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View Full Version : Dem WI State Rep to Female GOP Colleague "You are f'ing dead"

red states rule
02-28-2011, 06:46 PM
What if Sarah Palin had siad this?

Oh well, it was Dem who said it so no story here

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vbMBl0oF1-Q&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vbMBl0oF1-Q&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

02-28-2011, 07:08 PM


Palin Rider
02-28-2011, 10:04 PM
She should give him some negative rep for this!

03-01-2011, 01:20 AM
She should give him some negative rep for this!

Hey, speaking of which... those are some real nice pretty red dots you're sporting there, Tiger!

red states rule
03-01-2011, 04:00 AM


Put your glasses on - 620 WTMJ

red states rule
03-01-2011, 04:01 AM
Hey, speaking of which... those are some real nice pretty red dots you're sporting there, Tiger!

Since PR has more neg rep then any other member in the history of DP he could afford to share some with him :laugh2:

03-01-2011, 04:38 AM
here is his mail rep.hintz@legis.wisconsin.gov

and phone number Telephone
(608) 266-2254

and here is what I said to him

you are an ass sir.

how dare you tell a women, you are f'ing dead.

You are a piece of trash


What if Sarah Palin had siad this?

Oh well, it was Dem who said it so no story here


<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vbMBl0oF1-Q&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vbMBl0oF1-Q&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

03-01-2011, 04:42 AM
what are you babbling about?

She should give him some negative rep for this!

red states rule
03-01-2011, 04:42 AM
here is his mail rep.hintz@legis.wisconsin.gov

and phone number Telephone
(608) 266-2254

and here is what I said to him

you are an ass sir.

how dare you tell a women, you are f'ing dead.

You are a piece of trash


That is liberal civility for you Martin. Looks at the libs here - they are all pretty much the same

03-01-2011, 04:54 AM
civility, are you kidding me

left wing dems put the re in retarded

Palin Rider
03-01-2011, 12:56 PM
Hey, speaking of which... those are some real nice pretty red dots you're sporting there, Tiger!

I thought you were traveling to some disenfranchised sand pit, Squiggy.

It sounds like the kind of place where you belong...

03-01-2011, 01:37 PM
From the Northwestern article:

Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, called Rep. Michelle Litjens, R-Winneconne, Monday morning to apologize for his comments that Litjens described as containing an obscenity and the words “you’re dead.” Last week, he accepted responsibility for being issued an ordinance violation for visiting a massage parlor in Appleton that was the subject of a prostitution sting.

It's said that politicians, like diapers, should be changed regularly, and for the same reasons.

One of those reasons, is that some politicians seem to start assuming that the rules don't apply to them.

red states rule
03-01-2011, 06:06 PM
and the liberal media is ignoring the story

In this post-Gabrielle Giffords world, with calls for a new civility, a man that was just busted in the middle of a prostitution sting says "You are f--king dead" to a woman on the floor of the Wisconsin assembly, and America's media couldn't care less.

Despite this being reported no later than 10:43 AM, a Google news search identified that apart from Wisconsin outlets, only Fox and conservative websites thought this was at all newsworthy.

As of 12:30 AM Tuesday, according to LexisNexis, no major news outlets reported this event. Closed-caption records for ABC's "World News," CBS's "Evening News," and NBC's "Night News" also found no coverage of this issue.

Imagine for a moment Hintz was a Republican and Litjens a Democrat.

This likely would have been the lead story for all three broadcast evening news programs as well as the focus of every hour of reporting on CNN and MSNBC with calls for Hintz's resignation.

But much like what happened at ABC's town hall meeting when a survivor of the Giffords shootings said "You are dead" to a Tea Party leader in the audience, our media clearly don't care when liberals publicly threaten conservatives.

Now this standard extends to a male Democrat elected official vulgarly assaulting a female Republican on an Assembly floor.

Makes one think it's journalism that's bleeping dead!

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/03/01/wisconsin-dem-assemblyman-tells-gop-assemblywoman-you-are-f-king-dead#ixzz1FOMxIdAr

red states rule
03-03-2011, 04:46 PM


Liberal media still ignoring the story. After the AZ shootings and the non stop coverage for three weeks, the liberal media was demanding civility

According to LexisNexis and Google news searches, as far as major media are concerned, that's it.

Not one major newspaper outside of Wisconsin thought this newsworthy. The Associated Press didn't run a national piece on it. All of the television networks besides Fox completely ignored it as did NPR.

In fairness, MSNBC does not transcribe its shows outside of extended prime time, and someone suggested to me Tuesday afternoon that the network had made some mention of it. I can't prove or disprove that; there appears to be nothing about this at MSNBC.com.

As I asked Tuesday, just imagine if the woman that was vulgarly assaulted was a Democrat and the man on the giving end was a Republican. Would the coverage have been different?

