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red states rule
02-05-2011, 10:11 AM
It looks like John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam - has his eyes on the Sec of State job

Question is will Obama offer him the job if Hillary wants to leave and take on Obama fir the job of President in 2012?

I guess it makes sense for Obama to make John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam - Sec of State. It would be harder for our enemies to build their bombs as they hold their sides laughing

AS EGYPT battles over its future, Senator John Kerry is negotiating his own.

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The Bay State’s senior senator is running an unofficial campaign to become the next secretary of state. For once, he looks artful, as well as ambitious.

His recent opinion piece in the New York Times said what President Obama couldn’t or wouldn’t: Mubarak must go.

Kerry’s conclusion was elegant, but unequivocal: “President Hosni Mubarak must accept that the stability of his country hinges on his willingness to step aside gracefully to make way for a new political structure.’’

Secretary of state is the spot Kerry wanted when Barack Obama won the presidency. He lost out to Hillary Clinton and Obama’s “team of rivals.’’ But his fallback position as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee provides a powerful platform to press his case.

For months, there has been speculation that Kerry will get the job he wants in an Obama second term. Clinton said publicly that she is not committed to the position beyond 2012. She also tamped down speculation that she wants to move to the Pentagon as secretary of defense.


02-05-2011, 10:54 AM
Out of curiosity, if you had your druthers, who would you pick for Sec. of State?

red states rule
02-05-2011, 11:00 AM
Out of curiosity, if you had your druthers, who would you pick for Sec. of State?

I have always liked Ralph Peters

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02-05-2011, 11:20 AM
Sounds like he is well suited for Sec. of Defense.

red states rule
02-05-2011, 11:23 AM
Sounds like he is well suited for Sec. of Defense.

These days we need a person with a strong military background to be BOTH Sec of Defense and State

02-05-2011, 07:11 PM
These days we need a person with a strong military background to be BOTH Sec of Defense and State

With this description Kerry's backers will say he is more than qualified for either position .... which scares the hell out of me.

red states rule
02-05-2011, 07:21 PM
With this description Kerry's backers will say he is more than qualified for either position .... which scares the hell out of me.

John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam - is only qualified to marry rich widows for the money; blow millions of a failed Presidential run; cheat on his taxes, and insult the voters for rejecting liberal policies

Since he has already done all those things he needs to just go away and stay away

02-05-2011, 07:24 PM
John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam - is only qualified to marry rich widows for the money; blow millions of a failed Presidential run; cheat on his taxes, and insult the voters for rejecting liberal policies

Since he has already done all those things he needs to just go away and stay away

I agree with last statement, however, the first paragraph would make him a perfect pick for the progressive liberals that will be making the decision on who will be next Sec of State.


red states rule
02-05-2011, 07:28 PM
I agree with last statement, however, the first paragraph would make him a perfect pick for the progressive liberals that will be making the decision on who will be next Sec of State.


It is strange to see liberals who hated the Viet Nam war - and hated those who served in Viet Nam rally around John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam

Here we have libs who spit on the troops returning home stand and cheer John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam

The same John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam - who smeared and insulted the men he served with

Libs will support anyone these days if it means winning an election

02-05-2011, 07:31 PM
It is strange to see liberals who hated the Viet Nam war - and hated those who served in Viet Nam rally around John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam

Here we have libs who spit on the troops returning home stand and cheer John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam

The same John Kerry - who served in Viet Nam - who smeared and insulted the men he served with

Libs will support anyone these days if it means winning an election

After all the research I did on Kerry when he ran for president, I can't believe anyone would consider him for this position. Oh, wait, the Aylinskyian movement wants worldwide chaos ... of course, he's perfect!

red states rule
02-05-2011, 07:34 PM
After all the research I did on Kerry when he ran for president, I can't believe anyone would consider him for this position. Oh, wait, the Aylinskyian movement wants worldwide chaos ... of course, he's perfect!

John Kery - who served in Viet Nam - has a "D" at the end of his name. that means he is good for at least 30 million votes

and the never ending support of the liberal media

02-05-2011, 07:46 PM
Bambam's gonna rename the position to Secretary of Surrender...on a positive note, we taxpayers won't have to spring for new hankies to be embroidered.

red states rule
02-06-2011, 07:29 AM
Bambam's gonna rename the position to Secretary of Surrender...on a positive note, we taxpayers won't have to spring for new hankies to be embroidered.

John Kerry - who served in Virt Nam - is very good at surrender and concession speechs. Ask George W Bush

Obama could teach him how to bow and he would represent the perfect Sec of State Obama style