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View Full Version : My View: Michelle Obama, butt out

02-07-2011, 06:16 PM
Michelle Obama should keep her fat butt out of our lives.
If she thinks she can force people to eat how SHE wants, she's a bigger fool than I thought.
Not to mention a hypocrite...."do as I say, not as I do".

Good luck getting kids and adults to eat what she wants.

Michelle Obama throws her weight behind campaign to get smaller (and healthier) portions for children at restaurants (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354567/Michelle-Obama-throws-weight-campaign-smaller-portions-children-restaurants.html#ixzz1DJUohwsX)

Michelle Obama has set her sights on the nation's restaurants in her fight against childhood obesity in America.

The First Lady wants them to serve smaller portions to youngsters and include vegetables, milk and apple slices - instead of fries and fizzy drinks.

Mrs Obama admits she loves unhealthy foods like burgers, ice cream and cake, but she is determined to end child obesity in a generation.

Restaurant Nutrition Draws Focus of First Lady (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/07/us/politics/07michelle.html?pagewanted=1)

WASHINGTON — After wrapping her arms around the retail giant Wal-Mart and trying to cajole food makers into producing nutrition labels that are easier to understand, Michelle Obama, the first lady and a healthy-eating advocate, has her sights set on a new target: the nation’s restaurants.

White House Super Bowl Menu: Salts, Fats, Sugars and Bipartisan Brews (http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/06/white-house-super-bowl-menu-salts-fats-sugars-and-bipartisan-brews/?src=twrhp)

When the government set out dietary guidelines last week advising Americans to cut back on salts, fats and sugars, perhaps one critical omission was whether the recommendations applied to semi-official national holidays.

And so it is, that many of the foods served Sunday at the White House’s Super Bowl party will be laden with the ingredients officials have shunned.

While the Pittsburgh Steelers take on the Green Bay Packers in the championship game, Jennifer Lopez and other guests will chow down on bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers, deep-dish pizza (Uno’s of Chicago, maybe?), buffalo wings, German potato salad, twice-baked potatoes, potato chips, pretzels, dip and a mystery salad.

Striking a bipartisan tone (although he’s a Steelers fan), President Obama will offer team-based brews. For the Packers fans, there’s Hinterland Pale Ale or Amber Ale, brewed in Wisconsin. On the other hand, Steelers fans can choose a Yuengling lager or light, brewed in Pennsylvania. For those whose teams were knocked out of the playoffs or never made it past the regular season, there’s the neutral brew — White House honey ale.

And though it’s 46 degrees outside, there’s ice cream.

Other critical details about the party — Will there be Terrible Towels? Will the president force Packers fans to listen to the Mike Tomlin song? — were not included in the White House’s release, which was relayed by a pool reporter.

But wait - there's more !!!
Looky what they served at the White House for the Superbowl last night:
White House Super Bowl Menu: Obama's Beer & Food Lineup (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/06/white-house-super-bowl-menu_n_819312.html)

The White House has released the menu for President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's Super Bowl party. The President, who recently said he has love for the Pittsburgh Steelers, invited Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony and elected leaders from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to the party. Scroll down to check out what the Obama's will be serving.

- Bratwurst
- Kielbasa
- Cheeseburgers
- Deep Dish Pizza
- Buffalo Wings
- German Potato Salad
- Twice Baked Potatoes
- Snyders Potato Chips and Pretzels
- Chips and Dips
- Salad
- Ice Cream

As for the beer selection, the AP writes:

President Barack Obama is turning again to fermented alcoholic beverages to find common ground between antagonists, this time fans of the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

For his Super Bowl party Sunday evening, Obama is offering Yuengling Lager and Light, brewed in Pennsylvania, and Hinterland Pale Ale and Amber Ale, all the way from Wisconsin. Independents can pour down some White House Honey Ale if they like.




