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View Full Version : Islamist Penetration's First Stage Has Begun...in Congress

05-07-2007, 12:44 PM
The Editors
Author: The Editors
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: March 13, 2007

FSM Contributing Editor Dr. Walid Phares has warned America in his books just how the infiltration of American institutions will begin. Now it has now begun...just as he said it would. Read this shocking piece and let Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., New Jersey Democrat, know how you feel about his idea by going here to register your complaint. Your thoughts matter.

Islamist Penetration's First Stage Has Begun...in Congress

Dr. Phares outlined that the beginning would start this way:

1) Stage one: Legitimize meetings by a Jihadist "Political" group on US Congress grounds.

2) Stage two: Intercept all counter Terrorism legislation under "affecting religious and social relations within America."

And voila….according to the Washington Times in the article you see below, a House Democrat has arranged for this travesty to begin. We have emphasized certain important statements in red.

Be aware, America, and watch closely

- The Editors


CAIR OK'd to meet in Capitol

By S.A. Miller
March 12, 2007

A House Democrat has arranged for a conference room in the Capitol building to be used tomorrow by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim advocacy group criticized for its persistent refusal to disavow terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
The District-based group also is singled out by other Democratic lawmakers and some law-enforcement officials because of financial ties to terrorists.
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., New Jersey Democrat, reserved the basement conference room for CAIR's panel discussion Tuesday titled "Global Attitudes on Islam-West Relations: U.S. Policy Implications."
"We just see it as a simple room request," Pascrell spokesman Caley Gray said. "We did receive a room request and evaluated it and approved it."
He said the forum "opens up an important dialogue about global public opinion concerning the United States."
Still, the event's sponsor raised eyebrows on Capitol Hill, even if all sorts of groups routinely hold receptions and meetings in the Capitol.
"It does happen all the time but usually it is the United Way or some constituent group or Mothers Against Drunk Driving, not a group with supposed ties to terrorism -- in the Capitol no less," a Hill staffer said.
CAIR officials did not return a call seeking comment.
The room -- H-137 -- is controlled by the Ways and Means Committee.
Mr. Pascrell is a committee member and can reserve the room for any guest provided he "vouch it complies with House rules," said committee spokesman Matthew Beck.
CAIR, which is country's largest Islamic civil liberties group with 31 chapters nationwide, has never been charged with terrorism crimes and the organization is known to cooperate with the FBI and the Justice Department.
However, CAIR officials have been charged with -- and some convicted of -- offenses related to the support of terrorism, including CAIR fundraiser Rabih Haddad, founding board member Ghassan Elashi and former CAIR civil rights coordinator Randall Royer.

End of Washington Times article.

05-07-2007, 11:03 PM
Remember that time that muslim nation opened up a committee on muslim/west relations....

05-07-2007, 11:28 PM
Now let me get this straight

1. The Moonie - I mean the Washington Times is reporting about a meeting.
2. The Family Security Foundation Inc is reporting on the report and suggesting this is how infiltration happens. Infiltration.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't infiltration supposed to be, well, sneaky?

And these reports go back nearly two months.

Anyone got a Twilight Zone music smilie????

Tinfoil time!! :laugh2:

Hit me with that smack smilie Stephanie - I love it :D

05-07-2007, 11:38 PM
Now let me get this straight

1. The Moonie - I mean the Washington Times is reporting about a meeting.
2. The Family Security Foundation Inc is reporting on the report and suggesting this is how infiltration happens. Infiltration.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't infiltration supposed to be, well, sneaky?

And these reports go back nearly two months.

Anyone got a Twilight Zone music smilie????

Tinfoil time!! :laugh2:

Hit me with that smack smilie Stephanie - I love it :D

Your free to think what you want..
I found the article interesting and posted it, that's all..
Have fun..

05-08-2007, 01:09 AM
Your free to think what you want..
I found the article interesting and posted it, that's all..
Have fun..

Aw no smack...okay....but it hurts not getting a smilie smack. I'll bear up I suppose.

05-08-2007, 01:30 AM
Aw no smack...okay....but it hurts not getting a smilie smack. I'll bear up I suppose.

I spose you will..

05-08-2007, 02:38 AM
I spose you will..

So far so good. I think...I dunno, there's something sort of missing now. The rough and ready cameraderie, the exchange of wit, the minor digs....I hate it when things get all polite or completely out of hand. I like the normal potshots across the forums, that's a bit of harmless fun

If I could find some dirt, I'd kick it.

05-08-2007, 02:48 AM
There is plenty of dirt here for you to kick, diruretic. You started out with the "Moonie" connection. You followed up with "sneaky", "Twilight Zone" and inferred that you would like extrapolation or simply considerate opinion.

