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View Full Version : Muslim CEO Found Guilty of Beheading Wife in Honor Killing

red states rule
02-09-2011, 04:34 AM
The religion of peace strikes again

After a three-week trial and one hour of deliberations, an upstate New York jury on Monday found Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan guilty of second-degree murder for beheading his wife.

In February 2009, Hassan, who founded a TV network aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes, went to a police station in the Buffalo, New York, suburb of Orchard Park and told officers his wife was dead, police have said.

Aasiya Hassan had been decapitated, with prosecutor Paul Bonanno saying during opening arguments that the long knife used by her husband had left marks on his office's tile floor.

Hassan gave his own closing arguments Monday. Earlier in the trial, he had dismissed his attorney, Jeremy Schwartz, who by trial's end was acting as his legal adviser.

"Mr. Hassan has felt that throughout the tenure of his marriage, no one had listened to his side," Schwartz told reporters after the verdict. "It was important for him in the two hours that he had for summation to get across his side and how he saw his marriage."


02-09-2011, 05:15 AM
its tragic accident, but whats more tragic is that someone like you is waiting for such accidents to use them, you dont care who live or who dies, you just want to use such incidents as a reason to hate Islam more and make people hate it more.

i wonder how many wifes get killed by their christian husbands each year in USA... :rolleyes:

if we count the violence committed by people in each religion, we will find that christianity caused more violence than any other religion, that if you apply your theory that religions is what causes violence.

lets see a little number i have found...
14,000 wives are killed by husbands in Russia a year.

i wonder about the number in USA, is it higher or lower...

about numbers in USA:

Females accounted for 39% of the hospital emergency department visits for violence-related injuries in 1994 but 84% of the persons treated for injuries inflicted by intimates.

31,260 women were murdered by an intimate from 1976-1996.

Violence by an intimate partner accounts for about 21% of violent crime experienced by women and about 2 % of the violence experienced by men.

Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend each year to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners each year.

Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.

Violence is the reason stated for divorce in 22% of middle-class marriages.

Every year, domestic violence results in almost 100,000 days of hospitalizations, almost 30,000 emergency department visits, and almost 40,000 visits to a physician.

In 92% of all domestic violence incidents, crimes are committed by men against women.

In 2003, among all female murder victims in the U.S., 30% were slain by their husbands or boyfriends.

Family violence costs the nation from $5 to $10 billion annually in medical expenses, police and court costs, shelters and foster care, sick leave, absenteeism, and non-productivity.




red states rule
02-09-2011, 05:17 AM
Abso, what is very telling about this story is the guy started his own Muslim network after 9/11 to counter the "sterotype" that Muslims prone to violence

I would say he lived up all my expectations

02-09-2011, 05:41 AM
Abso, what is very telling about this story is the guy started his own Muslim network after 9/11 to counter the "sterotype" that Muslims prone to violence

I would say he lived up all my expectations

first of all i would also say that he didn't live up to my expectations as a good muslim or a good human.

but, i dont care what was his job, he could be an Imam but still kill, like a priest could molest a child, being a good man or saying that you are good doesn't mean that you are really good inside, and even good people sometimes do bad things, some people lose their temper, even i lose my temper sometimes, maybe i don't kill or even hit someone but losing temper has different levels, some lose it and say bad words and some hit people and som kill them.

what i care about is that its a fact that humans doesnt kill because of religion, even if they say so its clear enough that all religions doesn't like killing, you should be smart enough to know that, no religion can convince people to join it while at the same time it calls for destruction and killing.

all religions preaches to love and peace, with slight differences about some issues but the goal is always the same.

that man may had a good goal, to tell people that there are good muslims in the world and that muslims aren't all bad, but he couldn't live up to his words, he failed, but he isn't any different that any christian husband who shower his wife with words of love for years and then kill her oneday because of an argument.

you have to admit that violence exists within human nature, it doesnt have anything to do with religion, doesn't matter if the religion is violent or not, what matters is the human himself, how he was brought up and what values he has been taught.

as i have always told you, is that different people can have different concepts, some muslims may believe that their religion wants them to kill, but the majority believes that our religion is about peace not terrorism, the same for you, i am sure you dont approve of the actions of KKK while they were christians like yourself, you know that your religion doesn't approve of their actions, and i too know that Islam doesn't approve of 9/11 and anything like it.

let me ask you a simple question, if you converted to Islam today, will you be an evil man tomorrow or will you stay a nice honest man with just different religion ?

