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View Full Version : Want to cut Fed spending? Here are the programs you can choose from

01-25-2011, 05:56 PM

The above chart shows all the things the Federal govt spends money on, and the debt they created. If you're going to reduce spending, these are the programs you have available to you, to cut.

So, which of these budget items should we reduce or eliminate, to get to the balanced budget we'll need to prevent the National Debt from going any higher?

My suggestion: Start by reducing or eliminating the programs that are not authorized by the Constitution. Devolve them to the states if you like, or privatize them, or simply get rid of them, mix and match as you like.

If there is still excessive spending after you've done that, then move on to cutting the programs that ARE authorized to the Fed by the U.S. Constitution.

01-26-2011, 02:16 PM
Good info, But even some of the constitutional $$$ can be reduced IMO.

01-26-2011, 02:34 PM
Brain freeze, what exactly is "income security"? A fancy word for welfare?

Palin Rider
01-26-2011, 09:47 PM
If the GOP is serious about spending cuts, let them eliminate Social Security and Medicare for all registered Republicans. :laugh2:

01-27-2011, 08:07 AM
^Does that mean they get their "contributions" back?

01-27-2011, 08:26 AM
If the GOP is serious about spending cuts, let them eliminate Social Security and Medicare for all registered Republicans. :laugh2:

OH MY GOD would that be awesome. I don't want ANY return on the money they've stolen for me to date - Just allow me to STOP participating in the Ponzi scheme of Social Security. Do you understand how much BETTER OFF I'd be putting that money into private, personal 'security' for my old age?

01-27-2011, 09:50 AM
If the GOP is serious about spending cuts, let them eliminate Social Security and Medicare for all registered Republicans. :laugh2:

Tell ya what this is your battle cry for conservatives. When they STOP taking the money out of my check and give me what they already took I promise to NEVER ask them for a F***ing dime of social security money!!!!

Would YOU do the same!!!!!!!????????

Palin Rider
01-27-2011, 02:08 PM
Tell ya what this is your battle cry for conservatives. When they STOP taking the money out of my check and give me what they already took I promise to NEVER ask them for a F***ing dime of social security money!!!!

Would YOU do the same!!!!!!!????????

Sure, sounds fair to me. :thumb:

red states rule
01-27-2011, 02:09 PM
Don't worrry about it folks. Obama has a plan

In a bold move, the Sham Wow guy has been appointed to President Obama's cabinet to, as the President put it, "Clean up the toxic economic problems and absorb the mortgage crisis into the towel of good money management."

Giving his first press conference, the Sham Wow guy pulled no punches as he stated that the spills ahead of us were "formidable and large, but with all of our efforts we could clean the carpet of the economy and give America a fresh start."

Speaking into his trademark headset, he asked all citizens to call in their support and even pledge two payments of $19.95, then stated to the cheers of the press corps that he thought the problem could even be solved with only one payment of $19.95, but everyone had to "call now, as we can't do this all day." He added that his plan was based on an originally German business model, as "we all know that the Germans make good stuff."

The Sham Wow guy then impressed the press by spilling grape juice on a copy of the New York Times and cleaning it up so quickly and thoroughly that the front page photo of a shirtless President Obama was clearly visible again.

Defending his appointment, Obama said he had always been impressed with the straightforward style and from-the-hip approach of the Sham Wow Guy, and thought it was a real tribute to his talents that he has risen to the top of his profession of infomercial spokesman, especially with the less than traditional name of "Sham Wow Guy."
