM
common pb, how are those basterds conservative?

Ronald reagan would piss on their graves

Google is your friend, marteen. Ronald Reagan, no gleaming example of contemporary conservatism himself, has been dead for a long time. Why do you bring him into this conversation?

The Phelps bunch do indeed identify as conservatives and many conservatives accept them as such. But, you pose an interesting puzzle. If the conservatives condemn the Phelps bunch then it should be very easy to demonstrate that and in great numbers as it is in the liberal community. Show me what you have in the conservative department condemning Westboro Baptist Church and their despicable activities.


01-11-2011, 02:08 PM
Google is your friend, marteen. Ronald Reagan, no gleaming example of contemporary conservatism himself, has been dead for a long time. Why do you bring him into this conversation?

The Phelps bunch do indeed identify as conservatives and many conservatives accept them as such. But, you pose an interesting puzzle. If the conservatives condemn the Phelps bunch then it should be very easy to demonstrate that and in great numbers as it is in the liberal community. Show me what you have in the conservative department condemning Westboro Baptist Church and their despicable activities.


Your right Psycho google is your friend and if you bothered to put in "anything" against westboro baptist church you would have the thousands of pages that popped up. Why don't you just try facebook...??? IDIOT!!!!!!

01-11-2011, 02:11 PM
looks like AZ residents will lock arms to bar them

Arizona residents are locking arms to stop the Westboro Baptist Church from disrupting the funerals for victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, with bikers and others organizing a massive counter-protest and state lawmakers fast-tracking a bill to hamstring the group.

The Kansas-based Westboro church is notorious for showing up at the funerals of dead soldiers and other high-profile gatherings wielding anti-gay signs.

story (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/11/arizonans-rally-prevent-westboro-church-disruption-shooting-victims-funerals/#)

01-11-2011, 02:17 PM
They are yours, la.
they claim your ideals and objectives.
They are you.

The usual lies and wishful thinking from PB.

No point in asking him to back his claims up with any evidence or examples. He never does.
In this way he's sort of the "Westboro Baptist Church" of DP, saying things calcuated to outrage in his quest to garner attention, but never proving or backing up any of it.

As for asking him to show how their actions conform to such claims... well, again, what's the point.

If you were wondering why nobody pays attention to PB's posts, now you know.

01-11-2011, 02:36 PM
Threads merged.

01-11-2011, 02:47 PM
Threads merged.

Thanks, dmp. I had not seen this one and the conversation got renewed! Win/win!!!!


01-11-2011, 02:50 PM
The usual lies and wishful thinking from PB.

No point in asking him to back his claims up with any evidence or examples. He never does.
In this way he's sort of the "Westboro Baptist Church" of DP, saying things calcuated to outrage in his quest to garner attention, but never proving or backing up any of it.

As for asking him to show how their actions conform to such claims... well, again, what's the point.

If you were wondering why nobody pays attention to PB's posts, now you know.

I find it odd that you choose to ignore (exactly what I suggest in my criticism of the conservative community at large) the Westboro bunch and instead attack me. Like I said, junior, they are not witches, they are you.


01-11-2011, 02:54 PM
Threads merged.

DMP, you just sent the thread about people's disgust over the tactics of the WBC, down into the subterranean levels inhabited by PB.

Please un-merge the threads.

01-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Conservatives have, and do, condemn their actions. I've heard it repeated time after time on Limbaugh, Hannity, and I believe from conservative politicians. Other than that, what else can you do?

And how are you going to take away the tax exempt status of a church if its members choose to protest on their own?

There have been some criticisms from the right on the bastards but very little. If the right would get serious about shunning that crazy bunch out of their so-called conservative Christian niche' then we wouldn't be discussing this, would we, KM? Somehow they, the conservatives, accept them because they are anti-gay, anti-choice and pro-war. Makes absolutely no sense to me.


01-11-2011, 03:31 PM
There have been some criticisms from the right on the bastards but very little. If the right would get serious about shunning that crazy bunch out of their so-called conservative Christian niche' then we wouldn't be discussing this, would we, KM? Somehow they, the conservatives, accept them because they are anti-gay, anti-choice and pro-war. Makes absolutely no sense to me.


How much criticism is enougn for you. There isn't any mainstream conservative organization that I have seen that doesn't condemn these crazies for what they are. Hell, even Fox News anchors routinely condemn them. I just don't see where you are coming from. Nobody likes these guys but the fact is no one can do much about them without creeping on the first amendment.

01-11-2011, 03:59 PM
How much criticism is enougn for you. There isn't any mainstream conservative organization that I have seen that doesn't condemn these crazies for what they are. Hell, even Fox News anchors routinely condemn them. I just don't see where you are coming from. Nobody likes these guys but the fact is no one can do much about them without creeping on the first amendment.

I have seen very little criticism from the right, Tk. I maintain that they mostly remain silent or ignore them. I continue to believe that and no one has offered anything to cause me to change my mind. I've been looking on my own as well but I remain convinced that the continued existence of the WBC bunch is at least due to the fact that conservative Christians/genuine right side politicos do not en masse condemn the bastards and refuse them everywhere they go. If you read the above referenced articles and posts I think you will see that I recognize that, encourage that and am only here to reinforce more of that. Instead some of the assholes want to jump on me. That's fine. They don't have anything else to do. They're certainly not planning on making any substantial objections of the WBC. Ain't that a danged hoot?


01-11-2011, 05:11 PM
I have seen very little criticism from the right, Tk. I maintain that they mostly remain silent or ignore them. I continue to believe that and no one has offered anything to cause me to change my mind. I've been looking on my own as well but I remain convinced that the continued existence of the WBC bunch is at least due to the fact that conservative Christians/genuine right side politicos do not en masse condemn the bastards and refuse them everywhere they go. If you read the above referenced articles and posts I think you will see that I recognize that, encourage that and am only here to reinforce more of that. Instead some of the assholes want to jump on me. That's fine. They don't have anything else to do. They're certainly not planning on making any substantial objections of the WBC. Ain't that a danged hoot?


Yeah? Watch a lot of Fox News, do ya?

Which Fox News commentators/anchors/personalities do you feel are remiss in condemning Phelps?

Which ones are silently cheering Phelps on? Let's have the names, you evidently feel there's quite a few of them.

I'll be glad to educate you.

01-11-2011, 05:33 PM
Yeah? Watch a lot of Fox News, do ya?

Which Fox News commentators/anchors/personalities do you feel are remiss in condemning Phelps?

Which ones are silently cheering Phelps on? Let's have the names, you evidently feel there's quite a few of them.

I'll be glad to educate you.

I doubt you could educate me on anything, turdblossum.


01-11-2011, 05:34 PM
I doubt you could educate me on anything, turdblossum.


I see.

So, would you like to retract your fucking ignorant statements?

01-11-2011, 06:08 PM
I see.

So, would you like to retract your fucking ignorant statements?

No, turdblossum.



01-11-2011, 06:17 PM
NightTrain, please don't feed the trolls.

red states rule
01-11-2011, 06:19 PM
I see.

So, would you like to retract your fucking ignorant statements?

You are wasting your time with him. I do not if I like him better sober or drunk

In either case he is beyond hope

01-11-2011, 06:19 PM
No, turdblossum.



My, aren't you a clever one!

So, you'd like to continue to make asinine statements and refuse to admit you were wrong like you always are.

Good on ya! If nothing else, your representation of Progressives is very enlightening and entertaining.

red states rule
01-11-2011, 06:22 PM
My, aren't you a clever one!

So, you'd like to continue to make asinine statements and refuse to admit you were wrong like you always are.

Good on ya! If nothing else, your representation of Progressives is very enlightening and entertaining.

From what I have heard about PB you could stick a wick in his mouth, and use him for an alcohol lamp

That would explain alot about him and his posts

01-11-2011, 06:52 PM
what is needed is for a few hundred decent people to form a circle around the funeral creating a physical non violent barrier.

What is more needed is for a few hundred decent people to form a circle around Phelps and company creating a violently physical barrier.

01-11-2011, 06:55 PM
Truly compassionate conservatives to block them. Angels of Mercy. When will the right wing do something about Fred Phelps and his horde of hatemongers trying to disguise themselves as Christian Conservatives?

Tucson, Arizona
by: CNN

Tucson, Arizona (CNN) -- The Arizona State Legislature is expected to pass legislation Tuesday that will bar protesters at funerals from getting within 300 feet of services, a spokesman for the state Senate said.

The action, according to Senate spokesman Daniel Scarpinato, is in direct response to a controversial church's announcement that it will picket the funeral of Christina Green, the 9-year-old who was one of six people killed Saturday during the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has made its name by staging protests at funerals of people who died of AIDS, gay people, soldiers and even Coretta Scott King.

Tucson just isn't that kind of town, says Christin Gilmer.

"For something like this to happen in Tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said. "Our nightmare happened when we saw Westboro Baptist Church was going to picket the funerals."

Much, much more: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/11/arizona.funeral.westboro/index.html?hpt=T1

The left has been condemning this bunch for years but they, Westboro members, seem to be emboldened by the at best, silence or worse, acceptance by their right wing brethren.

Is there anyone out there in DP land that would be willing to agree with me that this bunch needs to be shunned and outcast by otherwise responsible citizens?


Have you been in an alcohol induced coma for the last 10 years?

01-11-2011, 07:01 PM
Have you been in an alcohol induced coma for the last 10 years?

At least 9 from what I've observed.

01-11-2011, 09:25 PM
Hopefully The Hells Angels will show up and shut these clowns up once and for all.
Disclaimer I do not mean Death by any means But a Few day's in the Hospital is OK

01-11-2011, 09:42 PM
At least 9 from what I've observed.

In one beer saturated breath he claims he doesn't watch conservative media...in the next he claims to be extremely familiar with what they've been saying. Hilarious!

01-11-2011, 10:00 PM
In one beer saturated breath he claims he doesn't watch conservative media...in the next he claims to be extremely familiar with what they've been saying. Hilarious!

Exactly right.

And yet the assclown wants to be taken seriously when he's already freely admitted that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

01-12-2011, 02:09 AM
They are yours, la. Whether you claim them or not they claim your ideals and objectives. They are not witches. They are you. Live with it.


Could you point out where they protested for a limited Federal Government, States rights, the Constitution, or not spending what we dont have?

01-12-2011, 02:14 AM
Hopefully The Hells Angels will show up and shut these clowns up once and for all.
Disclaimer I do not mean Death by any means But a Few day's in the Hospital is OK

That's what they want. They make their money off of lawsuits. (Seriously you dont think anyone donates money to them do you?)

Block them off. Use non-violence. Far more effective against guys like this.

01-12-2011, 03:41 AM
is it really fair to call them reich wingers?

was the founder a democrat for a while, and now their more nuts then that kid who pulled the trigger, just asking?

More than fair- spot on accurate I'd say!. In poor taste perhaps, but no more so than picketing a funeral. When in Rome...

red states rule
01-12-2011, 03:43 AM
Yea PB says conservatives have not spoken out against these idiots

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6UMP3AK5jwo" frameborder="0"></iframe>

01-12-2011, 04:13 AM


red states rule
01-12-2011, 04:22 AM
Will PB man up and admit he was full of it when he said conservatives have not spoken out against these morons?