02-09-2011, 06:54 AM
abso, you are changing the subject.

Muslims kills people, very frequently, who a: Don't abide by their faith. b: insult their faith c: break rules of their faith.

That fact is indisputable. Christians - again as a group, like muslims - do NOT typically engage in that sort of behavior. Are you really trying to add up every death from 'a religion' though? You'd have NO idea over the course of history who killed whom and for why.

And frankly, even if you COULD the crusades of the Muslims against Christians and Jews probably puts 'muslims' ahead by several hundred thousand - millions? anyway. :)


Abso - read this. It's spot-on- emphasis mine.

hose who are animated by hostility to Islam will find in these cases further justification for their hatred, and the overwhelming majority of those who view the tradition favorably will rush to distinguish between what the faith “really teaches” and what is “just cultural,” as if that fine distinction will keep more women from being murdered.

The Muslim community needs to find the courage to seriously address the inevitable questions about the role of religion in these crimes, the extent to which Islam was a factor, the connection between domestic violence and traditional religious cultures, etc. Without raising such questions, more women, some of whose deaths could be prevented, are sure to die. And even if some of the people who really do raise these kinds of questions do not come from a place of earnest commitment to human rights and justice, it is not enough to cry “Islamaphobe” when such questions are raised.


02-09-2011, 07:44 AM
its tragic accident, but whats more tragic is that someone like you is waiting for such accidents to use them, you dont care who live or who dies, you just want to use such incidents as a reason to hate Islam more and make people hate it more.

Hi ABSO! The words ACCIDENT, (which this is clearly not), and incident, (which this is) as well as INTENTIONAL are not interchangeable.

i wonder how many wifes get killed by their christian husbands each year in USA... :rolleyes:

I see you have learned the "moral equivilence" argument that Liberal/Progressive termites use.

Muslims kill/murder in the name of Allah, where Christians have not done that fer hundreds of years. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!! Furthermore: a beheading is a very specific type of murder that is fairly rare.

if we count the violence committed by people in each religion, we will find that christianity caused more violence than any other religion, that if you apply your theory that religions is what causes violence.

lets see a little number i have found...
14,000 wives are killed by husbands in Russia a year.

i wonder about the number in USA, is it higher or lower...

about numbers in USA:

Females accounted for 39% of the hospital emergency department visits for violence-related injuries in 1994 but 84% of the persons treated for injuries inflicted by intimates.

31,260 women were murdered by an intimate from 1976-1996.

Violence by an intimate partner accounts for about 21% of violent crime experienced by women and about 2 % of the violence experienced by men.

Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend each year to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners each year.

Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.

Violence is the reason stated for divorce in 22% of middle-class marriages.

Every year, domestic violence results in almost 100,000 days of hospitalizations, almost 30,000 emergency department visits, and almost 40,000 visits to a physician.

In 92% of all domestic violence incidents, crimes are committed by men against women.

In 2003, among all female murder victims in the U.S., 30% were slain by their husbands or boyfriends.

Family violence costs the nation from $5 to $10 billion annually in medical expenses, police and court costs, shelters and foster care, sick leave, absenteeism, and non-productivity.




02-09-2011, 02:28 PM
Hi ABSO! The words ACCIDENT, (which this is clearly not), and incident, (which this is) as well as INTENTIONAL are not interchangeable.

excuse my english, as you should have known, its not my native tounge.

Muslims kill/murder in the name of Allah, where Christians have not done that fer hundreds of years. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!! Furthermore: a beheading is a very specific type of murder that is fairly rare.

then just a simple question, did that man kill his wife for Allah or just marriage problems ? :rolleyes:

why is it that everytime a muslim does something wrong then its always about his religion !!!!

02-09-2011, 02:43 PM
its tragic accident, but whats more tragic is that someone like you is waiting for such accidents to use them, you dont care who live or who dies, you just want to use such incidents as a reason to hate Islam more and make people hate it more.

i wonder how many wifes get killed by their christian husbands each year in USA... :rolleyes:

if we count the violence committed by people in each religion, we will find that christianity caused more violence than any other religion, that if you apply your theory that religions is what causes violence.

lets see a little number i have found...
14,000 wives are killed by husbands in Russia a year.

i wonder about the number in USA, is it higher or lower...

about numbers in USA:

Females accounted for 39% of the hospital emergency department visits for violence-related injuries in 1994 but 84% of the persons treated for injuries inflicted by intimates.

