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View Full Version : have you ever written a musical artist or celebrity

03-01-2011, 04:55 PM
and what happened?

03-01-2011, 05:31 PM
and what happened?

Musical artists and celebrities are just like everybody else, marteen. Many will go out of their way to return your kindness and many will not. If you are writing to bitch them out about something they will probably never see it or even if they do it becomes a file 13 item very quickly without additional consideration. Who and why are you intending to write to, marteen?


03-01-2011, 05:41 PM
here is the backstory. Called this artists record company, its a small indie label I think. I spoke to the publicity lady and asked if i could write vanessa carlton a letter. I explained, that I would love to be her friend, because I think she is awesome, and asked if that made me sound like a dork, she said she didnt know how vanessa would respond, but that I was NOT being lame.

so i wrote a 2 page letter, explaining how ive been a fan since 2002, and how i understood if she thought this was a lame request, but that I would love to be her friend.

her is some info on nessa


<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jHDdXT5Wu8Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


03-01-2011, 06:31 PM
Cool, marteen. She may or may not have a publicist or press secretary or possibly her agent or indie label is covering those bases for her. If so you may get a standard response. If she answers her own stuff it may be about anything. I can't imagine that she would be mean or thinking you a "dork" or anything like that. Hold out for the best, marteen. Sometimes good things come to those who wait.


03-01-2011, 07:34 PM
Have never written to anyone, but I did bump into the singer of a band I love while living in England last year, we chatted for a bit about her new single she was writing at the time and how her vegetarianism was going (she'd not long become one) and that was about it :3

Edit- oh yeah and my gf is a music artist, dunno if that counts but I've written to her xD

03-01-2011, 08:25 PM
Have never written to anyone, but I did bump into the singer of a band I love while living in England last year, we chatted for a bit about her new single she was writing at the time and how her vegetarianism was going (she'd not long become one) and that was about it :3

Edit- oh yeah and my gf is a music artist, dunno if that counts but I've written to her xD

goodness, I always had you figured for the bf type. something new every day!


03-01-2011, 09:40 PM
goodness, I always had you figured for the bf type. something new every day!


...you thought i was gay?

03-01-2011, 10:29 PM
...you thought i was gay?

Yes I did, Noir, or may bi, but I didn't think much about it.



Abbey Marie
03-02-2011, 12:33 AM
Martin, Ms. Carlton might be a little creeped-out by someone wanting to be her "friend". It's personal, and It could sound a little stalker-ish. But good luck to you!

03-02-2011, 12:48 AM
I am tired of living in a world, where everyone is considered a criminal or a threat before being given a proper chance.

where, everyone is a paranoid, mean-spirited asshole.

I honestly hope she will have an open mind and even if she says no, will understand, I am NOT a stalker, NOR am I a creep.

Just a man.

03-02-2011, 01:04 AM
maybe, im an idiot. Maybe it was a stupid thing to do.

I hope It will not be taken as anything more then a socially awkward man, who just happened to think a musician was cool.

03-02-2011, 01:08 AM
I am tired of living in a world, where everyone is considered a criminal or a threat before being given a proper chance.

where, everyone is a paranoid, mean-spirited asshole.

I honestly hope she will have an open mind and even if she says no, will understand, I am NOT a stalker, NOR am I a creep.

Just a man.

marteen, I think what creeped YOU out were the ridiculous words by the only person so far in this thread with that kind of paranoid, fearmongering mind. I find that very prevalent on this board, you should know about it by now and know to typically ignore it. You're a cool straight up guy and I don't believe for a moment that Mz. V will think of you as some nut, creep or whatever. If she does she will let you know but artists are very accustomed to fans reaching out to them and are normally very kind to them in return.

I'm with you, marteen. I'm pretty damned creeped out by the fearmongering creeps that spread their paranoia, meanness and poor self esteem.


03-02-2011, 01:19 AM
Yes I did, Noir, or may bi, but I didn't think much about it.



