View Full Version : More from Islam - "The Religion of Peace"

01-28-2011, 06:27 AM
Horrific video footage has emerged of Taliban insurgents stoning a couple to death for alleged adultery in northern Afghanistan.

Hundreds of villagers can be seen on the video standing around as the woman, Siddqa, is buried up to her waist in a four foot hole in the ground.

Two mullahs pass sentence before the crowd begins to throw rocks at her head and body as she desperately tries to crawl free.

But the 19-year-old collapses to the ground, covered in blood - but miraculously still alive.

At this point a Taliban fighter shoots her three times in the head with an AK-47The crowd can be heard shouting allahu akbar as she is killed.

Her lover, Khayyam, is then marched in front of the crowd with his hands tied behind his back.

He is blindfolded with his own tunic and crouches down close to the ground as he tried to protect his body from the stones.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1350945/Horrific-video-emerges-Taliban-fighters-stoning-couple-death-adultery.html#ixzz1CKRZuVih

red states rule
01-28-2011, 08:18 AM
Horrific video footage has emerged of Taliban insurgents stoning a couple to death for alleged adultery in northern Afghanistan.

Hundreds of villagers can be seen on the video standing around as the woman, Siddqa, is buried up to her waist in a four foot hole in the ground.

Two mullahs pass sentence before the crowd begins to throw rocks at her head and body as she desperately tries to crawl free.

But the 19-year-old collapses to the ground, covered in blood - but miraculously still alive.

At this point a Taliban fighter shoots her three times in the head with an AK-47The crowd can be heard shouting allahu akbar as she is killed.

Her lover, Khayyam, is then marched in front of the crowd with his hands tied behind his back.

He is blindfolded with his own tunic and crouches down close to the ground as he tried to protect his body from the stones.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1350945/Horrific-video-emerges-Taliban-fighters-stoning-couple-death-adultery.html#ixzz1CKRZuVih

What is so horrific about this video? This is a normal day for the religion of peace

It is amazing how the liberal media is ignoring this story - as well as all the liberal human rights groups

Where is the NOW gang on this poor women being murderd in the street by a bunch of blood thirsty thugs?

The man gunned down while the sheep look on - nothing new here either

Where is Abso and his usual spin?

01-28-2011, 09:01 AM
What is so horrific about this video? This is a normal day for the religion of peace

It is amazing how the liberal media is ignoring this story - as well as all the liberal human rights groups

Where is the NOW gang on this poor women being murderd in the street by a bunch of blood thirsty thugs?

The man gunned down while the sheep look on - nothing new here either

Where is Abso and his usual spin?

abso can't get online right now. The benevolent government of Egypt has shut off all access to the internet.

red states rule
01-28-2011, 09:06 AM
abso can't get online right now. The benevolent government of Egypt has shut off all access to the internet.

and I saw where they shut off cell phone service as well

I guess Obama is watching Egypt and taking notes for how to deal with any future problems that may arise

01-28-2011, 09:24 AM
and I saw where they shut off cell phone service as well

I guess Obama is watching Egypt and taking notes for how to deal with any future problems that may arise

That's why he wants that internet kill switch.

Egypt could go either way right now. Either democratic or theocratic. Just like with iran. There it was communist or theocratic. This could become the back breaking straw.

red states rule
01-28-2011, 09:27 AM
That's why he wants that internet kill switch.

Egypt could go either way right now. Either democratic or theocratic. Just like with iran. There it was communist or theocratic. This could become the back breaking straw.

It is strange not hearing the left and liberal media blast Egypt for cuttting off internet and cell phone service

With the way things are going for the left, the economy sagging, and our debt soaring - Obama and Company have to sitting back and watching, taking notes, and asking each other how to improve on the actions Egypt is taking

01-28-2011, 09:51 AM
Liberals follow the same course and don't make improvements. That's why they fail. Whatever mabarak does wrong they will do the same here. They will watch closely for what works.

01-28-2011, 10:47 AM
I've got to ask folks.
If a Republican was pres and there was an uprising in the U.S.,
do you think he might use similar tactics, shutting down internet, cell phones and military beat downs?
Or is it only something a democrat would consider?

01-28-2011, 03:59 PM
I've got to ask folks.
If a Republican was pres and there was an uprising in the U.S.,
do you think he might use similar tactics, shutting down internet, cell phones and military beat downs?
Or is it only something a democrat would consider?

Such an uprising would be caused by liberals going berserk. I think it would depend on if it was a conservative president or just a republican. He would have to suspend at least portions of the Constitution in order to do all that. I have no doubt the present administration would welcome the opportunity.

Abbey Marie
01-28-2011, 05:38 PM
What is so horrific about this video? This is a normal day for the religion of peace

It is amazing how the liberal media is ignoring this story - as well as all the liberal human rights groups

Where is the NOW gang on this poor women being murderd in the street by a bunch of blood thirsty thugs?

The man gunned down while the sheep look on - nothing new here either

Where is Abso and his usual spin?

Not really amazing- more like par for the course for the liberal media.

And as for NOW, it was never really about women; it was always about women who espoused and embodied NOW's liberal causes.

Here are a couple of the equations:
Liberal trumps female.
Black trumps everything.

red states rule
01-28-2011, 05:40 PM
Not really amazing- more like par for the course for the liberal media.

And as for NOW, it was never really about women; it was always about women who espoused and embodied NOW's liberal causes.

Here are a couple of the equations:
Liberal trumps female.
Black trumps everything.

and party trumps race

anything that advaces liberalism and incrases political power trumps everything else

red states rule
01-28-2011, 05:43 PM
I've got to ask folks.
If a Republican was pres and there was an uprising in the U.S.,
do you think he might use similar tactics, shutting down internet, cell phones and military beat downs?
Or is it only something a democrat would consider?

I see what happened in Chicago 1968. I see what happens during a G8 summit. Or in LA when a jury trial goes against what the keft demands

"No justice - no peace" tells you all you need to know about the left

Seems to me libs are the ones who riot and trash thier own cities. I do not see conservative protests turning violent

A conservative President would do what is needed to stop the violence. A liberal President would do the same AND so what they could to secure more power and shut down the opposition