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/x9WL7pamEHI" frameborder="0"></iframe>

01-12-2011, 04:26 AM
Will PB man up and admit he was full of it when he said conservatives have not spoken out against these morons?

I don't think that's how the troll game is played... I've cornered him dozens of times over the years and he's never been a man about it.

red states rule
01-12-2011, 04:28 AM
I don't think that's how the troll game is played... I've cornered him dozens of times over the years and he's never been a man about it.

I have had him for breakfast many times as well

and here is PB's favorite conservative Ann Coulter speaks out

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PLzwfya4yl0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

01-12-2011, 04:33 AM
do they actually get tax free status?

what exactly do conservatives need to do in your estimation?

does this come from the tea party?

political commentators?


Truly compassionate conservatives to block them. Angels of Mercy. When will the right wing do something about Fred Phelps and his horde of hatemongers trying to disguise themselves as Christian Conservatives?

Tucson, Arizona
by: CNN

Tucson, Arizona (CNN) -- The Arizona State Legislature is expected to pass legislation Tuesday that will bar protesters at funerals from getting within 300 feet of services, a spokesman for the state Senate said.

The action, according to Senate spokesman Daniel Scarpinato, is in direct response to a controversial church's announcement that it will picket the funeral of Christina Green, the 9-year-old who was one of six people killed Saturday during the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has made its name by staging protests at funerals of people who died of AIDS, gay people, soldiers and even Coretta Scott King.

Tucson just isn't that kind of town, says Christin Gilmer.

"For something like this to happen in Tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said. "Our nightmare happened when we saw Westboro Baptist Church was going to picket the funerals."

Much, much more: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/11/arizona.funeral.westboro/index.html?hpt=T1

The left has been condemning this bunch for years but they, Westboro members, seem to be emboldened by the at best, silence or worse, acceptance by their right wing brethren.

Is there anyone out there in DP land that would be willing to agree with me that this bunch needs to be shunned and outcast by otherwise responsible citizens?


01-13-2011, 03:04 PM
do they actually get tax free status?

what exactly do conservatives need to do in your estimation?

does this come from the tea party?

political commentators?


They are a church, marteen, and yes I believe I can accurately assume they have tax free status as a result of that. I think conservatives should more loudly and consistently condemn those jerks. The Westboro bunch are not part of the real conservative movement but you would not know that from the typical response to and of them by the genuines.

No, this is definitely not the tea party. I believe the Tea Party would stifle their obnoxious asses pretty damned quick if they, Westboro, made any claim to Teabagger status.

Political commentators rarely even mention them. Maybe that's for good cause as the less attention given them the better. I just believe that every time the media makes note of one of their horrific protests the genuine conservatives should make it a point to loudly announce that they, Westboro, are not cut from genuine conservative cloth. That in itself would ridicule the Phelps family and I believe would go a long way towards making them slither back into the hole they came out of.

Thanks for the genuine conversation, marteen. You're a real cowboy!


01-13-2011, 03:18 PM
They are a church, marteen, and yes I believe I can accurately assume they have tax free status as a result of that. I think conservatives should more loudly and consistently condemn those jerks. The Westboro bunch are not part of the real conservative movement but you would not know that from the typical response to and of them by the genuines.

No, this is definitely not the tea party. I believe the Tea Party would stifle their obnoxious asses pretty damned quick if they, Westboro, made any claim to Teabagger status.

Political commentators rarely even mention them. Maybe that's for good cause as the less attention given them the better. I just believe that every time the media makes note of one of their horrific protests the genuine conservatives should make it a point to loudly announce that they, Westboro, are not cut from genuine conservative cloth. That in itself would ridicule the Phelps family and I believe would go a long way towards making them slither back into the hole they came out of.

Thanks for the genuine conversation, marteen. You're a real cowboy!


I really want to believe you wish to rejoin in lively debate and discussion. Unfortunately though you persist in ignoring all posts from conservatives here, condemning the Westboro nonsense. Indeed, you ignore all the sites provided, from both the right and left that proclaim these ijits stand alone.

One can only conclude that you are not only biased, but dishonest in your stated desire to be taken seriously.

01-13-2011, 03:26 PM
I really want to believe you wish to rejoin in lively debate and discussion. Unfortunately though you persist in ignoring all posts from conservatives here, condemning the Westboro nonsense. Indeed, you ignore all the sites provided, from both the right and left that proclaim these ijits stand alone.

One can only conclude that you are not only biased, but dishonest in your stated desire to be taken seriously.

I have no clue as to your objective in this case, Kath.


01-13-2011, 04:19 PM
I have no clue as to your objective in this case, Kath.


With that said, you are either not reading or ignoring all posts. Whatever.

01-13-2011, 04:36 PM
I don't think that's how the troll game is played... I've cornered him dozens of times over the years and he's never been a man about it.

I have NEVER said that "conservatives have not spoken out against these morons". Not EVER. And I don't recall you ever cornering me, turdblossum. Only in your wet dreams, maybe.

Have you seen that short little stinky stubby shit around lately?


01-13-2011, 09:06 PM
There have been some criticisms from the right on the bastards but very little. If the right would get serious about shunning that crazy bunch out of their so-called conservative Christian niche' then we wouldn't be discussing this, would we, KM? Somehow they, the conservatives, accept them because they are anti-gay, anti-choice and pro-war. Makes absolutely no sense to me.


How much criticism is enougn for you. There isn't any mainstream conservative organization that I have seen that doesn't condemn these crazies for what they are. Hell, even Fox News anchors routinely condemn them. I just don't see where you are coming from. Nobody likes these guys but the fact is no one can do much about them without creeping on the first amendment.

I have seen very little criticism from the right, Tk. I maintain that they mostly remain silent or ignore them. I continue to believe that and no one has offered anything to cause me to change my mind. I've been looking on my own as well but I remain convinced that the continued existence of the WBC bunch is at least due to the fact that conservative Christians/genuine right side politicos do not en masse condemn the bastards and refuse them everywhere they go. If you read the above referenced articles and posts I think you will see that I recognize that, encourage that and am only here to reinforce more of that. Instead some of the assholes want to jump on me. That's fine. They don't have anything else to do. They're certainly not planning on making any substantial objections of the WBC. Ain't that a danged hoot?


Awww, your just instigating here, if not your talking like..., well, an idiot.
Westburo is one of the truest definitions of a fringe group there is in the country.Nobody likes um.

But folks much of this thread had me in a slight state of DejuVu, but the defender wasn't the whole board it was like one person... Abso. Am i just imagining that? similar argument a while back different players. Fringe group commits bad acts a larger group blamed for not condemning fringe crazies enough, everyone piling on about how the group and the fringe really do agree.


01-13-2011, 09:35 PM
Awww, your just instigating here, if not your talking like..., well, an idiot.
Westburo is one of the truest definitions of a fringe group there is in the country.Nobody likes um.

But folks much of this thread had me in a slight state of DejuVu, but the defender wasn't the whole board it was like one person... Abso. Am i just imagining that? similar argument a while back different players. Fringe group commits bad acts a larger group blamed for not condemning fringe crazies enough, everyone piling on about how the group and the fringe really do agree.


As you can absolutely see, revelarts, these jerkwads would rather jump on me than the Westboro Baptist Church. That alone verifies the fact that conservatives are not doing their fair share to admonish and eliminate those damned crazies. But thanks for trying. It's deeper and more real than many realize.


01-13-2011, 10:29 PM
these jerkwads would rather jump on me than the Westboro Baptist Church.

perhaps that was because WBC didn't claim conservatives don't speak out against them.....

01-13-2011, 10:36 PM
As you can absolutely see, revelarts, these jerkwads would rather jump on me than the Westboro Baptist Church. That alone verifies the fact that conservatives are not doing their fair share to admonish and eliminate those damned crazies. But thanks for trying. It's deeper and more real than many realize.


Is there a member of the WBC that posts here? If so I'm sure they'll get an earful once they come out. Barring that we can sure post about your inadequacies.

01-13-2011, 10:40 PM
With that said, you are either not reading or ignoring all posts. Whatever.

I am reading all posts, Kath, except from one poster that I have ignored. This is a subject that I feel very strongly about and I am certain you and many conservatives feel exactly like I do and at least as strongly as I do. I originally started this thread but it was merged with another thread of LittleAcorn's. My original post and article is in post #11. I think it's self explantory but if not the gist is that I would like to see more conservatives in general and DP in particular join with me in condemning this horrible excuse for a Christian organization and hopefully relegate them into the halls of irrelevance.

Seriously, read the thread. Others have tried to say that I said no conservatives have condemned them, the WBC. I never said that or implied that in any way. I did say that those of us and particularly those of us from the Christian right should do more to expose these blasphemers for what they truly are and chase them from any thoughts or memory of Christian relevance. Instead, your posters chose to atack me over and over and over again. Ain't that a hoot. I am a tyrant and the DP board has largely acquiesced on the subject of the Westboro Baptist Church. You included.

Kath, I care very much for what you think and how you feel about things. You have been a beacon of light for me many times. I know you are upset or hurt about me about something. You are being too silent and unclear for me to figure it out. Just be aware that I do care deeply for you and I will go to great lengths to explain, modify or even change my stances altogether given good information. I know due to my demonstrated hard headedness it doesn't seem so. Have you read any more posts on this board? How many people do we have here that have changed to any great degree their general political outlooks? I was once a liberal Republican. I am now a very convinced moderate Democrat. I don't see that changing.

I hope things get better for you, for me and for the USA.


01-13-2011, 10:42 PM
perhaps that was because WBC didn't claim conservatives don't speak out against them.....

I see you're still allowing your imagination to run hog wild, pimp.


01-13-2011, 10:49 PM
Is there a member of the WBC that posts here? If so I'm sure they'll get an earful once they come out. Barring that we can sure post about your inadequacies.

That's what I'm talking about, fj. Too many of you lazy assed self righteous bitches waiting on the WBC types to start posting here on this board instead of YOU making a loud, very public and convincing admonishment of those that pretend to be you but are devils instead. Christine O'Donnell was right. They aren't witches, they're you.

Post about my inadequacies? What a punk-ass.


01-13-2011, 11:03 PM
^You post about perceived inadequacies and I'll do the same thanks.

01-13-2011, 11:17 PM
^You post about perceived inadequacies and I'll do the same thanks.

You ain't real bright, are you, fj200? Is that inadequacy enough for you? Are you willing to join with me or protest on your own the despicable actions of the Westboro Baptist Church or is it your intention to continue as you have ever since you came into this thread to attack me?

You ain't real bright, are you, fj200? Is that inadequacy enough for you?



01-14-2011, 12:09 AM
You ain't real bright, are you, fj200? Is that inadequacy enough for you? Are you willing to join with me or protest on your own the despicable actions of the Westboro Baptist Church or is it your intention to continue as you have ever since you came into this thread to attack me?

You ain't real bright, are you, fj200? Is that inadequacy enough for you?



At least I don't repeat myself. ;)

BTW, who says I don't?

red states rule
01-14-2011, 04:26 AM
I have no clue

The most truthful and accurate post you have ever made PB

red states rule
01-14-2011, 04:29 AM
You ain't real bright, are you, fj200? Is that inadequacy enough for you? Are you willing to join with me or protest on your own the despicable actions of the Westboro Baptist Church or is it your intention to continue as you have ever since you came into this thread to attack me?

