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red states rule
02-28-2011, 05:27 PM
Got this in an email.

Here you folks, the first 2 years of Obama in a nutshell

The first number is what the item was on January 20m 2009, the second number is what it was on Febuary 01, 2011, the last number is the percentage change

If you voted for Obama do you regret it yet?

Avg. retail price/gallon gas in U.S.




Crude oil, European Brent (barrel)




Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel)




Gold: London (per troy oz.)




Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL




Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL




Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. fob




Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall




Unemployment rate, blacks




Number of unemployed




Number of fed. employees, ex. military (curr = 12/10 prelim)




Real median household income (2008 v 2009)




Number of food stamp recipients (curr = 10/10)




Number of unemployment benefit recipients (curr = 12/10)




Number of long-term unemployed




Poverty rate, individuals (2008 v 2009)




People in poverty in U.S. (2008 v 2009)




U.S. rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings




Present Situation Index (curr = 12/10)




Failed banks (curr = 2010 + 2011 to date)




U.S. dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate




U.S. money supply, M1, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim)




U.S. money supply, M2, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim)




National debt, in trillions





Just take this last item: In the last two years we have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our entire nation's history. Over 27 times as fast! Metaphorically, speaking, if you are driving in the right lane doing 65 MPH and a car rockets past you in the left lane 27 times faster . . . it would be doing 1,755 MPH! This is a disaster!
(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. of Labor; (7) FHFA; ( Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC; (13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury

02-28-2011, 08:25 PM
What we have here are an accumulation of old problems that should have been addressed decades ago but were political hot potatoes and as such not addressed. Add to that the challenges of globilization and the changes it has caused to our way of business and lives is still playing out.
All of our problems have not suddenly happened over a two year period as the OP obviously wishes, all caused by one person.

02-28-2011, 08:28 PM
What we have here are an accumulation of old problems that should have been addressed decades ago but were political hot potatoes and as such not addressed. Add to that the challenges of globilization and the changes it has caused to our way of business and lives is still playing out.
All of our problems have not suddenly happened over a two year period as the OP obviously wishes, all caused by one person.

'Zackly, sundaydriver, zackly.

Welcome to Debate Policy!!!!!!!!


02-28-2011, 09:02 PM
Thanks, good to be here! I much prefer thought & ideas rather than ideological lockstep.:beer:

02-28-2011, 09:12 PM
Thanks, good to be here! I much prefer thought & ideas rather than ideological lockstep.:beer:

I hope you enjoy your time on board. I've been off and on for many years now and I still find it mostly fun.



02-28-2011, 10:43 PM
What we have here are an accumulation of old problems that should have been addressed decades ago but were political hot potatoes and as such not addressed. Add to that the challenges of globilization and the changes it has caused to our way of business and lives is still playing out.
All of our problems have not suddenly happened over a two year period as the OP obviously wishes, all caused by one person.

Exasperated by Obama. But by all means, compile a list of his accomplishments. We are facing an energy crisis that will devastate this country. Over three decades the left has forced this country to depend on foreign oil. Destroying our energy infrastructure helps this country how? There is no viable alternative for the life's blood of this country. Now we are at their mercy. Expect none.

02-28-2011, 11:34 PM
Exasperated by Obama. But by all means, compile a list of his accomplishments. We are facing an energy crisis that will devastate this country. Over three decades the left has forced this country to depend on foreign oil. Destroying our energy infrastructure helps this country how? There is no viable alternative for the life's blood of this country. Now we are at their mercy. Expect none.

The "left" has forced this country to depend on foreign oil? I'll need a :link: before I believe anything of the sort. I believe somebody has misled you, Indy.

And if you would like a list of some of the very many accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama then here goes with links:

1. Signed an executive order on government contrast waste and spending-http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/economy_in_government_contracting >br>

2. Signed into law the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, giving women equal pay to men- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtKAKlurRAY

3. Renewed dialogue with NATO and allies on strategy issues- http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/04/04/Afghanistan-and-NATO

4. Announced plan to end war in Iraq (and we're on track for it. too!) - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/28/washington/28troops.html?_r=1http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/apr/18/general-withdrawal-iraq-track/

5. Provided funding to families of fallen soldiers to defray expenses for them when the body arrives at Dover AFB- http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/18/pentagon-will-help-families/

6. Ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7986203.stm

7. Signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which is responsible for saving and/or creating 2.1 million jobs- http://www.recovery.gov/About/Pages/The_Act.aspx

