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View Full Version : Police arrest, cuff, and haul away 11-yr-old for drawing stick figure with "gun"

02-22-2011, 01:15 PM
Apparently an 11-year-old kid in Arvada, CO (suburb of Denver) had been told by his therapist to draw pictures when he was angry, so he wouldn't actually do anything bad. He felt angry in school one day, so drew a picture of stick figures, one holding a picture "gun" and "shooting" at the others. Afterward he felt better, so threw the picture away. Teacher saw it and sent him to the principal's office... who apparently called the cops.

And the cops came to the kid's HOUSE later on, arrested him in front of his parents, cuffed him, put him in the patrol car, and hauled him down to the station.

Is there any end to this insane government-uber-alles hysteria?


02-22-2011, 01:22 PM
Apparently an 11-year-old kid in Arvada, CO (suburb of Denver) had been told by his therapist to draw pictures when he was angry, so he wouldn't actually do anything bad. He felt angry in school one day, so drew a picture of stick figures, one holding a picture "gun" and "shooting" at the others. Afterward he felt better, so threw the picture away. Teacher saw it and sent him to the principal's office... who apparently called the cops.

And the cops came to the kid's HOUSE later on, arrested him in front of his parents, cuffed him, put him in the patrol car, and hauled him down to the station.

Is there any end to this insane government-uber-alles hysteria?


I would guess not, UNTIL we stop demanding, that THEY put a cap on these school shootings.:slap:

02-22-2011, 01:29 PM
I would guess not, UNTIL we stop demanding, that THEY put a cap on these school shootings.:slap:

I must have missed that in the article I linked.

What school shooting did they cap?

But at least, by putting the 11-year-old in handcuffs, the police kept us safe from anything OTHER pictures the kid might have drawn next.

Thank God they were there...... :cuckoo:

02-22-2011, 09:31 PM
in a related story: police are retarded

Apparently an 11-year-old kid in Arvada, CO (suburb of Denver) had been told by his therapist to draw pictures when he was angry, so he wouldn't actually do anything bad. He felt angry in school one day, so drew a picture of stick figures, one holding a picture "gun" and "shooting" at the others. Afterward he felt better, so threw the picture away. Teacher saw it and sent him to the principal's office... who apparently called the cops.

And the cops came to the kid's HOUSE later on, arrested him in front of his parents, cuffed him, put him in the patrol car, and hauled him down to the station.

Is there any end to this insane government-uber-alles hysteria?


02-22-2011, 10:15 PM
What are you people talking about?
The police don't arrest people unless there's a good reason.
The Kid is obviously a problem (or will be) and if not, welll, everything will be straitened out soon as he can prove he's not a threat.
No ones trying to arrest people for no good reason.
It's for our safety. ANd more importantly the safety of the children.
How many drawings of guns will you allow before people start dying?
The police are just doing their jobs.
They should take his blood while they're at it. Maybe scan him. yeah.
Can't be to careful. have you folks forgotten 9-11? drunk drivers, Columbine, the Alamo?

Abbey Marie
02-24-2011, 11:01 AM
I'm left wondering why this child wasn't sent to one of the school counselors that we taxpayers pay for? Isn't this exactly their purview?

Also, any kid who is this angry at age 11, must have one heck of a home life.

02-24-2011, 11:20 AM
I'm left wondering why this child wasn't sent to one of the school counselors that we taxpayers pay for? Isn't this exactly their purview?

Also, any kid who is this angry at age 11, must have one heck of a home life.
but he IS SEEING a therapist!! He did EXACTLY what his therapist told him to do. When he felt aggitated to draw a picture and NOT disrupt the class, also when done throw the pics away..

AS for his anger?? Who can say without knowing the child. I know I went through a episode at my childrens school when my than 8 year old drew a "war scene"... Holy shit you would think he was blowing up the school or something..

Regardless of the drawing the reaction was OVER THE TOP plain and simple. IF a police officer showed at my front door wanting to take my 11 year old away in handcuffs they would be hauling me away as well for assualt!!!! NO how NO way should this have happened!!!

02-24-2011, 12:25 PM
Apparently an 11-year-old kid in Arvada, CO (suburb of Denver) had been told by his therapist to draw pictures when he was angry, so he wouldn't actually do anything bad. He felt angry in school one day, so drew a picture of stick figures, one holding a picture "gun" and "shooting" at the others. Afterward he felt better, so threw the picture away. Teacher saw it and sent him to the principal's office... who apparently called the cops.

And the cops came to the kid's HOUSE later on, arrested him in front of his parents, cuffed him, put him in the patrol car, and hauled him down to the station.

Is there any end to this insane government-uber-alles hysteria?


Absolute lunacy. I remember when I was in school, a bunch of kids drew guns. It was never anything big, the worst any of them got was detention for goofing off in class. Wonder of wonders, I managed to go through my entire educational career without a single school shooting. Actually, we never even really thought much over it until Columbine happened.

Abbey Marie
02-24-2011, 07:30 PM
Yes, I am aware that he is seeing a therapist. My point is, if the teacher was that upset about his drawing, she should have sent him to the school counselor currently in the building.

but he IS SEEING a therapist!! He did EXACTLY what his therapist told him to do. When he felt aggitated to draw a picture and NOT disrupt the class, also when done throw the pics away..

AS for his anger?? Who can say without knowing the child. I know I went through a episode at my childrens school when my than 8 year old drew a "war scene"... Holy shit you would think he was blowing up the school or something..

Regardless of the drawing the reaction was OVER THE TOP plain and simple. IF a police officer showed at my front door wanting to take my 11 year old away in handcuffs they would be hauling me away as well for assualt!!!! NO how NO way should this have happened!!!

02-24-2011, 08:19 PM
Just an example of 'zero tolerance,' which is right up their with hate crime penalties. Nonsense.

Now in fairness to the school, there should have been communication about the drawings, before they happened. Still would have been prohibited in zero tolerance districts, which this sounds to be.

02-24-2011, 08:29 PM
In I think 5th grade I took a WWII Japenese rifle to school for show & tell.
The kids thought it pretty cool, the flip up bayonet was a big interest.

This was not a big deal as others had brought a musket, swords, and an Arabian rhino horned handeled dagger.

It was then not now and we only had to worry about the commies, not each other drawing pictures..