You ain't real bright, are you, fj200? Is that inadequacy enough for you?



So are you ready to join Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter as well? They all have been blasting the idiots of Westboro Baptist Church for YEARS dispite what you blather about nobody on the right speaking out against them

01-14-2011, 10:33 AM
At least I don't repeat myself. ;)

BTW, who says I don't?

There was a subtle and nuanced reason for that repeat, fj. It IS intentional. You didn't get it. Why would I have ever thought you would?


01-14-2011, 11:47 AM
There was a subtle and nuanced reason for that repeat, fj. It IS intentional. You didn't get it. Why would I have ever thought you would?


Sonofabitch, but you are a real piece of work! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You are only fooling yourself, but carry on! This is most amusing.

01-14-2011, 02:32 PM
There was a subtle and nuanced reason for that repeat, fj. It IS intentional. You didn't get it. Why would I have ever thought you would?


Because the subtle, nuanced mind of a lib is NOTHING to behold?

01-14-2011, 02:59 PM
I don't know what psycho thinks people can do about this.

The church is considered a hate group and is monitored. We have free speach laws and they've been sued many times, and won. They are venemently condemed on EVERY news station I've ever seen.

The pickets have resulted in several lawsuits. In 1995, Phelps Sr.'s eldest grandson, Benjamin Phelps, was convicted of assault and disorderly conduct after spitting into the face of a passerby during a picket.[17] In the 1990s the church won a series of lawsuits against the City of Topeka and Shawnee County for efforts taken to prevent or hinder WBC picketing, and was awarded approximately $200,000 in attorney's fees and costs associated with the litigation.


More recently a father was forced to pay the churches legal fees. The scum Phelps has a daughter that represents him

Margie Phelps, the daughter of Fred Phelps and the attorney representing the church in its appeals, also said the money that the church receives from Snyder will be used to finance demonstrations.The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday ordered that Snyder pay more than $16,000 in costs requested by Westboro for copies of motions, briefs and appendices, according to court documents.


01-14-2011, 03:10 PM
So what exactly makes the WBC "conservative"?

They protest at funerals of fallen soldiers; makes them leftist in my book. More and more lefty groups should be protesting their existence, surely that would make them go away.

Abbey Marie
01-14-2011, 03:58 PM
I have seen many posts here showing PB numerous Conservatives speaking out against Westboro. I have also noticed that PB ignores those posts, and replies to others in this thread. I think the conclusion to be drawn from that is fairly clear.

PB, why aren't you asking your beloved ACLU to speak out against WBC? They more than any Conservatives you can name hold the key to allowing such perversions of the 1st Amendment.

01-14-2011, 04:54 PM
I don't know what psycho thinks people can do about this.

The church is considered a hate group and is monitored. We have free speach laws and they've been sued many times, and won. They are venemently condemed on EVERY news station I've ever seen.


More recently a father was forced to pay the churches legal fees. The scum Phelps has a daughter that represents him


Trigg, this is not an issue that will be satisfactorilly resolved in any court in the USA and especially with our Constitutionally guaranteed 1st amendment rights. It can, however, be so loudly protested and demonized by the population that it will no longer be considered a consideration of reasonable protest and may even intimidate the WBC bunch to the point they will simply go away on their own.

It may be true they have been condemned on every news channel period and not just the ones you watch. I insist the rejection of the WBC bunch by general right wingers and particularly Christian conservatives falls far from the bar of true admonition and total rejection of them. All this wringing of hands and crying crocodile tears and facetiously claiming no association and Psychoblues is just making this shit up, then why don't you simply join with me as I asked in the original post to loudly, continually, convincingly, etc., expose these jerks for who and what they are. This is not like we have never had this type thing in our history. Abbey is a lawyer and I hope she can explain the 1st Amendment issues for you.


01-14-2011, 05:17 PM
Trigg, this is not an issue that will be satisfactorilly resolved in any court in the USA and especially with our Constitutionally guaranteed 1st amendment rights. It can, however, be so loudly protested and demonized by the population that it will no longer be considered a consideration of reasonable protest and may even intimidate the WBC bunch to the point they will simply go away on their own.

It may be true they have been condemned on every news channel period and not just the ones you watch. I insist the rejection of the WBC bunch by general right wingers and particularly Christian conservatives falls far from the bar of true admonition and total rejection of them. All this wringing of hands and crying crocodile tears and facetiously claiming no association and Psychoblues is just making this shit up, then why don't you simply join with me as I asked in the original post to loudly, continually, convincingly, etc., expose these jerks for who and what they are. This is not like we have never had this type thing in our history. Abbey is a lawyer and I hope she can explain the 1st Amendment issues for you.


That is your oppinion alone. I have NEVER heard anyone speak about this group without completely demonizing them.

01-14-2011, 05:25 PM
I have seen many posts here showing PB numerous Conservatives speaking out against Westboro. I have also noticed that PB ignores those posts, and replies to others in this thread. I think the conclusion to be drawn from that is fairly clear.

PB, why aren't you asking your beloved ACLU to speak out against WBC? They more than any Conservatives you can name hold the key to allowing such perversions of the 1st Amendment.

Abbey, is there any rule that I have to respond to anyone at any time? I don't want to argue with you about that. You're wrong, case closed, that's it. Why are you refering to the American Civil Liberties Union as "your beloved"? In any event the ACLU is about liberty, not quashing freedoms and they are used by right wingers about as often as anyone else. Perversions of the 1st Amendment? And how much legal education and understanding do you have? Truly disappointing, abby.

You might remember the SDL, Student Defense League, and the flag burners and other left wing protesters from the 60's, abby. You may be too young but certainly you have read or heard about them. In any event the courts refused to stop them due to 1st Amendment considerations. The population, left and right, became so loud, so adamant and so constantly condemning that the jerks rather slithered away into their scumholes. They are welcome, legally, to re-emerge any time they want but you don't hear much from them, do you? That is my wish for the WBC.

Please give us your legal overview of the 1st Amendment, abby. You've piqued my interest in your understanding of this issue.

Thanks in advance


01-14-2011, 05:37 PM
That is your oppinion alone. I have NEVER heard anyone speak about this group without completely demonizing them.

What are we gonna do, Trigg? Throw opinion stink bombs at each other? I never intimated in any way that this conversation was premised on anything other than my own observations. Have you been so ready to jump down my throat that you are just noticing that? And although I have heard criticizms of the WBC from right wing sources I find your characterization of "completely demonizing" unfortunately lacking in truth or meaning of general feelings by the right wingers for the WBC. To some sick degree many silently support them due to their anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-war stances on political issues.

Is it time yet for us to take up our megaphones and put those jerks out of the business of disrupting funerals or is your underlying political support for them continuing to hold you back?


01-14-2011, 05:45 PM
What are we gonna do, Trigg? Throw opinion stink bombs at each other? I never intimated in any way that this conversation was premised on anything other than my own observations. Have you been so ready to jump down my throat that you are just noticing that? And although I have heard criticizms of the WBC from right wing sources I find your characterization of "completely demonizing" unfortunately lacking in truth or meaning of general feelings by the right wingers for the WBC. To some sick degree many silently support them due to their anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-war stances on political issues.

Is it time yet for us to take up our megaphones and put those jerks out of the business of disrupting funerals or is your underlying political support for them continuing to hold you back?

Political support???? You have got to be joking.

They are quite possibly the most disgusting group in the US out there right now and personally I don't think they have a political agenda at all, they are all hate, all the time.

They have a law on their side right now, so short of some group doing something unlawfull I don't see a way to get rid of them.

01-14-2011, 05:59 PM
... is your underlying political support for them continuing to hold you back?

That's pretty offensive. To suggest that Trigg supports them because he's not out there with a megaphone trying to shut them down is ridiculous. I'm not there either but that doesn't mean I silently support them. Maybe someday I'll win the lottery, quit my job, and be able to fly all over the world yelling through my megaphone at people I find offensive...starting with your front door :p

01-14-2011, 06:12 PM
Political support???? You have got to be joking.

They are quite possibly the most disgusting group in the US out there right now and personally I don't think they have a political agenda at all, they are all hate, all the time.

They have a law on their side right now, so short of some group doing something unlawfull I don't see a way to get rid of them.

I'm not joking.


01-14-2011, 06:18 PM
That's pretty offensive. To suggest that Trigg supports them because he's not out there with a megaphone trying to shut them down is ridiculous. I'm not there either but that doesn't mean I silently support them. Maybe someday I'll win the lottery, quit my job, and be able to fly all over the world yelling through my megaphone at people I find offensive...starting with your front door :p

You're showing your stupidity, Tk. Stand at MY front door yelling into a live megaphone and you may just get something you didn't anticipate. I'm willing to let God and the judge sort it out. Do you have any more excuses for your acquiencance for the WBC? That's OK. I've heard enough from you and the other effectively silent ones in this regard.


01-14-2011, 07:24 PM
You're showing your stupidity, Tk. Stand at MY front door yelling into a live megaphone and you may just get something you didn't anticipate. I'm willing to let God and the judge sort it out. Do you have any more excuses for your acquiencance for the WBC? That's OK. I've heard enough from you and the other effectively silent ones in this regard.


So what exactly makes the WBC "conservative"?

They protest at funerals of fallen soldiers; makes them leftist in my book. More and more lefty groups should be protesting their existence, surely that would make them go away.


01-14-2011, 07:41 PM


01-14-2011, 07:47 PM

It's called a question, hence the question mark. I asked the first time, not specifically to you but I thought you might answer... you didn't so I asked again, specifically to you that time.

01-14-2011, 08:47 PM
You're showing your stupidity, Tk. Stand at MY front door yelling into a live megaphone and you may just get something you didn't anticipate. I'm willing to let God and the judge sort it out. Do you have any more excuses for your acquiescence for the WBC? That's OK. I've heard enough from you and the other effectively silent ones in this regard.Psychoblues

I take it from this sentence that you are out there in person shouting down these people, good job!!

I, like thunderknuckles, have a job so cannot travel around to intimidate these people. I have to rely on the media and courts to sort these people out.

Please do not take our absence as acquiescence, as soon as financially possible I will be standing with you, shoulder to shoulder, outside their church.

I do hope I read that sentence right, you are there???? Surely after condeming everyone else you aren't sitting in your living room simply typing your condemnation.

01-14-2011, 09:06 PM
I take it from this sentence that you are out there in person shouting down these people, good job!!

I, like thunderknuckles, have a job so cannot travel around to intimidate these people. I have to rely on the media and courts to sort these people out.

Please do not take our absence as acquiescence, as soon as financially possible I will be standing with you, shoulder to shoulder, outside their church.

I do hope I read that sentence right, you are there???? Surely after condeming everyone else you aren't sitting in your living room simply typing your condemnation.

You and Tk are nothing if not acquiesing the hatred of the WBC and now trying to blame me, one wanting to find conservatives to counter-protest those jerks, for your own failures and silent approval of the WBC. That dog won't hunt with me. I've got telephones, letters and stamps, email and the rest of the internets, lot's of ways to encourage politicos and media as well to condemn more vociferously the antics of the WBC. So far I've gotten some support from MSNBC and CNN and some support from Washington, DC. I guess the others, like you and Tk, have other things to do.