8. Launched the Recovery.org website to show where your tax dollars are going, giving transparency to government- http://www.recovery.gov/Pages/home.aspx

9. Making Home Affordable plan- http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/

10. Launched a $15 billion plan to help small businesses- http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Remarks-by-the-President-to-small-business-owners

11. Investing in education programs to both provide jobs now and for the future- http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/education

12. Gave the VA $1.4 billion to improve services for veterans programs- http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/veterans

13. Signed in law to SChip law to help underprivileged children be covered by health insurance- http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/veterans

14. Repealed Bush's restrictions on stem cell research- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/09/obama-administration-stem-cell-funding

15. Ended the stop-loss program which made soldiers serve as many as 4 tours in war- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123741885685978043.html

16. Signed into law the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the way the Pentagon acquires weapons- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapon_Systems_Acquisition_Reform_Act_of_2009

17. Signed into law the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, giving the authority to investigate and prosecute fraud in the lending industry which led to the financial meltdown- http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/05/obama-signs-hou.html

18. Signed into law the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act to help families on the verge of foreclosure keep their homes- http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/05/obama-signs-hou.html

19. Started laying out a plan for Mexico-US border security- http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Administration-Officials-Announce-US-Mexico-Border-Security-Policy-A-Comprehensive-Response-and-Commitment

20. Announced strategy to deal with international nuclear threat- http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Remarks-By-President-Barack-Obama-In-Prague-As-Delivered

21. Improved the Freedom of Information Act, giving it more transparency- http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Freedom_of_Information_Act

22. Signed into law the Credit Card Accountability. Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, putting the brake on sleazy practices of credit care companies and protecting consumers- http://www.newsunfiltered.com/archives/2010/02/pew_finds_credi.html

23. Endorsed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 which puts the brakes on offshore tax havens- http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2004-03-26-body-armor_x.htm

24. Helped reverse the DOW from around 8000 when Bush left to the biggest weekly gain in a year on July 9, 2010-http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/nyse/stocks-climb-again-posting-the-biggest-weekly-gain-in-a-year/19548493/

25. Provided a tax cut to 95% American workers- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/12/only-12-of-americans-thin_n_460559.html

26. Cracked down on companies denying their workers sick leave, pay, and insurance and also avoiding paying Social Security, Medicare and unemployment taxes- http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/18/business/18workers.html

27. Increased funding for pell grants, providing more low income students with access to college funds- http://www.ourfuture.org/report/2009031325/obama-s-budget-supporting-students-not-banks

28. Signed into law the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, enabling better care for veterans- http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Remarks-by-the-President-at-Signing-of-the-Veterans-Health-Care-Budget-Reform-and-Transparency-Act

29. Launched an investigation against Anthem Blue Cross over their jacking premiums up by 39%... pressure on Anthem cause them to reverse itself- http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2010/02/congress_opens_probe_into_anth.htmlhttp://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/04/30/anthem-blue-cross-rate-request-saving-californian/


30. Extended unemployment benefits for over 2 million people by 20 weeks in November 2009- http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/04/30/anthem-blue-cross-rate-request-saving-californian/

31. Created the American recovery and Reinvestment Act which has saved/created more than 2 million jobs and improved the economy by 3.5%- http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2311303720100223

32. Economic policies helped unemployment drop to 9.5%. More jobs started opening up and hiring and joblessness dropped dramatically from over 700,000 on January 20, 2009, to 125,000 in June, 2010... Most of these job losses are attributed to temporary Census workers not doing the Census anymore. Jobs, being a lagging indicator (Economics 101), jobs are ALWAYS the last thing to improve in any economy.

33. Seven of ten economic indicators have improved, showing signs that the economy has and continues to improve-

34. Allocated funding to help fireman and police officers save their jobs, thus keeping communities safer- http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/promise/188/increase-funding-for-local-emergency-planning/

35. strengthened the Endangered Species Act- http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/promise/188/increase-funding-for-local-emergency-planning/

36. Launched a criminal and civil investigation into the Gulf oil spill- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/01/bp-criminal-investigation_n_596626.html

37. Did NOT apologize to BP for making them take responsibility for the mess they created, as the GOP has done. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/06/17/2010-06-17_texas_rep_joe_barton_apologizes_to_bp_ceo_tony_ hayward_over_white_houses_20_bill.html



38. Did NOT suggest that taxpayers foot the bill for the spill instead of BP like John Boehner, Michele Bachmann, Tom Donohoe and other GOPers think we should.


