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View Full Version : Highschool wrestling

01-31-2011, 08:17 PM
My oldest had a great season and last weekend went to sectionals with a 12-3 record.

He dislocated his shoulder and pinched a nerve in his wrist in his second match, took time out and finished the match with a loss. I knew he hurt his shoulder but he didn't come up and talk to us so I didn't realize the extent of his injury. It was only after his next loss that I found out about the dislocation.

I'm sure he knew that I would be against him wrestling again, if I knew he had already dislocated his shoulder. It was hard seeing him so emotional after his second loss and the end of his high school wrestling career.

He is still going to practice and helping the boys who've gone on to regionals, we may have 1 or 2 who go on to state!!!!!!!

02-01-2011, 12:05 AM
it's an emotional high......the wife's brother went to the Iowa State Championship as a heavy weight back in the 70s.....I believe he finished fifth.....my school was too small to hire a wrestling coach.....I think I would have preferred that to football if it were available.....wrestling was a big sport in Iowa, moreso than boy's basketball.......basketball was always considered a girl's game there.....my wife's grandmother was on the state championship basketball team in 1921.......