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View Full Version : Palin: America Out Of Step With Reagan's Values

02-06-2011, 03:17 AM
Thank God! We couldn't stand much more of that.

Source: AP


SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) - America is on a "road to ruin" because of misguided policies in Washington and needs to get back in step with the values of Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin said at an event honoring the former president's legacy.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee delivered a stinging critique of Washington during her speech Friday, part of the national celebration marking the centennial of Reagan's birth on Feb. 6.

Revisiting themes familiar from her 2008 campaign, she said the nation was being shackled by high debt and taxes, dense government regulation and rising spending, often for programs that don't work. She said a rush toward green energy was overlooking the nation's oil and natural gas reserves, a choice that will cost jobs and drive up pump prices.

She blamed Washington leaders - an apparent reference to the Obama administration - for doing "everything in their power to stymie responsible domestic drilling.".................................................. .................................................. .........

More: http://apnews.excite.com/article/20110205/D9L6S1UG0.html

Another look at the real President Ronald Reagan that I agree with to a large degree:

Five Myths About Ronald Reagan's Legacy

Souce: Washington Post
by: Will Bunch
Feb. 4, 2011

Lot's of information to enjoy here, and possibly enlighten yourself as to the myths that time and political expedience have twisted into false beliefs about the Gipper.

Will Bunch is the author of Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future and a reporter for the Philadelphia Daily News. He contributed this article to Friday's Washington Post, "Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy," to refute these five misconceptions about Reagan:
1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.
2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.
3. Reagan was a hawk.
4. Reagan shrank the federal government.
5. Reagan was a conservative culture warrior.

Give it all a good read, it's worth it:


red states rule
02-06-2011, 07:49 AM
Were you sleeping off a massive binge during from 1981 - 1989 PB?

Ronald Reagan took the Carter economy and brought America back and restored her economy and honor. Do you remember the gas lines around the corner, double digit inflation, 18% home mortgage interest rates, near double digit unemployment, double digit prime interest rate - all during the Carter years PB?

Yes, PB Reagan was so unpopular he lost ONE STATE in his 1984 re-election bid. Damn, what a loser - winning only 49 states


The top marginal tax rate was a crippling 70% and Reagan was able to make Dems take it to 28% and what happened?

Revenues to the government DOUBLED in eight years

Yes, PB once again the attempt by you libs to rewrite history has failed.

BTW, you might want to get with the new WH talking points. In a feeble attempt to salvage the failing Obama administration they are trying to compare your guy Obama to Ronald Reagan.

You might want to read up on those talking points before you try and trash the most effective President we had in my lifetime

Any comment PB? Or will you ignore this brief US History lesson and act like none of these facts were brought to your attention?

02-06-2011, 03:28 PM
1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.
2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.
3. Reagan was a hawk.
4. Reagan shrank the federal government.
5. Reagan was a conservative culture warrior.

Reminds me of a PBS show the other night, Need to Know maybe. Anyway, the host was interviewing the director of a Reagan doc on HBO coming up and he tried to tease out that Reagan was the perfect shadow Manchurian candidate because he had worked for GE back starting in the 50's. I was laughing so hard I had to change the channel to find something credible on TV.

red states rule
02-06-2011, 03:34 PM
Reminds me of a PBS show the other night, Need to Know maybe. Anyway, the host was interviewing the director of a Reagan doc on HBO coming up and he tried to tease out that Reagan was the perfect shadow Manchurian candidate because he had worked for GE back starting in the 50's. I was laughing so hard I had to change the channel to find something credible on TV.

It is amazing how the left tries to rewrite history, ignores facts, and just tosses out their BS and hopes something sticks

The left has never forgiven Pres Reagan for destroying Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale in massive landslides

So what if Reagan won 49 states in 1984 that does not mean the voters rejected tax and spend liberalism being offered by Walter Mondale - correct?