It seems a metaphysical certitude the answer is a resounding "Yes," and that not only would this story have lead every evening television news broadcast Monday as well as morning shows Tuesday, it also would have made front page headlines Tuesday as well as been reported every hour on the hour by CNN and MSNBC.

It also seems likely the National Organization for Women would have already called for Hintz's resignation, with leading Democrat figures including possibly the President himself condemning his behavior calling on this to be a teachable moment for the nation.

Can anyone say "Beer summit?"

Instead, crickets.

What does this tell Americans?

Since August 29, 2008, the day Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was introduced to America, we've learned that sexist attacks on Republican women are not only acceptable but are to be condoned and rewarded.

Since that day, we've seen supposedly feminist liberal media members excoriate female GOPers such as Minnesota's Michele Bachmann, Delaware's Christine O'Donnell, and Nevada's Sharron Angle in a way that they would never consider doing to a Democrat woman.

Now, with this disgusting assault being almost totally boycotted by America's media, we learn that as far as the press are concerned, it's okay for male Democrat officials to treat their female colleagues in such a deplorable manner as long as they are Republicans.

By their silence, every media outlet in this country that did not report this incident has implicitly condoned what Hintz did, and should be thoroughly ashamed.

Alas, this is how far so-called journalists are willing to go to defeat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's plan to balance his state's budget.

Makes you weep for the future, doesn't it?

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/03/02/media-boycott-wisconsin-assemblyman-saying-you-are-f-king-dead-assemb#ixzz1FZk8zVAA

03-03-2011, 05:23 PM
the left and civility are like al queda and a drum circle

03-03-2011, 11:38 PM
I remain unconvinced that it happened at all as there has been no link provided or any credible source at all reporting the story. I thinks it's a fear thing from some jerk stirring up shit. Or it could be true. I've certainly been driven to that kind of exasperation. One poster here said that an apology was issued. Like I said, I really don't know about that but I do know that should be the end of it if true.

Has FoxNews not been all over this like a june bug on a horse turd?


03-04-2011, 12:50 AM


03-04-2011, 01:07 AM


Thanks, marteen.


03-04-2011, 01:20 AM
My pleasure :), im always here to help you blues man :) :clap: :salute:

red states rule
03-04-2011, 02:51 AM
I remain unconvinced that it happened at all as there has been no link provided or any credible source at all reporting the story. I thinks it's a fear thing from some jerk stirring up shit. Or it could be true. I've certainly been driven to that kind of exasperation. One poster here said that an apology was issued. Like I said, I really don't know about that but I do know that should be the end of it if true.

Has FoxNews not been all over this like a june bug on a horse turd?


Given all the evidence presented how can you remain "unconvinced"?

Is it because you refuse to say anything bad about a fellow liberal?

Or is it because you do not have an issue with a liberal saying that to any Republican?

The liberal media, which spent 3 weeks trying to tie the Tea Party to the AZ shootings and lecturing the nation on civility, has ignored this story for the same reason you are

To the left civility only applies to others because after all, Pres Obama did call those who oppose his agenda the "enemy"

03-04-2011, 01:17 PM
Given all the evidence presented how can you remain "unconvinced"?

You're way behind, red. marteen has been the only one that has provided anything credible and I am now satisfied that it did happen although I haven't made up my mind how to respond to the wildly inaccurate and not completely forthcoming accusations from the "what if" fearmongering folks like you, red. Perhaps I will address that later.


red states rule
03-05-2011, 08:15 AM
You're way behind, red. marteen has been the only one that has provided anything credible and I am now satisfied that it did happen although I haven't made up my mind how to respond to the wildly inaccurate and not completely forthcoming accusations from the "what if" fearmongering folks like you, red. Perhaps I will address that later.


have not made up mind on how to respond" because you will NOT respond

You will NOT respond because the guy who said it is a liberal

Deep down you are cheering this jerk for saying it, because you probably would have told that damn Repubican b**** the same thing

03-05-2011, 09:44 AM
have not made up mind on how to respond" because you will NOT respond

You will NOT respond because the guy who said it is a liberal

Deep down you are cheering this jerk for saying it, because you probably would have told that damn Repubican b**** the same thing

Soooooooo, you think the offended female Republican representative is a "b****"? Sometimes you disgust me so, red, that I find it almost impossible to even think in a manner to reasonably respond to anything you say.


red states rule
03-05-2011, 09:48 AM
Soooooooo, you think the offended female Republican representative is a "b****"? Sometimes you disgust me so, red, that I find it almost impossible to even think in a manner to reasonably respond to anything you say.