31,260 women were murdered by an intimate from 1976-1996.

Violence by an intimate partner accounts for about 21% of violent crime experienced by women and about 2 % of the violence experienced by men.

Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend each year to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners each year.

Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.

Violence is the reason stated for divorce in 22% of middle-class marriages.

Every year, domestic violence results in almost 100,000 days of hospitalizations, almost 30,000 emergency department visits, and almost 40,000 visits to a physician.

In 92% of all domestic violence incidents, crimes are committed by men against women.

In 2003, among all female murder victims in the U.S., 30% were slain by their husbands or boyfriends.

Family violence costs the nation from $5 to $10 billion annually in medical expenses, police and court costs, shelters and foster care, sick leave, absenteeism, and non-productivity.




GREAT, I DO hope YOU feel better, won't help the BEHEADED woman, but as long as you were able to spew the tried and true word of the Muslim world, were all happy for you.:slap:

NOTHING ever changes.:lame2:

02-09-2011, 02:45 PM
abso, you are changing the subject.

Muslims kills people, very frequently, who a: Don't abide by their faith. b: insult their faith c: break rules of their faith.

do you see me killing anyone who doesn't abide by my religion ?

do you see me killing anyone who insult my faith ?

do you see me killing anyone who break rules of my faith ?

how many muslims in the world ?

how many of them kill for the reasons you mentioned ?

how many muslims lives in christian countries ?

how many muslims lives peacefully without causing any trouble to anyone ?

how many muslims die yearly because hatred towards them that was caused by ideas like yours ?

how many innocent muslims in this world are hated and treated badly for 9/11 while they themselfs never had anything to do with it ?

how many christians just smiles and laughs when they see another christian bothering a muslim women just because she is wearing a veil ?


finally, what does Islam have to do with this topic in the first place !!!, where is it actually said that this man killed his wife because of his religion ?

is it always about religion when a muslim does something bad, and not about religion when christian does the same thing ?

02-09-2011, 02:55 PM
The religion of peace strikes again

I guess he didn't have to tell her twice. :laugh2:

02-09-2011, 02:57 PM
GREAT, I DO hope YOU feel better, won't help the BEHEADED woman, but as long as you were able to spew the tried and true word of the Muslim world, were all happy for you.:slap:

NOTHING ever changes.:lame2:

nothing will help a dead person, nothing we say can make the situation any better, its a tragedy.

but not just because a man killed his wife then Islam is at fault, the same happens in every religion.

if there is something that is not going to change, then its the hatred and misuderstanding you people have about Islam, you dont understand anything about it, yet you just repeat everything you read in the media.

i wonder how many of you have actually dealt with any muslims, not just read about them.

Abbey Marie
02-09-2011, 03:09 PM
its tragic accident, but whats more tragic is that someone like you is waiting for such accidents to use them, you dont care who live or who dies, you just want to use such incidents as a reason to hate Islam more and make people hate it more.

The beheading was an accident?!

02-09-2011, 03:17 PM
nothing will help a dead person, nothing we say can make the situation any better, its a tragedy.

but not just because a man killed his wife then Islam is at fault, the same happens in every religion.

if there is something that is not going to change, then its the hatred and misuderstanding you people have about Islam, you dont understand anything about it, yet you just repeat everything you read in the media.

i wonder how many of you have actually dealt with any muslims, not just read about them.

I've dealt with them first hand on their turf, have you? You make it sound like you have, so tell us about your experience and I will share mine with you.

02-09-2011, 03:30 PM
The beheading was an accident?!

i didnt mean it the way you understood it, cant anyone here recognize that english isnt my native language !!!!!!!!!

i sometimes forget that accident means that something happened by chance not by intention, so sometimes i call a crime as an accident, so excuse me. :rolleyes:

I've dealt with them first hand on their turf, have you? You make it sound like you have, so tell us about your experience and I will share mine with you.

my experience with Islam ?

nearly none, just 21 years of being a muslim living in a muslim community :laugh:

02-09-2011, 03:39 PM
my experience with Islam ?

nearly none, just 21 years of being a muslim living in a muslim community :laugh:

Good, then you can understand why we don't like you. Your prophet was a pedophile, you do not give equal rights to women, you believe that all infidels should be converted or killed, you think martyrdom is great and don't care if you kill innocents in the process. Should I continue?