39. Gave tax credits for first time homeowners through the Worker, Homeownership and Business Assistance Act- http://www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com/

40. Did NOT screw over out of work Americans by blocking the extension of unemployment benefits in June of 2010-http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/30/unemployment-jobless-fails-senate_n_631710.htmlFor even more, click here: http://simplifythepositive.blogspot.com/2010/03/100-accomplishments-of-president-barack.html

More: http://www.daily-jeff.com/news/simple_article/4857392



red states rule
03-01-2011, 03:58 AM
PB you left alot out. I want to make sure Obama gets credit for all he has done

Promises broken are so easily redefined or ignored:

Freedom of Information Act to be repealed – now, “respect” the act and overturn Bush era limits

Close Guantanamo Bay Prison (“due to opposition”) – even though he’s had a super majority in Congress

Afghanistan & Iraq: I love the spin here on “intentions and efforts” instead of results

Ended the Bush-era “blackout” imposed on media coverage of the return of fallen US soldiers (CALVIN GIBBS!?!?!)

On that same blackout: Wikileaks documents and the mysterious missile off the coast of California

Let’s continue the back and forth with Nancy’s proposed “Accomplishment” and the reality:

Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office — apologized for America tour, bowed to Saudi and Japanese leadership and dissed Great Britain, our strongest ally on several occasions.

Spoke on Arab television, spoke at an Egyptian university, and met with Arab leaders in an effort to change the tone of US-Arab relation — We’re Sorry

Authorized a $789 billion economic stimulus plan – It’s NOT going to work because it was a spending bill for Democrat districts

Authorized a continuation of the US financial and banking rescue plans initiated at the end of the Bush administration and authorized TARP funds to buy “toxic assets” from failing financial institutions — see Bush gets blamed for the mess, but Obama continued the horrible bailout bill, turning it into a slush fund for bankers



1. Promising to "publish all non-emergency legislation to the website for five days... before the President signs it," then breaking that promise over and over again.

2. Despite promising to keep lobbyists out of his administration, Obama has broken his word again and again (making 17 exceptions to this promise in his first two weeks).

3. Obama promised to eliminate income taxation for seniors making less than $50,000 a year. He has broken this promise despite numerous opportunities to keep it, including the economic stimulus package and his administration's first budget proposal.

4. The President also boasted during his campaign that "During 2009 and 2010, existing businesses will receive a $3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional full-time employee hired," and has failed to keep his word.

5. Obama made it part of his agenda to "allow withdrawals of 15% up to $10,000 from retirement accounts without penalty (although subject to the normal taxes). This would apply to withdrawals in 2008 (including retroactively) and 2009," but didn't include this measure in the stimulus package or his budget proposal.

6. Obama broke his promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

7. Obama did a shameless 180 degree turn on earmarks by sharply criticizing them (and bragging that he would pass legislation without a single one) and then signing a spending bill with literally thousands of them.

8. Obama promised a $4000 tax credit for college tuition, but backpedaled when he signed a much smaller $2,500 college tax credit into law.

9. Obama called presidential "signing statements" (letters of interpretation and recommendations attached to Congressional legislation) unconstitutional... then attached a signing statement of his own to a $410 billion spending bill.

10. Obama promised a different tone in Washington D.C. and a move past bitter, partisan rhetoric. It took him less than a week as president to berate Republicans and sully the dignity of his office by picking a very public rhetorical fight with a private citizen, Rush Limbaugh.

11. In his first private meeting with Congressional Republicans, instead of "reaching across the aisle" and seeking earnest dialogue, he smugly told them that he should have his way because "I won."

12. The White House violated the custom of keeping private meetings private by leaking this comment to the press.

13. Taking a page out of the Bush Administration's playbook, Obama applied shrill, frantic, fear-mongering rhetoric to assure passage of his stimulus package.

14. Obama revealed the duplicity of his rhetoric and the arrogance of his character when he took off on a ritzy Valentine's Day vacation in Chicago for the weekend instead of signing the stimulus bill that he said needed to be passed as soon as possible to avert an irreversible economic meltdown.

15. Obama did not criticize Congress for its secrecy and closed-door committee meetings in crafting the stimulus package despite his calls for greater transparency in Washington.

16. Obama's appointment of Hillary Clinton to the office of Secretary of State was unconstitutional.

17. His movement of the United States Census out of the Department of Commerce and under the direct control of the White House was unconstitutional, politically motivated, and a dangerous, undemocratic expansion of executive power.

18. Obama's decision to continue Federal funding for religious organizations that discriminate on the basis of religion is unconstitutional and just plain unseemly for a "liberal" Democrat.