Lame attempt PB. That is how libs like you see female R's

Look at the comments made to female poster by YOU, Virgil, Gabby, BP, and PR

The civility shown by the lefties here is telling

And so far nothing from you on the comment made by your fellow lib. Your silence also is very telling PB. However, if Sarah Palin had made the same coment you would be suffering from a strained throat from all the screaming you be doing from every moutaintop over her hate speech

03-05-2011, 10:41 AM
Lame attempt PB. That is how libs like you see female R's

Look at the comments made to female poster by YOU, Virgil, Gabby, BP, and PR

The civility shown by the lefties here is telling

And so far nothing from you on the comment made by your fellow lib. Your silence also is very telling PB. However, if Sarah Palin had made the same coment you would be suffering from a strained throat from all the screaming you be doing from every moutaintop over her hate speech

What are we going to do about any of it, red? Swap insults on a message board? Do you have a clue as to why I had you on "ignore" for about 5 years?


red states rule
03-05-2011, 10:46 AM
What are we going to do about any of it, red? Swap insults on a message board? Do you have a clue as to why I had you on "ignore" for about 5 years?


Considering I joined this board on 1/31/07 it is a neat trick you had on "ignore" for 5 years PB.

What your silence on this topic shows -and your lame attempots to duck the questions - civility is a one way street with you (and most libs)

You had me on ignore PB because you lost every debate we had. You could not counter my posts with fact - but only insults and lame generalizations

I stand ny the statement you probably agree with what this jerk said on the House floor - considering you would have told her the same thing if given the chance

03-05-2011, 11:10 AM
Considering I joined this board on 1/31/07 it is a neat trick you had on "ignore" for 5 years PB.

What your silence on this topic shows -and your lame attempots to duck the questions - civility is a one way street with you (and most libs)

You had me on ignore PB because you lost every debate we had. You could not counter my posts with fact - but only insults and lame generalizations

I stand ny the statement you probably agree with what thjis jerk said on the House floor - considering you would have told her the same thing if given the chance

I refused to address your projections then and I refuse to address them now. You have NEVER beat me in any debate or honest conversation, red. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


red states rule
03-05-2011, 11:14 AM
I refused to address your projections then and I refuse to address them now. You have NEVER beat me in any debate or honest conversation, red. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


Your surrender right now shows you are unable to go one on one with me on this thread.

You talk a big game PB. But like Virgil, BP, and PR when it comes time to belly up to the bar you go belly up

You have shown your civility toward female posters who have a different POV in the same manner as this jerk did on the WI House floor. Your silence on his comments shows the contempt you lefties have for the rest of us

I am not surpriesed at all your lack of outrage over this - you would have probably dropped the "C" word towards her on the House floor if you woould have been ther PB

03-05-2011, 11:36 AM
Your surrender right now shows you are unable to go one on one with me on this thread.

You talk a big game PB. But like Virgil, BP, and PR when it comes time to belly up to the bar you go belly up

You have shown your civility toward female posters who have a different POV in the same manner as this jerk did on the WI House floor. Your silence on his comments shows the contempt you lefties have for the rest of us

I am not surpriesed at all your lack of outrage over this - you would have probably dropped the "C" word towards her on the House floor if you woould have been ther PB

I haven't surrendered anything now and I didn't surrender anything all those years ago. It's not just me and I hate to bring these sad tidings to you.. There is practically NO ONE on this board that will give your posts a first look much less a second one or a response. Considering the outrage you are demanding of me I learned in Viet Nam not to let my emotions over take my training and better methodologies. What did you learn in Viet Nam, red?


red states rule
03-05-2011, 11:39 AM
I haven't surrendered anything now and I didn't surrender anything all those years ago. It's not just me and I hate to bring these sad tidings to you.. There is practically NO ONE on this board that will give your posts a first look much less a second one or a response. Considering the outrage you are demanding of me I learned in Viet Nam not to let my emotions over take my training and better methodologies. What did you learn in Viet Nam, red?


Onlky in your mind PB - only in your mind

The fact you continue to duck the issue and your ongoing refusal to take this idiot lib to task for what he said says it all

and given your civility towards other PB, for you to lecure me is like Bill Clinton giving Marriage Counseling sessions to engaged couples

03-05-2011, 12:19 PM
Onlky in your mind PB - only in your mind

The fact you continue to duck the issue and your ongoing refusal to take this idiot lib to task for what he said says it all

and given your civility towards other PB, for you to lecure me is like Bill Clinton giving Marriage Counseling sessions to engaged couples

Your opinions are not facts, red. The delusions of grandeur are only symptomatic of larger issues.


red states rule
03-05-2011, 12:21 PM
Your opinions are not facts, red. The delusions of grandeur are only symptomatic of larger issues.