02-09-2011, 04:04 PM
Good, then you can understand why we don't like you. Your prophet was a pedophile, you do not give equal rights to women, you believe that all infidels should be converted or killed, you think martyrdom is great and don't care if you kill innocents in the process. Should I continue?

since you are actually new to having converstations with me then let me just tell you some little facts about ME.

- I give equal rights to women and i respect them and i treat them better than you can imagine.

- I never believe in killing anyone for his faith, i dont believe in killing infidels or making them convert, neither does my religion.

- I only think martyrdom is great if it was for a right cause and if it was against armed soliders only, i am strongly against any innocent killing, i never support killing any innocent human being, be it israelian or american or arabian.

should i continue ?

02-09-2011, 04:30 PM
should i continue ?

I can't imagine it would do any good.

02-09-2011, 04:45 PM
I can't imagine it would do any good.

neither do i, i will be labled as a terrorist for my whole life just because people like him are too lazy to use their brain to think a little about what they read.

02-09-2011, 06:27 PM
neither do i, i will be labled as a terrorist for my whole life just because people like him are too lazy to use their brain to think a little about what they read.

No, you will be labelled a terrorist by me and others because you support the killing of Soldiers by homicide bombers who, by the way, don't care if they kill women or children.

Abbey Marie
02-09-2011, 06:47 PM
i didnt mean it the way you understood it, cant anyone here recognize that english isnt my native language !!!!!!!!!

i sometimes forget that accident means that something happened by chance not by intention, so sometimes i call a crime as an accident, so excuse me. :rolleyes:

Got it, thanks. You meant "incidents".

02-09-2011, 07:27 PM
No, you will be labelled a terrorist by me and others because you support the killing of Soldiers by homicide bombers who, by the way, don't care if they kill women or children.

if they dont care then they are the terrorists not me, but I do care if they kill women or children, because in my faith, there is no place for killing innocent people, even it will enable me to win a whole war, i won't make the decision of killing a single child, i prefer sacrificing millions of soliders than killing a single innocent child, it may be foolish, but that's my faith and beliefs.

when did i say that i support suicide bombers ???

i said i support martyrdom for a good cause, but you have a wrong understanding for the word martyr, a martyr is the one who die in defence of himself or his family or his country or his money or his land, but someone who blows himself up and kill innocents isn't a martyr, he is a criminal.

and in Islam, suicide isn't allowed, even if its a suicide bomber who take only soliders with him, its not allowed, any suicider is not considered a muslim, in the Islamic religion to kill yourself is the same as getting out of Islamic religion, suicide bombers think that they are not commiting the sin of killing themselfs because they are in war, but that's wrong, to go to war, means you have a chance to live or die, you don't just decide that you are going to die, that is only known to GOD, but to bomb yourself intentionally, and to decide the date of your death, that is suicide, be it with a bomb or a bullet, its the same, i don't consider suicide bombers as muslims, they have lost their faith in GOD, and have killed themselfs.

so about suicide bombers, i dont support them, but about people who carry guns and defend their land, no matter what their nationality are, i support them provided that they don't kill or endanger innocent lifes in anyway during their struggle for freedom.

Got it, thanks. You meant "incidents".

yup, that's the one, excuse my very poor english :salute:

Abbey Marie
02-09-2011, 07:38 PM
yup, that's the one, excuse my very poor english :salute:

It's worlds better than my Arabic. :cool:

02-09-2011, 10:45 PM
excuse my english, as you should have known, its not my native tounge.

then just a simple question, did that man kill his wife for Allah or just marriage problems ? :rolleyes:

why is it that everytime a muslim does something wrong then its always about his religion !!!!

Because of the very violent nature of submission, (Islam). It has been that way since Muhammed's time.

red states rule
02-10-2011, 02:28 AM
GREAT, I DO hope YOU feel better, won't help the BEHEADED woman, but as long as you were able to spew the tried and true word of the Muslim world, were all happy for you.:slap:

NOTHING ever changes.:lame2:

I am sure there are plenty of stories about American Christains who behead their wives when they dishonor their husband

Give me time I am sure I find at least one to post to balance things out

The beheading was an accident?!

Perhaps he really intended to stone her to death but he could not find eneough rocks?

