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03-16-2011, 04:54 PM
Well duh!



Housing starts see biggest drop since 1984...


Bahrain sweeps into protest camp; 6 dead...


Thousands missing, millions short of water – and fear everywhere...


OBAMA SETS WEEKEND IN RIO! Family will take in the sights...


03-16-2011, 08:07 PM
Eventually, Obama's poll numbers will match the combined IQ of his administration... and most of the Democrats in Congress.

I think it would be a good idea to change all the locks while he's out of the country... then he can't get back in

03-16-2011, 10:50 PM
Next time you have a little free time on your hands, Kath, look for some truth. I know it hurts but it is what it is.

Source: The Washington Post

By: Ezra Klein

Will Obama's poll numbers scare off some challengers?

I don't tend to take poll numbers very seriously until an election is right around the corner. A poll in January is just not sufficiently predictive enough of a poll in November for me to care about it. So the fact that Obama is topping 50 percent in a slew of recent polls doesn't interest me much.

But there's one way in which it could matter: No Republicans have yet announced that they're running for president in 2012. Plenty are testing the waters, but as Dave Weigel noted, by this time in the 2008 campaign, 14 candidates were officially in.

That Obama's poll numbers looking surprisingly strong at a moment when they should be looking fairly weak might push some of the stronger candidates who are on the fence about running in 2012 -- Chris Christie, say, or John Thune -- to hold off until 2016. And a weaker field is always good for the incumbent.

More w/links: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2011/01/will_obamas_poll_numbers_scare.html


03-17-2011, 05:01 AM
For you PB, it's all about the next election. For me, it's about consumer confidence, how the world sees us, how we see ourselves. This man is a disaster.

03-17-2011, 05:26 AM
and to top it off, the man is tone deaf to the people:


'Sire, the peasants are revolting!' Obama's amazing problem with political optics

March 16, 2011

"Sire," the nobleman urgently reports to the throne, "the peasants are revolting!"

"Phewee!" the king responds in the vaudeville sketch, "You're telling me."

For security reasons mainly, every modern U.S. president lives apart from average Americans.

Yes, George Washington refused to shake hands with fellow citizens. But Thomas Jefferson quickly took up that democratic habit. Two presidents have been assassinated shaking hands and Andrew Jakcson would have been had the pistols not misfired. Shaking hands has now become such an expected political staple that campaigning pols must often soak their hands of an evening to relieve the pain from so many citizen grips.

Most presidents do try to play down their apartness and not appear, well, royal. Remember all the mocking of Richard Nixon's proposed martinette White House guard uniforms? Royals are, after all, the folks we threw out in a revolution more than two centuries ago.

But, wow, what has gone wrong with the Optics Czar in the Obama White House?

The current president is a Real Good Talker. But the current White House crowd, which counts on its public connections to....
...sell its policies, seems to be going out of its way these days to look totally disconnected from the reality the rest of us see and live with. And today was a corker:

President Obama was scheduled to receive an award this afternoon in the middle of Sunshine Week from a coalition of good government groupObama awaits an entrance cue, files for his much-promised policy of government transparency. Strangely, this award for government openness was to include only photographers. So, no meddlesome media questions.

Worse, the transparency award was scheduled for a day when every other presidential activity was closed to the media and public. Not the best context and an obvious invitation to "wait-one-minute-stories" like this...

03-17-2011, 12:17 PM
Here's another reason why we love Democrats so dearly...

The Democrat controlled Congress did not pass a Defense Appropriations bill for this year... so????

The DoD is cutting programs... so????

Defense Contractors are laying off more people....


03-17-2011, 08:36 PM
For you PB, it's all about the next election. For me, it's about consumer confidence, how the world sees us, how we see ourselves. This man is a disaster.

You are 100% wrong about anything pertaining to me and any perceived notion you may have concerning the next election. I have seen your support for such heinous things as torture, offshore black operations and prisons, murder in the name of war, gwb, just how low can you go beyond any of that? Admittedly President Barack Hussein Obama continues some of the atrocities of gwb but he does so without my support. Unlike the dittoheads of gwb, I will and do speak out against the policies/programs of a president I otherwise support. Speaking of gwb, if you cared so much about consumer confidence, how the world sees us and how we see ourselves you would have never supported gwb for any job beyond a french fry department cook at McDonalds.

Have the REAL poll numbers got your tongue, Kath?


03-17-2011, 09:12 PM

WAKE UP, will you?

The way the rest of the world sees us is this way....

no confidence in the dollar.... left and right nations are abandoning the dollar...

why? Because of the reckless spending by the Obama Administration, because of the reckless policies of the Fed

In two years, the Obama administration has doubled the debt.... he has spent more money that all of the presidents of the United States combined... and to no effect. The economy is still in the doldrums

And what do these idiotic policies of your buddy do for us? High unemployment, skyrocketing gas prices because of a weakening dollar,

Obama's next act.... high inflation with high unemployment

Kathianne has it right.. .Obama is a one man disaster but she left out one part... he's dragging the rest of us down with him

03-17-2011, 09:26 PM
If anyone is worrying about the next election, I really think you are being short sighted.