Fairplay, and Nopes, women only please ^___^

03-02-2011, 02:06 AM
Fairplay, and Nopes, women only please ^___^

I'm glad you took it with a good nature, Noir. I made a comment to you in the abortion clinic thread. I hope I haven't offended you in any way.


Abbey Marie
03-02-2011, 11:43 AM
marteen, I think what creeped YOU out were the ridiculous words by the only person so far in this thread with that kind of paranoid, fearmongering mind. I find that very prevalent on this board, you should know about it by now and know to typically ignore it. You're a cool straight up guy and I don't believe for a moment that Mz. V will think of you as some nut, creep or whatever. If she does she will let you know but artists are very accustomed to fans reaching out to them and are normally very kind to them in return.

I'm with you, marteen. I'm pretty damned creeped out by the fearmongering creeps that spread their paranoia, meanness and poor self esteem.


Yes, the only person brave enough to give Martin a head's up on a possible problem. You, on the other hand, can and will turn any thread into a nasty, politically-based, personal attack.

As for my self-esteem, it's in good shape. But then again, I am not the one who is regularly banned for behaving like an unprovoked ass-hat.

Martin can read and decide who has his best interests at heart. That's cool by me.

03-02-2011, 11:52 AM
Yes, the only person brave enough to give Martin a head's up on a possible problem. You, on the other hand, can and will turn any thread into a nasty, politically-based, personal attack.

As for my self-esteem, it's in good shape. But then again, I am not the one who is regularly banned for behaving like an unprovoked ass-hat.

Martin can read and decide who has his best interests at heart. That's cool by me.

You have problems that I could never help you with, abby, and it doesn't have anything to do with bravery or any genuine heads up. You are correct, marteen can read and decide but spreading your fears, anger, paranoia and prejudices to him are simply uncalled for. On the other hand, he asked "what do you think?" and you told him what you thought. That exposes your negativity and says much more about you than anything that might remotely have to do with marteen or even me for that matter.

Unprovoked ass-hat? You do projections well, abby.


03-02-2011, 11:55 AM
Martin fan letters are very sweet and a nice way to let an artist know you appreciate there work. Don't be personally offended if they don't write back or if the reply seems generic. Usually a personal assistant answers all the fan letters for the artist.

On a side note, I have been stalked before and had a real life restraining order, there are unbalanced people out there, not everyone is as sweet, gentle and loving as you Martin.

My stalker broke into my apartment and hid in my closet and when I opened the closet door they jumped out and strangled me I am lucky to be alive today. I imagine a celebrity gets all kinds of creepers trying to get close to them.

Your a sweetie pie so just approach your letter as if you aren't expecting anything and that you just wanted to convey an appreciation for the artists work, wink.

03-02-2011, 12:31 PM
Martin fan letters are very sweet and a nice way to let an artist know you appreciate there work. Don't be personally offended if they don't write back or if the reply seems generic. Usually a personal assistant answers all the fan letters for the artist.

On a side note, I have been stalked before and had a real life restraining order, there are unbalanced people out there, not everyone is as sweet, gentle and loving as you Martin.

My stalker broke into my apartment and hid in my closet and when I opened the closet door they jumped out and strangled me I am lucky to be alive today. I imagine a celebrity gets all kinds of creepers trying to get close to them.

Your a sweetie pie so just approach your letter as if you aren't expecting anything and that you just wanted to convey an appreciation for the artists work, wink.

Now that, chloe, is a very reasonable approach. I'm so proud for you. And marteen for wanting to share his love with Mz V!!


Abbey Marie
03-02-2011, 01:54 PM
There is really nowhere to even start with someone like you.
I hope that I have friends who will do me the honor of telling me the truth when I ask for advice. And respect me enough to not use my posts as an opportunity for cheap shots at others. It's sad that you would use Martin that way.

You have problems that I could never help you with, abby, and it doesn't have anything to do with bravery or any genuine heads up. You are correct, marteen can read and decide but spreading your fears, anger, paranoia and prejudices to him are simply uncalled for. On the other hand, he asked "what do you think?" and you told him what you thought. That exposes your negativity and says much more about you than anything that might remotely have to do with marteen or even me for that matter.