The excuses Abso offers are as weak as the defense offered by Mr Hassan

02-10-2011, 03:38 AM
I am sure there are plenty of stories about American Christains who behead their wives when they dishonor their husband

Give me time I am sure I find at least one to post to balance things out

where is it actally said in the article that the killing was for honour ?, he was a man angry because his wife was trying to divorce him, is that anger related to religion ?

its just about his personality, do you see all muslims killing their wifes when they try to get divorce ?

Perhaps he really intended to stone her to death but he could not find eneough rocks?

The excuses Abso offers are as weak as the defense offered by Mr Hassan

i am not offering an excuses, i am not defending the man, in my opinion, he should be sentenced to death, i don't know what will be the judgement, but i guess that second degree murder will not have death penalty as its punishment, if i am right, then its a wrong sentence, because that man should be sentenced to death.

what i am saying is that Islam has nothing to do with that crime, he was a man who got angry and couldn't handle it, he was angry at his wife because of the divorce, wha does that have to do with Islam !!!

red states rule
02-10-2011, 03:42 AM
where is it actally said in the article that the killing was for honour ?, he was a man angry because his wife was trying to divorce him, is that anger related to religion ?

its just about his personality, do you see all muslims killing their wifes when they try to get divorce ?

In his mind his "honor" was at stake because the wife wanted out of the marriage

Yea Abso I am sure it was an "accident" as you previously posted

The poor man just happened to have a huge knife in his hand, was in a place he did not mean to be, and he tripped

i am not offering an excuses, i am not defending the man, in my opinion, he should be sentenced to death, i don't know what will be the judgement, but i guess that second degree murder will not have death penalty as its punishment, if i am right, then its a wrong sentence, because that man should be sentenced to death.

what i am saying is that Islam has nothing to do with that crime, he was a man who got angry and couldn't handle it, he was angry at his wife because of the divorce, wha does that have to do with Islam !!!

Abso, all you have done since you have been here is make excuses for the conduct of Muslims

With all due respect, you remind me of the war criminals who made excuses for the slaughter of 6 million Jews.

Well someone else did it, other told me to do it, I was just obeying orders, it was what was best for the nation, and I was there but I did not know what was going on

02-10-2011, 03:47 AM
Because of the very violent nature of submission, (Islam). It has been that way since Muhammed's time.

and who said tht the Islam has a violent nature, have you ever studied Islam or known what its about, not just because you read about it in some sources that say its violent then its so.

if you have any evidence then show it to me, and i am not talking about incidents or attacks done by muslims, what a muslim does in his life may or may not have anything to do with the teachings of Islam, we are not all saints that abide by our faith, we all commit sins.

so if you have anything within the teachings of Islam that you think is making muslims more violent, then present it to me and see if i have a reply, but for you to decide yourself without giving any muslim the chance to defend his religion, that would be injust.

red states rule
02-10-2011, 03:49 AM
and who said tht the Islam has a violent nature, have you ever studied Islam or known what its about, not just because you read about it in some sources that say its violent then its so.

if you have any evidence then show it to me, and i am not talking about incidents or attacks done by muslims, what a muslim does in his life may or may not have anything to do with the teachings of Islam, we are not all saints that abide by our faith, we all commit sins.

so if you have anything within the teachings of Islam that you think is making muslims more violent, then present it to me and see if i have a reply, but for you to decide yourself without giving any muslim the chance to defend his religion, that would be injust.

Lets see, Abso

I have seen Mislims riot in the streets and murder people over cartoons, the fake story about the Loran being flushed down a toilet, and op-eds about the violence of Muslims

Is this violence or just a normal day for Muslims?

02-10-2011, 08:50 AM
Lets see, Abso

I have seen Mislims riot in the streets and murder people over cartoons, the fake story about the Loran being flushed down a toilet, and op-eds about the violence of Muslims

Is this violence or just a normal day for Muslims?

was i speaking about muslims or Islam ?

are you christian or jew ?

either way your religion forbid sex before marriage, so can you honestly say to me that you didn't have any sex before you married ?

not just because muslims have a wrong idea or does something wrong then its about Islam.

as i have already said, if you yourself became a muslim today, you wont riot and you wont kill and you wont cheat and you wont lie tomorrow, you will just still be the same man you used to be just with a different religion, the religion doesn't change your personality, i am a muslim and i never insulted anyone who insulted my religion, and i never hurt anyone for my religion and i would never do that, my religion doesn't ask me to do that.