02-07-2011, 07:17 PM
I don't have any issues with her promoting her agenda in general but when she starts pressuring private business to sign on and follow her guide lines, she's stepping over the line.

02-07-2011, 10:04 PM
I find no fault with the advise from the First Lady.


02-07-2011, 10:18 PM
That pic had some photoshop in it....not quite fair....

Here's one that's all real.

Left to right - Princess Letizia of Spain, French first lady Carla Bruni, AND, you guessed it.



02-07-2011, 10:30 PM
That pic had some photoshop in it....not quite fair....

Here's one that's all real.

Left to right - Princess Letizia of Spain, French first lady Carla Bruni, AND, you guessed it.


LOLI'll withhold my comment!:lol:

02-07-2011, 11:29 PM
Clearly I need to be follow European politics and their monarchies a bit more closely.

02-07-2011, 11:32 PM
True, that dress is not too flattering for the First Lady but her booty beats anything on them steps and that's a fact.


02-08-2011, 06:39 AM
sure it does...if somebody is into fat behinds. Whatever spanks your monkey is your business.

02-08-2011, 07:37 AM
sure it does...if somebody is into fat behinds. Whatever spanks your monkey is your business.

I have no idea of your experience, dmp, but ain't nothin' like it!!!!!


02-08-2011, 07:39 AM
That's why I don't enjoy a fat-bottom...right - there isn't anything like it - and there's nothing good from it.


I wanna be the only big-body in my bed.

02-08-2011, 08:03 AM
That's why I don't enjoy a fat-bottom...right - there isn't anything like it - and there's nothing good from it.


I wanna be the only big-body in my bed.

Isn't there a song about "Fat-Bottom Women Make The World Go 'Round"?

Are you into domineering or something, dmp? Most women I've ever slept with or now married have bigger bottoms and tits than me, I normally outweigh them by a few pounds but not overwhelmingly, and we're usually within 4" of the same height. I was never a large guy until I quit smoking. I picked up 50 pounds in about 2 months and it's all I can do to just hold it down to that level right now. I'm running about 205 to 210.

Oh, I just love pretty women with big pretty fat bottoms. I have no use whatsoever for any boney assed "Twiggy" looking women in my life.


02-08-2011, 08:17 AM
Nope. Just prefer petite. But...more than that, I prefer intimate, fun, and a certain physical/emotional/personality connection; even above my ideals on physical 'type'. I'm a big guy. My wife is a big girl (5'8", 130lbs). So she's not my 'ideal' - but I love her. That carries more weight - no pun intended.

It's pretty fucking stupid you went STRAIGHT to 'bondage' or 'domineering' when I mentioned my preference. It's that type of thing that makes you a bit of a laughing stock at times.

Isn't there a song about "Fat-Bottom Women Make The World Go 'Round"?

Are you into domineering or something, dmp? Most women I've ever slept with or now married have bigger bottoms and tits than me, I normally outweigh them by a few pounds but not overwhelmingly, and we're usually within 4" of the same height. I was never a large guy until I quit smoking. I picked up 50 pounds in about 2 months and it's all I can do to just hold it down to that level right now. I'm running about 205 to 210.

Oh, I just love pretty women with big pretty fat bottoms. I have no use whatsoever for any boney assed "Twiggy" looking women in my life.


02-08-2011, 08:46 AM
I find no fault with the advise from the First Lady.

PsychobluesThe fault lies not in "advice" but to attempt to set guidelines and legislate said advice.

If that happens it is no longer advice now is it!?!?!?!?!?

Here's a thought instead of legislating food, why not have new parents go through a parenting class about physical activity and their new child...

All my children are in sporting activities and they eat as much as they can and are all very fit and in excellent shape. It comes down to good food choices and exercise. Get out from infront of the freaking TV and video games... limit those activities and the kids will be better off...

Hell I'll go one further and say if your not in shape you should pay higher insurance premiums since after all obesity is a drain on our health care dollars...:poke:

02-08-2011, 08:54 AM
The fault lies not in "advice" but to attempt to set guidelines and legislate said advice.