The international activities going on are very volitile at the moment:

1) Diaster in Japan - Face it, it's going to hurt the world wide economy for a while.
2) The recently UN Resolution for a no fly zone over Libya - If the government acts, we have a war we are fighting. But unlike Iraq or Afghanistan, we have essentially zero information on it. We don't know who the rebels are. We don't know if they are better than Khadafi. We don't really have much interest in it other than indirectly with how it effects world wide oil prices. Not only that but that will be the third muslim country we've attacked. This decision is going to be crucial because honestly, i don't know what the best course is.
3) Little attentions been paid to the Saudi's sending troops into Bahrain. Essentially creating a Sunni - Shiite conflict. It's good to pay attention because Iran is taking interest
4) Inflation in the US will affect worldwide prices. When food prices go up, it's not just around here. It's around the world. and as we've seen the last few weeks some areas only need a spark to light up.
5) We are broke. We have to cut spending or we have some potentially large national security risks.

Election and poll matters don't matter with what's coming.

03-17-2011, 09:26 PM

WAKE UP, will you?

The way the rest of the world sees us is this way....

no confidence in the dollar.... left and right nations are abandoning the dollar...

why? Because of the reckless spending by the Obama Administration, because of the reckless policies of the Fed

In two years, the Obama administration has doubled the debt.... he has spent more money that all of the presidents of the United States combined... and to no effect. The economy is still in the doldrums

And what do these idiotic policies of your buddy do for us? High unemployment, skyrocketing gas prices because of a weakening dollar,

Obama's next act.... high inflation with high unemployment

Kathianne has it right.. .Obama is a one man disaster but she left out one part... he's dragging the rest of us down with him

I'm just hoping that we're still afloat on this battered vessel by the time 2012 rolls around.

I'm not sure how many more icebergs we can sustain.

03-18-2011, 12:22 AM
What was the old song on Hee Haw?

Gloom, despair and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair and agony on me

Even during my darkest days during the gwb administration I always had faith in this country. I remain confident this country continues to be the best in the world. I have no clue as to where all this fearmongering and Obama-hating comes from but it does indicate an ignorant and angry source. If anyone is interested I can post a list of a few hundred accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama that prove without doubt that he is the hardest working president that we've had in the last decade and it is extremely clear that he loves America every ounce as much as I do. I've known about right wing hypocrisy for years. I'm just learning about the drama queen bullshit from them.


03-18-2011, 12:40 AM
I know you can't possibly be serious. The hardest working President in the last decade? The man world is in chaos and the man has only done three things this week:

Played Golf
Picked brackets
Gone on vacation.

Maybe if the world wasnt on fire, I could see some sort of argument for you. But this is ridiculous.

03-18-2011, 01:19 AM
I know you can't possibly be serious. The hardest working President in the last decade? The man world is in chaos and the man has only done three things this week:

Played Golf
Picked brackets
Gone on vacation.

Maybe if the world wasnt on fire, I could see some sort of argument for you. But this is ridiculous.

And I suppose you thought the same when as our young men and women were sacrificing their lives as political pawns in an unprecedented pre-emptive war and gwb smugly said, "Watch this drive."? Like I said and you now verify, I'm just now catching on to the right wing drama queen bullshit.


03-18-2011, 04:39 AM
With the added disasters of playing off the Japanese crisis and dithering over the Libyan massacre to be, Obama has removed any hope of just being compared to Jimmy Carter, he's going down as worse.

03-18-2011, 06:22 AM
With the added disasters of playing off the Japanese crisis and dithering over the Libyan massacre to be, Obama has removed any hope of just being compared to Jimmy Carter, he's going down as worse.

And your plan would have been? Or are you just making shit up?


03-18-2011, 07:24 AM
I know you can't possibly be serious. The hardest working President in the last decade? The man world is in chaos and the man has only done three things this week:

Played Golf
Picked brackets
Gone on vacation.

Maybe if the world wasnt on fire, I could see some sort of argument for you. But this is ridiculous.

We could sent the guy a fiddle to play while Rome burns to the ground

I have to agree somewhat with PB... GWB should have done more to prevent this... he should have pressure Congress to repeal the Community Reinvestment Act... the Republicans should have exercised fiscal restraint... hopefully, this current crop will, but they have to make a stand and quit passing CR after CR

03-19-2011, 12:04 AM
You're quite a stand up guy,,,,errr, stand up comedian.

I followed some of your links, the liberals, wherever they commented, it turned out to be total lies & distortions,,,,,

They are liars, Huffington is a chronic sociopathic liar, YOU are a liar.

What was the old song on Hee Haw?

Gloom, despair and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair and agony on me

Even during my darkest days during the gwb administration I always had faith in this country. I remain confident this country continues to be the best in the world. I have no clue as to where all this fearmongering and Obama-hating comes from but it does indicate an ignorant and angry source. If anyone is interested I can post a list of a few hundred accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama that prove without doubt that he is the hardest working president that we've had in the last decade and it is extremely clear that he loves America every ounce as much as I do. I've known about right wing hypocrisy for years. I'm just learning about the drama queen bullshit from them.


