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02-24-2011, 10:34 PM
Nancy Pelosi .... has no sense of humility

February 24, 2011
Categories: Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi edits honorary resolution...on Pelosi

The Democratic National Committee wanted to honor Nancy Pelosi Thursday -- but its praise wasn't good enough for the House minority leader.

When the DNC's Resolutions Committee brought up a resolution commemorating Pelosi's years as speaker of the House, Pelosi's daughter sought to alter the proposal at her mother's behest, adding some of the accomplishments that the elder Pelosi felt the committee had overlooked.

"I have some friendly amendments," said Christine Pelosi, a political strategist, at the committee's session during the DNC Winter Meeting at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel Thursday afternoon. She is a member of the committee.

"You think I'm kidding," Christine Pelosi added, to surprised laughter from the room. The proposed changes, she indicated, came out of a discussion with her mother.

First, Pelosi wanted to add a mention of her fight against HIV and AIDS, because it was "why she went to Congress." Then, she wanted to insert a paragraph on her "accomplishments for equality," mentioning the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 and the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" in December.

"Finally, since, as she said, 'I'm not going anywhere,' she wanted to add, in the final 'whereas' clause, '...and will continue the fight for America's working families,'" Christine Pelosi said.

The committee applauded that point, and approved the amended resolution on a voice vote.

The Pelosi resolution, submitted by a roster of Democratic luminaries headed by DNC Chairman Tim Kaine, was one of dozens of ceremonial acts considered by the committee, on such topics as praising President Obama's State of the Union address, honoring the victims of January's Tucson shootings and memorializing Elizabeth Edwards. Most of the resolutions were approved without changes.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0211/Pelosi_edits_honorary_resolutionon_Pelosi_.html?sh owall

02-25-2011, 02:31 AM
Nancy Pelosi .... has no sense of humility

Sorry this bothers you but, honestly, Are you surprised? She's just pandering to her audience. HIV/aids and DADT, gee let me think, who's that directed at? Better throw in working families to round up the liberal voice. I don't like her, but she knows how to get the votes.

02-25-2011, 05:26 AM
It was clearly a joke, I think your reading this without the humor intended.

It's like when chrisopher hitchens takes to the stage for a debate, he's always introduced as a vanity fair editor, written this book, that book, the other book, contributes to this many papers has had this many best sellers...' etc etc and he normally starts the same way 'Thank you for that introduction, though it left allot out if you don't mind me saying'
If you just read that without the intended dry humour you'd think he's an ass xD

02-25-2011, 10:25 AM
Nancy Pelosi .... has no sense of humility

It sure is heart warming to see these folks watching out for OUR best interest, and making the most of the two or three days they actually spend on Capital hill.:cheers2::lame2:

02-25-2011, 02:30 PM
It was clearly a joke, I think your reading this without the humor intended.

It's like when chrisopher hitchens takes to the stage for a debate, he's always introduced as a vanity fair editor, written this book, that book, the other book, contributes to this many papers has had this many best sellers...' etc etc and he normally starts the same way 'Thank you for that introduction, though it left allot out if you don't mind me saying'
If you just read that without the intended dry humour you'd think he's an ass xD

Do you really think it was a joke Noir....how did you come to that conclusion. They passed all the rest without any changes? And, her daughter said it was not a joke.

02-25-2011, 03:12 PM
Do you really think it was a joke Noir....how did you come to that conclusion. They passed all the rest without any changes? And, her daughter said it was not a joke.

Pelosi is not known for her sense of humor. Perhaps her daughter is, though it didn't seem to be.

02-25-2011, 03:35 PM
Do you really think it was a joke Noir....how did you come to that conclusion. They passed all the rest without any changes? And, her daughter said it was not a joke.

Yes I do, a assume youve heard of the comic style of saying something, people laugh at the idea of that something, and then they carry on asif it is serious. Its called taking the piss.

Also we would really have to see a video of the event in question, but I'd be amazed if this wasn't piss takery in action.

Abbey Marie
02-25-2011, 06:24 PM
It was clearly a joke, I think your reading this without the humor intended.