and i have never made excuses for people, i am here to defend my religion not its people, there are muslims in every nation, ameria, germany, france, UK, bangladish, china, russia, japan, malysia, afghanistan, pakistan, saudia, egypt and so on, each country have different traditions, do you think that i am here to defend the actions of any muslim around the world !!!!!!!!!!!

i am not GOD, and i am not responsible for their actions, i dont have to make excuses for them, but i am muslim, so my obligation lies only in defending my religion, not the actions of its followers, a muslim man can kill, rape, steal, cheat and lie, that doesn't mean his religions tells him to do so.

you have very wrong ideas, you just use any action that any muslim does to justify your hatred towards Islam, a hatred that you try to spread around you instead of spreading tolerance, i think that you are no different than any muslim who hate the west.

so when that muslim man kills his wife because she want divorce, you call t honor killing, and its because he is a muslim, then what about christians who kill their wifes because she ask for divorce, i am sure that happens sometimes in america, that some christian men may kill their wife when she ask for divorce.

you have no justice at all in your judgements, when you see muslim do something wrong, you assume its Islam, but when a christian does exactly the same thing under the same circumstances, you just say that he is a criminal.

the real problem here is that most of the board either agree with you or ignore the topic, none has the guts to post and say that this has nothing to do with Islam and its not a religious act, they all just show up when they want to attack Islam, but when they see you attacking Islam for no good reason they just ignore the topic and wait for a good reason to join you.

i am sorry to say that, but most of the people around here are just cowards and one sided in their views, its rare to find someone here that has the guts to step up and stand for whats right even if its against his feelings.

It's worlds better than my Arabic. :cool:

do you speak any arabic ? ;)

02-10-2011, 11:03 AM
this is just another honor killing. premeditated murder. he should be put to death

02-10-2011, 11:23 AM
this is just another honor killing. premeditated murder. he should be put to death

do you even understand what does "Honor killing" mean ? :rolleyes:

by the way, i would like to say that since everyone here knows nothing about Islam more than what they read in the media then let me tell you that:

- Honor killing is a tradition not a religious act, there is nothing in the Islamic religion called Honor killing.

later today i will explain what is an honor killing, but what i can say now is that it has nothing to do at all with that crime we are discussing.

02-10-2011, 12:03 PM
do you even understand what does "Honor killing" mean ? :rolleyes:

by the way, i would like to say that since everyone here knows nothing about Islam more than what they read in the media then let me tell you that:

- Honor killing is a tradition not a religious act, there is nothing in the Islamic religion called Honor killing.

later today i will explain what is an honor killing, but what i can say now is that it has nothing to do at all with that crime we are discussing.

Honor killing is a tradition not a religious act

so its traditional to kill someone. well glad we got this straightened out. here we call that murder. 1st degree. we don't care if its an old family tradition or religious. got it??? in your country and the entire ME murdering is a tradition. killing is murder. its the difference between your culture and ours. its the reason you are looked upon here with disgust.
this idiot Muslim should be put to death immediately. in my opinion without a trial.
"Honor killing" is why your family members are fleeing for they're lives. every Muslim male should be castrated !!!! so shove your traditional values straight up your ass !!!!

02-10-2011, 02:21 PM
Good, then you can understand why we don't like you. Your prophet was a pedophile, you do not give equal rights to women, you believe that all infidels should be converted or killed, you think martyrdom is great and don't care if you kill innocents in the process. Should I continue?

PLEASE, feel free, nobody likes a roasting like me, and your well on your way to frying this ------------.:salute:

02-10-2011, 02:50 PM
do you even understand what does "Honor killing" mean ? :rolleyes:

by the way, i would like to say that since everyone here knows nothing about Islam more than what they read in the media then let me tell you that:

- Honor killing is a tradition not a religious act, there is nothing in the Islamic religion called Honor killing.

later today i will explain what is an honor killing, but what i can say now is that it has nothing to do at all with that crime we are discussing.

Having the family over for the holidays is a tradition. Cutting off someones head is murder. Doing it to multiple people is mass murder. You don't need to come back later and spin this one.