19. One promise Obama has kept is in his distribution of TARP II funds to non-financial institutions, which is contrary to the stated intention of those funds in the legislation passed by Congress, making his action illegal, unconstitutional, and an expansion of unlimited executive power.

20. Despite the buzz surrounding Obama's closing of Gitmo, indefinite detainment and torture are alive and well under Obama's administration with his chilling executive order to continue the practice of "CIA renditions" -secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to other countries where they are detained indefinitely and their interrogations are outsourced to other governments.

for the complete list


red states rule
03-01-2011, 04:14 AM
What we have here are an accumulation of old problems that should have been addressed decades ago but were political hot potatoes and as such not addressed. Add to that the challenges of globilization and the changes it has caused to our way of business and lives is still playing out.
All of our problems have not suddenly happened over a two year period as the OP obviously wishes, all caused by one person.


03-01-2011, 08:37 AM
And if you would like a list of some of the very many accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama then here goes with links:

To bad his policies are a failure by his own measure. Remember the promise that the unemployment rate wouldn't top 8%?

He rocked that one. :rolleyes:

03-01-2011, 10:58 AM
The "left" has forced this country to depend on foreign oil? I'll need a :link: before I believe anything of the sort. I believe somebody has misled you, Indy.

And if you would like a list of some of the very many accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama then here goes with links:

Pandering BS for his base. The bad republicans won't hand out anymore free money bo-ho. BS! We simply wanted to know how he was going to pay for the unemployment extensions, show us the funds. Same crap they do in Calif. Write feel good bribes for votes and call it legislation, and when asked for the source of funding, jump up and down and blame the conservatives for not having a heart. Repeat that over and over until the state is on the verge of bankruptcy.

:laugh2::lol: Like I said, worst resident in history. Thanks for proving why we are 15 trillion in debt, with a never ending policy of "invest" Obama's code for spend more. Oil? Are you kidding me, who has shut down over half the refineries in this country, who has blocked drilling, who has made us dependent on foreign oil. The foundation of individual prosperity in this country has always been cheap energy. Obama has shut down coal and oil, and in California we can't even avail ourselves to the mass amounts of natural gas and oil in this state. All this is laid at the feet of the invirowhackos on the left. Now who has blocked the building of clean nuclear energy again, using 1980 technology as the stick? Oh, and here's a good one, the first major solar project that was going to be a start of a new era of job producing clean energy has hit a road block, yep, the state has been shut down by another invirowhacko group, the same nuts that turned off the water to the fertile farmlands in southern Calif. over a smelt.We can go on all day about how the leftist have destroyed the state of California, Obama's model for the rest of the country. You idiots are letting the energy infrastructure be slowly taken apart, with out a single viable alternative. Just how do you propose to charge all those millions of Obama electric cars without an abundance of energy. Talk about being mislead, let me know how you like 10+ gas and out of control utility bills. The rest of your dribble will do nothing to help that situation. But hey, Obama approved drilling yesterday, kinda, it was just one spot. That should help:laugh: To bad Clinton made the decision not to drill, because we had an abundant source from the Saudis, and it would take ten years to see any difference anyway. We would be in pretty good shape right about now. Here's an idea, you don't shut down the life flow of the country until you have something viable to replace it. To bad millions are starving from the increase of corn prices so we can have non efficient engine destroying ethanol that costs twice as much and uses twice as much energy to produce with half the mileage of gas. Now run and find another huff-puff piece that disputes the truth. Because after all, Obama said you can't just set your thermostat at 72 degrees and think the rest of the world will be OK with it, Naw you should sit in the cold and freeze, or faint from heat stroke. And if you don't like it, he'll make dam sure by making it so expensive you won't have a choice. Well except for him and the rest of the elitists like Gore. Now go back to running around and yelling the sky is falling because of oil. Then go figure out how to carry ten bags of double priced groceries on the bus route two blocks from your house. Maybe you can start a grocery car pool. Because the rest of your rant is just Psychobabble compared to whats coming.

03-01-2011, 04:01 PM
To bad his policies are a failure by his own measure. Remember the promise that the unemployment rate wouldn't top 8%?

He rocked that one. :rolleyes:

Overly hopeful recovery from a disastrous economy left from a previous administration? How did all the candy, open arms and flowers for our troops go in Iraq?

Talk about rockin'!!!!!!! I would laugh if it weren't so painful.


03-01-2011, 04:10 PM
Overly hopeful recovery from a disastrous economy left from a previous administration? How did all the candy, open arms and flowers for our troops go in Iraq?