It's like when chrisopher hitchens takes to the stage for a debate, he's always introduced as a vanity fair editor, written this book, that book, the other book, contributes to this many papers has had this many best sellers...' etc etc and he normally starts the same way 'Thank you for that introduction, though it left allot out if you don't mind me saying'
If you just read that without the intended dry humour you'd think he's an ass xD

Well, let's see. There is simply no indication from the writer that anything said was to be taken humorously.

But the most telling part is when the daughter said, "You think I'm kidding..." You can't get much clearer than that. In fact, I am amazed that you could draw the conclusion you did.

02-26-2011, 02:00 AM
Yes I do, a assume youve heard of the comic style of saying something, people laugh at the idea of that something, and then they carry on asif it is serious. Its called taking the piss.

Also we would really have to see a video of the event in question, but I'd be amazed if this wasn't piss takery in action.

Noir, you really need to read the article and then the comments below it. I still cannot comprehend why you would think this is a joke. Perhaps your politicians joke like this, but if you know anything about Pelosi you'll know it is not a joke. Her daughter is on the committee and when it came time for the resolution to be adopted she made them change it.

02-26-2011, 09:47 AM
The wicked bitch of the west wears a plastic smile and never jokes.

I like British humor, but there is none here. This woman wants praise from her subjects.

Palin Rider
02-26-2011, 02:37 PM
Resolutions like these carry no legal weight at all.

Really, this is what you let yourself get upset about? :lame2:

02-26-2011, 07:17 PM
Meh, I still think it was a joke, but if it wasn't, then -quite ironically- it was an even bigger joke, either way I'm not that fussed.

02-26-2011, 07:25 PM
Resolutions like these carry no legal weight at all.

Really, this is what you let yourself get upset about? :lame2:

Meh, I still think it was a joke, but if it wasn't, then -quite ironically- it was an even bigger joke, either way I'm not that fussed.

Guaranfuckinteed that if it were GWB, Boehner or another prominent (R) that it would be all over the nightly liberal news and there would be an outcry from the left. They would probably leave the floor and hide out of state to avoid.... oh, nevermind, the dems covered that already.

02-26-2011, 08:08 PM
What part of "it actually happened" makes you think this was a joke?

It was clearly a joke, I think your reading this without the humor intended.

It's like when chrisopher hitchens takes to the stage for a debate, he's always introduced as a vanity fair editor, written this book, that book, the other book, contributes to this many papers has had this many best sellers...' etc etc and he normally starts the same way 'Thank you for that introduction, though it left allot out if you don't mind me saying'
If you just read that without the intended dry humour you'd think he's an ass xD

Palin Rider
02-26-2011, 09:56 PM
Guaranfuckinteed that if it were GWB, Boehner or another prominent (R) that it would be all over the nightly liberal news and there would be an outcry from the left. They would probably leave the floor and hide out of state to avoid.... oh, nevermind, the dems covered that already.

Over a meaningless House resolution to honor some mucketymuck? I strongly doubt it.

02-27-2011, 05:46 AM
If I understand the article correctly, the resolution was passed with a chuckle and a voice vote. That's pretty much it. As far as any rightwingers being unfairly pointed out for things like this it's usually because they are advocating secession, re-enslavement of black people and the Irish, 3rd graders carrying side arms to school with them, shooting the President, just normal rightwing bullshit that leaks out every now and then.


red states rule
02-27-2011, 05:52 AM
If I understand the article correctly, the resolution was passed with a chuckle and a voice vote. That's pretty much it. As far as any rightwingers being unfairly pointed out for things like this it's usually because they are advocating secession, re-enslavement of black people and the Irish, 3rd graders carrying side arms to school with them, shooting the President, just normal rightwing bullshit that leaks out every now and then.


Whenever a liberal speaks the truth and gets publicity over it - they try and dismiss it as a joke opr how the liberal is a vicitm of the right

Reminds me of when John Kerry smeared the troops in Iraq, and the left said it was a botched joke

What is so hard for the left to admit Pelosi super sized ego demanded this, and what Nancy wants Nancy gets?

02-27-2011, 05:58 AM
Guaranfuckinteed that if it were GWB, Boehner or another prominent (R) that it would be all over the nightly liberal news and there would be an outcry from the left. They would probably leave the floor and hide out of state to avoid.... oh, nevermind, the dems covered that already.

idk, maybe, but as a random aside, for all the things gwb didn't have, he did have a good sense of humour and comic timing, js.