I do take your silence as acquiecence as it is nothing less. I've said this several times in this thread and I will say it again. They claim your values, principles, and core beliefs as fellow conservative Christians. Some condemn them but not enough in my opinion. These jerks have now been jacking around for years. The SDL's, flag burners and other left wing protesters of the 60's were hounded out of existence in practically no time in comparison. Christine O'Donnell had it right. They're not witches. They're you.


01-14-2011, 09:24 PM
You and Tk are nothing if not acquiesing the hatred of the WBC and now trying to blame me, one wanting to find conservatives to counter-protest those jerks, for your own failures and silent approval of the WBC. That dog won't hunt with me. I've got telephones, letters and stamps, email and the rest of the internets, lot's of ways to encourage politicos and media as well to condemn more vociferously the antics of the WBC. So far I've gotten some support from MSNBC and CNN and some support from Washington, DC. I guess the others, like you and Tk, have other things to do.

I do take your silence as acquiescence as it is nothing less. I've said this several times in this thread and I will say it again. They claim your values, principles, and core beliefs as fellow conservative Christians. Some condemn them but not enough in my opinion. These jerks have now been jacking around for years. The SDL's, flag burners and other left wing protesters of the 60's were hounded out of existence in practically no time in comparison. Christine O'Donnell had it right. They're not witches. They're you.


The only one blaming people and making accusations is you.

EVERYONE is condemning these people. But, somehow YOU condemn them more, because you say you do.

You've gotten support from MSNBC and CNN, good job, as far as I've seen they are vehemently against the WBC just as much as FOX and anyone else with a brain. I am glad that they are taking a look because YOU hounded them.

It simply astounds me that you can look at page after page of people condemning that group and still say that people on this board somehow supports this hateful church.

Unless you are out there in person, shouting down these people, than you have no leg to stand on, and no blame to pass around. Condemning them in the press, going after them in the courts and following the laws of this country are the rules we, as law abiding people, have to follow.

01-14-2011, 09:55 PM
Last post from me and probably last response to Psycho for good.

I am now in bed with the WBC because I am not out there shouting them down. Well, where the hell are you Psycho? You comical logic works both ways pal. I am starting to think you're just as crazy as that Loughner fellow. That or you post this crazy bullshit just to get a rise out of people. I'll bite for a few posts but after that I am done.

01-14-2011, 11:04 PM
The only one blaming people and making accusations is you.

EVERYONE is condemning these people. But, somehow YOU condemn them more, because you say you do.

You've gotten support from MSNBC and CNN, good job, as far as I've seen they are vehemently against the WBC just as much as FOX and anyone else with a brain. I am glad that they are taking a look because YOU hounded them.

It simply astounds me that you can look at page after page of people condemning that group and still say that people on this board somehow supports this hateful church.

Unless you are out there in person, shouting down these people, than you have no leg to stand on, and no blame to pass around. Condemning them in the press, going after them in the courts and following the laws of this country are the rules we, as law abiding people, have to follow.

I'm not going to type slowly but I'm going to ask you to read slowly, Trigg. I am not blaming people and I am not making accusations. I am asking for support from you or any other self described conservative to join with me in loudly and consistently condemning the WBC for their aforementioned atrocities against gentle society. EVERYONE is not condemning the WBC jerks. If they were they simply would not exist.

I understand that many cannot be bothered to lift a finger against the nuts except maybe get on this board and jump down my throat about something with which they have no knowledge or appreciation, not even to the point of reading my original post on this topic. It's ridiculous.

I haven't seen page after page here condemning those bastards. We do have page after page codemning me for bringing up a subject they would rather ignore. You can take that for whatever it's worth to you. And they also spew a lot of hate towards me, personally, without having a clue as to what I am saying or why I am saying it. Hate? Check. Condemnation? Check. Misunderstanding? Check. DP conservatives? Check. WBC? Check.

It's a wild, wild world.


01-14-2011, 11:06 PM
Last post from me and probably last response to Psycho for good.

I am now in bed with the WBC because I am not out there shouting them down. Well, where the hell are you Psycho? You comical logic works both ways pal. I am starting to think you're just as crazy as that Loughner fellow. That or you post this crazy bullshit just to get a rise out of people. I'll bite for a few posts but after that I am done.

Pardon me, Tk, do you have a misunderstanding?


01-14-2011, 11:27 PM
I'm not going to type slowly but I'm going to ask you to read slowly, Trigg. I am not blaming people and I am not making accusations. I am asking for support from you or any other self described conservative to join with me in loudly and consistently condemning the WBC for their aforementioned atrocities against gentle society. EVERYONE is not condemning the WBC jerks. If they were they simply would not exist.

I understand that many cannot be bothered to lift a finger against the nuts except maybe get on this board and jump down my throat about something with which they have no knowledge or appreciation, not even to the point of reading my original post on this topic. It's ridiculous.

I haven't seen page after page here condemning those bastards. We do have page after page codemning me for bringing up a subject they would rather ignore. You can take that for whatever it's worth to you. And they also spew a lot of hate towards me, personally, without having a clue as to what I am saying or why I am saying it. Hate? Check. Condemnation? Check. Misunderstanding? Check. DP conservatives? Check. WBC? Check.

It's a wild, wild world.


Dude! All those checks bounced, your argument is overdrawn. You've done nothing but bitch incessantly that conservatives aren't being loud or persistent enough in condemning the actions of the WBC, and specifically accusing the posters of this forum of being in kahoots with the WBC because they aren't condemning them to your standard.

Now you deny making accusations or blaming people...I think all those years of drinking must have permanently damaged your short term memory. Seriously.

01-15-2011, 12:09 AM
Gar, scumbag.

But freedoms is freedoms.

Oh really so the right to keep and bear arms means ????? I don't need no stinking permit. The 1st A doesn't require a permit for exercise, nor the 3 thru 10th,just the 2nd. Hmm, wonder why that is?

01-15-2011, 12:16 AM
I promise all of you people one thing, and I swear to God above, Let those fuckers come to GA and start that shit anywhere, especially at one of my fallen brothers or sisters funerals. that will be the day that I burn their playhouse down. I give you people my word on that and I fear no repercussions for my statement. I will exterminate everyone of those cockroaches. I wish I had time to ride to their church and do to them what the Brits did in the movie The Patriot to the townspeople, burn them inside the church.

There is only one way to get rid of a pest, EXTERMINATION.

01-15-2011, 12:42 AM
Dude! All those checks bounced, your argument is overdrawn. You've done nothing but bitch incessantly that conservatives aren't being loud or persistent enough in condemning the actions of the WBC, and specifically accusing the posters of this forum of being in kahoots with the WBC because they aren't condemning them to your standard.

Now you deny making accusations or blaming people...I think all those years of drinking must have permanently damaged your short term memory. Seriously.

All that makes for a difficult dialogue as I believe you, like many others, are remaining willfully ignorant of the question/request at large. You and others demonstrate quite clearly an honesty issue, or should I more clearly say, a lack of honesty.

I left the Republican Party and the conservative movement permanently in 1992 because I recognised then what you all are demonstrating now. Honestly, the country is center left but the conservatives want to dishonestly take it far right. It ain't gonna happen but that doesn't stop whatever dishonest actions you might attempt to prove dishonest points. That may sound rambling to you but there is a foundation and explanation to what I am saying. But, let me put this in context.

I say if the conservatives were just as loud and adamant now towards the WBC as we all, liberals and conservatives alike, were back in the 60's towards those jerks then we would not be having this conversation. The cons say that ain't so. We're still having the conversation so that proves it is so. The cons even curse me, condemn me, argue to their last breath to me they are correct but the WBC remains a problem therefore I remain correct.

It is more important to at least these posters here and I am heavily suspecting any others that may be guilty of similar silent support for WBC to condemn those that recognize their derelections than to accept the call to good duty and do something, anything to at least annoy the WBC out of existence. Until a little honesty kicks in I can handle the scapegoat position. It's a tough gig but I've had worse.

I didn't appreciate the uncalled for snark, Mm, but I did like hearing from you, ya damned jerkwad.


01-15-2011, 01:01 AM
I promise all of you people one thing, and I swear to God above, Let those fuckers come to GA and start that shit anywhere, especially at one of my fallen brothers or sisters funerals. that will be the day that I burn their playhouse down. I give you people my word on that and I fear no repercussions for my statement. I will exterminate everyone of those cockroaches. I wish I had time to ride to their church and do to them what the Brits did in the movie The Patriot to the townspeople, burn them inside the church.

There is only one way to get rid of a pest, EXTERMINATION.

You say you're a veteran. Do you know what freedoms and rights you were sworn to protect? Somehow I don't think so. But, I have a better solution. You can use the same rights they use to shut other people up to shut them up. It's purely a matter of common sense, genuine Patriotism, and the good old American way. Will you help in a common and sensible and legal movement to shut those assholes down? If you're just running your tater trap and acting like some big warmongering hero I am afraid you aren't going to actually get anything done. Just who are you trying to impress? Not trying to be snarky but I like observable action and results. Big talk always indicates a small brain.

I think this is the first time I've spoken to you, Capt. Welcome to the board. I'm an asshole and you already know that I'm sure but I hope we can agree if nothing more than to disagree without being too disagreeable. Snark with a only a healthy dose of hatefulness is OK but easily gets out of hand.

Hope to see you around.


01-15-2011, 03:29 AM
I cherish our friendship and back and forth banter

blues man :clap:

They are a church, marteen, and yes I believe I can accurately assume they have tax free status as a result of that. I think conservatives should more loudly and consistently condemn those jerks. The Westboro bunch are not part of the real conservative movement but you would not know that from the typical response to and of them by the genuines.

No, this is definitely not the tea party. I believe the Tea Party would stifle their obnoxious asses pretty damned quick if they, Westboro, made any claim to Teabagger status.

Political commentators rarely even mention them. Maybe that's for good cause as the less attention given them the better. I just believe that every time the media makes note of one of their horrific protests the genuine conservatives should make it a point to loudly announce that they, Westboro, are not cut from genuine conservative cloth. That in itself would ridicule the Phelps family and I believe would go a long way towards making them slither back into the hole they came out of.

Thanks for the genuine conversation, marteen. You're a real cowboy!


red states rule
01-15-2011, 05:00 AM
I have seen many posts here showing PB numerous Conservatives speaking out against Westboro. I have also noticed that PB ignores those posts, and replies to others in this thread. I think the conclusion to be drawn from that is fairly clear.

PB, why aren't you asking your beloved ACLU to speak out against WBC? They more than any Conservatives you can name hold the key to allowing such perversions of the 1st Amendment.

Abbey, you know by know PB in unable to admit when he has been proven wrong. He is like most liberals who decide to ingore any evidence that is presented that decimates their arguments

He will ignore the facts, and when called on it - he attacks the poster with his usual personal attacks

PB starts out OK but sooner or later he slips back to his usual style of mindless rants

He made his bed on this thread and now he can sleep in it

red states rule
01-15-2011, 05:05 AM
Hey PB, do you ahve any links to Obama, Reid, and Pelosi speaking out against the Westboro nuts?

I have posted many videos of conservatives speaking out against them - where are those on your side doing the same?

Of course the left is alot like the Westboro idiots

Fred Phelps, the crazy leader of the Westboro Baptist Church cult, has become infamous for blaming any bad event on the evils of homosexuality. Earthquake in Haiti? Blame the gays. Combat troop deaths in Iraq? Ditto.