Unprovoked ass-hat? You do projections well, abby.


03-02-2011, 02:33 PM
There is really nowhere to even start with someone like you.
I hope that I have friends who will do me the honor of telling me the truth when I ask for advice. And respect me enough to not use my posts as an opportunity for cheap shots at others. It's sad that you would use Martin that way.

Your continued projection verifies my belief that your problems will take far more than anything I might do to help you, abby. Good luck with your treatment, if you decide to seek treatment.


03-02-2011, 03:34 PM

I know you meant well, and I appreciate your honesty.

You are one of the sweetest, and kindest woman/people ive ever met.

What hurt was not what you said, but that you might be right.

She may very well think im a creep or a stalker, and that really hurts, cause I know in my heart, I am not.

Love ya sweets.

Abbey Marie
03-02-2011, 05:24 PM
Aww, thank you Martin. I am so glad that you understood my post was meant in friendship. :cool:

And for the record, I know that you only mean the best when you write to her.


I know you meant well, and I appreciate your honesty.

You are one of the sweetest, and kindest woman/people ive ever met.

What hurt was not what you said, but that you might be right.

She may very well think im a creep or a stalker, and that really hurts, cause I know in my heart, I am not.

Love ya sweets.

03-02-2011, 07:51 PM
Met a national news anchor in Jamaica and we got to be friends, I didn't know who she was until someone else recognized her. I felt kind of dumb since I then had to ask her who she was.:laugh:

Our daughters wrote back and forth for a few years after that and we even talked about getting together if I was ever in NY.

03-02-2011, 08:08 PM
In 1972 I sold an ounce of weed to Jackson Brown when he was staying at a Miami hotel that I worked at during college. Never heard from him again.

03-03-2011, 10:54 AM
In 1972 I sold an ounce of weed to Jackson Brown when he was staying at a Miami hotel that I worked at during college. Never heard from him again.

When I was a teenager I sold french fries to Dickie SMothers:laugh2:

03-03-2011, 06:20 PM
marteen, I think what creeped YOU out were the ridiculous words by the only person so far in this thread with that kind of paranoid, fearmongering mind. I find that very prevalent on this board, you should know about it by now and know to typically ignore it. You're a cool straight up guy and I don't believe for a moment that Mz. V will think of you as some nut, creep or whatever. If she does she will let you know but artists are very accustomed to fans reaching out to them and are normally very kind to them in return.

I'm with you, marteen. I'm pretty damned creeped out by the fearmongering creeps that spread their paranoia, meanness and poor self esteem.


Abbey is NOT a paranoid, fear mongering, mean person. Anything but. She was trying to give a 'heads up' to Martin, that perhaps his wording might be taken the wrong way in a field where stalkers are prevalent.

Abbey would never use someone's problems to 'humor them' or use them for fun. THAT is mean spirited, actually cruel.

Like any of the staff, she's totally able to stand up for herself with those that attack her. In this case she was acting as a friend and a bit of a mentor.

Martin, what Abbey said originally has a lot of merit. You've made great strides in the time we've known you. Perhaps though it would be a good idea to have someone without the social problems that go with your disability read something like that before you send it?

Abbey Marie
03-03-2011, 06:41 PM
Thank you, Kath.

03-04-2011, 01:13 AM
Abbey is NOT a paranoid, fear mongering, mean person. Anything but. She was trying to give a 'heads up' to Martin, that perhaps his wording might be taken the wrong way in a field where stalkers are prevalent.

Abbey would never use someone's problems to 'humor them' or use them for fun. THAT is mean spirited, actually cruel.

Like any of the staff, she's totally able to stand up for herself with those that attack her. In this case she was acting as a friend and a bit of a mentor.

Martin, what Abbey said originally has a lot of merit. You've made great strides in the time we've known you. Perhaps though it would be a good idea to have someone without the social problems that go with your disability read something like that before you send it?

Kicking dead horses suits you well, Kath. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