If that happens it is no longer advice now is it!?!?!?!?!?

Here's a thought instead of legislating food, why not have new parents go through a parenting class about physical activity and their new child...

All my children are in sporting activities and they eat as much as they can and are all very fit and in excellent shape. It comes down to good food choices and exercise. Get out from infront of the freaking TV and video games... limit those activities and the kids will be better off...

Hell I'll go one further and say if your not in shape you should pay higher insurance premiums since after all obesity is a drain on our health care dollars...:poke:

The problem is, Nuke, all the education in the world won't make parents better. That idea assumes people will decide to do the right thing in the face of the easy-wrong. Easy wrong: Placate kids; giving the kid what makes them immediately happy. Easy wrong: Be your child's friend vs. their parent. Easy wrong: Claim ignorance when you feed your kid fast-food and the kid becomes obese.

Parents are only growing lazier as we become a more-'progressive' society.

02-08-2011, 09:01 AM
The problem is, Nuke, all the education in the world won't make parents better. That idea assumes people will decide to do the right thing in the face of the easy-wrong. Easy wrong: Placate kids; giving the kid what makes them immediately happy. Easy wrong: Be your child's friend vs. their parent. Easy wrong: Claim ignorance when you feed your kid fast-food and the kid becomes obese.

Parents are only growing lazier as we become a more-'progressive' society.
Doesn't that re-enforce the idea of a nanny state? If parents are not capable of doing the right thing, someone has to make the decision for them?

02-08-2011, 09:06 AM
Doesn't that re-enforce the idea of a nanny state? If parents are not capable of doing the right thing, someone has to make the decision for them?

doesn't what do that?

I'm saying parents don't do it. So, the kids suffer. Sucks the kids suffer, but I'd rather kids suffer at the hand of terrible parents than the gov't force ME to care for other people's kids. Make sense?

02-08-2011, 09:09 AM
doesn't what do that?

I'm saying parents don't do it. So, the kids suffer. Sucks the kids suffer, but I'd rather kids suffer at the hand of terrible parents than the gov't force ME to care for other people's kids. Make sense?

02-08-2011, 09:51 AM
Hell I'll go one further and say if your not in shape you should pay higher insurance premiums since after all obesity is a drain on our health care dollars...:poke:

It just wouldn't be right that they actually pay a monetary price for poor health now would it. Be fat but don't be subsidized.

02-08-2011, 09:51 AM
That pic had some photoshop in it....not quite fair....

Here's one that's all real.

Left to right - Princess Letizia of Spain, French first lady Carla Bruni, AND, you guessed it.



Gives new meaning to the term, gorilla in the room.

02-08-2011, 09:57 AM
Nope. Just prefer petite. But...more than that, I prefer intimate, fun, and a certain physical/emotional/personality connection; even above my ideals on physical 'type'. I'm a big guy. My wife is a big girl (5'8", 130lbs). So she's not my 'ideal' - but I love her. That carries more weight - no pun intended.

It's pretty fucking stupid you went STRAIGHT to 'bondage' or 'domineering' when I mentioned my preference. It's that type of thing that makes you a bit of a laughing stock at times.

I find many men that prefer "petite" yet are large themselves have serious self esteem issues. And they do enjoy the domineering and bondage sexual and day to day lifestyles whether with their wives and girlfriends or their "petite" partners as in the case of homosexual relationships. It all seems pretty weird to me.

5'8" 130 lbs. is hardly any "big girl" in my estimation, dmp.


02-08-2011, 10:04 AM
I find many men that prefer "petite" yet are large themselves have serious self esteem issues. And they do enjoy the domineering and bondage sexual and day to day lifestyle whether with their wives and girlfriends or their "petite" partners as in the case of homosexual relationships.

:rolleyes: The South Memphis Community College called, they want their Associates in Pseudosychosexualanalysis back.