02-27-2011, 05:59 AM
If I understand the article correctly, the resolution was passed with a chuckle and a voice vote. That's pretty much it. As far as any rightwingers being unfairly pointed out for things like this it's usually because they are advocating secession, re-enslavement of black people and the Irish, 3rd graders carrying side arms to school with them, shooting the President, just normal rightwing bullshit that leaks out every now and then.


I don't think you did understand the article correctly.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 06:03 AM
idk, maybe, but as a random aside, for all the things gwb didn't have, he did have a good sense of humour and comic timing, js.

It seems people like you Noir have an very unusal sense of humor. Ego, and arrogance seem to be a "joke" to some people

The humor escapes me

02-27-2011, 06:09 AM
It seems people like you Noir have an very unusal sense of humor. Ego, and arrogance seem to be a "joke" to some people

The humor escapes me

What, you can't laugh at self styled satire? Shame =/
like I said before, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I'd rather see a video to be sure, but my gut would say it is.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 06:13 AM
What, you can't laugh at self styled satire? Shame =/
like I said before, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I'd rather see a video to be sure, but my gut would say it is.

and the fact she is a liberal like you has nothing to do with you finding "humor" in her actions right?

Were you as kind over John Kerry's "botched joke"

02-27-2011, 06:17 AM
and the fact she is a liberal like you has nothing to do with you finding "humor" in her actions right?

Were you as kind over John Kerry's "botched joke"

What someone believes politicaly is nothing to do with there sense of humor of how funny they are =/
and I never heard about the kerry joke thing so idk.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 06:21 AM
What someone believes politicaly is nothing to do with there sense of humor of how funny they are =/
and I never heard about the kerry joke thing so idk.

With liberals Noir - I see them as jokes that long ago ceased to be funny. Libs are funny when they are out of power but are very dangerous when in power

I am surprised you claim not to know about Kerry's joke. It was all over the internet as Kerry tried to lie his way out of it

However, I will accept your claim you know nothing about it

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OXs3jtF9_nw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and the troops responded


02-27-2011, 06:31 AM
It was obviously intended as a joke, and...tbh I kinda liked it lol, but no way in hell should he of said it, like, it wouldn't matter how funny a rape joke is, you do t stay it while in public office xD

The troops banner back was well awesome though, well played all round :3

red states rule
02-27-2011, 06:38 AM
It was obviously intended as a joke, and...tbh I kinda liked it lol, but no way in hell should he of said it, like, it wouldn't matter how funny a rape joke is, you do t stay it while in public office xD

The troops banner back was well awesome though, well played all round :3


Why am I not surprised by you buying the botched joke crap?

And I not surprised you have such a low opinion of the men and women serving and keeping your ass safe?

Must be all part of being a liberal

Thank God I will never know all the details

02-27-2011, 06:50 AM

Why am I not surprised by you buying the botched joke crap?

And I not surprised you have such a low opinion of the men and women serving and keeping your ass safe?

Must be all part of being a liberal

Thank God I will never know all the details

It was a joke, clearly, I can see why people wouldn't find it funny, but that doesn't mean it note a joke.

It's like I was watching a program not too long ago about the development of offense humor, going through sexism, racism, 9/11 jokes, MJ is dead jokes etc etc. And basically the show was spent detailing the comedians that pioneered that comedy nationally and then it would cus to well know faces and modern comedians discussing it. The show was light-hearted and well funny, but on the topic of racism it cut to some black guy (I think he was an author) in his say 50s/60s who opened with 'it's just not even a joke, it's not funny, that type of humor, people don't want it, people dont laugh at it, that's why people don't joke about it, it's not a joke.'

I wish I could have 5 mins alone with that guy, cus not only are racist jokes well funny, they most certainly are alive and well. What that guy did is as you have done, got serious on a joke. I laugh at racist jokes, they are funny, but I'm certainly not a racist. I can also laugh about jokes about the troops, doesn't mean I hate or disrespect the troops.

So get off your high horse with all this 'you have such a low opinion of the troops' tosh, Mkay.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 06:59 AM
It was a joke, clearly, I can see why people wouldn't find it funny, but that doesn't mean it note a joke.