02-10-2011, 03:09 PM
so its traditional to kill someone. well glad we got this straightened out. here we call that murder. 1st degree. we don't care if its an old family tradition or religious. got it??? in your country and the entire ME murdering is a tradition. killing is murder. its the difference between your culture and ours. its the reason you are looked upon here with disgust.
this idiot Muslim should be put to death immediately. in my opinion without a trial.
"Honor killing" is why your family members are fleeing for they're lives. every Muslim male should be castrated !!!! so shove your traditional values straight up your ass !!!!

i am sorry to say, but you are ignorant as expected :rolleyes:

when i say honor killing is a tradition, doesn't mean that murder is a tradition.

honor killing is murder, and anyone who commit it in Egypt is sentenced t death, that's the law here, not considered 2nd degree murder as your american jury said :rolleyes:.

about your opinion that he should be put to death, i agree, i already said the same, he killed a human, so he should be killed as a punishment, doesn't matter if the human he killed is a man or a woman or a child, doesn't matter if she is his wife or sister or mother, its the same, he killed and he should be killed.

i said that i will explain what honor killing mean, so if you were smart enough, you should have waited for an explaination of that term, before you speak ignorantly.

Having the family over for the holidays is a tradition. Cutting off someones head is murder. Doing it to multiple people is mass murder. You don't need to come back later and spin this one.

i said tradition, but i didn't say that everyone follow it, and you didn't even wait for the explaination of honor killing so stop being ignorant and wait, will it kill you to listen to the other side for a change ?

by the way, can anyone get out of his bubble and admit that sometimes some christians kill their wifes when they find out that their wifes are sleeping with other men ? :rolleyes:

02-10-2011, 03:49 PM
by the way, can anyone get out of his bubble and admit that sometimes some christians kill their wifes when they find out that their wifes are sleeping with other men ? :rolleyes:

Christians, Wiccans, agnostics, atheists, all I'm sure at one time or another. Yet, none call upon a higher power to forgive them. Somehow many muslims do not understand your interpretation of Koran or Hadith and other writings.

red states rule
02-11-2011, 03:47 AM
As if we needed another example of what is going on in the world

Relatives of a 21-year-old Pakistani woman are under arrest for allegedly electrocuting her because she secretly married a man they didn’t approve of, police told CNN.

Police arrested Saima Bibi’s father and three other relatives after being tipped off by an anonymous caller, said police official Muhammad Ismail.

Bibi – an ethnic Baluch – defied demands from her family to marry a Baluch relative and instead ran away about one month ago to the southern portcity of Karachi to marry a fellow villager, police official Rao Zahoor said.

Her father and several other relatives traveled to Karachi and duped her into coming back home. When she didn’t listen to further demands they electrocuted her, he said. [...]

Human rights groups say so-called honor killings – the murder of women accused of infidelity and dishonorable behavior – are a growing problem inparts of Pakistan.


02-11-2011, 05:29 AM
I've dealt with them first hand on their turf, have you? You make it sound like you have, so tell us about your experience and I will share mine with you.

How did we feel when on 9/11, OUR TURF?

Good, then you can understand why we don't like you. Your prophet was a pedophile, you do not give equal rights to women, you believe that all infidels should be converted or killed, you think martyrdom is great and don't care if you kill innocents in the process. Should I continue?

Continue at what?> Nevrmind, don't. You obviously are so full of rage and hate there is no sense in indulging your rant.

No, you will be labelled a terrorist by me and others because you support the killing of Soldiers by homicide bombers who, by the way, don't care if they kill women or children.

And no American soldier has engaged a combatant, killed women, children, or their own brothers in arms and then died in the process? Or maybe you've blocked that out, get some counseling to unblock the horrors of what you have seen. No, wait. Better yet, reenlist, shows those ragheads what honor killing is all about!!! CaptDash has got your back!

Yea Abso I am sure it was an "accident" as you previously posted

Come on red, he just misspoke.

so its traditional to kill someone. well glad we got this straightened out. here we call that murder. 1st degree. we don't care if its an old family tradition or religious. got it??? in your country and the entire ME murdering is a tradition. killing is murder. its the difference between your culture and ours. its the reason you are looked upon here with disgust.
this idiot Muslim should be put to death immediately. in my opinion without a trial.
"Honor killing" is why your family members are fleeing for they're lives. every Muslim male should be castrated !!!! so shove your traditional values straight up your ass !!!!
Uh, we have executed people; by hanging, lethal injection, firing squad, electrocution...you even advocate doing so without trial. WTF. Do us all a favor, ease up on the hate.
That's so archaic, superpowers prefer the overthrowing of a foreign dictatorship and installation of a democracy. This is by far more politically advantageous because it helps foster and focus our enemies in a foreign land. It worked out great in Iran.