02-08-2011, 10:08 AM
I find many men that prefer "petite" yet are large themselves have serious self esteem issues. And they do enjoy the domineering and bondage sexual and day to day lifestyles whether with their wives and girlfriends or their "petite" partners as in the case of homosexual relationships. It all seems pretty weird to me.

5'8" 130 lbs. is hardly any "big girl" in my estimation, dmp.


And I find your analysis to be fucking retarded. In fact, to steal a few lines from Billy Madison:

Psychoblues, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

02-08-2011, 10:17 AM
Holy shit, dmp. Are you taking all this personally? I thought we were talking about the first lady, and her butt and healthy food!!!!!!!! As far as I'm concerned YOU are the one making YOURSELF look like a fool.


02-08-2011, 10:21 AM
^^ more of your passive-aggressive bullshit, PB. That's what gets you negative rep. You insult and insinuate then sit back and play the victim.

02-08-2011, 10:40 AM
^^ more of your passive-aggressive bullshit, PB. That's what gets you negative rep. You insult and insinuate then sit back and play the victim.

I call it like I see it and it, dmp, but I did not in any way want to hurt your feelings. And the rep usually comes from people that are not involved in the conversation, they give some idiotic nothing to do with the post or the topic bullshit and make for certain that I know they are only doing it because they can. It tells me plenty about their juvenile minds if that's not too passive/aggressive for you.


:rolleyes: The South Memphis Community College called, they want their Associates in Pseudosychosexualanalysis back.

And I'm ready to give it back. It's getting me in trouble here.

Thanks, fj!


02-08-2011, 10:48 AM
I call it like I see it and it, dmp, but I did not in any way want to hurt your feelings. And the rep usually comes from people that are not involved in the conversation, they give some idiotic nothing to do with the post or the topic bullshit and make for certain that I know they are only doing it because they can. It tells me plenty about their juvenile minds if that's not too passive/aggressive for you.

You accuse me of sexual deviance and now are saying I'm the one taking it personal?

You're so full of shit I bet your eyes are brown.

02-08-2011, 10:58 AM
And I find your analysis to be fucking retarded. In fact, to steal a few lines from Billy Madison:
as it continues--

OK. A simple ''wrong''
would have done just fine, but...:laugh:

02-08-2011, 11:00 AM
there is no way Mrs. BHO is 5'8" and only weighs 130. My wife is very fit, is 5' and weighs 120. She's a LOT thinner than BHO's wife.

02-08-2011, 11:15 AM
there is no way Mrs. BHO is 5'8" and only weighs 130. My wife is very fit, is 5' and weighs 120. She's a LOT thinner than BHO's wife.

I believe dmp was describing his own wife, not Obama's.

In the interest of debate, what is more important: a healthy economy or a healthy populus?

02-08-2011, 11:17 AM
You accuse me of sexual deviance and now are saying I'm the one taking it personal?

You're so full of shit I bet your eyes are brown.

I have accused NO ONE of any sexual deviance and it is YOU that demonstrates clearly that you ARE taking the issue personally. You are a better man than that, dmp, I hope.


02-08-2011, 12:04 PM
I believe dmp was describing his own wife, not Obama's.

In the interest of debate, what is more important: a healthy economy or a healthy populus?I would say you can't have a healthy populous without a healthy economy; therefore, our focus should be on the economy.

02-08-2011, 12:52 PM
I have accused NO ONE of any sexual deviance and it is YOU that demonstrates clearly that you ARE taking the issue personally. You are a better man than that, dmp, I hope.


Hey liar:

Isn't there a song about "Fat-Bottom Women Make The World Go 'Round"?

Are you into domineering or something, dmp? Most women I've ever slept with or now married have bigger bottoms and tits than me, I normally outweigh them by a few pounds but not overwhelmingly, and we're usually within 4" of the same height. I was never a large guy until I quit smoking. I picked up 50 pounds in about 2 months and it's all I can do to just hold it down to that level right now. I'm running about 205 to 210.

