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03-08-2011, 10:06 AM
Sorry for having to use the dailymail and a source >,>
but yeah you yanks seem pretty kneen on viewer numbers for shows like this so I thought I'd post this, going from 2.9 average million viewers in Jan 2010 to 1.8 million average in January 2011.


Sorry can't quote any of the text atm but yeah, your thoughts?

03-08-2011, 10:57 AM
doesnt he still beat his competition, combined?

03-08-2011, 11:22 AM
like D said, he probably still beats most and they just wanna discredit as much as they can instead of having someone point out their flaws and backhandedness

also, to me, it hits a point where you like watching it and going " Yah! You're right! What else? I need to look that up!" , to "Wow... really?" too much yelling. and the same thing over and over. but maybe it has changed sine i stopped watching it.

03-08-2011, 11:38 AM
doesnt he still beat his competition, combined?

Maybe so, but there must be a problem when you lose 30% of your viewship in 12 months

03-08-2011, 12:11 PM
Sorry for having to use the dailymail and a source >,>
but yeah you yanks seem pretty kneen on viewer numbers for shows like this so I thought I'd post this, going from 2.9 average million viewers in Jan 2010 to 1.8 million average in January 2011.


Sorry can't quote any of the text atm but yeah, your thoughts?

Who's Glenn Beck?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

03-08-2011, 12:21 PM
Maybe so, but there must be a problem when you lose 30% of your viewship in 12 months

Not if a portion of your viewership is event driven, there's less going on now than there was a year ago. What's the competition doing?

03-08-2011, 01:45 PM
Tried watching Glenn Beck for about a month, just couldn't abide his style. Seemed to much like a Sunday school teacher.

Could be viewers are moving on to watching paint dry.:beer:

03-08-2011, 02:02 PM
eh, I never really got into Glenn Beck. If his show fails, it fails, though I suspect he'll still put out more books and such on his own, so we're not likely to stop hearing from him any time soon.

03-08-2011, 03:11 PM
He only has a niche' audience to begin with. A large one but concentrated in the fear, hate, anger and prejudiced departments and that includes far more people than it should and demonstrates to me the failure of our complete educational system, particularly the white flight private schools, and the wilful ignorance of generations wide.

It's to be expected that as good information becomes more easily accessible to the otherwise unknowing that the audiences of low brow entertainers like beck will diminish and hopefully just go away.


03-08-2011, 03:22 PM
my two cents: Glen seemed to go nuts when he went to fox.

must be something in the water over there :laugh2:

03-08-2011, 07:38 PM
... demonstrates to me the failure of our complete educational system, particularly the white flight private schools, and the wilful ignorance of generations wide.


03-09-2011, 08:32 AM
Maybe so, but there must be a problem when you lose 30% of your viewship in 12 months

depends on whether your time slot competitors have lost fifty percent....there's a good chance more people were watching political news in an election year....

03-09-2011, 10:36 AM
soon as they put Charlie Sheen away things go back to normal.

03-10-2011, 09:25 AM
seriously disingenuous to say he had a 'niche' audience. Most of what beck said is based on truth or at least honesty. Folks view on emotion and shock, a lot, so it's expected the 'next great thing' will normalize.

03-17-2011, 09:52 PM
Doesn't really matter to me. As long as he is teaching good and correct principles, I'll listen to him.

03-19-2011, 12:16 AM
He only has a niche' audience to begin with. A large one but concentrated in the fear, hate, anger and prejudiced departmentsPsychochoblues

Talk about hate mongering, you do a pretty good job yourself, hypocrite.

and that includes far more people than it should Psychochoblues

"Than it should"??? Who appointed you supreme ruler and control freak??

and demonstrates to me the failure of our complete educational system,Psychochoblues

Which is, and has been for decades now, in the control of liberals.

It's to be expected that as good information becomes more easily accessible to the otherwise unknowing that the audiences of low brow entertainers like beck will diminish and hopefully just go away.Psychochoblues

And yet, when talk radio began flourishing, and good info became very readily available, the liberals couldnt get anyone to listen to their shows and were soundly rejected by the public.