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View Full Version : Poll Shows 57% Do Not Buy Liberal Media Spin On Shooting

red states rule
01-12-2011, 04:58 AM
As with the Obama agenda, the people are buying what the liberal media is trying to sell them

Despite their nonstop efforts to score political points for the Dems, the voters are rejecting what has been thrown in their faces since minutes after the shooting

Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country's heated political rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.

In the wake of the shooting, much focus has been put on the harsh tone of politics in Washington and around the country, particularly after a contentious midterm election. Rhetoric and imagery from both Republicans and Democrats have included gun-related metaphors, but the majority of the country isn't connecting the shooting to politics.

The lone suspect in the attack, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, had expressed in recent years a deep-seated distrust of the government and personal animosity toward Giffords, according to evidence collected by authorities, YouTube videos he made and accounts from former acquaintances.

Overall, 57 percent of respondents said the harsh political tone had nothing to do with the shooting, compared to 32 percent who felt it did. Republicans were more likely to feel the two were unrelated - 69 percent said rhetoric was not to blame; 19 percent said it played a part. Democrats were more split on the issue - 49 percent saw no connection; 42 percent said there was.

Independents more closely reflected the overall breakdown - 56 percent said rhetoric had nothing to do with the attack; 33 percent felt it did.


01-12-2011, 07:36 AM
32% of people DO Buy that bullshit? Sad state of affairs in America. We're growing the number of fools, and the number of folks with common sense is dropping drastically.

01-12-2011, 09:47 AM
Amen to that D. Remember, if you repeat a lie often enough (and usually loud enough) people will apparently start to believe it.

01-12-2011, 11:04 AM
32% of people DO Buy that bullshit? Sad state of affairs in America. We're growing the number of fools, and the number of folks with common sense is dropping drastically.

There can't be that many stupid people running around the country.

....can there?

01-12-2011, 11:29 AM
There can't be that many stupid people running around the country.

....can there?Uhh you just don't live around them.... Your insulated from these type of morons!!!! I live 2 hours outside of Chicago and let me tell you there are a lot of them and the closer you get to a lrage city the worse it gets!!!!

01-12-2011, 12:57 PM
About the only good news to come out of this, is that where thirty years ago maybe 70% of people would have believed the media's spin, now only 32% do.

THAT'S what is truly driving the leftists nuts. They are no longer able to hide behind favorable coverage. People are pointing out the truth instead, more and more.... and all the leftists can do, is call it "hateful rhetoric".

I guess "hateful rhetoric" has a new definition now: It's rhetoric that the Left hates... but cannot refute.


01-12-2011, 03:12 PM
Their slanted views on almost everything is the reason their ratings are FAR below FOX.

red states rule
01-13-2011, 04:01 AM
There can't be that many stupid people running around the country.

....can there?

It is mostly Dems who buy what the liberal media is selling. They have nothing else to do now. Up until the shooting they have spent most of their time licking the wounds they suffered on November 2, 2010


01-13-2011, 10:00 AM

It's encouraging that no group is above 50% on the "yes" row. Even the Dems aren't buying it.

01-13-2011, 10:15 AM
It's encouraging that no group is above 50% on the "yes" row. Even the Dems aren't buying it.

Although the ones on this board are.

01-13-2011, 10:18 AM
Although the ones on this board are.

Still it's more evidence that they don't live in the real world. ;)

red states rule
01-14-2011, 04:56 AM

01-14-2011, 07:25 AM
It is mostly Dems who buy what the liberal media is selling. They have nothing else to do now. Up until the shooting they have spent most of their time licking the wounds they suffered on November 2, 2010


i am reminded of Mark Twain's quote "There are lies, damned lies and statistics." Not to say i don't appreciate their value, but statstics can undermine reason. For example, at the height of my media lust (2000), I was infatuated with election polls, and, foolish as it was, I was compelled to vote on certain candidates based on probability of success rather than position on issues. (BTW, it was mainly the primary, not general election)

01-14-2011, 07:40 AM
There can't be that many stupid people running around the country.

....can there?

please......what percentage of Americans are registered Democrats.....of course there are lots of stupid people running around the country.....sometimes they're even running the country.......

red states rule
01-15-2011, 07:21 AM
Another poll has come out with more bad news for the left and thier allies in the liberal media

January 14, 2011 - Few U.S. Voters Blame Guns, Rhetoric For Ariz. Shooting, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds

Saturday's shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, in which six people were killed, could not have been prevented, 40 percent of American voters say in a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. Another 23 percent blame the mental health system, while 15 percent say it was due to heated political rhetoric and 9 percent attribute the tragedy to lax gun control.

American voters say 52 - 41 percent that "heated political rhetoric drives unstable people to commit violence," the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. Liberals rather than conservatives are more responsible for such rhetoric, voters say 36 - 32 percent.


red states rule
01-15-2011, 09:50 AM
When the NY Times - the holy bible for liberals - says the attempt to blame Sara Palin/Tea Party for the AZ shooting backfired; you know it is pretty damn bad for the left

Immediately after the news broke, the air became thick with conjecture, speculation and innuendo. There was a giddy, almost punch-drunk excitement on the left. The prophecy had been fulfilled: “words have consequences.” And now, the right’s rhetorical chickens had finally come home to roost.

The dots were too close and the temptation to connect them too strong. The target was a Democratic congresswoman. There was the map of her district in the cross hairs. There were her own prescient worries about overheated rhetoric.

Within hours of the shooting, there was a full-fledged witch hunt to link the shooter to the right.

“I saw Goody Proctor with the devil! Oh, I mean Jared Lee Loughner! Yes him. With the devil!”

The only problem is that there was no evidence then, and even now, that overheated rhetoric from the right had anything to do with the shooting. (In fact, a couple of people who said they knew him have described him as either apolitical or “quite liberal.”) The picture emerging is of a sad and lonely soul slowly, and publicly, slipping into insanity.

I have written about violent rhetoric before, and I’m convinced that it’s poisonous to our politics, that the preponderance of it comes from the right, and that it has the potential to manifest in massacres like the one in Tucson.

But I also know that potential, possibility and even plausibility are not proof.

The American people know it, too. According to a USA Today/Gallup poll released Wednesday, 42 percent of those asked said that political rhetoric was not a factor at all in the shooting, 22 percent said that it was a minor factor and 20 percent said that it was a major factor. Furthermore, most agreed that focusing on conservative rhetoric as a link in the shooting was “not a legitimate point but mostly an attempt to use the tragedy to make conservatives look bad.” And nearly an equal number of people said that Republicans, the Tea Party and Democrats had all “gone too far in using inflammatory language” to criticize their opponents.

Great. So the left overreacts and overreaches and it only accomplishes two things: fostering sympathy for its opponents and nurturing a false equivalence within the body politic. Well done, Democrats.


red states rule
01-16-2011, 04:57 AM
Even in total defreat, liberals still can;t give up thier lame attempts to like Sara Palin to the shootings

Shields Asks Krauthammer 'Did Palin Unintentionally Make the Story About Herself and Not Tucson?'

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