It's like I was watching a program not too long ago about the development of offense humor, going through sexism, racism, 9/11 jokes, MJ is dead jokes etc etc. And basically the show was spent detailing the comedians that pioneered that comedy nationally and then it would cus to well know faces and modern comedians discussing it. The show was light-hearted and well funny, but on the topic of racism it cut to some black guy (I think he was an author) in his say 50s/60s who opened with 'it's just not even a joke, it's not funny, that type of humor, people don't want it, people dont laugh at it, that's why people don't joke about it, it's not a joke.'

I wish I could have 5 mins alone with that guy, cus not only are racist jokes well funny, they most certainly are alive and well. What that guy did is as you have done, got serious on a joke. I laugh at racist jokes, they are funny, but I'm certainly not a racist. I can also laugh about jokes about the troops, doesn't mean I hate or disrespect the troops.

So get off your high horse with all this 'you have such a low opinion of the troops' tosh, Mkay.

Noir, Kerry is not the last or will be be the last to show how he feels about the troops

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MqIlXfkylD4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Libs have no problem showing their distain for the military Noir which is why the military votes in huge numbers for Republicans

They know who supports and cares about them - and it sure as hell are not the liberals

02-27-2011, 07:12 AM
Noir, Kerry is not the last or will be be the last to show how he feels about the troops

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MqIlXfkylD4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Libs have no problem showing their distain for the military Noir which is why the military votes in huge numbers for Republicans

They know who supports and cares about them - and it sure as hell are not the liberals

Were are you going with this exactly?
You and I have a different sense of humor, such is life, no need to go on a political dance about it all.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 07:16 AM
Hey Noir, can you expalin to me where the punch line on this Kerry joke? He call our troops terrorists and I know he has to be making a joke

Or if you can;t save Kerry here with a joke excuse, where am I taking his words out of context? That is the normal secondary excuse libs use

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EXaoavV1d4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-27-2011, 07:21 AM
Hey Noir, can you expalin to me where the punch line on this Kerry joke? He call our troops terrorists and I know he has to be making a joke

Or if you can;t save Kerry here with a joke excuse, where am I taking his words out of context? That is the normal secondary excuse libs use

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EXaoavV1d4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Do you think I'm some sort of protectorate of all that is Kerry?
For the record, I'm not, and I think the mans an idiot,
That doesn't mean he didnt make a good joke earlier in the thread
It means he's an idiot.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 07:26 AM
Do you think I'm some sort of protectorate of all that is Kerry?
For the record, I'm not, and I think the mans an idiot,
That doesn't mean he didnt make a good joke earlier in the thread
It means he's an idiot.

Well you said you like the joke so I thought you condoned the smearing of the troops

You also defended libs when I said the left shows their distain for the troops

As a liberal I thought you could enlighten me of some things

02-27-2011, 07:33 AM
Well you said you like the joke so I thought you condoned the smearing of the troops

You also defended libs when I said the left shows their distain for the troops

As a liberal I thought you could enlighten me of some things

I also laugh a racist jokes, sexist jokes, homoist jokes, blonde jokes, jokes about the left, jokes about the right, rape jokes, eliest jokea, anti-semetic jokes, etc etc.
Wow, thinking about all of the types of jokes I laugh at I must hate everyone, right? >,>

red states rule
02-27-2011, 07:36 AM
I also laugh a racist jokes, sexist jokes, homoist jokes, blonde jokes, jokes about the left, jokes about the right, rape jokes, eliest jokea, anti-semetic jokes, etc etc.
Wow, thinking about all of the types of jokes I laugh at I must hate everyone, right? >,>

Tell me there Noir, where is the punch line on these examples of the lefts support of the troops?

Di you find these jokes funny Noir?

Hell, the rank and file are saying what the elected Dems wish they could



02-27-2011, 07:46 AM
Tell me there Noir, where is the punch line on these examples of the lefts support of the troops?

Di you find these jokes funny Noir?

Hell, the rank and file are saying what the elected Dems wish they could



Neither of those are jokes....I think you are missing the essential feature of what a joke is.

red states rule
02-27-2011, 08:16 AM
Neither of those are jokes....I think you are missing the essential feature of what a joke is.

Oh I know what a joke is Noir

In fact I know three of them right off. Only they are not very funny