Phelps' logic works thusly: God literally hates people who engage in homosexual conduct and unless societies take the steps to ban and punish such action, God is going to destroy them. Any natural disaster or mass murder is, accordingly, the will of God being carried out on the "sinners" who refuse to listen.

If that type of "logic" sounds familiar, it should be. It's exactly the same as the explanations the far left is resorting to in its efforts to pin the recent Tucson, Arizona shooting onto conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Glenn Beck, and the right generally.

Even the face of an overwhelming amount of evidence that Jared Lee Loughner had exactly zero connections to Palin et al., many on the left are continuing to insist that conservatives and libertarians bear at least some responsibility for creating a "climate of hate" simply by engaging in the exact same type of vigorous political speech that the left is continually urging its politicians to engage in.

Read any random left-wing website and you'll see countless rants about how Democrats need to be more like Alan Grayson, the fanatic who formerly represented Florida's 8th congressional district. He's best known for fabricating stories about the Republican who eventually defeated him and repeatedly stating that the GOP version of health care is to encourage the poor to "die quickly."

Limbaugh, Beck and the rest cannot be allowed to behave in such a way, however, because to forcefully oppose or ridicule the shibboleths of liberalism is the worst kind of evil, even worse than Al Qaeda according to MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann:

"Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News," he said in a 2007 interview. "Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda--worse for our society. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was."

What to do about such evilness? How about pray it away? That's exactly what Olbermann's fellow MSNBC ranter Ed Schultz did in 2009 when he asked God to "take Dick Cheney to the promised land" on account of his being "an enemy of the country."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/01/liberals-take-page-fred-phelps-songbook#ixzz1B64YNgxc

01-15-2011, 07:55 AM
You say you're a veteran. Do you know what freedoms and rights you were sworn to protect? Somehow I don't think so. But, I have a better solution. You can use the same rights they use to shut other people up to shut them up. It's purely a matter of common sense, genuine Patriotism, and the good old American way. Will you help in a common and sensible and legal movement to shut those assholes down? If you're just running your tater trap and acting like some big warmongering hero I am afraid you aren't going to actually get anything done. Just who are you trying to impress? Not trying to be snarky but I like observable action and results. Big talk always indicates a small brain.

I think this is the first time I've spoken to you, Capt. Welcome to the board. I'm an asshole and you already know that I'm sure but I hope we can agree if nothing more than to disagree without being too disagreeable. Snark with a only a healthy dose of hatefulness is OK but easily gets out of hand.

Hope to see you around.


I don't SAY I am a veteran. I AM a combat veteran and still serving as I type. I understand completely what you are saying and I do agree with you. If everyone condemned roaches by verbal acknowledgement, do you think many roaches would die? hell NO. Rights and freedom comes at a price and with certain responsibilities that have been vastly perversed in this country. There is only one way to kill roaches, Extermination. Gotta go train. Later.

01-15-2011, 09:37 AM
I don't see it as a "church" there's just him and his family. to me that's a cult

pass the kool aid

red states rule
01-15-2011, 09:39 AM
I don't see it as a "church" there's just him and his family. to me that's a cult

pass the kool aid

Or in PB's case pass the Bourbon. Maybe one day he will crawl out of his bottle and see the real world

01-15-2011, 09:55 AM
PB has been on my ignore list since he first started posting here. Whether he's sober or drunk he's still an idiot. If everyone ignores him he'll eventually go away.

red states rule
01-15-2011, 09:57 AM
PB has been on my ignore list since he first started posting here. Whether he's sober or drunk he's still an idiot. If everyone ignores him he'll eventually go away.

You are correct Gaffer, but I do enjoy kicking his ass to the curb. The fact he has me on ignore and thus admitting he is unable to take me on one on one like a man is also refreshing

01-15-2011, 10:42 AM
I don't SAY I am a veteran. I AM a combat veteran and still serving as I type. I understand completely what you are saying and I do agree with you. If everyone condemned roaches by verbal acknowledgement, do you think many roaches would die? hell NO. Rights and freedom comes at a price and with certain responsibilities that have been vastly perversed in this country. There is only one way to kill roaches, Extermination. Gotta go train. Later.

I AM too a veteran, a combat veteran. I think your thinking, however, and metaphor here as the WBC being roaches is inappropriate. I don't believe any metaphorical stamping them or poisoning them or exterminating them is appropriate either. They are Americans, just like you and me and entitled to 1st amendment rights the same as you and me. I think "death by your own daggar" would be a more appropriate metaphor in this case. There's a lot more of us than of them. We can shut them down as we, liberals and conservatives, did back in the 60's as other radical groups formed and defiled our societal mores. They didn't last very long and it didn't take much violence and NO changes in the Constitution as some alluded only to obscure the problem and place blame where blame didn't exist.

Good work in your training. I know all about that!!!!!


red states rule
01-15-2011, 10:47 AM
I AM too a veteran, a combat veteran. I think your thinking, however, and metaphor here as the WBC being roaches is inappropriate. I don't believe any metaphorical stamping them or poisoning them or exterminating them is appropriate either. They are Americans, just like you and me and entitled to 1st amendment rights the same as you and me. I think "death by your own daggar" would be a more appropriate metaphor in this case. There's a lot more of us than of them. We can shut them down as we, liberals and conservatives, did back in the 60's as other radical groups formed and defiled our societal mores. They didn't last very long and it didn't take much violence and NO changes in the Constitution as some alluded only to obscure the problem and place blame where blame didn't exist.

Good work in your training. I know all about that!!!!!


You nailed it PB. Look at the groups that are openly supporting the liberal causes and the groups elected Dems love to be seen with and defend

Code Pink, the Black Panthers, Union thugs, and Enviromental wackos. These people do all they can to shout down their opponents and if that does not work - they physically attack them

Again, where are YOUR PARTY LEADERS speaking out the Westboro idiots

Will you answer or will you continue to hide behind your keyboard while shooting off your 45 caliber mouth?

01-15-2011, 06:19 PM
I AM too a veteran, a combat veteran. I think your thinking, however, and metaphor here as the WBC being roaches is inappropriate. I don't believe any metaphorical stamping them or poisoning them or exterminating them is appropriate either. They are Americans, just like you and me and entitled to 1st amendment rights the same as you and me. I think "death by your own daggar" would be a more appropriate metaphor in this case. There's a lot more of us than of them. We can shut them down as we, liberals and conservatives, did back in the 60's as other radical groups formed and defiled our societal mores. They didn't last very long and it didn't take much violence and NO changes in the Constitution as some alluded only to obscure the problem and place blame where blame didn't exist.

Good work in your training. I know all about that!!!!!


psycho this is where we disagree. First you are apparently not an American like me, neither are the assholes in this cult if you will. If we were all the same and entitled to the same, then the families these morons continue to harrass would also be entitled to the very rights you try to exclaim. Some like you seem to think Rights are infinite. I totally disagree. That church has no more right to treat mourning familes this way than I do to slap your ass sideways.:slap:

The right to free speech does not give anyone the right to infringe on toher peoples rights or privacy. The 1st A has been so perverted nobody even recognizes the true intent of our forefathers. Let a SOB burn a flag in my presence, Yep you got it. His right to free expression i going to get his ass fucked up. I value the American flag and more importantly what it stands for.

While I agree that if we all condemned WBC, they would go away, that apparently is not going to happen. Do you think you could get your liberal leaders to condemn them and set an example? Maybe once the liberals get off their high horses, the rest of us can get off our donkeys.

01-15-2011, 06:56 PM
psycho this is where we disagree. First you are apparently not an American like me, neither are the assholes in this cult if you will. If we were all the same and entitled to the same, then the families these morons continue to harrass would also be entitled to the very rights you try to exclaim. Some like you seem to think Rights are infinite. I totally disagree. That church has no more right to treat mourning familes this way than I do to slap your ass sideways.:slap:

The right to free speech does not give anyone the right to infringe on toher peoples rights or privacy. The 1st A has been so perverted nobody even recognizes the true intent of our forefathers. Let a SOB burn a flag in my presence, Yep you got it. His right to free expression i going to get his ass fucked up. I value the American flag and more importantly what it stands for.

While I agree that if we all condemned WBC, they would go away, that apparently is not going to happen. Do you think you could get your liberal leaders to condemn them and set an example? Maybe once the liberals get off their high horses, the rest of us can get off our donkeys.

We are going to disagree on this subject and I can already tell you that you may be spending time behind bars with your methods and be no good at all shutting the bastards down while I will remain free to shout them down at every opportunity. I can't do it alone and neither can you and we, just you and I, probably can't do it together but enough of us can if we yell loudly enough, in their faces enough, exposing via whatever media is available often enough to shame them and they can be shamed into submission. They wiil break. Why haven't they already? Lot's of reasons.

Numero uno, they seem to not have any reson to change. In fact, their despicable behavior is profitable for them. They win a lot of lawsuits from John Wayne types like you that cross the legal line in simply asking for what you and I consider common decency.

I've had far more cooperation in this regard from liberals in the media and in DC than anything from the rightwingers. Just read back through this thread. I am the primary target here. Rightwingers don't give a crap about WBC except maybe to silently acquiesce and allow the bastards to keep on keeping on. Pitiful.


01-15-2011, 10:51 PM
We are going to disagree on this subject and I can already tell you that you may be spending time behind bars with your methods and be no good at all shutting the bastards down while I will remain free to shout them down at every opportunity. I can't do it alone and neither can you and we, just you and I, probably can't do it together but enough of us can if we yell loudly enough, in their faces enough, exposing via whatever media is available often enough to shame them and they can be shamed into submission. They wiil break. Why haven't they already? Lot's of reasons.

Numero uno, they seem to not have any reson to change. In fact, their despicable behavior is profitable for them. They win a lot of lawsuits from John Wayne types like you that cross the legal line in simply asking for what you and I consider common decency.

I've had far more cooperation in this regard from liberals in the media and in DC than anything from the rightwingers. Just read back through this thread. I am the primary target here. Rightwingers don't give a crap about WBC except maybe to silently acquiesce and allow the bastards to keep on keeping on. Pitiful.


Come on now, how damn many times are you going to dodge the damn question. Where is pelosi, reid, Obama, Biden and all those lame liberal SOB's at when it comes to condemning them? Where are they Psycho, if you have no answer then simply say you are all out of excuses, but stop dodging the question you have been asked multiple times. You see, i already know you can't answer it. You should be ashamed of your bretheren hyocrite liberals, but you just make excuses for them.

01-15-2011, 11:19 PM
Come on now, how damn many times are you going to dodge the damn question. Where is pelosi, reid, Obama, Biden and all those lame liberal SOB's at when it comes to condemning them? Where are they Psycho, if you have no answer then simply say you are all out of excuses, but stop dodging the question you have been asked multiple times. You see, i already know you can't answer it. You should be ashamed of your bretheren hyocrite liberals, but you just make excuses for them.