Having the family over for the holidays is a tradition. Cutting off someones head is murder. Doing it to multiple people is mass murder. You don't need to come back later and spin this one.
All serial killers are muslims

by the way, can anyone get out of his bubble and admit that sometimes some christians kill their wifes when they find out that their wifes are sleeping with other men ? :rolleyes:

What of the tradition in Arabia of cutting off the hand of a thief? Bobbit cut her husband's dick off, though I don't know how christian that was. Jews and many Americans traditionally circumcise males, using hygiene as a motive. Pretty sure most of these men didn't choose to endure this procedure which reduces their sexual sensation, but these practices remain tradition. I suppose cutting off the head, hand or foreskin of a person who has soiled or may be soiled would be equally implored by cultural or religious tradition.

02-11-2011, 09:02 AM
How did we feel when on 9/11, OUR TURF?

Continue at what?> Nevrmind, don't. You obviously are so full of rage and hate there is no sense in indulging your rant.

And no American soldier has engaged a combatant, killed women, children, or their own brothers in arms and then died in the process? Or maybe you've blocked that out, get some counseling to unblock the horrors of what you have seen. No, wait. Better yet, reenlist, shows those ragheads what honor killing is all about!!! CaptDash has got your back!

Come on red, he just misspoke.

Uh, we have executed people; by hanging, lethal injection, firing squad, electrocution...you even advocate doing so without trial. WTF. Do us all a favor, ease up on the hate.
That's so archaic, superpowers prefer the overthrowing of a foreign dictatorship and installation of a democracy. This is by far more politically advantageous because it helps foster and focus our enemies in a foreign land. It worked out great in Iran.

All serial killers are muslims

What of the tradition in Arabia of cutting off the hand of a thief? Bobbit cut her husband's dick off, though I don't know how christian that was. Jews and many Americans traditionally circumcise males, using hygiene as a motive. Pretty sure most of these men didn't choose to endure this procedure which reduces their sexual sensation, but these practices remain tradition. I suppose cutting off the head, hand or foreskin of a person who has soiled or may be soiled would be equally implored by cultural or religious tradition.

honor killings go on 24/7 worldwide. they now have it down to an exact art.

thank you Jesus Christ. now go climb back on your cross

02-11-2011, 09:24 AM
and who said tht the Islam has a violent nature, have you ever studied Islam or known what its about, not just because you read about it in some sources that say its violent then its so.

Yes my friend I have studied Islam past n' present. It is very violent, n' oppressive, (especially ta women). I will NEVER be a Muslim nor EVER pay taxes to a Callifate.

if you have any evidence then show it to me, and i am not talking about incidents or attacks done by muslims, what a muslim does in his life may or may not have anything to do with the teachings of Islam, we are not all saints that abide by our faith, we all commit sins.

Ya want "evidence" yet exclude attacks done by Muslims since the sixth century........... sheeeeeeesh...... :laugh2:

so if you have anything within the teachings of Islam that you think is making muslims more violent, then present it to me and see if i have a reply, but for you to decide yourself without giving any muslim the chance to defend his religion, that would be injust.

I will when I have some time.

Good luck today..... looks like a bad day fer Egypt is likely.

02-11-2011, 09:29 AM
congrads ragheads on your latest murder...you should all be proud of your contributions to society...keep up the good work. KILL EM ALL !!! :clap:


02-11-2011, 10:40 AM
Ya want "evidence" yet exclude attacks done by Muslims since the sixth century........... sheeeeeeesh...... :laugh2:

i said Islam, not muslims, as i said many times before, not everything done by muslims is allowed by Islam.

02-12-2011, 12:18 AM
honor killings go on 24/7 worldwide. they now have it down to an exact art.

thank you Jesus Christ. now go climb back on your cross

alas your antitheism rings loud and clear.

02-14-2011, 01:12 PM
I never understood how Muslims ANYWHERE in the world could support or come up with the term "honor killing". WTF is so honorable about killing? Anyone who murders for "honor" should be moved to the front of the line on death row.

I also never understood apostasy and why so many Muslims feel those who leave the faith should be killed.

Very sad.

02-14-2011, 01:55 PM
I never understood how Muslims ANYWHERE in the world could support or come up with the term "honor killing". WTF is so honorable about killing? Anyone who murders for "honor" should be moved to the front of the line on death row.

I also never understood apostasy and why so many Muslims feel those who leave the faith should be killed.

Very sad.

I completely agree.