So far so good. I think...I dunno, there's something sort of missing now. The rough and ready cameraderie, the exchange of wit, the minor digs....I hate it when things get all polite or completely out of hand. I like the normal potshots across the forums, that's a bit of harmless fun

If I could find some dirt, I'd kick it.

There is lot's of that if you're willing to dig for it. You won't find it with Staphy, I'm sad to say.

05-08-2007, 02:54 AM
So far so good. I think...I dunno, there's something sort of missing now. The rough and ready cameraderie, the exchange of wit, the minor digs....I hate it when things get all polite or completely out of hand. I like the normal potshots across the forums, that's a bit of harmless fun

If I could find some dirt, I'd kick it.

I suppose if it wasn't you... that was always on the end of some one's joke..
That would be a laugh riot....

Have fun...:dance:

05-08-2007, 03:11 AM
There is plenty of dirt here for you to kick, diuretic. You started out with the "Moonie" connection. You followed up with "sneaky", "Twilight Zone" and inferred that you would like extrapolation or simply considerate opinion.

There is Lot's of that if you're willing to dig for it. You won't find it with Staphy, I'm sad to say.

Drink too yourself........You are quite a wonderful person...:cheers2:

05-08-2007, 03:12 AM
Thank you!!!!

I suppose if it wasn't you... that was always on the end of some one's joke..
That would be a laugh riot....

Have fun...:dance:

I will!!!!!

05-08-2007, 03:44 AM
Thank you!!!!

I will!!!!!

:cheers2: :cheers2:

05-08-2007, 04:04 AM
God Bless The Queen!!!!!!!

:cheers2: :cheers2:

:cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:

05-08-2007, 04:08 AM
God Bless The Queen!!!!!!!

:cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:

And the King...:laugh2::cheers2:

05-08-2007, 04:19 AM
I'll catch you on the other side, Staphy.

And the King...:laugh2::cheers2:

I didn't know you were so sensitive. Have a GREAT TIME here, Staphy. I mean that!!!!!!!

05-08-2007, 04:45 AM
I'll catch you on the other side, Staphy.

I didn't know you were so sensitive. Have a GREAT TIME here, Staphy. I mean that!!!!!!!

My name isn't Staphy.

05-08-2007, 04:49 AM
I suppose if it wasn't you... that was always on the end of some one's joke..
That would be a laugh riot....

Have fun...:dance:


I only bite back, I don't usually start it and I hate personal attacks.

Now, I'm going to give myself a slap because I like the smilie :slap:

05-08-2007, 04:52 AM

I only bite back, I don't usually start it and I hate personal attacks.

Now, I'm going to give myself a slap because I like the smilie :slap:

whatever..I'm defeated..

05-08-2007, 04:57 AM
whatever..I'm defeated..

It's not defeat, it's not about winning and losing, I always think that's really petty when someone pulls the triumphalism thing. And I wasn't trying to make a point and didn't intend to embarrass you. I was looking at the claims inside the story, not the fact that you presented it.

I should have shut my big fat keyboard.

05-08-2007, 05:02 AM
And my name isn't Psycho or Psicko, or whatever else you right wing jerks want to call me. My name is Psychoblues. I don't mind the nicknames or the intended insults.

My name isn't Staphy.

What is your point?

05-08-2007, 05:07 AM
And my name isn't Psycho.

What is your point?

No point..

05-08-2007, 05:18 AM
Seriously, Stephanie, if you want to talk PLEASE use my PM and we WILL talk. If you prefer to keep it open and on board I can do that as well.

No point..

Take good care of yourself, Stephanie, and don't let the assholes, including me, get you down. I mean that!!!!!!!!!

We are all here for a good time. That's it. Dig it, dig in or dig out.

I'm here for you if you think you need to get it out, Stephanie. Don't let my callousness scare you and for damn sure don't let anyone else's bullshit intimidate you. We are all here for entertainment. You, too?

05-08-2007, 05:30 AM
Seriously, Stephanie, if you want to talk PLEASE use my PM and we WILL talk. If you prefer to keep it open and on board I can do that as well.

Take good care of yourself, Stephanie, and don't let the assholes, including me, get you down. I mean that!!!!!!!!!

We are all here for a good time. That's it. Dig it, dig in or dig out.

I'm here for you if you think you need to get it out, Stephanie. Don't let my callousness scare you and for damn sure don't let anyone else's bullshit intimidate you. We are all here for entertainment. You, too?

never mind..

05-08-2007, 05:58 AM
No sucker punch for Psycho!!!!!

never mind..

Get real or get away. Doctors can help you. Do you need a recommendation?

05-08-2007, 06:01 AM
No sucker punch for Psycho!!!!!

Get real or get away. Doctors can help you. Do you need a recommendation?

okey dokie

Baron Von Esslingen
05-08-2007, 11:36 AM
My name isn't Staphy.

And mine isn't Baron von Erlinger either but that doesn't stop you from abusing other people's screen names when it suits you.