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View Full Version : WOW!! 36,000 Jobs Added In January

red states rule
02-04-2011, 01:19 PM
Damn, the Hope and Change Express continues to roll right along

With only 36,000 jobs added in the month of January - the Obama PR staff in the liberal media is trying to convice you the weather was the reason for another lousy jobs report

I guess they want us to believe it NEVER snowed in the month of January for any other US President

The jobless rate fell by four-tenths of a point in January to 9.0%, the best downward revision in the post-recession environment, but it didn’t actually mean that the economy added more jobs. The number of jobs added overall was only 36,000, which indicates that people are still fleeing the job market:

The unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 9.0 percent in January, while nonfarm payroll employment changed little (+36,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment rose in manufacturing and in retail trade but was down in construction and in transportation and warehousing. Employment in most other major industries changed little over the month.

The unemployment rate (9.0 percent) declined by 0.4 percentage point for the second month in a row. (See table A-1.) The number of unemployed persons decreased by about 600,000 in January to 13.9 million, while the labor force was unchanged. (Based on data adjusted for updated population controls. See table C.)

Frankly, this doesn’t make a lot of sense. If only 36,000 jobs were added and 600,000 people stopped being unemployed, then the labor force should show a significant contraction. The lower overall rate makes sense if 600,000 people left the workforce, but not if the workforce remained the same. Otherwise, we’d have to conclude that 36,000 jobs represents 0.4% of all employment in the US.

Looking at the A-6 table, which compares numbers January 2010 to January 2011 (not seasonally adjusted), we can see that the unemployment rate for those without disabilities has dropped from 10.4% to 9.7%. The number of non-disabled adults outside the work force has grown substantially in that period, from 62.8 million to 64.7 million. That far outstrips population growth and indicates that people are still leaving the work force in large numbers. In the A-16 table for the same period (not seasonally adjusted), the number of people outside the workforce has grown from 83.9 million to 86.2 million, again showing a large increase.

The topline rate number looks better, but it also looks increasingly irrelevant. The Department of Labor shows that the average monthly growth of jobs over the last 12 months has been 97,000, not enough to keep up with population growth. That’s the key measure, and it’s simply not getting any better, nor any more consistent.

Update: Reuters is disappointed … again:

Employment rose far less than expected in January, partly the result of severe snow storms that slammed large parts of the nation, but the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since April 2009.

Nonfarm payrolls grew just 36,000, the Labor Department said on Friday, far less than the 145,000 increase that economists had expected.

Guess what the Obama administration blames?

The government noted that severe weather could have affected construction payrolls, which dropped 32,000 last month. There were also large declines in the employment of couriers and messengers.


02-04-2011, 01:21 PM
obama is as effective at job creation as the west boro baptist church at public relations

red states rule
02-04-2011, 01:36 PM
At least the idiots of Westboro have the guts to stand up and admit what they are

Obama and his supporters are always looking for an excuse, a fall guy, or if all else fails - a lie to spin away another Obama failure

02-04-2011, 01:39 PM
you are a tear as usual my friend :clap:

red states rule
02-04-2011, 01:45 PM
you are a tear as usual my friend :clap:

I doubt if the like of PB or PR will touch this thread Martin

PB seems to be staying away from talking about the accomplishments of Obama

Yet he was always creating threads about the accomplishments of Pres Bush and any other Republican he could think of

Now like Bully - he seems to be bored with such topics - and has little to say about them

red states rule
02-06-2011, 12:05 PM
Since so many on the left and in the liberal media are trying to compare the Bamster with Ronald Reagan lets see how the liberal media "reported" a great jobs report under Reagan and the lousy jobs report under Obama

* Start with the headline. Reported employment growth was 269,000 (see bottom of third column). The Times creatively rounded down in its headline to 250,000. Since when does one round down to the nearest 50,000?
* Hershey seemed genuinely stunned by the "the continued surprisingly strong growth in employment." Why there was any element of surprise is a mystery to me. According to final figures from that era at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 1984 was the eighth consecutive month showing job growth of over 200,000, and the 12th in the past 13.
* In a fit of what looks to be wishful thinking, the Time reporter wrote that "the economic recovery that began in late 1982 is not yet running out of steam" -- as if it should have been, but for some reason wasn't.
* Hershey also alluded to "recent signs of (a) slowdown." Slowdown, schmodown. Final growth stats from that era indicate that first quarter 1984 growth was an annualized 8.0%; the second quarter came in at 7.1%. We could use that kind of "slowdown" right about now.
* And of course, great news couldn't be reported without citing a factor that might come along and ruin things. The growth in payrolls "was cited as likely to put additional upward pressure on interest rates." Although the Federal Reserve did raise its prime rate of interest shortly thereafter from 12% to 12.5%, by the end of the year the rate was down to 10.75%. Meanwhile, final figures indicate that the economy added over 2.3 million more jobs by year's end.

By contrast, as noted this morning (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), a pair of Associated Press reporters described a combination of a 0.4-point drop in the unemployment rate to 9.0% and the addition of 36,000 seasonally adjusted jobs in January 2011, the 19th post-recession month under President Obama, as "the latest sign that the economic recovery is picking up speed" and worked to create an impression of positive momentum: "But the swift decline in the rate could also lift confidence at a time when businesses and individuals are already spending more money, fueling more hiring and still-more spending."

As this graphic shows, through the first six quarters of the post-recession Reagan Era, the economy added over 4.2 million jobs (over 4.1 million in the private sector). In the first six post-recession quarters under Obama, pending possible future adjustments, the economy lot 264,000 jobs, while gaining a "whopping" 44,000 in the private sector. In Month 19, as illustrated in the post, the Reagan era's lead over the era of Obama lengthened by over 300,000 (363,000 vs. 36,000).

Almost a week before Hershey's employment report treatment appeared, William Serrin at the Times wrote a 1,761-word report on the difficulties the long-term unemployed were enduring ("Plight of Unemployed Goes Beyond Figures"). Extensive establishment press treatments such as like Serrin's have been very rare during the past two years. I wonder why?

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2011/02/06/nyt-250k-jobs-report-1984-surprisingly-strong-growth-despite-recent-sign#ixzz1DCPqWK5i