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View Full Version : Documentary Reveals British Mosques Beat Muslim Children…and Worse

red states rule
02-14-2011, 04:36 AM
and the beat goes when it comes to the Reglion of Peace

Undercover footage shows pupils being taught religious apartheid

Muslims who adopt Western ways will be 'tortured in afterlife'

Unprovoked beatings captured on camera in Yorkshire madrassa
Boy threatened with bench by senior student left in charge of class

It is an assembly hall of the sort found in any ordinary school. Boys aged 11 and upwards sit cross-legged on the floor in straight rows. They face the front of the room and listen carefully. But this is no ordinary assembly. Holding the children’s attention is a man in Islamic dress wearing a skullcap and stroking his long dark beard as he talks.

‘You’re not like the non-Muslims out there,’ the teacher says, gesturing towards the window. ‘All that evil you see in the streets, people not wearing the hijab properly, people smoking . . . you should hate it, you should hate walking down that street.’

He refers to the ‘non-Muslims’ as the ‘Kuffar’, an often derogatory term that means disbeliever or infidel.

Welcome to one of Britain’s most influential Islamic faith schools, one of at least 2,000 such schools in Britain, some full-time, others part-time. They represent a growing, parallel education system.
The school is the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham, an oversubscribed independent secondary school. Darul Ulooms are world-renowned Islamic institutions and their aim is to produce the next generation of Muslim leaders. In fact, these schools have been described as the ‘Etons of Islam’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356361/Shame-Britains-Muslim-schools-Secret-filming-shows-pupils-beaten.html#ixzz1DvNAovXA

02-14-2011, 04:53 AM
wow. I am sadly not surprised

red states rule
02-14-2011, 04:56 AM
wow. I am sadly not surprised

What will be sad will be the spin Abso will put on this story

02-14-2011, 05:28 AM
:lol: :laugh: :coffee:

The thing I dont get is, if the quaran says dont do this, dont do that

such as honor killings, homicide bombings, beating your wife

why does this problem then exist even in NON-muslim countries?

02-14-2011, 06:08 AM
:lol: :laugh: :coffee:

The thing I dont get is, if the quaran says dont do this, dont do that

such as honor killings, homicide bombings, beating your wife

why does this problem then exist even in NON-muslim countries?

maybe we should ask ourselfs, why does some priests molest children ???

they do that because bible says so ???

and the beat goes when it comes to the Reglion of Peace

what do you expect from men who call "Non-Muslims" as infidels ???

whats your point in posting the same topic as usual ???, stupid radical muslims ???

i don't have anything to say about the story, there is no justification or explaination for what is heppening in that school except that its run by radical stupid extremists.

02-14-2011, 06:18 AM
maybe we should ask ourselfs, why does some priests molest children ???

they do that because bible says so ???

I think the problem with that line of reasoning abso is that molestation is way outside of what is accepted in Christianity/the West while Islam "issues" are seemingly accepted by the Muslim community.

02-14-2011, 06:20 AM
what I dont understand is why extremist thinking seems to be so deeply rooted in modern islam?

02-14-2011, 06:59 AM
Sad to say I missed the program, but this is in no way surprising, physical and mental torture are not exactly new ground for religious organisations. The Cathpilic church is practically synonymous with it, the Cult of Scientology has been recently and repeatedly exposed, here's hoping that the same will be exposed in Islam, not for the purposes of scoring points against them. But hoping that in rising awareness to the problem it may prevent another child from being beaten or otherwise abused.

02-14-2011, 07:04 AM
but im asking you, is it a current practice of modern christianity?

02-14-2011, 09:47 AM
I think the problem with that line of reasoning abso is that molestation is way outside of what is accepted in Christianity/the West while Islam "issues" are seemingly accepted by the Muslim community.

first of all, if you mean by molestation, a sexual assault, then no this is not accepted at all.

if you mean just beating kids in school, yes that is practiced in some areas, even i was being beaten in school for not doing homework and so on, it was because i was a lazy student, but anyway, the beating is not acceptable as a policy, there is a law against that, but in general the teachers doesn't follow it, because sometimes the students are too rude.

about me, i am against the beating as a punishment, the cause doesn't matter, because beating the kid will never produce a good result, it will only lead to more violence, and in many cases it will lead to a grown man with a weak character, or a grown man with a violent nature.

but for some teachers to practice beating as a punishment, that doesn't have anything to do with Islam, its not allowed in Islamic religion, as much as drinking alcohol is not allowed in Islam or Christianity, yet many muslims and most christians drink alcohol, as much as sex which is not allowed in both religions, yet many muslim does it before marriage and certainly more than 99% of christians does it before marriage.

so please don't try to find every sin that a muslim does, and say that Islam allows it, Islam certainly doesn't allow beating kids, about the schools that does it, that doesn't change the fact that its not allowed in Islam, as much as you drinkin or having sex doesn't change the fact that your religion forbid it.

what I dont understand is why extremist thinking seems to be so deeply rooted in modern islam?

it's not, its just what the media concentrate about, what do you think will gain them more viewers, them telling you that Islam is good, or them telling you what you like to hear, that Islam is as bad as hell.

you won't read about good muslims, you will just have people like red state rules to make sure that you only read about its bad sides, but you will never see its good side.

do you really think that 1.5 billion people are like that ???, do you think that we are all devils like what red state rules would like to believe and would also like you and everyone to believe the same ?