Talk about rockin'!!!!!!! I would laugh if it weren't so painful.


Over selling a government spending program to dole out unnecessary funding to political supporters?

Ever hear of under promise over deliver? They either lied or are utterly incompetent in the ways of economic forecasting. Which do you prefer?

03-01-2011, 04:11 PM

I'm glad you opened up early or I might have mistaken you for serious in another venue. If you need more examples of the accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama I can provide you with several hundred. Bi-partisan review reveals that no President in recent memory has done so much in so little time. I think the President is truly a once in a lifetime best national leader for me.


03-01-2011, 04:16 PM
^ :laugh:

03-01-2011, 04:18 PM
Over selling a government spending program to dole out unnecessary funding to political supporters?

Ever hear of under promise over deliver? They either lied or are utterly incompetent in the ways of economic forecasting. Which do you prefer?

Having only been in office for a very short time at that forecast it is understandable that the entire administration underestimated the degree to which the previous administration had destroyed the economy for YEARS to come.

I thought better of you than all that, fj. Hell, I was just bragging about the very good debates that you and logroller tend to have most of the time!!! To be honest, usually when I am talking to either of you and the other comes in I get myself some popcorn and a Dr. Pepper and enjoy the learning experience for me!!

Neither of your choices would reflect truth in any consideration of the facts.


03-01-2011, 04:27 PM
Having only been in office for a very short time at that forecast it is understandable that the entire administration underestimated the degree to which the previous administration had destroyed the economy for YEARS to come.

I thought better of you than all that, fj. Hell, I was just bragging about the very good debates that you and logroller tend to have most of the time!!! To be honest, usually when I am talking to either of you and the other comes in I get myself some popcorn and a Dr. Pepper and enjoy the learning experience for me!!

Neither of your choices would reflect truth in any consideration of the facts.


So you're boiling it down to being Bush's fault? That's kind of ducking the issue isn't it? The underlying assumptions that they used were obviously overstated and this current demand side "recovery" has been shown to lag all other recoveries, supply side or not, in terms of job growth. I wish I had saved the story and graph.

But based on your response I'd have to say that you'd go with a failure of economic forecasting. It's better than the alternative for you.

03-01-2011, 04:57 PM
So you're boiling it down to being Bush's fault? That's kind of ducking the issue isn't it? The underlying assumptions that they used were obviously overstated and this current demand side "recovery" has been shown to lag all other recoveries, supply side or not, in terms of job growth. I wish I had saved the story and graph.

But based on your response I'd have to say that you'd go with a failure of economic forecasting. It's better than the alternative for you.

Actually, fj, I do read a lot, entertain hundreds of theories and love to talk about politics. In this case I have seen no other reasonable explanation, alternative or not.


03-01-2011, 05:00 PM
What we have here are an accumulation of old problems that should have been addressed decades ago but were political hot potatoes and as such not addressed. Add to that the challenges of globilization and the changes it has caused to our way of business and lives is still playing out.
All of our problems have not suddenly happened over a two year period as the OP obviously wishes, all caused by one person.

Actually, I do agree with you. Hundreds of bad business decisions led us to the here and now, but Obama hasn't done anything aid either, and he start off with all the majorities he needed to pass whatever he wanted, and still couldn't get anything passed. At some point, yes, his record has got to start being about him, and not every person who came before him.

03-01-2011, 05:38 PM
Actually, fj, I do read a lot, entertain hundreds of theories and love to talk about politics. In this case I have seen no other reasonable explanation, alternative or not.


That it was Bush's fault? Kind of stuck in the box aren't you?

red states rule
03-01-2011, 05:58 PM
Having only been in office for a very short time at that forecast it is understandable that the entire administration underestimated the degree to which the previous administration had destroyed the economy for YEARS to come.

I thought better of you than all that, fj. Hell, I was just bragging about the very good debates that you and logroller tend to have most of the time!!! To be honest, usually when I am talking to either of you and the other comes in I get myself some popcorn and a Dr. Pepper and enjoy the learning experience for me!!

Neither of your choices would reflect truth in any consideration of the facts.


A bumber sticker for PB's car


03-01-2011, 07:02 PM

Thanks red, I can't wait to show this to my friends & family! ::thumb:

But seriously, The US has has spent a long time watching a lot of these problems build to the failing point ignoring all the warning signs before reacting only because it had to. Some problems are 2 years new, most others though have just not gotten better with age.

red states rule
03-01-2011, 07:07 PM
Thanks red, I can't wait to show this to my friends & family! ::thumb:

But seriously, The US has has spent a long time watching a lot of these problems build to the failing point ignoring all the warning signs before reacting only because it had to. Some problems are 2 years new, most others though have just not gotten better with age.