Unlike with you hotshot I back up my posts with links which prove me correct

We are still waiting for you to posts your links on 2 other threads

and I suspect we will be waiting for a very long time

You are quickly falling into deperation mode PB

03-05-2011, 01:04 PM
Unlike with you hotshot I back up my posts with links which prove me correct

We are still waiting for you to posts your links on 2 other threads

and I suspect we will be waiting for a very long time

You are quickly falling into deperation mode PB

You're getting hostile. How much further can you go until you snap? I've seen you do it to others. How does it feel for yourself?

I post in my way and you post in yours. And your links to shit are just that, links to shit. Your delusions of grandeur are no better now than they have been in the what 7 or so years that we've known each other? And don't give me this I didn't join this board until January, 2007 bullshit. You KNOW what I'm talking about.


03-05-2011, 01:10 PM
You're getting hostile. How much further can you go until you snap? I've seen you do it to others. How does it feel for yourself?

I post in my way and you post in yours. And your links to shit are just that, links to shit. Your delusions of grandeur are no better now than they have been in the what 7 or so years that we've known each other? And don't give me this I didn't join this board until January, 2007 bullshit. You KNOW what I'm talking about.


Are you claiming this didn't happen or just trying to drag the thread off topic to make it go away?

The ever so civil nutjob lefty who made the threat felt the need to apologize to her for the comment. (http://www.thenorthwestern.com/article/20110228/OSH0101/110228167/State-Rep-Gordon-Hintz-apologizes-comments-made-Assembly-floor-following-budget-repair-bill-vote?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE)

I guess, according to PB, that he just apologized in case it was needed at a later date?

red states rule
03-05-2011, 01:11 PM
You're getting hostile. How much further can you go until you snap? I've seen you do it to others. How does it feel for yourself?

I post in my way and you post in yours. And your links to shit are just that, links to shit. Your delusions of grandeur are no better now than they have been in the what 7 or so years that we've known each other? And don't give me this I didn't join this board until January, 2007 bullshit. You KNOW what I'm talking about.


So you can't back up your boasts on the other threads and now you are depserate to try and make me the topic of this thread

All signs of a liberal losing the debate

Like Obama you are in way over your head PB

PB I posted I joined the board in Jan 2007 when said you had me on ignore for 5 years

Perhaps math was not your strong subject in school :laugh2:

03-05-2011, 01:41 PM
Are you claiming this didn't happen or just trying to drag the thread off topic to make it go away?

The ever so civil nutjob lefty who made the threat felt the need to apologize to her for the comment. (http://www.thenorthwestern.com/article/20110228/OSH0101/110228167/State-Rep-Gordon-Hintz-apologizes-comments-made-Assembly-floor-following-budget-repair-bill-vote?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE)

I guess, according to PB, that he just apologized in case it was needed at a later date?

Where do you get it that I am trying to claim the subject of the OP is inaccurate, boogyman? And the rep did apologize and the offended rep did accept it. Right now it's mainly just red and me swapping insults and you would know that if you were paying attention to the thread. Right now you're just paying attention to somehow denigrating me. I can play that game but right now red has me occupied but I'll give your posts all the attention they deserve or that I can time for.


03-05-2011, 01:43 PM
So you can't back up your boasts on the other threads and now you are depserate to try and make me the topic of this thread

All signs of a liberal losing the debate

Like Obama you are in way over your head PB

PB I posted I joined the board in Jan 2007 when said you had me on ignore for 5 years

Perhaps math was not your strong subject in school :laugh2:



red states rule
03-05-2011, 01:44 PM
Where do you get it that I am trying to claim the subject of the OP is inaccurate, boogyman? And the rep did apologize and the offended rep did accept it. Right now it's mainly just red and me swapping insults and you would know that if you were paying attention to the thread. Right now you're just paying attention to somehow denigrating me. I can play that game but right now red has me occupied but I'll give your posts all the attention they deserve or that I can time for.


First you tried to dent the statement was ever made'

Then you refused to speak out against what the lib said

Now you are playing the victim card and trying to paint this thread as an attack on you

Why do libs have such a hrad time applying the rules they demand other obey to their fellow libs?

red states rule
03-05-2011, 01:45 PM


the school debate team was not one of your subjects either

03-05-2011, 03:18 PM
Where do you get it that I am trying to claim the subject of the OP is inaccurate, boogyman? And the rep did apologize and the offended rep did accept it. Right now it's mainly just red and me swapping insults and you would know that if you were paying attention to the thread. Right now you're just paying attention to somehow denigrating me. I can play that game but right now red has me occupied but I'll give your posts all the attention they deserve or that I can time for.


Simply pointing out that you still seem to be denying the truth of the OP while taking cheap shots at RR for having posted it.

03-05-2011, 05:37 PM
the school debate team was not one of your subjects either

You would be eliminated in the first round of any legitimate and properly moderated debate, red and there is NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT.