02-14-2011, 09:57 AM
first of all, if you mean by molestation, a sexual assault, then no this is not accepted at all.


so please don't try to find every sin that a muslim does, and say that Islam allows it, Islam certainly doesn't allow beating kids, about the schools that does it, that doesn't change the fact that its not allowed in Islam, as much as you drinkin or having sex doesn't change the fact that your religion forbid it.

I wasn't implying molestation was happening under Islam only following your example of an abhorrent behavior that Christians, rightly, are against especially when it happens by a priest.

I can understand that Islam doesn't allow beatings, etc. but it seems to be practiced widely by Muslims and not denounced when it does if it truly isn't allowed. That is the root of the problem that Muslims have in my view; They don't speak out against those who are perverting Islam.

red states rule
02-15-2011, 04:17 AM
maybe we should ask ourselfs, why does some priests molest children ???

they do that because bible says so ???

what do you expect from men who call "Non-Muslims" as infidels ???

whats your point in posting the same topic as usual ???, stupid radical muslims ???

i don't have anything to say about the story, there is no justification or explaination for what is heppening in that school except that its run by radical stupid extremists.

So in a feeble attempt to spin, you and another poster change the subject to priests?

Bottom line Abso, as usual you want to ignore and downplay another example of how Muslims view the world and treat their own people who refuse to fall into line

I post this as another example of the Religon of Peace - and they want to come to neighborhood near you and spread their "religion"

If this video was taken in a public or private school in America the left and liberal media would all over this

But since this was in the UK and features the protected class of Muslims - well you can hear a pin drop in the liberal media who view Muslims as "victims"

02-15-2011, 04:28 AM
I wasn't implying molestation was happening under Islam only following your example of an abhorrent behavior that Christians, rightly, are against especially when it happens by a priest.

I can understand that Islam doesn't allow beatings, etc. but it seems to be practiced widely by Muslims and not denounced when it does if it truly isn't allowed. That is the root of the problem that Muslims have in my view; They don't speak out against those who are perverting Islam.

no, the root of the problem is the words i marked....

who said they don't ???

i live in islamic country, and everyday i see Imams denouncing violence, and encouraging peace, and condemining terrorism, so why you say they dont denounce or speak out against thoe wo pervert Islam ???

then what am i doing here ??, i am here in the first place to speak out against terrorists and denounce their actions, and let people know that Islam has nothing to do with such actions.

but your info come from your media, which tells you that we don't denounce violence, like we love violence and encourage it, while if you open your eyes and look, its us who die more, muslims die daily due to terrorist operations in Iraq, and afghanistan and other areas, how can you even imagine that we like that or don't speak against that ???

do we like to see our religion hated and blamed for violence ???

do you think we are devils that like to see christians die ?

take a little time to think about everything you read, and try to assume goodness in people's hearts before you assume hatred.

So in a feeble attempt to spin, you and another poster change the subject to priests?

Bottom line Abso, as usual you want to ignore and downplay another example of how Muslims view the world and treat their own people who refuse to fall into line

I post this as another example of the Religon of Peace - and they want to come to neighborhood near you and spread their "religion"

If this video was taken in a public or private school in America the left and liberal media would all over this

But since this was in the UK and features the protected class of Muslims - well you can hear a pin drop in the liberal media who view Muslims as "victims"

just a simple question, do you think that any muslim at all, would do the same thing if he were that teacher ?

do you think that if I was that teacher, i would also beat those childrens because i am a muslim ?

red states rule
02-15-2011, 04:33 AM
no, the root of the problem is the words i marked....

who said they don't ???

i live in islamic country, and everyday i see Imams denouncing violence, and encouraging peace, and condemining terrorism, so why you say they dont denounce or speak out against thoe wo pervert Islam ???

then what am i doing here ??, i am here in the first place to speak out against terrorists and denounce their actions, and let people know that Islam has nothing to do with such actions.

but your info come from your media, which tells you that we don't denounce violence, like we love violence and encourage it, while if you open your eyes and look, its us who die more, muslims die daily due to terrorist operations in Iraq, and afghanistan and other areas, how can you even imagine that we like that or don't speak against that ???

do we like to see our religion hated and blamed for violence ???

do you think we are devils that like to see christians die ?

take a little time to think about everything you read, and try to assume goodness in people's hearts before you assume hatred.

are you a high ranking member of the Muslim community? Do you head up a Mosque where you can lecture your members?