Oh, I just love pretty women with big pretty fat bottoms. I have no use whatsoever for any boney assed "Twiggy" looking women in my life.


and then when I mentioned petite

[QUOTE=Psychoblues;462649]I find many men that prefer "petite" yet are large themselves have serious self esteem issues. And they do enjoy the domineering and bondage sexual and day to day lifestyles whether with their wives and girlfriends or their "petite" partners as in the case of homosexual relationships. It all seems pretty weird to me.

5'8" 130 lbs. is hardly any "big girl" in my estimation, dmp.


THAT is your passive-aggressive bullshit. It's that 'I'm ALMOST saying you are...but JUST at that line so I can claim innocence' shit

02-08-2011, 12:52 PM
I would say you can't have a healthy populous without a healthy economy; therefore, our focus should be on the economy.

I would argue that a healthy economy need not serve to increase the health of the people, as you can have a healthy economy without a healthy populus (look at China).

02-08-2011, 12:58 PM
I would argue that a healthy economy need not serve to increase the health of the people, as you can have a healthy economy without a healthy populus (look at China).Have you been to China? For the most part, they're very healthy. They're just not obese. Does one have to be obese these days to be considered healthy?

Look at every other country with a seriously ill populous (ill, not obese as obesity is a choice to a large extent), you'll see a poor nation.

02-08-2011, 01:00 PM
Attn: pb/ dmp

http://www.debatepolicy.com/forumdisplay.php?26-Steel-Cage :coffee:

02-08-2011, 01:07 PM
Hey liar:

and then when I mentioned petite


THAT is your passive-aggressive bullshit. It's that 'I'm ALMOST saying you are...but JUST at that line so I can claim innocence' shit

Boy o' boy. This has been bothering you all morning, hasn't it, dmp? You're just too full of youself. I have made no passive/aggressive remarks to you or anyone else. YOU may interpret my remarks that way and you are entitled to do that but I assure you I did not mean them the way you are taking them.

Just admit it. You know I have another problem here. A very serious one. You are scared to death to have to deal with it and now you're trying to put whatever you can off on me to deflect your responsibilities as an administrator on the other issue. I can live with it. Que Sera Sera


02-08-2011, 03:20 PM
You're kind of a dickhead, aren't you PB? At the very least you're sort of a douchebag. Why you choose that option is beyond my ability to reason. If i could ignore your posts, I would. My only problem is with the tripe you try to pass-off as 'reasonable discussion'.

02-08-2011, 03:36 PM
You're kind of a dickhead, aren't you PB? At the very least you're sort of a douchebag. Why you choose that option is beyond my ability to reason. If i could ignore your posts, I would. My only problem is with the tripe you try to pass-off as 'reasonable discussion'.

I have no clue as to why you did what you did, dmp, or do what you do. I have not accused you of anything or retreated or played any damned victim. You obviously remain terribly upset about something that was said this morning that you took the wrong way and I can't help that. You need to settle down, dmp. Nobody is out to "GIT 'CHA".


02-08-2011, 04:25 PM
I have no clue as to why you did what you did, dmp, or do what you do. I have not accused you of anything or retreated or played any damned victim. You obviously remain terribly upset about something that was said this morning that you took the wrong way and I can't help that. You need to settle down, dmp. Nobody is out to "GIT 'CHA".


No, I think he's as sick as I am of your lies, distortions and your pretense that you even understand half the things being discussed on this board in various threads with inane dribble and half baked thoughts. The lies you spout without batting an eyelid are so blatant it would make Clinton blush with shame.

When someone gets tired of your prolific asinine posts and puts forth the effort to corner you to shut your idiotic ass up, you pretend you didn't see it or claim you put that person on ignore.

You are single handedly destroying the board with your insanity.

As Eddie Murphy once said : Have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!