In my case work is steady with even some OT. Defaults on mortgage are rising with another year of record foreclosures is expected

If you are a bankruptcy attorney or own a repo company - business is booming

And Obamanomics is the best economic climate for these companies to continue to grow

03-01-2011, 07:52 PM
That it was Bush's fault? Kind of stuck in the box aren't you?

Why would you say that I'm stuck in a box, fj? Do you think America will ever be perfect? Do you think President Barack Hussein Obama will fix all the problems all the time? Do you feel threatened by people like me that tend to think more progressively and I think more directly critically than you? No, no, fj. I'm not stuck in a box as long as I can get up in the morning, feed myself, take my own shower, piddle around the yard and neighborhood some, entertain the sweet one with the fire engine red hair from time to time, no, I'm not stuck in any box, fj.

We will be paying for the disasters of gwb and his incompetent administration for many years, fj. He left hundreds of thousands behind in high level civil service positions and their damage is yet to be seen as well as all of the unknowns that we don't know anything about as Donald, the fuckin' chief idiot in charge, Rumsfeld might say.

I no longer have any faith whatsoever in the integrity of any rightwinger. Anyone that would rely on Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews to formulate their own opinions has no business in MY life other than for entertainment purposes.


03-01-2011, 07:52 PM
In my case work is steady with even some OT. Defaults on mortgage are rising with another year of record foreclosures is expected

If you are a bankruptcy attorney or own a repo company - business is booming

And Obamanomics is the best economic climate for these companies to continue to grow

Good day at work. Performance review & 3.8% raise.

Defaults on mortages rising, what a suprise! I don't know where you live but here in rural east Pennsylvania it's nice to get a breather from the building boom. Many, many McMansions built for a lot of people that could barely afford them and too many others who in no way could afford them to begin with. But credit was so easy! Cheap initial payment and 2 years later the big payments kicked in and you didn't win the lottery in the mean time, DAMN

red states rule
03-01-2011, 08:58 PM
Good day at work. Performance review & 3.8% raise.

Defaults on mortages rising, what a suprise! I don't know where you live but here in rural east Pennsylvania it's nice to get a breather from the building boom. Many, many McMansions built for a lot of people that could barely afford them and too many others who in no way could afford them to begin with. But credit was so easy! Cheap initial payment and 2 years later the big payments kicked in and you didn't win the lottery in the mean time, DAMN

Congrats to you on your review

Funy how the Dems left out Fannie and Freddie with their "bank reform" bill given how Fannie and Freddie make must a huge majority of the bad loans that were made

Of course Dems are the ones bearing most of the blame in the mess we are in. They had this policy where home ownership was a "right" like they see health ins is a "right"

03-01-2011, 09:59 PM
Does anyone here know what TARP stands for and just who put it into law? Does anyone here deny that we have had extremely serious cost and care delivery problems in our healthcare system? Does anyone here have any better solutions than those that have already been passed into law and are proving without doubt to be achieving the goals set forth in their preambles? I'm all ears to anything credible but I suspect all those paths have already been travelled and found unproductive.


03-02-2011, 10:13 AM
Why would you say that I'm stuck in a box, fj? Do you think America will ever be perfect? Do you think President Barack Hussein Obama will fix all the problems all the time? Do you feel threatened by people like me that tend to think more progressively and I think more directly critically than you? No, no, fj. I'm not stuck in a box as long as I can get up in the morning, feed myself, take my own shower, piddle around the yard and neighborhood some, entertain the sweet one with the fire engine red hair from time to time, no, I'm not stuck in any box, fj.

Because your "analysis" extends no further than "Bush did..." I don't think BHO can fix ANY problem because his solution his government, government, government. It's a loser program because it can only do so much. Why would I feel threatened by you? It's hard to feel threatened by someone in a box.

We will be paying for the disasters of gwb and his incompetent administration for many years, fj. He left hundreds of thousands behind in high level civil service positions and their damage is yet to be seen as well as all of the unknowns that we don't know anything about as Donald, the fuckin' chief idiot in charge, Rumsfeld might say.

Translation of above:

Bush did it.

I no longer have any faith whatsoever in the integrity of any rightwinger. Anyone that would rely on Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews to formulate their own opinions has no business in MY life other than for entertainment purposes.

Nice strawman.

