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View Full Version : Obama backtracks, allows states to REQUEST opt-out from Obamacare earlier

02-28-2011, 12:47 PM
The article's title (and first sentence) is incorrect. The reporter finally gets it right by the second sentence, but never does get around to correcting his earlier errors.

Obama is backing a new plan, but that plan does NOT allow states to opt out of Obamacare earlier. It only allows them to REQUEST to be left out, earlier. It says nothing about whether those requests will be granted by the all-powerful Federal government, to the subject states.

If all 57 states were to request to opt out, or even a majority of them, do you think those requests would be granted?

If the states (all of them) could unilaterally reject Obamacare, probably all of them would, possibly excepting Massachusetts which would love to shift the disaster of Romneycare state universal health care out of the state capitol and onto the Fed govt.

This would kill Obama care dead, dead, dead. Socialism never works unless everyone is forced to participate whether they like it or not... and then it only works for a limited time, until ALL participants run out of money.



Obama backtracks on health mandate, allows opt-out from start
By Jason Millman - 02/28/11 11:31 AM ET

President Obama is backing a plan that would allow states to opt out earlier from one of the new healthcare reform law’s most unpopular elements.

Speaking to nation’s governors Monday morning, Obama said states should be able to seek an earlier opt-out from the healthcare overhaul’s requirement for individuals to purchase health insurance.

The law allows states to request a waiver for the requirement in 2017, but Obama said he will support moving the date up to 2014, when the so-called individual mandate goes into effect.

The announcement marks the first significant change backed by Obama since the Democratic Congress approved healthcare reform 11 months ago.

Check back for updates to this story.

02-28-2011, 02:08 PM
One effect this would have that I can see, is that when the Supreme Court gets the case where the Mandate was found unconstitutional, now they'll be more likely to declare the case moot and throw it out, since "See, the mandate has been removed as of 2014, so there's no need to try this case any more".

Hopefully some lawyer will mention that applying for the opt-out, doesn't mean GETTING the opt-out.

Recall the DC v. Heller case, when the Wash DC gun ban was found unconstitutional and the DC City Council was ordered to provide "reasonable means" (or whatever their phraseology was) for people to keep handguns. The City Council set up a permit process where any could apply for a permit to own a gun, and anyone who got the permit could legally keep one. Everyone was happy.

Except the City Council then began rejecting every permit application. Including Heller's, the guy who originally brought the Supreme Court case.

02-28-2011, 02:48 PM
There is a lot to be absorbed in that article but one thing is for certain. President Barack Hussein Obama is NOT backing down. He is merely reiterating in a more clear way what the Patients Rights and Affordable Care Act has said all along. If you have a plan that can be demonstrated to equal or exceed coverage and care as will be available through state-run exchanges in 2014 you may be granted a waiver to use your own plan. Pretty much the same thing most of you were pissing down your legs about with the Unions offering up better plans and requesting waivers from the get go.

Why would anyone complain about a win/win healthcare consideration? Seriously, even though I rarely trust the Hill as any credible source of non-partisan news or information this article is very informative and relatively fairly written.


02-28-2011, 03:16 PM
Yep, it looks like that's what "opt out of Federal Health Care Program" really means.

"We're from the Fed Govt, and we're going to force you to do things you didn't want to do. But if you start doing them before we get there, we won't force you."

Apparently this is the "favor" the Fed govt intends to do for us, calling it "opting out".

Thanks for clarifying that!

02-28-2011, 03:24 PM
Yep, it looks like that's what "opt out of Federal Health Care Program" really means.

"We're from the Fed Govt, and we're going to force you to do things you didn't want to do. But if you start doing them before we get there, we won't force you."

Apparently this is the "favor" the Fed govt intends to do for us, calling it "opting out".

Thanks for clarifying that!

What do you do with all that negativity, anger, fear and hate when you're not telling lies on this message board, la? Really, dude or dudette. I'm getting concerned about you.


02-28-2011, 03:31 PM
What do you do with all that negativity, anger, fear and hate when you're not telling lies on this message board, la? Really, dude or dudette. I'm getting concerned about you.


The usual smears and namecalling from the usual suspect, with the usual complete lack of details or identifying what he's referring to.

I recently reminded Kathianne not to feed the trolls.

Should have followed my own advice. Apologies, Kathianne.

02-28-2011, 03:42 PM
The usual smears and namecalling from the usual suspect, with the usual complete lack of details or identifying what he's referring to.