02-08-2011, 04:26 PM
Have you been to China? For the most part, they're very healthy. They're just not obese. Does one have to be obese these days to be considered healthy?

Look at every other country with a seriously ill populous (ill, not obese as obesity is a choice to a large extent), you'll see a poor nation.

Sorry I meant to reverse the clauses "Healthy populus w/o healthy economy" Thanks for the catch!
According to the world health organization (WHO), we have a ten fold per capita earnings ($44,070 vs $4660), spend 20 times as much per capita on healthcare ($6714, $342), and enjoy a mere 7% increase in healthy life expectancy (m/f: 67/71, 63/65).


I believe some degree of social justice is served by gov't promotion of healthy standards, less so by regulation. Now of course there is a difference in 'quality of life' from choices being available, but as you stated, obesity can and does result from these choices, and these choices are made possible by a robust economy -- from this I infer, favoring a healthy economy can be detrimental to the health of its people. I take issue with people pursuing their financial interests at the expense of another's health. Likewise, I have little pity for those who indulge their own bad habits and expect others to share the burden of their fate. But if I was forced to throw my hat in on one side, I'd take public health.

Mr. P
02-08-2011, 11:55 PM
I would say you can't have a healthy populous without a healthy economy; therefore, our focus should be on the economy.
Yeah, what he said..but it sort of a chicken/egg thing don't ya think?

02-09-2011, 02:55 AM
Yeah, what he said..but it sort of a chicken/egg thing don't ya think?

Sort of, yes. In a limited fashion.

If I butcher a chicken for sale in the market, I profit financially, but receive less eggs in the future. Likewise, by selling eggs from the nest, I receive a profit and less chicken futures. To this end, the premise of chicken or the eggs applies to healthcare or economy.
If the economy is robust, people are better able to care themselves; conversely, healthy people are better able to contribute to the economy.

Given perfect information, decisions would maximize both. The better the information, the greater the public good. However, the valuation of economic health is easier to quantify, as are the cause/effect from decisions; alternatively public health is less so. Economically speaking it is a far better use of time and resources to invest into proven results. As a result, economic interests tend to outweigh those of the public health.

I hate to belabor the obesity/diabetes ~ processed food correlation; but it seems poignant. Due to the difficulty in establishing cause and effect in health matters, skepticism abounds. Meanwhile, as a result from of service sector growth in developed economies, such foodstuffs are commonplace in our markets. Are these products profitable? They wouldn't be produced were they not. Has the health of our people increased with this increase in processed food??? I know, correlation isn't causation.

red states rule
02-09-2011, 03:50 AM
I have no clue

You nailed it PB

red states rule
02-09-2011, 03:52 AM
That pic had some photoshop in it....not quite fair....

Here's one that's all real.

Left to right - Princess Letizia of Spain, French first lady Carla Bruni, AND, you guessed it.



Looks like when Michelle goes swiming her swimsuit size is Tsunami.

red states rule
02-14-2011, 03:24 AM

02-14-2011, 03:49 AM
carrot sticks :laugh:

02-14-2011, 08:23 AM
Mrs. Obama has stepped over the line of just, advising.

I don't remember us voting for her as Co. President.

She is lobbing Congress for Billions of dollars for her "Pet" program.

And again, it's one of these...Do as I say, not as I do.

02-14-2011, 08:47 AM
I gotta say, bitchin' about Mrs. Obama's 'size' is sorta below the belt folks. She's not fat. She's larger than some, but smaller than probably 50% of women - hell, probably smaller than 75% of women in this oral-gratification-driven country.

02-14-2011, 10:03 AM
She is lobbing Congress for Billions of dollars for her "Pet" program.

She has every right to lobby Congress and you have to expect a FLOTUS to have some sort of agenda, no matter how stupid, when she gets up there.

Who remembers Mrs. Bill Clinton making a point of baking cookies when BJ was running? Now Mrs. BO is telling us those cookies are bad. :laugh: