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View Full Version : Super Bowl Panhandler Problem Fixed With $500 Fine

02-06-2011, 02:35 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,,I just ruined my monior, my keyboard, holy moly, are they going to put these homeless people in jail if they can't pay up?!?!?!?!?!??! What a freaking joke. It just goes to show, everything is big in Texas and they have the biggest fools in the world organizing this Super Bowl Event.

Source: Mother Jones

By: Josh Harkin


On Sunday, James Jones, who spent much of the first 14 years of his life living in homeless shelters, will play in the Super Bowl. The Green Bay Packers' wide receiver has done a lot to raise the profile of homelessness through public appearances and his Love Jones 4 Kids Foundation, which helps homeless kids stay in school. But if you're expecting his made-for-Hollywood saga to provoke any national soul searching amidst all of the halftime hoopla this weekend, you're probably going to be disappointed. If anything, the big game at Cowboys Stadium in the Dallas-Forth Worth area is shaping up to be a textbook example of how the poor get the shaft.

In December, the Dallas City Council outlawed panhandling in the city's most prominent tourist areas, including several zones where big Super Bowl events are planned. For several weeks, the the city has been removing homeless people from the areas as it spruces them up for football fans. Anyone who sticks around to ask for handouts from all the high rollers and corporate junketers who'll be passing through could be fined up to $500.

"There's a certain sense of irony that you displace your own poor to welcome those who grew up in poverty," says Neil Donovan, the Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless. "It would be nice if we could make the city as welcome and accommodating to the persistently poor as we do for the wealthy.".................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................

More: http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/02/super-bowls-homeless-problem

Get's mighty cold in Dallas this time of year. Ain't nothin' like wut lil' groc'ries they got down to the city jail but it sure beats ramblin' though these Burger King trash cans.

Mr. James Jones of the Green Bay Packers is now one of my personal heroes. His heart is bigger than he is by a long shot.


02-06-2011, 10:36 AM
Great policy. If homeless need money they may want to consider - get this - getting a f'ing JOB. :)

red states rule
02-06-2011, 10:46 AM
Obama could end the homeless problem by having the Federal government order everyone to buy a house

This is the same principal applied to solving the health insurance crisis

02-06-2011, 10:52 AM
Panhandling should be illegal everywhere. There are plenty of governmental and NGO support programs that can and do provide assistance to the homeless/needy. If you've ever been to Vancouver, Canada, you know how detrimental to society and to tourism - which feeds a lot more people than panhandling does - through the creation of jobs. Furthermore, as study after study has shown, most panhandlers are scam artists that, once they've collected their daily wage, go get in their cars and drive to a home nicer than most working class people live in. I live in Vegas and panhandling here is so lucrative, it has become a regular job for many.

02-06-2011, 11:11 AM
I am as opposed as anyone here to panhandling. They make me mad, sick, really diappointed with them and maybe how they got in their predicament, and everything about panhandling is very much negative to me. My obseration and question is that we have them, no solution has ever in the history of society been found to "git rid" of them and fining is ridiculous as they'll never pay the fine and placing them in jail is like throwing the rabbit in the briar patch, especially this time of year.

You folks worry me sometimes.


02-06-2011, 11:19 AM
The only solution is something I think you may not understand PB.

"Personal Responsibility"

Big words, I know. Liberals probably have their computers set to translate those words into

"Society's Responsibility"

Homelessness is the business of those who are homeless. Leave them to their own devices; let them pull themselves up (watch Pursuit of Happiness) and fix their situation.

Jailing them is one punishment. Sure. I'd rather see people jailed for panhandling than somebody caught with a joint or 5.

02-06-2011, 11:32 AM
The only solution is something I think you may not understand PB.

"Personal Responsibility"

Big words, I know. Liberals probably have their computers set to translate those words into

"Society's Responsibility"

Homelessness is the business of those who are homeless. Leave them to their own devices; let them pull themselves up (watch Pursuit of Happiness) and fix their situation.

Jailing them is one punishment. Sure. I'd rather see people jailed for panhandling than somebody caught with a joint or 5.

dmp, you're missing the point and gist of the entire problem with proposed solutions and I agree with you about personal responsibility. Do you think someone that is reduced to begging on the streets or rifling through trash cans for something to eat, or trying to find a doorway with heat or conditioned air, depending on the season, coming under the door to sleep in front of has ANY self esteem left in their souls, much less any "personal responsibility" in the sense you and I might feel for the concept?

They are here, dmp, and a lot more of them than either of us will ever be willing to accept or believe reasonable as societal leftovers. Do I need to repeat the observation and question I asked above? I think a serious consideration this time would be nice.


02-06-2011, 11:35 AM
PB, your assertion makes no sense. If "policing" them does no good, why is it that panhandling is much worse in cities that allow it? It's because people realize in cities with strict enforcement, they're not going to last long.

Some may argue that panhandling doesn't hurt anybody, but that's not true. It hurts the individual conducting the panhandling, as it perpetuates their problem and "easy money" always has a detrimental affect on those that benefit from it. When you don't have to "work" for your income, then you tend to be irresponsible. Also, what about the poor family that is struggling, but has a heart and is naive, that gives some of their hard earned money that they could be using for their own family to a "homeless" person, because they "believe" that in doing so they're being helpful? Most of the time the person they assist probably have a better life than they do.

If one really wants to help the homeless, the best method is to go through an agency that they've researched and have found to truly provide assistance and isn't just a money making scam. Giving freebies to anybody is never a good idea, especially on a regular basis, as it does not foment personal responsibility.

From time to time I will give a dollar or two to a panhandler, but ever time I let the Holy Spirit discern whether I should or not. I know some here may think that's stupid, but my faith confirms to me that discernment is a gift that God provides to all of us that ask for it.

red states rule
02-06-2011, 11:37 AM
PB, your assertion makes no sense. If "policing" them does no good, why is it that panhandling is much worse in cities that allow it? It's because people realize in cities with strict enforcement, they're not going to last long.

Some may argue that panhandling doesn't hurt anybody, but that's not true. It hurts the individual conducting the panhandling, as it perpetuates their problem and "easy money" always has a detrimental affect on those that benefit from it. When you don't have to "work" for your income, then you tend to be irresponsible. Also, what about the poor family that is struggling, but has a heart and is naive, that give money they could be using for their own family to a "homeless" person because they "believe" that in doing so, they're being helpful. Most of the time the person they assist probably have a better life than they do.

If one really wants to help the homeless, the best method is to go through an agency that they've researched and have found to truly provide assistance and isn't just a money making scam. Giving freebies to anybody is never a good idea, especially on a regular basis, as it does not foment personal responsibility.

From time to time I will give a dollar or two to a panhandler, but ever time I let the Holy Spirit discern whether I should or not. I know some here may think that's stupid, but my faith confirms to me that discernment is a gift that God provides to all of us that ask for it.

PB seldom makes sense

In his next post he wil try to blame Bush for the problem and demand more "investments" to help solve the problem

After all, Obama inheritied the panhandler problem and he needs time to fix it

02-06-2011, 11:41 AM
dmp, you're missing the point and gist of the entire problem with proposed solutions and I agree with you about personal responsibility. Do you think someone that is reduced to begging on the streets or rifling through trash cans for something to eat, or trying to find a doorway with heat or conditioned air, depending on the season, coming under the door to sleep in front of has ANY self esteem left in their souls, much less any "personal responsibility" in the sense you and I might feel for the concept?

They are here, dmp, and a lot more of them than either of us will ever be willing to accept or believe reasonable as societal leftovers. Do I need to repeat the observation and question I asked above? I think a serious consideration this time would be nice.

PsychobluesMost "panhandlers" would never dig through the trash. Those that dig through the trash looking for food are typically the mentally ill. Those that are truly homeless due to economic circumstances are generally the ones that will seek out assistance through government and NGO agencies. Those that panhandle are typically addicts that shun personal responsibility or scam artists.

red states rule
02-06-2011, 11:46 AM
Most "panhandlers" would never dig through the trash. Those that dig through the trash looking for food are typically the mentally ill. Those that are truly homeless due to economic circumstances are generally the ones that will seek out assistance through government and NGO agencies. Those that panhandle are typically addicts that shun personal responsibility or scam artists.

Then why did compassionate liberals come out with a tip sheet called "Dumpster Dining" so the bums would get only the "best" when they went thru the trash?

A support organization for the homeless is giving out tips on how to dumpster-dive for food.

Dumpster-diving is an "important way for people to access food in Grandview-Woodlands," the Grandview-Woodlands Food Connection coalition says in a pamphlet funded in part by the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.

James Brooks agrees.

He gets most of his meals out of the garbage and says it's better than the free food at most shelters.

The sheer number of binners is the biggest challenge, Brooks said.

"There are just so many other binners that are out there," he said.

"You can turn around and have 10 people going down an alley."

Yesterday morning he got lucky, spotting a store worker throwing out a bag of day-old doughnuts. He also found a box of Pop-Tarts past their expiry date and two yogurt cups.

"You more or less have to smell-test it," Brooks said, stuffing the plastic cups into his vest pocket.

He once found a whole case of Kraft Dinner boxes, he said, apparently thrown out because they were past the expiry date.

"I can't figure out how hardened noodles have an expiry date," he said. "These are the types of things that are supposed to be put into your emergency bunkers."


02-06-2011, 11:49 AM
PB, your assertion makes no sense. If "policing" them does no good, why is it that panhandling is much worse in cities that allow it? It's because people realize in cities with strict enforcement, they're not going to last long.

Some may argue that panhandling doesn't hurt anybody, but that's not true. It hurts the individual conducting the panhandling, as it perpetuates their problem and "easy money" always has a detrimental affect on those that benefit from it. When you don't have to "work" for your income, then you tend to be irresponsible. Also, what about the poor family that is struggling, but has a heart and is naive, that gives some of their hard earned money that they could be using for their own family to a "homeless" person, because they "believe" that in doing so they're being helpful? Most of the time the person they assist probably have a better life than they do.

If one really wants to help the homeless, the best method is to go through an agency that they've researched and have found to truly provide assistance and isn't just a money making scam. Giving freebies to anybody is never a good idea, especially on a regular basis, as it does not foment personal responsibility.

From time to time I will give a dollar or two to a panhandler, but ever time I let the Holy Spirit discern whether I should or not. I know some here may think that's stupid, but my faith confirms to me that discernment is a gift that God provides to all of us that ask for it.

Holy Moly, tom, I think I agree with about everything you just said!!!!! You do make one assertion that I disagree with however. That panhandling is worse in cities that allow it and policing panhandling has any significant effect on them. No cop I know will put them in their squad cars and that's a fact and for reasons that you can use you own imaginations about.

When you place a few dollars into the hand of a panhandler with any belief that you have done the correct thing then your place in that gift is over and you are blessed for it regardless the circumstances or useage of the gift by the grifter. About all of your post indicates a strong, kind, reasonable and charitable person to me and I thank you.


02-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Then why did compassionate liberals come out with a tip sheet called "Dumpster Dining" so the bums would get only the "best" when they went thru the trash?Because they're idiots that never attempt to understand the crux of the problem and, instead, prefer to exacerbate the problem so as to help them further their ideology

Yes, call my cynical.

02-06-2011, 11:53 AM
Holy Moly, tom, I think I agree with about everything you just said!!!!! You do make one assertion that I disagree with however. That panhandling is worse in cities that allow it and policing panhandling has any significant effect on them. No cop I know will put them in their squad cars and that's a fact and for reasons that you can use you own imaginations about.

When you place a few dollars into the hand of a panhandler with any belief that you have done the correct thing then your place in that gift is over and you are blessed for it regardless the circumstances or useage of the gift by the grifter. About all of your post indicates a strong, kind, reasonable and charitable person to me and I thank you.

PsychobluesThank you PB. I'm glad we have found a piece of common ground. We'll just have to agree to disagree on enforcement. But even on that point, I don't think we're too far apart, I just don't want to continue that debate.

May your day be blessed.

red states rule
02-06-2011, 11:57 AM
Because they're idiots that never attempt to understand the crux of the problem and, instead, prefer to exacerbate the problem so as to help them further their ideology

Yes, call my cynical.

I would say you have a firm grasp on the obvious

02-06-2011, 12:12 PM
Thank you PB. I'm glad we have found a piece of common ground. We'll just have to agree to disagree on enforcement. But even on that point, I don't think we're too far apart, I just don't want to continue that debate.

May your day be blessed.

Not much here is actually a debate, tom, and I think that's a good thing. We do have one poster in here that is just angry, paranoid, fearmongering, very prejudiced, hateful and I don't know what all. He calls himself a debater, Not. I've had him on ignore for many years and I don't read anything he has to say but just recently I cleared my ignore list and I do read his bullshit when he is talking to or about me. I just don't respond to his idiocy.

Thanks again for your honesty and compassion. The Lord blesses you in ways you may never know. And I hope we find more common ground as just from what little reading I've done of your works I think you are a bright person and positive enough to the negotiation and discussion processes.


red states rule
02-06-2011, 12:19 PM
Not much here is actually a debate, tom, and I think that's a good thing. We do have one poster in here that constantly kicks my ass and has proven me to be a serial liar. I will not respond to his posts simply because I am a coward and would rather run away then be humiliated again by him

Thanks again for your honesty and compassion. The Lord blesses you in ways you may never know. Things between us will be fine until yiou disagree with me then I will attack you without mercy and call you a hate filled racist bastard


There you go PB I fixed it for you