03-02-2011, 10:15 AM
Does anyone here know what TARP stands for and just who put it into law? Does anyone here deny that we have had extremely serious cost and care delivery problems in our healthcare system? Does anyone here have any better solutions than those that have already been passed into law and are proving without doubt to be achieving the goals set forth in their preambles? I'm all ears to anything credible but I suspect all those paths have already been travelled and found unproductive.

Was there a point to that post? TARP? Healthcare? Better solutions? Anything else you want to throw in that kitchen-sink post?

03-02-2011, 10:39 AM
Was there a point to that post? TARP? Healthcare? Better solutions? Anything else you want to throw in that kitchen-sink post?

What would it matter, fj? You would only throw out your very own straw men, obfuscate the conversation and ignore the facts. BTW, I do NOT just blame gwb for all the nations problems but I don't give him much credit for solving anything either. I consider him to be one of those "If I can't fix it I'm going to tear it all to pieces" types. Or at least tell someone else to tear it all to pieces. I don't believe the man ever did an honest days work in his entire life including his time President of the United States of America. And he doesn't seem to be doing any better as an ex-President.


03-02-2011, 02:56 PM
What would it matter, fj? You would only throw out your very own straw men, obfuscate the conversation and ignore the facts. BTW, I do NOT just blame gwb for all the nations problems but I don't give him much credit for solving anything either. I consider him to be one of those "If I can't fix it I'm going to tear it all to pieces" types. Or at least tell someone else to tear it all to pieces. I don't believe the man ever did an honest days work in his entire life including his time President of the United States of America. And he doesn't seem to be doing any better as an ex-President.


It's a good thing you have loads of evidence to go with your opinion. :rolleyes:

03-02-2011, 03:19 PM
It's a good thing you have loads of evidence to go with your opinion. :rolleyes:

Well, fj, the proof is in the pudding. What's that on your upper lip? Chocolate pudding or gwb shit?



03-02-2011, 07:14 PM
Well, fj, the proof is in the pudding. What's that on your upper lip? Chocolate pudding or gwb shit?



Nonresponsive to the sarcasm. What did Bush do... or not do? Take your pick.

red states rule
03-04-2011, 02:56 AM
While PB thinks Pre Obama walks on water, things continue to go bad for the US economy and Obama's poll numbers


03-04-2011, 01:01 PM
While PB thinks Pre Obama walks on water, things continue to go bad for the US economy and Obama's poll numbers


I can find you plenty of charts, articles, blogs, etc. that indicate totally otherwise, red.


03-04-2011, 02:39 PM
I can find you plenty of charts, articles, blogs, etc. that indicate totally otherwise, red.


Please post.

03-04-2011, 02:55 PM
Please post.

Okay. Test, test. This is a post. 1,2,3,4, test test this is a post.


03-04-2011, 04:42 PM
Okay. Test, test. This is a post. 1,2,3,4, test test this is a post.


So, if I understand you correctly, your posts are just going to give your side, then you refuse to engage in conversation? If that's correct, cool. We just won't respond.

03-04-2011, 05:42 PM
So, if I understand you correctly, your posts are just going to give your side, then you refuse to engage in conversation? If that's correct, cool. We just won't respond.

So what do you expect me to do, Kathianne? Re-re-respond to everything that fj wants me to? I gave his post all the attention and honest consideration it deserved. He said "please post" and I posted. Surely he wasn't wanting anything further was he? And if he doubts the veracity of my claims his internets work the same as mine and I've already admitted that any position can be taken for any number of reasons. But, to go a little further and to make honest conclusions takes a more thoughtful and honest approach.


03-04-2011, 06:25 PM
So what do you expect me to do, Kathianne? Re-re-respond to everything that fj wants me to? I gave his post all the attention and honest consideration it deserved. He said "please post" and I posted. Surely he wasn't wanting anything further was he? And if he doubts the veracity of my claims his internets work the same as mine and I've already admitted that any position can be taken for any number of reasons. But, to go a little further and to make honest conclusions takes a more thoughtful and honest approach.


Not a problem PB. If you wish to say, "This is fact, you lie," without defending such, it's your opinion or one article/link to back you up. If it's refuted, but you refuse to discuss further, end of conversation. Not hard to understand.

03-04-2011, 06:58 PM
I can find you plenty of charts, articles, blogs, etc. that indicate totally otherwise, red.


You mean you WISH you could find plenty...none exist, and you KNOW it. Otherwise, you'd be posting them instead of engaging in dodging.

03-04-2011, 11:16 PM
Not a problem PB. If you wish to say, "This is fact, you lie," without defending such, it's your opinion or one article/link to back you up. If it's refuted, but you refuse to discuss further, end of conversation. Not hard to understand.

After having been accused of a "kitchen-sink post" I doubt the sincerity of the cowgirls request and she does like to play a lot, doesn't she?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


03-04-2011, 11:17 PM
You mean you WISH you could find plenty...none exist, and you KNOW it. Otherwise, you'd be posting them instead of engaging in dodging.

You're not keeping up, Mm.


03-05-2011, 04:17 AM
After having been accused of a "kitchen-sink post" I doubt the sincerity of the cowgirls request and she does like to play a lot, doesn't she?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


Well if you are now referencing that post with 'all BO's accomplishments' that was diversionary tactic, reactionary one might say.

red states rule
03-05-2011, 07:31 AM
I can find you plenty of charts, articles, blogs, etc. that indicate totally otherwise, red.


Please post those polls PB

And please spare us the poll showing Obama with a 99% approval ratring. That poll of the MSNBC lunch room does not count

red states rule
03-05-2011, 07:37 AM
Well if you are now referencing that post with 'all BO's accomplishments' that was diversionary tactic, reactionary one might say.

I see BO's accomplishments every single day Kat

The gas stations I drive by with that constantly changing higher price

The record number of personal bankruptcies and foreclosures I deal at with work

The only person who is tickled to have Obama as President has to ne Jimmy Carter. Now Carter can no longer be considered the worst person ever to sit in the Oval Office.

While Carter was just a bumbling fool, Obama is intentionally destroying this economy so he can advance his insane liberal agenda

07-20-2019, 07:26 AM
Saw a guest reading this old post. So I found some numbers for comparison the best I could. Some may be a month off or so, others I couldn't locate yet. If blank, I haven't found it - yet. Some Trump did better, some worse.

Got this in an email.

Here you folks, the first 2 years of Obama in a nutshell

The first number is what the item was on January 20m 2009, the second number is what it was on Febuary 01, 2011, the last number is the percentage change

If you voted for Obama do you regret it yet?

Avg. retail price/gallon gas in U.S.





Crude oil, European Brent (barrel)





Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel)





Gold: London (per troy oz.)





Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL





Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL





Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. fob





Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall





Unemployment rate, blacks




6.0% from King Racist

Number of unemployed




6.5 million

Number of fed. employees, ex. military (curr = 12/10 prelim)




2.1 million

Real median household income (2008 v 2009)





Number of food stamp recipients (curr = 10/10)




36 million

Number of unemployment benefit recipients (curr = 12/10)




Number of long-term unemployed




Poverty rate, individuals (2008 v 2009)




not sure - 12.3%

People in poverty in U.S. (2008 v 2009)




39.7 million

U.S. rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings





Present Situation Index (curr = 12/10)




Failed banks (curr = 2010 + 2011 to date)




U.S. dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate





U.S. money supply, M1, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim)





U.S. money supply, M2, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim)





National debt, in trillions




$22 trillion :(

07-20-2019, 07:49 AM
If you voted for Obama do you regret it yet?

I regret that we have so many delusional lefties in this world. :(

To bad his policies are a failure by his own measure. Remember the promise that the unemployment rate wouldn't top 8%?

He rocked that one. :rolleyes:

Overly hopeful recovery from a disastrous economy left from a previous administration? How did all the candy, open arms and flowers for our troops go in Iraq?

Talk about rockin'!!!!!!! I would laugh if it weren't so painful.


Some things on the left NEVER change. Lack of responsibility and blaming others for their issues. In 2009 Obama himself took responsibility for the economy - but the supporters went :lalala: 2 years later. Well, long before that, and to this very moment. I don't even think lefties were ever taught the "R" word, other than to learn why they have deficiencies, but that's not responsibility. :)

Nevermind what Busch Boy thinks, let's see Obama's own words instead:

5. July 14, 2009 – Economy in freefall. "I love the folks who helped get us in this mess and then suddenly say, 'Well, this is Obama's economy.' That's fine. Give it to me. ... I want the responsibility." - July 2009


“If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

In this quote, from a February 2009 interview on NBC’s “Today” show and widely repeated this year by taunting Republicans, Obama was referring to the pace of economic recovery.

Obama’s explanation, of course, is that his policies, including the $787 billion stimulus package, averted depression and made possible a slow but still incomplete comeback.


But lefties don't care, blame the right instead, as their clueless about responsibility. :rolleyes: