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View Full Version : The world as a village.

03-07-2011, 10:46 AM
Ran across some interesting stats, not to much the religious ones, nut specifically the las few! so I though I'd share.

The Catholic News Service and Encyclopedia Britannica Book Of The Year, 1989, shows this breakdown of world religions (and nonreligions ):

Christianity: (1.7 billion) 32.9%

Nonbelievers: (1.1 billion) 21.6%

Islam: (880.6 million) 17.4%

Hinduism: (663.5 million) 13.1%

Buddhism: (311.8 million) 6.1%

Chinese religions: (172.3 million) 3.4%

Others: (167.5 million) 3.4%

Tribal religions: (92 million) 1.8%

Judaism: (18.2 million) 0.3%

The World Development Forum reports that if the world were a village of 1,000 people, there would be:

564 Asians

210 Europeans

86 Africans

80 South Americans

60 North Americans

There would be:

300 Christians ( 183 Catholics, 84 protestants, 33 Orthodox)

210 without any religion or atheist

175 Moslems

128 Hindus

55 Buddhists

47 Animists

Of these people:

60 would control half the total income

500 would be hungry

600 would live in shantytowns

700 would be illiterate


03-07-2011, 11:17 AM
Ran across some interesting stats, not to much the religious ones, nut specifically the las few! so I though I'd share.

500 would be hungry

600 would live in shantytowns

700 would be illiterate

So 50-70+% of the population lives in the autocratic dictatorial half of the village?