You have already said that I am not an American like you. You are correct. I am a tried and true American and have no clue as to your allegiance as your overview has no bearing or resemblance to any American values or ideals that I have gone to war to protect. I refuse to further participate in your juvenile nyana, nyana, nyana dialogue. You really sound a lot like one of the other 3rd graders here on the board. What good could possibly come from such elementary misunderstandings. I just can't go back to a,b,c and 2 plus 2 equals 4 on every post. Have a good day in your training tomorrow, Capt.


red states rule
01-17-2011, 04:49 AM
Hey PB, I fiannly found a liberal talking about these Westboro idiots

Ed Schultz did not care they were picketing the funerals of our soliders - but he was upset they would go to the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards

Ed Schultz Indifferent to Westboro Baptist Protests - Until Elizabeth Edwards's Funeral Targeted
By Jack Coleman | December 12, 2010 | 22:55

Now they've really gone and done it as far as Ed Schultz is concerned.

Speaking with Schultz on his radio show Thursday, Schultz's producer James Holm described plans by members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., notorious for their protests outside funerals of American soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, to stage a similar protest during the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jack-coleman/2010/12/12/ed-schultz-indifferent-westboro-baptist-protests-until-elizabeth-edwar#ixzz1BHhq8WIu

01-17-2011, 03:44 PM
Wonderful find Red.

Care to comment psycho??

I've had far more cooperation in this regard from liberals in the media and in DC than anything from the rightwingers. Just read back through this thread. I am the primary target here. Rightwingers don't give a crap about WBC except maybe to silently acquiesce and allow the bastards to keep on keeping on. Pitiful.


I got tired of this thread when all you started doing was playing the poor me card. NO ONE started attacking you until you stated that YOU and only YOU are doing anything about this group, all the while stating that WE must somehow silently condone what the WBC does.

People have called them a cult among other flattering descriptions, but somehow ONLY you condemn them. Yes, poor psycho, he was picked on through out this thread by no fault of his OWN.:lame2:

red states rule
01-17-2011, 03:50 PM
Wonderful find Red.

Care to comment psycho??

I got tired of this thread when all you started doing was playing the poor me card. NO ONE started attacking you until you stated that YOU and only YOU are doing anything about this group, all the while stating that WE must somehow silently condone what the WBC does.

People have called them a cult among other flattering descriptions, but somehow ONLY you condemn them. Yes, poor psycho, he was picked on through out this thread by no fault of his OWN.:lame2:

I doubt if PB will reply Trigg

If he does he will probably say the source is a right wing source, or Ed was taken out of context, or anything I post is nothing but lies and rumors

After all HE has not posted anything where his fellow libs have went after the Westboro idiots. However I have posted many videos of conservatives attakcing them - even though PB said they never did

01-17-2011, 04:06 PM
I doubt if PB will reply Trigg

If he does he will probably say the source is a right wing source, or Ed was taken out of context, or anything I post is nothing but lies and rumors

After all HE has not posted anything where his fellow libs have went after the Westboro idiots. However I have posted many videos of conservatives attakcing them - even though PB said they never did

I agree. Seems PB has been a little sensitive in being a minority of the left here, but in this case he used generalization to such a degree that the arguments from those attacked-Yes, PB was the attacker-became personal.

red states rule
01-17-2011, 04:13 PM
I agree. Seems PB has been a little sensitive in being a minority of the left here, but in this case he used generalization to such a degree that the arguments from those attacked-Yes, PB was the attacker-became personal.

The ball is in his court Kat. I will wait to see if PB comments on what Ed Schultz had to say

Of cpurse another excuse PB could use is that Ed Schultz is not a liberal but a conservative who is pissed off at the modern Republican party

But that won't work since PB said conservatives have not spoken out against Westboro

01-21-2011, 08:33 PM
You have already said that I am not an American like you. You are correct. I am a tried and true American and have no clue as to your allegiance as your overview has no bearing or resemblance to any American values or ideals that I have gone to war to protect. I refuse to further participate in your juvenile nyana, nyana, nyana dialogue. You really sound a lot like one of the other 3rd graders here on the board. What good could possibly come from such elementary misunderstandings. I just can't go back to a,b,c and 2 plus 2 equals 4 on every post. Have a good day in your training tomorrow, Capt.


You can only stoop to name calling and bullshit like the afore mentioned 3rd graders. You are such a fuckin idiot to even post such banter. why don't you answer the question or STFU? It is a simple question that all you can do is deflect away from answering. The only people you have ever served are some commie bastards like John Pukin Kerry. You were probably a member of the DADT club. Answer the question or fuck off you wannabe.

No math required, just answer the question that you have been asked by multiple members you sack of gutless dog shit.? You are just a lousy POS like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. I hope when the Westboro burns down that you are sitting on the front pew with your friends, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama.

01-23-2011, 04:26 PM
what is needed is for a few hundred decent people to form a circle around the funeral creating a physical non violent barrier.

My exact thoughts, I would go if I were in AZ

01-23-2011, 04:56 PM
My exact thoughts, I would go if I were in AZ

From what I've seen in my hometown, twice and once when at friends' in IN, that is what happens. Fire Department, motorcycle groups, police, and civilians surround and keep them away from visual site of family.

01-23-2011, 07:41 PM
You can only stoop to name calling and bullshit like the afore mentioned 3rd graders. You are such a fuckin idiot to even post such banter. why don't you answer the question or STFU? It is a simple question that all you can do is deflect away from answering. The only people you have ever served are some commie bastards like John Pukin Kerry. You were probably a member of the DADT club. Answer the question or fuck off you wannabe.

No math required, just answer the question that you have been asked by multiple members you sack of gutless dog shit.? You are just a lousy POS like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. I hope when the Westboro burns down that you are sitting on the front pew with your friends, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama.

Wow. I can only imagine what the Army might do with juvenile leadership skills like you are demonstrating here, dasher. Thank God you only get to play army once a month.


01-23-2011, 07:49 PM
From what I've seen in my hometown, twice and once when at friends' in IN, that is what happens. Fire Department, motorcycle groups, police, and civilians surround and keep them away from visual site of family.

From what I've seen and heard about, Kathianne, there is more and more of that happening now. Needless to say I am opposed to any portion of the Government getting involved in direct stifling of 1st Amendment issues due to libel considerations but I am absolutely 100% in favor of the citizenship, you and me, getting involved in shutting the bastards down. Somehow, even reading back through this thread I just can't understand why that simple concept is so hard for some of you to understand.


01-24-2011, 01:14 PM
Turn the cameras off, problem solved.

01-24-2011, 01:37 PM
Turn the cameras off, problem solved.

That's too simple and effective. What would we have to fight about then; real issues?:laugh:

01-24-2011, 01:43 PM
You can only stoop to name calling and bullshit like the afore mentioned 3rd graders. You are such a fuckin idiot to even post such banter. why don't you answer the question or STFU? It is a simple question that all you can do is deflect away from answering. The only people you have ever served are some commie bastards like John Pukin Kerry. You were probably a member of the DADT club. Answer the question or fuck off you wannabe.

No math required, just answer the question that you have been asked by multiple members you sack of gutless dog shit.? You are just a lousy POS like Obama, Pelosi and Reid. I hope when the Westboro burns down that you are sitting on the front pew with your friends, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama.

Me thinks you would do well to mind your own criticism!:slap:

01-29-2011, 11:51 PM
From what I've seen in my hometown, twice and once when at friends' in IN, that is what happens. Fire Department, motorcycle groups, police, and civilians surround and keep them away from visual site of family.

I would like to see the cameras rolling on that scene

01-29-2011, 11:59 PM
PB has been on my ignore list since he first started posting here. Whether he's sober or drunk he's still an idiot. If everyone ignores him he'll eventually go away.

I dont want to see him go away. In fact, I wish more of his ilk would join us here. I enjoy beating up on his ideals

But seriously, it helps when my kids get to read his dribble and understand what liberals stand for & how they think. It becomes obvious that way to them that conservatism is on the right tak

01-31-2011, 12:52 AM
Me thinks you would do well to mind your own criticism!:slap:

Me thinks you would do well to blow my log,roller :laugh:

01-31-2011, 12:57 AM
Wow. I can only imagine what the Army might do with juvenile leadership skills like you are demonstrating here, dasher. Thank God you only get to play army once a month.


Once again you open mouth and insert foot. the reason I have not been posting is I am not doing it once a month but full time getting ready to deploy later this summer. Ironically I am the leader of my current training class. We are on time, and ready to roll out every morning at 0500. My leadership recognized a leader when they saw one, and we have 6 people of 13 in this class that out rank me by 2 stripes or more. Thank you, Thank you very much.

You are just a friggin idiot attention whore, so I won't waste my time responding to your dumbass posts. You can't answer a simple question because you are too stupid or refuse to admit the truth. You are a fine example of a POS. :salute:

01-31-2011, 01:04 AM
Once again you open mouth and insert foot. the reason I have not been posting is I am not doing it once a month but full time getting ready to deploy later this summer. Ironically I am the leader of my current training class. We are on time, and ready to roll out every morning at 0500. My leadership recognized a leader when they saw one, and we have 6 people of 13 in this class that out rank me by 2 stripes or more. Thank you, Thank you very much.

You are just a friggin idiot attention whore, so I won't waste my time responding to your dumbass posts. You can't answer a simple question because you are too stupid or refuse to admit the truth. You are a fine example of a POS. :salute:

Excuses are only for toy soldiers. I know bullshit when I see it and you ain't nothing but bullshit. And that's really a shame. My unit got 4 days notice and 3 days title 10 to prepare in November 1990. I can't imagine why you would need that long to prepare. I thought the army was the get 'er done types.


01-31-2011, 01:07 AM
Me thinks you would do well to blow my log,roller :laugh:

Wow. 7 days to think of that extraordinary answer. You ain't zackly ready for primetime. are you, dasher?


01-31-2011, 09:24 PM
Wow. 7 days to think of that extraordinary answer. You ain't zackly ready for primetime. are you, dasher?


You see you dumbfuck, now I really have your number. While you were getting ready to deploy to Saudi at Thanksgiving, I had already spent Labor Day and Halloween in country handling business so you damn cooks would have somewhere to set up your kitchens.

It doesn't take 7 days dumbass to reply. It takes 7 days to get on here.

I see you continue to DODGE the question. You are the pisspoor soldier wannabe. You can't even answer a question, yet you continue to deflect with personal attacks. You are nothing more than a fuckface that if you indeed are a veteran, you spent your service in the closet .

If you don't answer the question, you will be on another person's blocked list. Pretty soon you can talk to your faggot DADT self in the mirror instead of bothering to log on. If you can't answer a question, then you have no reason to continue posting here.

Oh and frankly, I did what I was commanded to do, whether it took 7 days or 7 months is irrelevent dumbass. Just like your stupid ass, I don't make any rules or have any say-so whatsoever. You continue to demonstrate what a complete fool and stupid ass you are. I think I am just going to go ahead and block your dumbass, because you are too much the COWARD to try to have a reasonable debate with.

01-31-2011, 09:52 PM
You see you dumbfuck, now I really have your number. While you were getting ready to deploy to Saudi at Thanksgiving, I had already spent Labor Day and Halloween in country handling business so you damn cooks would have somewhere to set up your kitchens.

It doesn't take 7 days dumbass to reply. It takes 7 days to get on here.

I see you continue to DODGE the question. You are the pisspoor soldier wannabe. You can't even answer a question, yet you continue to deflect with personal attacks. You are nothing more than a fuckface that if you indeed are a veteran, you spent your service in the closet .

