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View Full Version : GE Gets Waiver Over Greenhouse Gas Regulation

red states rule
02-04-2011, 04:18 PM
What a shocker!

The CEO of GE starts to work for Obama and GE gets a waiver on greenhouse gas emissions

Last month, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began regulating greenhouse gases from power plants and polluters for the first time. The new regulations stirred immediate controversy as critics predicted they would only slow down the nation’s economic recovery. Uncertainty in the agency’s regulations caused energy producers to stall plans for future operations in an already struggling economy.

“Finally we’ve got the rules that are beginning to require power companies to account for their global warming pollution,” Southern Environmental Law Center attorney Cale Jaffe said. “That’s a historic turn of events.”

But just one month later, the Obama administration has begun handing out exemptions from the rules, starting with a power plant project stocked with technology from the company whose boss now leads the president’s own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness — Jeffrey Immelt’s GE.