Or are you a tiny voice in a sea of radical islam?

Probably the latter

There have been many examples of where you speak out to loudly your breathing privileges are taken away

Keep playing the victim card Abdo - they might let you will keep your breathing privileges

just a simple question, do you think that any muslim at all, would do the same thing if he were that teacher ?

do you think that if I was that teacher, i would also beat those childrens because i am a muslim ?

Well a Mulsim is beating the hell out of the kid Abso

and based on what you say - no you would not

02-15-2011, 04:45 AM
I believe that most muslims are good.

but im concerned that their are so many stories that are easily availble about how bad modern islam can be practiced

it's not, its just what the media concentrate about, what do you think will gain them more viewers, them telling you that Islam is good, or them telling you what you like to hear, that Islam is as bad as hell.

you won't read about good muslims, you will just have people like red state rules to make sure that you only read about its bad sides, but you will never see its good side.

do you really think that 1.5 billion people are like that ???, do you think that we are all devils like what red state rules would like to believe and would also like you and everyone to believe the same ?

02-15-2011, 07:31 AM
I believe that most muslims are good.

but im concerned that their are so many stories that are easily availble about how bad modern islam can be practiced

yes, everything can be practiced in a good or bad way, that's why we hate the bad guys and love the bad ones, if you are bad, i hate you, but i don't hate your mother.

so if you find a bad muslim, hate him, but don't hate me or any other innocent muslim for it.

i never said not to hate a muslim who beat his wife, i never said not to blame a muslim who bombs himself, i never said not to hate a muslim who kill others, i never said not to hate terrorists, i just said not to hate me or people like me, people who are innocents and have nothing to do with violence or terrorism, people who are so much more in numbers than those terrorists.

all i am saying, be just in your judgement, and judge every person for his character and OWN actions, not for his religion or other people's actions.

02-15-2011, 07:47 AM
and in some "christian" churches, leaders teach kids to play with snakes and tell un-believers God hates them.

Instead of picking on one particular faith, how about POSITIVE stories, too?

Before I left for Alabama, a muslim family invited me and my family for dinner. Most-hospitable - we had a great time.

02-15-2011, 10:20 AM
no, the root of the problem is the words i marked....

who said they don't ???

i live in islamic country, and everyday i see Imams denouncing violence, and encouraging peace, and condemining terrorism, so why you say they dont denounce or speak out against thoe wo pervert Islam ???

then what am i doing here ??, i am here in the first place to speak out against terrorists and denounce their actions, and let people know that Islam has nothing to do with such actions.

but your info come from your media, which tells you that we don't denounce violence, like we love violence and encourage it, while if you open your eyes and look, its us who die more, muslims die daily due to terrorist operations in Iraq, and afghanistan and other areas, how can you even imagine that we like that or don't speak against that ???

do we like to see our religion hated and blamed for violence ???

do you think we are devils that like to see christians die ?

take a little time to think about everything you read, and try to assume goodness in people's hearts before you assume hatred.

I will grant you all of that and also note that the reporter in the OP was Muslim so there are those, and many others I'm sure, that are speaking out. Nevertheless the perception is out there and who will be the ones to change it?

I'm beginning to think that the more positive changes in the Muslim "message" could be the evolution of the Egyptian protests, and spreading to other countries, to a greater emphasis on democracy and freedoms. When Muslims live under authoritarian regimes there is no voice for the moderates like yourself to express themselves.

Abbey Marie
02-15-2011, 12:23 PM
maybe we should ask ourselfs, why does some priests molest children ???

they do that because bible says so ???

what do you expect from men who call "Non-Muslims" as infidels ???

whats your point in posting the same topic as usual ???, stupid radical muslims ???

i don't have anything to say about the story, there is no justification or explaination for what is heppening in that school except that its run by radical stupid extremists.

One thing that gay pedophile priests and Muslim worship have in common, is that they both in different ways segregate(d) women from men, and put women in the inferior position.

Traditionally, altar boys were only male, and priests themselves are still all male. In fact, priests are not allowed to marry. (Can you think of a better cover for a gay man? Remember, until very recently, gays were almost all on the down-low).

My understanding of Muslim worship is that females must be kept separate. I suppose the poor guys can't be expected to pray with the distraction of female bodies. Even when they are covered head to toe. :rolleyes:

Keep women out, put males in an unquestioned superior role, and guys can get a little crazy. Anyway, that's my theory.

02-16-2011, 12:13 AM
I have friends whom i love dearly who happen to be muslim, even abso I think is a nice person.

So I agree with his sentiment, but how do muslims and non muslims who abhor bad behavior try to discourage bad muslims from committing it?