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View Full Version : O’Reilly set for ‘most watched interview in history’

red states rule
02-05-2011, 02:54 PM
This has the making for a great interview, I wonder how many liberals will watch it, how many hard questions will be asked of the Chosen one, and can O'Reilly fluster Obama and cause a major gaffe?

Bill O’Reilly, never one held back by timidity, has made a prediction about his interview with President Obama ahead of the Super Bowl Sunday.

“This interview that I’m doing with the president on Sunday at 4:45 Eastern Time will be the most watched interview in history,” he told Fox News’s Jon Scott Friday. “More people will see this interview than any other interview that’s ever been done in the history of mankind, because immediately it will go out on the internet. It will go out everywhere in the world, and everybody will be checking it out. So this is no easy deal. This is something that the White House is taking seriously. I know that. And we certainly at FNC are taking it seriously.”

Were I the wagering kind, I might put my money behind O’Reilly. Last year’s Super Bowl, preceded by Katie Couric’s interview with the president, was the most-watched program ever, with 106 million viewers, TV Newser points out. And with the White House press corps complaining this week about a lack of access to the president in the midst of the Egypt crisis, O’Reilly has a good shot at making news.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/onmedia/0211/OReilly_set_for_most_watched_interview_in_history. html?showall

02-05-2011, 03:32 PM
I've seen O'Rielly back pedal before. I hope he won't but I expect he'll do mostly softball questions with a few semi hard ones thrown in to appear like he's going for the jugular. If he's too hard on him he won't get any more interviews. Gotta keep the ratings up and keep those dimocrats coming in for interviews.

red states rule
02-05-2011, 03:37 PM
I've seen O'Rielly back pedal before. I hope he won't but I expect he'll do mostly softball questions with a few semi hard ones thrown in to appear like he's going for the jugular. If he's too hard on him he won't get any more interviews. Gotta keep the ratings up and keep those dimocrats coming in for interviews.

The questions will be better then those asked by Chris "Thrill up my leg" Matthews

I hope Bill will n ot roll over for the Teleprompter In Chief

Lord knows Obama has given Bill plenty of ammo for hard questions over the last few days

02-05-2011, 03:46 PM
Oh yeah, the questions should be hard and many. But I suspect there was a deal made as to what questions are asked. We will get promises and rhetoric followed by campaign slogans and nothing more than that.

Not sure I will even watch it. I can't stand to even listen to him talk.

red states rule
02-05-2011, 03:49 PM
Oh yeah, the questions should be hard and many. But I suspect there was a deal made as to what questions are asked. We will get promises and rhetoric followed by campaign slogans and nothing more than that.

Not sure I will even watch it. I can't stand to even listen to him talk.

You do not have to listen to him Gaffer

Listen to Bill's questions then hit the MUTE button

Bill's facial expression will tell you if Obama is answering or spinning

Don't torture yourself

Mr. P
02-05-2011, 04:44 PM
15 mins of campaign time with a massive audience is how I see it...a waste. I'd rather see 15 more minutes of the commercials. I may be wrong

Abbey Marie
02-05-2011, 05:03 PM
I've seen O'Rielly back pedal before. I hope he won't but I expect he'll do mostly softball questions with a few semi hard ones thrown in to appear like he's going for the jugular. If he's too hard on him he won't get any more interviews. Gotta keep the ratings up and keep those dimocrats coming in for interviews.

I agree, Gaffer. O'Reilly loves those money-making ratings, and I think politics take a back seat to that.

Abbey Marie
02-05-2011, 05:04 PM
Oh yeah, the questions should be hard and many. But I suspect there was a deal made as to what questions are asked. We will get promises and rhetoric followed by campaign slogans and nothing more than that.

Not sure I will even watch it. I can't stand to even listen to him talk.

What he said.

red states rule
02-05-2011, 05:06 PM
I agree, Gaffer. O'Reilly loves those money-making ratings, and I think politics take a back seat to that.

What else is the purpose of having a show on Fox news? To make money for the company, to deliver ratings, and make a profit

I believe Bill has been #1 in his time-slot for about 5 YEARS now

That is no accident

02-05-2011, 06:20 PM
O'Rielly will most likely ask some hard questions, but obama is a master of rambling non-answers, and Bill will look disrespectful if he interupts as he is famous for doing. Remember B Bair of Fox who interviewed obama and interupted him during a long non-answer. The MSM and usual suspects whined about that for days.

I can't bear watching obama or listen to him speak, so I may read the transcript.

red states rule
02-05-2011, 06:23 PM
O'Rielly will most likely ask some hard questions, but obama is a master of rambling non-answers, and Bill will look disrespectful if he interupts as he is famous for doing. Remember B Bair of Fox who interviewed obama and interupted him during a long non-answer. The MSM and usual suspects whined about that for days.

I can't bear watching obama or listen to him speak, so I may read the transcript.

I have seen comments from libs on other sites saying they are shocked Obama is "lowering" himself to appear with O'Reilly and even more pissed Obama is on Fox News

Bottom line is, Obama is a desperate man and desperate people do desperate things