I recently reminded Kathianne not to feed the trolls.

Should have followed my own advice. Apologies, Kathianne.

la, YOU accused me on another thread of something I DID NOT DO. Is this your way of avoiding an apology that you owe me for that bald face lie? In this instance I have tried to help your article and thread by contributing a credible but possibly different pov than yours. There is no trolling going on here. Only a little immaturity and obstinance on your part.


02-28-2011, 03:56 PM
la, YOU accused me on another thread of something I DID NOT DO. Is this your way of avoiding an apology that you owe me for that bald face lie? In this instance I have tried to help your article and thread by contributing a credible but possibly different pov than yours. There is no trolling going on here. Only a little immaturity and obstinance on your part.


It would suck to go through life being universally misunderstood and vilified.

02-28-2011, 04:24 PM
It would suck to go through life being universally misunderstood and vilified.

I have no clue as to your comment, nt. I do not feel misunderstood or vilified in this instance. I would feel mighty strange if I were la though. I got his ass red-handed!!!!!


02-28-2011, 04:57 PM
Here are a few things in the article and the proposal that I find attractive. President Barack Hussein Obama is terrifically aware that the mandate contained in the original Patients Rights and Affordable Care Act for states and individuals to purchase health insurance are terrifically unpopular and it is his purpose to allow for "alternatives" as he calls them and he says that he will work with anyone to improve the healthcare accessibility and bring the costs down for the American medical consumer. He encourages the states, governors, or anyone to offer up workable ideas and commitment to achieve those goals.

The original date to begin offering up waivers was 2017 and President Barack Hussein Obama is now encouraging that date to be moved up to 2014. In addition, any proposal for waiver or alternatives must be demonstrated to not increase the federal deficit. Any alternative also must demonstrate that it is at least as affordable as the state run policies that will become available in 2014. With this in mind I would anticipate a sort of competition to bring healthcare costs down even more than are currently projected.

This is something I have waited and fought for my entire adult life and something this country has needed and demanded for over a century.


03-01-2011, 03:06 PM
This is something I have waited and fought for my entire adult life

I find that compellingly sad, the more so in that I believe you actually mean it.

To have spent your life fighting FOR a concept that is fundamentally against the very American ideal of freedom, sovereignity, and personal responsibility that a new nation fought, bled and died to THROW OFF a short 240 years ago, is the saddest commentary on futility I have ever seen on one of these discussion boards. And I've seen some doozies.

If you had been born in Cuba or Ethiopia, yours could have been a successful fight, instead of being foredoomed to failure as it must be in any free society. You could have been enjoying the fruits of success as your fellow citizens enjoy them now in either of those countries, instead of the frustration, anger and delusion that constantly follows you now.

03-01-2011, 03:44 PM
I find that compellingly sad, the more so in that I believe you actually mean it.

To have spent your life fighting FOR a concept that is fundamentally against the very American ideal of freedom, sovereignity, and personal responsibility that a new nation fought, bled and died to THROW OFF a short 240 years ago, is the saddest commentary on futility I have ever seen on one of these discussion boards. And I've seen some doozies.

If you had been born in Cuba or Ethiopia, yours could have been a successful fight, instead of being foredoomed to failure as it must be in any free society. You could have been enjoying the fruits of success as your fellow citizens enjoy them now in either of those countries, instead of the frustration, anger and delusion that constantly follows you now.

Either you don't think before you write or you are ignorant of the history of the United States of America or you have no idea of the American struggles for a reasonable healthcare system ever since long before my birth date in 1950.

President Richard Millhouse Nixon (R) proposed in 1969 to change Medicare to include ALL Americans. He instructed Congress to draw up a bi-partisan bill and he would sign it into law. Edward Kennedy, obviously still harboring great resentments and despair for the assassinations of his brothers John and Robert, refused to take part in the process thereby effectively killing the bill. My recollection may not be exact but I believe it is at least close. I never forgave Ted Kennedy for that even though I continued to respect him as a political leader in many other ways.

I'm not out here running around by myself appreciative of the healthcare reform legislation, la. There are about 100 or so million of us. And millions of others will soon follow. The same arguments as yours were made about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other national programs to address the health and poverty issues of the American population. If you don't like these programs possibly it is you that needs to move off to your very own Utopia wherever that might be.


