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View Full Version : Wellstone Memorial 2.0

red states rule
01-15-2011, 07:31 AM
Leave it to Obama and the Dems to try and turn a memorial service into a political pep rally

and leave it to the liberal media to ignore it

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01-16-2011, 01:37 PM
So they gave out T-shirts?


01-16-2011, 04:15 PM
I thought of Wellstone when they said they were going to have a memorial too.

This one wasn't half as bad as his.

Wellstone's was a democratic political Circus, It was one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen.

red states rule
01-17-2011, 04:15 AM
So they gave out T-shirts?


Yes they did

You cannot have a pep rally without handing out freebies to the crowd

T - shirts with the usual Obama quote on it of course

red states rule
01-17-2011, 04:18 AM
I thought of Wellstone when they said they were going to have a memorial too.

This one wasn't half as bad as his.

Wellstone's was a democratic political Circus, It was one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen.

I have to give bama some credit. This was to be a memorial service and when he walked on stage the croud went nuts. Obama looked somewhat embarrassed.

I guess when liberals attend a memorial sevice or funeral they cheer, yell, scream. and applaud during the service.

Is there something about these events the rest of us are missing?

red states rule
01-17-2011, 05:46 AM
Rush's Morning Update sums it all up

We've seen all this before, folks. This is not the first violent attack in America instantly seized on by media liberals, bent on using national grief as a weapon to destroy their political enemies. We have seen the corrupt news reporting that substitutes speculative blame for fact-gathering.

We saw the feeding frenzy that transformed an innocent security guard, Richard Jewell, from a hero who tried to save lives, to a villain suspected of carrying out the 1996 Olympic bombing.

We've also seen the flip side -- how one of America's most notorious mass-murdering political terrorists -- Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber -- was wrapped in the mantle of insanity, after it was learned he was an Algore-reading, card-carrying member of the environmental fringe lunatic left. But unlike now, liberals didn't blame talk radio, or condemn right-wing political discourse; instead they openly wondered how a man with such a "deep social conscience" could become a mass murder.

We've also seen memorial services turned into political rallies before. In contrast, when Bill Clinton was using the Oklahoma City bombing memorial to blame me, the audience was respectfully somber -- unlike the Wellstone Memorial, where liberals booed Republican elected officials. As for the Arizona memorial, well... you saw it ("we thrive together").

We know the Arizona shooter didn't listen to talk radio, he wasn't in the Tea Party, was not a Palin fan. We know that liberals once again have distorted, lied, and conjured up fictional political motives to satisfy their own sick loathing of fellow Americans.

We know. We've seen it all before.