If you don't answer the question, you will be on another person's blocked list. Pretty soon you can talk to your faggot DADT self in the mirror instead of bothering to log on. If you can't answer a question, then you have no reason to continue posting here.

Oh and frankly, I did what I was commanded to do, whether it took 7 days or 7 months is irrelevent dumbass. Just like your stupid ass, I don't make any rules or have any say-so whatsoever. You continue to demonstrate what a complete fool and stupid ass you are. I think I am just going to go ahead and block your dumbass, because you are too much the COWARD to try to have a reasonable debate with.

All you have is a desire, dasher. Shit in one hand and desire in another and see which one fills up first.

I'd like to see proof of your in theater service in September, 1990, dasher. We were still taking in the 101st and 82nd and even transporting 7th Corps out of Germany during that time. I think you exxagerate your National Guard service by just a bit. It is you that flings the shit and licks his fingers in this conversation. Do you think namecalling and filthy talk makes you look smart? Maybe in your crowd.

I am not dodging any questions at all. I asked a question that hasn't even been addressed by any of you dumbasses yet. Here goes: Will you join with me in shunning and outcasting the idiots from Westboro Babtist Church? Most here, including you, dasher, wanna bitch and moan to and about me than to take anything into your own hands to somehow stifle those devils. I'm not going to overview the entire thread back to you, dash, but I think someone is playing you like a flute. 3rd grade shit looks just like what it is. If you care to answer my question as I have repeated it to you I will then consider entertaining whatever your concerns are no matter how juvenile I consider them to be.


02-01-2011, 04:27 PM
All you have is a desire, dasher. Shit in one hand and desire in another and see which one fills up first.

I'd like to see proof of your in theater service in September, 1990, dasher. We were still taking in the 101st and 82nd and even transporting 7th Corps out of Germany during that time. I think you exxagerate your National Guard service by just a bit. It is you that flings the shit and licks his fingers in this conversation. Do you think namecalling and filthy talk makes you look smart? Maybe in your crowd.

I am not dodging any questions at all. I asked a question that hasn't even been addressed by any of you dumbasses yet. Here goes: Will you join with me in shunning and outcasting the idiots from Westboro Babtist Church? Most here, including you, dasher, wanna bitch and moan to and about me than to take anything into your own hands to somehow stifle those devils. I'm not going to overview the entire thread back to you, dash, but I think someone is playing you like a flute. 3rd grade shit looks just like what it is. If you care to answer my question as I have repeated it to you I will then consider entertaining whatever your concerns are no matter how juvenile I consider them to be.


You dumbass, I have already answered your question but you were too busy jerking off to pay attention. Maybe you have ADD or ADHD, not sure. I am not going to go seek it out again, but
YES I would do just exactly as you stated, and if my memory serves me well, I agreed with you on this tactic, but I could be wrong. You can read my previous posts if so inclined. I agree with you.

Now are you going to answer my question? Why are you not calling on your beloved demwit liberals to do as you ask of us? Where does pelosi, reid, & Nobama come into play? Very simple questions, even a 5th grader could answer.

Now to my service, I am trying to figure out how to copy you my DD215 showing my time of service along with my SW ASIA service awards, etc from 9-27-90 to 8-01-91. So I mistakenly mispoke about Labor Day being over there. I couldn't remember when my title 10's started vs the title 32 orders while mobing up.

I tell you what Psycho to prove a point to you, I am trying to get my 214 and 215 uploaded but they are in Adobe formats and I don't know how to resize them. If you or someone who knows how to can tell me how to do it, then I will gladly post my info here. This site will not allow me to upload it because of the file size. Don't give me any shit, if you can tell me how to resize it, then do so. If not I will play with it tonight and see if I can shrink it or convert it to a IMG file where I can post it.

I got your ass though. You can say what you want to. I know when and where I was, and you just assume I was in the national guard then, which I wasn't. You should start getting your act together, becuase I assure you, I can verify everything I say genius.

Oh and answer the questions. answered yours.

02-01-2011, 05:28 PM
You dumbass, I have already answered your question but you were too busy jerking off to pay attention. Maybe you have ADD or ADHD, not sure. I am not going to go seek it out again, but
YES I would do just exactly as you stated, and if my memory serves me well, I agreed with you on this tactic, but I could be wrong. You can read my previous posts if so inclined. I agree with you.

Now are you going to answer my question? Why are you not calling on your beloved demwit liberals to do as you ask of us? Where does pelosi, reid, & Nobama come into play? Very simple questions, even a 5th grader could answer.

Now to my service, I am trying to figure out how to copy you my DD215 showing my time of service along with my SW ASIA service awards, etc from 9-27-90 to 8-01-91. So I mistakenly mispoke about Labor Day being over there. I couldn't remember when my title 10's started vs the title 32 orders while mobing up.

I tell you what Psycho to prove a point to you, I am trying to get my 214 and 215 uploaded but they are in Adobe formats and I don't know how to resize them. If you or someone who knows how to can tell me how to do it, then I will gladly post my info here. This site will not allow me to upload it because of the file size. Don't give me any shit, if you can tell me how to resize it, then do so. If not I will play with it tonight and see if I can shrink it or convert it to a IMG file where I can post it.

I got your ass though. You can say what you want to. I know when and where I was, and you just assume I was in the national guard then, which I wasn't. You should start getting your act together, becuase I assure you, I can verify everything I say genius.

Oh and answer the questions. answered yours.

You don't have to post your DD214 or DD215 to satisfy me, dasher and I would not advise it anyway. Just based on what you just said I am inclined to accept your story as true to the best of your ability and recollection, but that ain't saying much. I was in and out of Saudi several times prior to my full Title 10 deployment on Thanksgiving day, 1990. Although I was all over the country my primary base was King Fahd Airport or the New Dhahran Airport, it was called both but I always called it the King Fahd Airport.

You need to calm down some and approach this conversation and this issue with civility, respect and clear thinking. You came in kicking the doors down, making a genuine fool of yourself and even when I pointed out the ridiculousness of your John Wayne bullshit you continued in like manner. I reject your method of dealing with the WBC. Your method indicates to me that you have no idea as to the rights of others and the laws that protect them,,,,,and you, BTW. No sir. You never agreed with anything that this veteran stands for as an American and as a citizen in this WBC issue. Quite the opposite. And your namecalling is rather juvenile, don't you think? I still think one of our resident 3rd graders is playing you like a flute.

As far as speaking to and about liberals speaking out against the WBC I have addressed that as well and even stated that I had received better communication and noticed more widespread condemnation of the WBC by liberal politicos and media than their conservative counterparts on this issue and in this thread. Can I assume you missed it? I don't know for certain whether my particular agitation on the WBC matter is responsible for the widespread liberal rejection of them but I like to think it has at least a small part in there somewhere.

And I can verify my history as well, dasher. Right now I don't feel I need to do that. I'm happy that I've always truthfully represented myself. Any problem with that? Your problem.

Maybe we can communicate on a higher level but you gotta get that puppetmaster outta your ear.


02-01-2011, 10:31 PM
You don't have to post your DD214 or DD215 to satisfy me, dasher and I would not advise it anyway. Just based on what you just said I am inclined to accept your story as true to the best of your ability and recollection, but that ain't saying much. I was in and out of Saudi several times prior to my full Title 10 deployment on Thanksgiving day, 1990. Although I was all over the country my primary base was King Fahd Airport or the New Dhahran Airport, it was called both but I always called it the King Fahd Airport.

You need to calm down some and approach this conversation and this issue with civility, respect and clear thinking. You came in kicking the doors down, making a genuine fool of yourself and even when I pointed out the ridiculousness of your John Wayne bullshit you continued in like manner. I reject your method of dealing with the WBC. Your method indicates to me that you have no idea as to the rights of others and the laws that protect them,,,,,and you, BTW. No sir. You never agreed with anything that this veteran stands for as an American and as a citizen in this WBC issue. Quite the opposite. And your namecalling is rather juvenile, don't you think? I still think one of our resident 3rd graders is playing you like a flute.

As far as speaking to and about liberals speaking out against the WBC I have addressed that as well and even stated that I had received better communication and noticed more widespread condemnation of the WBC by liberal politicos and media than their conservative counterparts on this issue and in this thread. Can I assume you missed it? I don't know for certain whether my particular agitation on the WBC matter is responsible for the widespread liberal rejection of them but I like to think it has at least a small part in there somewhere.

And I can verify my history as well, dasher. Right now I don't feel I need to do that. I'm happy that I've always truthfully represented myself. Any problem with that? Your problem.

Maybe we can communicate on a higher level but you gotta get that puppetmaster outta your ear.


Hey Whatever Airman, I was stuck out in the desert about 15 miles from King Kalid Military City. I doubt you ever saw the desert sand from your location. Anyway, you once again failed to answer the question, and frankly I am done posting to you. You can say what you want to about rights and all that shit, but let those fuckers come to GA, and degradate a soldiers memorial. i promise you will see my name on the 6 oclock news. I don't care what the costs are. I disagree that they have a right protected by the 1st Amendment to treat a fallen soldiers family in the manner they do.

Only a moron/liberal would pervert the 1st Amendment to allow such crap, and this is only one example. Flag burning is the same to me. Let me see you burn one, you will be burning with it. I don't give a flying shit who likes what i have to say. This country is being eroded to hell by liberals exploiting the US Constitution. What is going on in Egypt is not so far from happening here. Not at all. Common Sense folks are tired of all the perverse BS from the WHOLE govt and all those who support it.

I fear no man, no matter the costs or consequences. You can take to the bank what I tell you I will do. I make no bones about ending my life for the sake of others.

I am not sure who you are referring to as holding puppet strings over me, but you are wrong. It is easy to see what a dumbass you are by your erroneous responses. I will NOT entertain your posts anymore. I have much better things to do than waste my time with a dumbass Airforce guy who slept in Condos while I slept in Sand dunes. Adios. :slap:

02-01-2011, 11:16 PM
Hey Whatever Airman, I was stuck out in the desert about 15 miles from King Kalid Military City. I doubt you ever saw the desert sand from your location. Anyway, you once again failed to answer the question, and frankly I am done posting to you. You can say what you want to about rights and all that shit, but let those fuckers come to GA, and degradate a soldiers memorial. i promise you will see my name on the 6 oclock news. I don't care what the costs are. I disagree that they have a right protected by the 1st Amendment to treat a fallen soldiers family in the manner they do.

Only a moron/liberal would pervert the 1st Amendment to allow such crap, and this is only one example. Flag burning is the same to me. Let me see you burn one, you will be burning with it. I don't give a flying shit who likes what i have to say. This country is being eroded to hell by liberals exploiting the US Constitution. What is going on in Egypt is not so far from happening here. Not at all. Common Sense folks are tired of all the perverse BS from the WHOLE govt and all those who support it.

I fear no man, no matter the costs or consequences. You can take to the bank what I tell you I will do. I make no bones about ending my life for the sake of others.

I am not sure who you are referring to as holding puppet strings over me, but you are wrong. It is easy to see what a dumbass you are by your erroneous responses. I will NOT entertain your posts anymore. I have much better things to do than waste my time with a dumbass Airforce guy who slept in Condos while I slept in Sand dunes. Adios. :slap:

This is a message board, asshole. Ending a conversation must be mutual and I ain't done yet. I was at KKMC several times during my stay in Saudi and I never slept in any damned condo. I slept in a tent most of the time but I also slept in a field jacket or a poncho or both from time to time. It just depended on a good number of issues that tend to crop up in a fuckin' war. And King Fahd got plenty of sand all the time and when Saddam set the oil fields and wells on fire we stayed in relative darkness for weeks.