03-01-2011, 04:03 PM
Either you don't think before you write or you are ignorant of the history of the United States of America or you have no idea of the American struggles for a reasonable healthcare system ever since long before my birth date in 1950.

Those are the only possible choices you see?

Sorry I bothered you.

Enjoy Cuba.

03-01-2011, 04:11 PM
President Richard Millhouse Nixon (R) proposed in 1969 to change Medicare to include ALL Americans.

That famous conservative? :laugh:

03-01-2011, 04:29 PM
Those are the only possible choices you see?

Sorry I bothered you.

Enjoy Cuba.

I was trying to be polite but maybe you're just stupid and you can't fix that.


03-01-2011, 04:30 PM
That famous conservative? :laugh:

The last genuine conservative in the White House. Yes, That famous conservative.


03-01-2011, 04:33 PM
I repeat. :laugh:

03-01-2011, 04:46 PM
The same arguments as yours were made about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other national programs to address the health and poverty issues of the American population.[/I][/B]

Huh, and yet we need Obamacare to add to those? Why? Oh right, because all 3 of those systems are falling apart. Yeah, I'm sure this time, the feds will get it completely right and not screw it into the ground... oh wait, they're already doing that now.

03-01-2011, 05:09 PM
I was trying to be polite

Yup, I could tell.

Back to the subject:
Little psycho suffers from the Socialist Disease in its most extreme form, mistaking people's desire to have health care for a "demand" to get GOVERNMENT-FORCED health care; while dismissing the desire to have freedom to make one's own choices, as irrelevant fluff and forgetting it as soon as he can. These are some of the delusions I mentioned near the end of Post #11.

But his is an instructive case to follow, since a number of the political leaders currently in office appear to share some of his symptoms, including the boss.

What's unique about the current administration, is that it is the first to unabashedly try to implement the logical results of such delusions into law, and succeed by passing Obamacare.

The results are predictable, though not by the people suffering from psycho-like delusions. The vast majority of the American people, including most who ordinarily leave politics to the politicians and don't pay much attention, had their attention forcibly jerked onto the subject when they found out what those politicians were doing. And their reaction, again, was predictable: A roaring NO!!! that rose to a crescendo during the campaign to pass Obamacare, resulted in the creation of a new political group mostly from people who had never been in a political group before and, when America finally got a chance to express their reaction at the ballot box in Nov. 2010, unparalleled rejection of Obamacare-advocates and transfer of seats to Republicans, many of them new blood who ran on promises to oppose what the deluded ones had done.

But delusions die hard, and an amazing number of those who thought America had "demanded" govt-forced Health Insurance in 2009, continue to believe so, despite that roaring NO!!! and all other massive evidence to the contrary. In a way that's a good thing, since it will ensure that America's response in the 2010 election, will be repeated in 2012 and even 2014, or for however long any of the people in power maintain the delusions that plagued the Obamacare-advocates in 2009/2010.

In a way, we should even thank the little psychos of the world for waking up the large, conservative majority of Americans who had seldom participated in politics until now. Just as the Titanic disaster eventually caused the number of lifeboats on subsequent passenger ships to accommodate the entire passenger load of the ship, and caused design engineers to change the metallurgy of the hulls to better withstand forceful, glancing blows and thus saved countless future lives, so did the passage of Obamacare cause most American people to finally realize what the agenda of some of our govt officials really was... and put them on guard against it.

We can thank Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their legions of Useful Idiots like little psycho for putting the crosshairs of America directly on the Democrat party, and keep the voters pulling the trigger every time any of them came into range, every other November.

So, keep up the good work, little psycho. Keep narrowing your opinions of why conservatives do what they do, to just the ones you presented in Post #12, and plan your actions accordingly. You are doing more good for your country than you can possibly imagaine. And I thank you for it, more sincerely than you'll ever know.


03-01-2011, 05:15 PM
Huh, and yet we need Obamacare to add to those? Why? Oh right, because all 3 of those systems are falling apart. Yeah, I'm sure this time, the feds will get it completely right and not screw it into the ground... oh wait, they're already doing that now.

There has never been any other system in our nations history that has done better than any of those. I haven't advocated not improving what we have but I will guarantee you that me and many many millions more will make big trouble for anyone that tries to eliminate or significantly reduce those wonderful programs and policies. Same goes for the Patients Rights and Affordable Care Act. All of those programs represent the America that I want to live in.
