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02-11-2011, 04:30 AM
I think he is smart, kind, articulate person

And I dont think he should blamed for everything wrong with islam

I have my own misgivings with the religion, but I dont think he should be slammed, or treated as the official spokesman for islam

He is just one kid, and I refer to everyone under 30 as a kid, and Ive known muslims online just like him that are very kind sweet people.

Just wanted to say something about the perceived hostility I feel at times being thrown at him.

02-11-2011, 04:36 AM
that's kind of you, Martin. I believe in Abso's sincerity, however, all the sincerity in the world never turned a falsehood into a truth. Thus, I don't buy everything he 'sells'. Still, I hate to see folks treating most-anybody with the hostility he faces sometimes.

02-11-2011, 04:37 AM
Thank you dmp.

I have not talked to him long enough to know if i agree with everything or most of what he says.

But like you said he seems like a genuinely nice kid, and I hate to see anyone get verbally picked on lets say.

Thank you again dmp :), you said it better then i could have

red states rule
02-11-2011, 04:41 AM
Martin, with all due respect - how many times did you publicly defend Virgil and PB?

A posters words and conduct do the talking about their character

02-11-2011, 04:46 AM
First of all.

I defended virgil cause he was getting verbally roasted 9 ways to sunday by numerous members at a time. Say what you will about that

Second, abso, based on what I can tell about him so far, seems like a nice kid.

I didnt say he was right, did i?

I havent talked to him long enough to know even if i agree with him

mean people can be right, and nice people can be wrong, vice versa too

and what you said is right, i was only giving my observation on my personal dealings with him

as for you, I enjoy our friendship

you are a rad person red

p.s. did you get my visitor message?

Martin, with all due respect - how many times did you publicly defend Virgil and PB?

A posters words and conduct do the talking about their character

by the way, I tend for some reason, I think to get the gentler side of people, because well im a gentle soul

not always mind you, but my dealings with any poster, are gonna be different from yours or kathianne, or dmp or anyone else

If you think someone is an asshole, to you they are an asshole, if they are nice to me, they are nice in my eyes.

I cant make you believe they are nice, and you cant make me believe they are an asshole

or in other words, with some people, some people are assholes, and with others they are nice.

A penny for your thoughts sir :laugh:

red states rule
02-11-2011, 04:49 AM
First of all.

I defended virgil cause he was getting verbally roasted 9 ways to sunday by numerous members at a time. Say what you will about that

Second, abso, based on what I can tell about him so far, seems like a nice kid.

I didnt say he was right, did i?

I havent talked to him long enough to know even if i agree with him

mean people can be right, and nice people can be wrong, vice versa too

and what you said is right, i was only giving my observation on my personal dealings with him

as for you, I enjoy our friendship

you are a rad person red

p.s. did you get my visitor message?

by the way, I tend for some reason, I think to get the gentler side of people, because well im a gentle soul

not always mind you, but my dealings with any poster, are gonna be different from yours or kathianne, or dmp or anyone else

If you think someone is an asshole, to you they are an asshole, if they are nice to me, they are nice in my eyes.

I cant make you believe they are nice, and you cant make me believe they are an asshole

or in other words, with some people, some people are assholes, and with others they are nice.

A penny for your thoughts sir :laugh:

That is fine Martin - that is what this community is all about.

Like DMP I do not trust him, and I have had short short back and forth conversatons with him

I have not personally attacked him - only his excuses for his fellow Muslims

02-11-2011, 04:55 AM
wait, dmp is muslim?

I had no idea

but yeah, as much as I cant stand those who use terrorist attacks to name call any muslim they come in contact with, I also equally loathe the muslim apology diaries.

Lets be real jihadists quote the quaran every time they do an attack.

Their must be a reason for that.

And believe me, I understand the anger, I am as guilty as anyone of name calling, but I musnt believe every muslims heart is bad, for I havent met them, and i have met some of the sweetest people on earth, who'd id vouch for and have been best friends with, and yes they were muslim

02-11-2011, 04:58 AM
That is fine Martin - that is what this community is all about.

Like DMP I do not trust him, and I have had short short back and forth conversatons with him

I have not personally attacked him - only his excuses for his fellow Muslims

then try to have a one on one converstation with me, and see if i am making excuses, try it, its not like you have anything to lose by having a converstation with me, i already said i dont make excuses for muslims, i am not here to defend muslims, i am not a president of them, i am only here to defend my religion, not my fellow muslims, i wont defend a muslim living in china or france or germany or even pakistan, why would i do that !!!

02-11-2011, 05:01 AM
abso, can i ask you some questions, ive been dying to ask a muslim?

I know your not an imam but your perspective could prove quite valuable

02-11-2011, 05:04 AM
honestly, most people don't know any of the people we chat with online. I 'know' jim, for instance, by phone conversations and what-not. But we all must take a grain of salt to our 'friends' online - because we NEVER 'really' know somebody w/o spending time w/ them, right?

Make sense?

One advantage I have with NOT reading very detailed posts most of the time is, i don't develop judgments of people, unless they deserve it.


02-11-2011, 05:07 AM
another gem of wisdom :clap:

you're right.

although, I do think, you can form meaningful friends online, and/or via telephone.

But it is different then spending time together with them

Thanks for the pearl dmp :)

02-11-2011, 07:40 AM
abso, can i ask you some questions, ive been dying to ask a muslim?

I know your not an imam but your perspective could prove quite valuable

sure you can ask me anything you want.

02-11-2011, 09:48 PM
Thank You Sir

#1 paraphrasing myself, can you explain to me what happened after mohammed's death, the popular notion is that islam tried to take over the world, is this a misconception?

#2 I have heard, and read about some of the versus, about 100 or so, that have caused controversy, why do terrorists, keep sighting them as justification and should they be taken out?

#3 why are women, gays, and non Muslims mistreated in parts of the Muslim world like Saudi Arabia

#4 why so many Muslims seem to hate Israel, it makes me feel hated as a Jew and I don't even live there, but i'm half Israeli, but its as if a lot of Muslims wont say anything about Palestinian terrorism, i.e. hamas, and others, but Israel is Satan

makes me sad