You say you're not afraid? I've run into shits like you forever. You can easily be brought to your kness and made to cry like a baby. You are nothing if not scared to death. Every word out of your mouth tells me that you are a coward that would never be welcome in any unit that I have ever served with. Oh yes, I've seen your miserable cowardly kind many times.

I repeat to you and defy you to find fault with anything concerning me. I am an American tried and true. I understand what I went to war for, all of them, and I understand what this country represents to me and all fellow worthy Americans. I don't consider capital criminals or repeated felons worthy Americans and I put you and those like you in that same category. Capiche?

Maybe you don't have puppet strings but I find it hard to believe that anyone could get that fuckin' stupid without drugs or outside assistance.


02-02-2011, 02:54 AM

02-03-2011, 02:41 AM


02-03-2011, 11:50 AM
Actually, marteen and lr, I think the pissing contest between me and the psuedo soldier is over. I hope so but I have his number, have already caught him in his lies, maybe saved him from going to jail, naw, he ain't gopnna listen to that, that would require more than 2 brain cells to rub together, pointed out the fallacy of his approaches and did it relatively peacefully. He's not much for a man, that's for certain and he would do well for himself to avoid any cagematch with this old man. I'll make him cry if I haven't already.


02-05-2011, 12:29 PM
Actually, marteen and lr, I think the pissing contest between me and the psuedo soldier is over. I hope so but I have his number, have already caught him in his lies, maybe saved him from going to jail, naw, he ain't gopnna listen to that, that would require more than 2 brain cells to rub together, pointed out the fallacy of his approaches and did it relatively peacefully. He's not much for a man, that's for certain and he would do well for himself to avoid any cagematch with this old man. I'll make him cry if I haven't already.


Yea, nothing like declaring the cage match is over while your MOUTH is in FULL THROTTLE POSISTION

02-05-2011, 07:13 PM
Yea, nothing like declaring the cage match is over while your MOUTH is in FULL THROTTLE POSISTION

Well, until you stepped back in with your mouthing and negging I believe this thread was dead as a doornail. Do you want to revive it? Do you want to join with me in organization to drown out and cover from the families the atrocious behavior of the WBC? No? I thought so. You may be offended that I and many like me have noticed an eerie quietness on the part of the right on the issue of the WBC. It is what it is whether there has been tacit or isolated condemnation or not.

Are you willing to show your disapproval of the bastards? Are you willing to organize in opposition against them? Apparently they aren't going to shut up so I think they need to be overwhelmingly counter pointed every where they protest. That is all I ever asked in this thread.


02-07-2011, 11:03 AM
This is a message board, asshole. Ending a conversation must be mutual and I ain't done yet. I was at KKMC several times during my stay in Saudi and I never slept in any damned condo. I slept in a tent most of the time but I also slept in a field jacket or a poncho or both from time to time. It just depended on a good number of issues that tend to crop up in a fuckin' war. And King Fahd got plenty of sand all the time and when Saddam set the oil fields and wells on fire we stayed in relative darkness for weeks.

You say you're not afraid? I've run into shits like you forever. You can easily be brought to your kness and made to cry like a baby. You are nothing if not scared to death. Every word out of your mouth tells me that you are a coward that would never be welcome in any unit that I have ever served with. Oh yes, I've seen your miserable cowardly kind many times.

I repeat to you and defy you to find fault with anything concerning me. I am an American tried and true. I understand what I went to war for, all of them, and I understand what this country represents to me and all fellow worthy Americans. I don't consider capital criminals or repeated felons worthy Americans and I put you and those like you in that same category. Capiche?

Maybe you don't have puppet strings but I find it hard to believe that anyone could get that fuckin' stupid without drugs or outside assistance.


Hey PB, from now on when you call me asshole, make sure and put KING in front of my title because I am the King of Assholes. Now to all the good people here who really do not know of the actual events of Desert Storm such as the Oil well fires you speak of. Once again, I say bullshit. The military was totally unprepared for such events to take place. I won't bother telling a lie like you did. There is no way you spent weeks in the oil well fires. While you are accurate on only one point, the darkness of the fire environment, you would not be alive if you spent weeks in that atmosphere. I spent 3 days in that shit and you could not tell daylight from dark. I hauled equipment and some vehicles in there and everything was soaked in oil. I was told to use my gas mask to breath with. That lasted about 5 minutes or so before the filters were saturated with oil residue. We could not even see how to escape the environment. The 818 truck I drove looked like it had been set on fire it was so black.

Breathing was truly difficult. the Army should have sent us in there with ventilators at the minimum much like firefighters use. I doubt your dumbass airforce ass ever saw the oil well fires because the AF had nothing to do with any of that to begin with. You can come on a board and thump your chest all you want, but from the numerous PMs I have gotten, arguing with you is like arguing with a brickbat. So I am declaring the argument over, you lose, because unlike you I can provide facts and pictures from my militarty docs and pic albums.

PB you are nothing short of a thoroughbred IDIOT who has no credibility anywhere you have ever posted. Get over yourself LOSER.

I am ready for a cage match anytime, anyplace, but you would be a NO-Show much like you were in Desert Storm, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Panama, WW1, WW2, Korea. You seem to be one of those individuals who can only pump themselves up by falsifying your past. Get over it, you are nothing but a LOSER. Just wear your title and well be proud of it. Signed KING ASSHOLE

02-07-2011, 11:27 PM
Hey PB, from now on when you call me asshole, make sure and put KING in front of my title because I am the King of Assholes. Now to all the good people here who really do not know of the actual events of Desert Storm such as the Oil well fires you speak of. Once again, I say bullshit. The military was totally unprepared for such events to take place. I won't bother telling a lie like you did. There is no way you spent weeks in the oil well fires. While you are accurate on only one point, the darkness of the fire environment, you would not be alive if you spent weeks in that atmosphere. I spent 3 days in that shit and you could not tell daylight from dark. I hauled equipment and some vehicles in there and everything was soaked in oil. I was told to use my gas mask to breath with. That lasted about 5 minutes or so before the filters were saturated with oil residue. We could not even see how to escape the environment. The 818 truck I drove looked like it had been set on fire it was so black.

Breathing was truly difficult. the Army should have sent us in there with ventilators at the minimum much like firefighters use. I doubt your dumbass airforce ass ever saw the oil well fires because the AF had nothing to do with any of that to begin with. You can come on a board and thump your chest all you want, but from the numerous PMs I have gotten, arguing with you is like arguing with a brickbat. So I am declaring the argument over, you lose, because unlike you I can provide facts and pictures from my militarty docs and pic albums.

PB you are nothing short of a thoroughbred IDIOT who has no credibility anywhere you have ever posted. Get over yourself LOSER.

I am ready for a cage match anytime, anyplace, but you would be a NO-Show much like you were in Desert Storm, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Panama, WW1, WW2, Korea. You seem to be one of those individuals who can only pump themselves up by falsifying your past. Get over it, you are nothing but a LOSER. Just wear your title and well be proud of it. Signed KING ASSHOLE

Lemme tell ya, assholewithadickinit, now I don't believe a word you say about Desert Storm. Anybody that was actually there knows the fields and wells were set afire in January, 1991 and the last one was put out in November, 1991. The smoke clouds affected the entire east coast of Saudi for all of that time and yes, Dhahran and King Fahd Airport remained often in relative darkness from the smoke. The smoke even went as far west as Riyhad and caused damage there. As you say we were totally unprepared for it but we improvised by using hankerchiefs or any clothes we could to breathe through as well as our chemical and biological face-masks that proved to be pretty much too hard to breath through and useless to us after a few hours. Moving Army equipment and lard-ass troops on and off the aircraft ain't no easy thing to do. When I left theatre in June the base was in relative darkness THAT DAY.

BTW, you say you were in country from September 27, 1990 to August 30, 1991. Were they punishing you or what? The 101st and 82nd were in country in August, September and October and out in March, April and May. I know. I took them in and sent them out. Your story just don't make any sense anymore. You're a fuckin' liar, assholewithadickinit.

Several of my guys are now drawing 100% VA pensions for respiratory problems as a result of oil smoke and service in the Gulf. So, any nitshit like you ain't gonna tell me anything about what went on over there with the fires and the smoke.

I feel sorry for you, assholewithadickinit. Anytime I see someone that has to exxagerate and embellish like you to make you feel like you're something is just pitiful to me. Talk to the VA. There may be something floating around in that empty assed head of yours that belongs to them.


02-08-2011, 06:18 AM
Moved to cage.

02-09-2011, 02:24 AM
Well, until you stepped back in with your mouthing and negging I believe this thread was dead as a doornail. Do you want to revive it? Do you want to join with me in organization to drown out and cover from the families the atrocious behavior of the WBC? No? I thought so. You may be offended that I and many like me have noticed an eerie quietness on the part of the right on the issue of the WBC. It is what it is whether there has been tacit or isolated condemnation or not.

Are you willing to show your disapproval of the bastards? Are you willing to organize in opposition against them? Apparently they aren't going to shut up so I think they need to be overwhelmingly counter pointed every where they protest. That is all I ever asked in this thread.


oh no, NO, I'm not going to condemn them. In fact, I fully support them. I hate homos and everything they stand for and try to push on us. I wish I could join them in their protest, and if anyone tried to stop us, I would meet them with cruelty and violence.

I'm also a raging racist, I hate women and want to see slavery of kids instituted. I mean, after all, I'm a conservative, right?

02-16-2011, 03:02 AM
Moved to cage.
What's the cage ??

02-16-2011, 03:05 AM
Lemme tell ya, assholewithadickinit, now I don't believe a word you say about Desert Storm. Anybody that was actually there knows the fields and wells were set afire in January, 1991 and the last one was put out in November, 1991. The smoke clouds affected the entire east coast of Saudi for all of that time and yes, Dhahran and King Fahd Airport remained often in relative darkness from the smoke. The smoke even went as far west as Riyhad and caused damage there. As you say we were totally unprepared for it but we improvised by using hankerchiefs or any clothes we could to breathe through as well as our chemical and biological face-masks that proved to be pretty much too hard to breath through and useless to us after a few hours. Moving Army equipment and lard-ass troops on and off the aircraft ain't no easy thing to do. When I left theatre in June the base was in relative darkness THAT DAY.

BTW, you say you were in country from September 27, 1990 to August 30, 1991. Were they punishing you or what? The 101st and 82nd were in country in August, September and October and out in March, April and May. I know. I took them in and sent them out. Your story just don't make any sense anymore. You're a fuckin' liar, assholewithadickinit.

Several of my guys are now drawing 100% VA pensions for respiratory problems as a result of oil smoke and service in the Gulf. So, any nitshit like you ain't gonna tell me anything about what went on over there with the fires and the smoke.

I feel sorry for you, assholewithadickinit. Anytime I see someone that has to exxagerate and embellish like you to make you feel like you're something is just pitiful to me. Talk to the VA. There may be something floating around in that empty assed head of yours that belongs to them.


I guess that got you to shut up