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View Full Version : Idaho legislature restricts govt-employee union power, phases out tenure

03-11-2011, 05:00 PM
As states feel the huge budget crunches across the country, state after state is fixing one of the problems that caused them: Union abuse of power and their greed for huge pensions, benefits etc.

A few days ago Wisconsin moved to restrict unions' power to collectively bargain with the very legislators they pay millions of campaign dollars to. Now Idaho has done something similar, restricting their unions' power of collective bargaining, and also phasing out tenure for new teachers. The bill is now on its way to the Governor's desk to be signed into law. Idaho will soon take up a bill that specifies merit pay for teachers.

To no one's surprise, Democrats and union thugs are screaming about how unfair it all is. They had their day in the sun, coercing huge pensions and benefits out of the taxpayers while bribing their representatives to go along with them. Now that they have to take the same risks as the taxpayers who have been paying for it all, they are suddenly finding all kinds of problems with the American democratic process.

Satisfactory progress is being made as more and more states throw off Democrats and their masters. But there is much more to be done.



Idaho Votes to Phase Out Teacher Tenure, Restrict Collective Bargaining

Published March 09, 2011

The Idaho Legislature has approved a bill that would phase out tenure for new teachers and limit their collective-bargaining rights, marking a victory for lawmakers seeking union reforms in state capitals across the country.

The bill went to Gov. Butch Otter's desk after it was approved by the House on a 48-22 vote, with nine Republicans joining Democrats in opposition to the GOP-backed measure after hours of debate.

The measure is part of Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna's plan to reform the K-12 education system in Idaho. It would restrict collective bargaining agreements to salaries and benefits while also phasing out "tenure" for new educators and current teachers who have yet to attain it. New educators would instead be offered one- to two-year contracts following a three-year probationary period.

"Through this plan, we are going to attract and retain more quality teachers in Idaho by offering a two-year contract, increased pay and the opportunity to earn bonuses," said Republican state Rep. Bob Nonini, according to Fox 12 in Idaho.

Supporters of the legislation contend the plan will hand over more power to Idaho's locally elected school boards when it comes to labor relations.

But the Idaho Education Association bemoaned passage of the legislation to limit the union, saying it will gut teacher rights. The group planned protest rallies across the state on Wednesday, when the House is expected to take up another piece of Luna's reform plan and vote on a bill that would introduce merit pay.

"One person's medicine is another person's Kool-Aid and I refuse to drink it," Democratic state Rep. Brian Cronin said, according to Fox 12.

03-11-2011, 05:34 PM
FYI, top 4/5, 11/20 pacs aren't unions- but unions pacs give overwhelmingly to dems. http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/toppacs.php
Republicans obviously don't like this one sided giving. Is it fair that dems vote for to help those who fund them, perhaps not; is it any different than voting against those who don't help you get elected? I know we have to fix current politics, but I'm not so sure union-breaking is the end-all. There's still plenty of collusion between lawmakers and the deep pockets of contributors, nt merely unions and dems- but its a start! Next up batting... healthcare insuance and the prescription drug industry? Oh wait that's different, I own stock in those:laugh: