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01-12-2011, 08:07 PM
as many of you know, I dont want kids. So I have scheduled a vasectomy for 1/27/11. but I have cancelled previous attempts out of fear, I mean this is my balls were talking about.

a little reassurance would be nice

especially since i dont want pain during the superbowl, that would blow, no pun intended

01-12-2011, 08:09 PM
as many of you know, I dont want kids. So I have scheduled a vasectomy for 1/27/11. but I have cancelled previous attempts out of fear, I mean this is my balls were talking about.

a little reassurance would be nice

especially since i dont want pain during the superbowl, that would blow, no pun intended

Martin a buddy of mine had it done and was back to work the next day Martin, he said it was no problem, just do exactly what the Doc says and you will be fine

01-12-2011, 08:28 PM
I had one. It was not a big deal, as I was water skiing in three days. JR

01-12-2011, 09:45 PM
as many of you know, I dont want kids. So I have scheduled a vasectomy for 1/27/11. but I have cancelled previous attempts out of fear, I mean this is my balls were talking about.

a little reassurance would be nice

especially since i dont want pain during the superbowl, that would blow, no pun intended

Martin, both my husbands had vasectomies ... and neither had problems because they did exactly what the doctor told them to do. You'll be fine and it's a good excuse to lay on the sofa and let your girlfriend take care of you during the Superbowl.

01-12-2011, 11:16 PM
Yeah, do what the doc tells you and it'll be fine.

A friend of mine decided he could go to work the next day, against the doctor's orders, and woke up the next morning with his nuts the size of grapefruit.

01-12-2011, 11:19 PM
Yeah, do what the doc tells you and it'll be fine.

A friend of mine decided he could go to work the next day, against the doctor's orders, and woke up the next morning with his nuts the size of grapefruit.

somehow I don't think that's what he meant by encouragement.....

01-12-2011, 11:37 PM
somehow I don't think that's what he meant by encouragement.....

I thought about that, but my friend certainly wouldn't have done it if he'd heard of the consequences.

01-13-2011, 10:06 AM
I'll give a you a first person account :)
The surgery is a minor thing. You'll hardly feel a thing. It's mostly in your head. What everyone has said about following doctor's orders is right on the money. You aren't to do anything after that surgery for about 3 days. The doc even told my wife to wait on me hand and foot :laugh:

Despite that, you can still run into some issues like I did. The doc never warned me about this, and I can't really blame him, but be very careful when you sleep. It's best to lay on your back or sides with a pillow between your legs to keep any pressure off of the area. The first night, I slept on my stomach in a sprawled out position. Woke up the next morning in a lot of pain, and developed a rock hard swelling in my "sack" that was bigger than my damn testicle. No joke. It put me out of commission for nearly 3 weeks.

Bottome line: the need for care for the first few days cannot be over emphasized!

With the scary part out of the way, here's a helpful tip:
After the Doc gives you the OK to engage in sexual activity, you will probably have some anxiety during your first "live fire exercise". It's best to do that alone in the shower before involving your wife :p

Lastly, once you're doing great in both mind and body, the sex will never be better. It made the whole damn thing worth while!

Happy :boom2:

01-13-2011, 12:29 PM

Mine went terrible. The anesthesia didn't work properly, they made an extra incision, they did nerve damage and I have had severe pain for 14 years. The pain is much less frequent these days but it will drop me to my knees when it hits me. Its like someone grabbing the right one with a pair of channel locks.

01-13-2011, 02:03 PM
^I think they have better procedures nowadays.

DO IT, I think it's the loving thing to do for your significant other. I think permanent techniques are more difficult/invasive for her than for you.

01-13-2011, 02:58 PM
Ok, I've got the best vasectomy story evah!

After my 3rd child, conceived one morning when I returned from working from midnight to 6am, before the ex went off to work and I was falling asleep, I insisted on him getting a vasectomy.

He did. No biggie, a bag of frozen peas was kept at the ready.

Fast forward 5 years later, in throes of divorce, with him 'engaged.'

His betrothed called me at my home, I am saying, "Look, I do not want to talk to you, talk to ex..." My friend is there, grabs the phone and says, "XXXX this is OOOOO, what is it you want? It's not YYYYY holding up procedures, it's the ex, claiming he doesn't want the divorce, ask him. Do you want children? HA, HA, he's had a vasectomy! What? You didn't know that???? LOL!" Call waiting goes off, my friend says, "Another call, do you want to hold?" "Yes!!!!" LOL!

Next time I'm in psychiatrist's office with my youngest, he's walking gingerly! :laugh2:

A couple days ago at 'tasting' for our daughter's wedding, it was pretty weird. The ex now has an 8 year old and a 5 year old, looks like they are now heading for divorce. Weirder, our daughter may well have a child in the next two years, making their uncles only a few years older than themselves.

Good times.

Abbey Marie
01-14-2011, 12:53 PM
Martin, I wouldn't worry about the procedure. But I would make really, really sure that you won't change your mind about kids someday. The person you love may decide she wants them, for one thing. Women are funny like that. Yes, vasectomies can be reversed, but there are no guarantees about things working right afterward.

I'll bet you most if not all of the people in this thread who have had it, or recommend it, already had kids before the operation.

01-14-2011, 03:34 PM
Martin, I wouldn't worry about the procedure. But I would make really, really sure that you won't change your mind about kids someday. The person you love may decide she wants them, for one thing. Women are funny like that. Yes, vasectomies can be reversed, but there are no guarantees about things working right afterward.

I'll bet you most if not all of the people in this thread who have had it, or recommend it, already had kids before the operation.
Yep, had 3 before getting snipped.

About women being funny like that: That is true as the day is long. It was actually my wife who all but insisted I get snipped because she did not want another baby after the 3rd. In her words: "I am DONE having babies!!"

Two years after the operation she gets remorseful because she "kinda wanted another baby"

01-14-2011, 11:52 PM
Just make sure they do not use dissolving stitches for the surface. If he tries, insist on regular ones.