03-19-2011, 07:07 AM
If anyone is interested I can post a list of a few hundred accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama that prove without doubt that he is the hardest working president that we've had in the last decade


I would love to see your list.

03-19-2011, 09:42 AM
I would love to see your list.

He's posted it before, it's nothing but a list of things that have happened since BO has been Pres. It, however, doesn't differentiate between things that are actually good for the country and just pointless lib "accomplishments."

03-19-2011, 10:00 AM
I would love to see your list.

Here's the link, we don't need it taking up all the space:


03-19-2011, 01:03 PM
Here's the link, we don't need it taking up all the space:


Thanx for that link K,,,,

For most people I would say its kinda sad that as low as numbers 3 and 4, the list is already on accomoplishments that are "making plans", or "began talks about..."

3. Renewed dialogue with NATO and allies on strategy issues- http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/04...istan-and-NATO

4. Announced plan to end war in Iraq (and we're on track for it. too!) - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/28/wa...al-iraq-track/

But for Obama, talking and plans are probably going to top his list of accomplishments, when its all said and done.

hahah, and note, even psycho is surprised and happy that we are "on track" with some of Obama's plans !!

03-19-2011, 05:51 PM
Hey and what about that war for oil? Huh? Us attacking a sovereign nation that didn't do anything to us? Wow...

And you know those Middle Easterners aren't ready for democracy

You think I'm talking about Iraq????

No! Libya!!!!

It's amaaaaaaazing just how quiet the Code Pink gals, Chris Matthews, and the anti-war left have been about this latest round of aggression...

It's simply amazing how much of a difference a party affiliation and a few shades of skin color make in some peoples' minds!

03-19-2011, 06:55 PM
You're quite a stand up guy,,,,errr, stand up comedian.

I followed some of your links, the liberals, wherever they commented, it turned out to be total lies & distortions,,,,,

They are liars, Huffington is a chronic sociopathic liar, YOU are a liar.

You know what kind of piece of shit I think you are, LuvRgrl. I post about a positive and you return with personal attacks. You prove my points as to the proensities of the rightwingers to be not just whiners but drama queens as well. Please link me back to some of those places where I have linked and quoted from that turns out to be a total lie, girlie. I would be very interested in seeing how you determine what is a lie.


03-19-2011, 07:06 PM
He's posted it before, it's nothing but a list of things that have happened since BO has been Pres. It, however, doesn't differentiate between things that are actually good for the country and just pointless lib "accomplishments."

I have an almost entirely different list and it does include "accomplishments" with a point. What makes you think the libs are up there in heaven doing "pointless" things for? That kind of makes you look rather ridiculous, doesn't it?


03-19-2011, 07:11 PM
I have an almost entirely different list and it does include "accomplishments" with a point. What makes you think the libs are up there in heaven doing "pointless" things for? That kind of makes you look rather ridiculous, doesn't it?

Oh I agree that they have a point to the left it's just that the results are not worth touting.

03-19-2011, 07:15 PM
Thanx for that link K,,,,

For most people I would say its kinda sad that as low as numbers 3 and 4, the list is already on accomoplishments that are "making plans", or "began talks about..."

3. Renewed dialogue with NATO and allies on strategy issues- http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/04...istan-and-NATO

4. Announced plan to end war in Iraq (and we're on track for it. too!) - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/28/wa...al-iraq-track/

But for Obama, talking and plans are probably going to top his list of accomplishments, when its all said and done.

hahah, and note, even psycho is surprised and happy that we are "on track" with some of Obama's plans !!

I'll tell you what is sad, girlie. Remaining intentionally ignorant as to the genuine accomplishments of this country but moreso of our President. Some have such short memories. Even the disasters of 2008 seem like yesterday to me. Continuing at that pace and we would surely on par with 3rd world countries by now. We already had a president that was genuinely the laughing stock of the world. Except I don't think he was funny at all but that's a different subject.


03-19-2011, 07:17 PM
Oh I agree that they have a point to the left it's just that the results are not worth touting.

According to who? You? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


03-19-2011, 07:29 PM
According to who?

Rational thinkers the world over... and BO's own unemployment projections. ;)

03-19-2011, 07:50 PM
I'll tell you what is sad, girlie. Remaining intentionally ignorant as to the genuine accomplishments of this country but moreso of our President. Some have such short memories. Even the disasters of 2008 seem like yesterday to me. Continuing at that pace and we would surely on par with 3rd world countries by now. We already had a president that was genuinely the laughing stock of the world. Except I don't think he was funny at all but that's a different subject.


What is really sad is you think Im a girl:laugh:

03-19-2011, 11:00 PM
Rational thinkers the world over... and BO's own unemployment projections. ;)

Can you not stay on point? What a buffoon, must run in the family.



03-19-2011, 11:02 PM
What is really sad is you think Im a girl:laugh:

I know what you are, girlie, and that is a sad, whining drama queen.


03-19-2011, 11:38 PM
I know what you are, girlie, and that is a sad, whining drama queen.


Weren't you the one who bitched about personal attacks??

hahhahaha, bwahahahhaahhaha BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH !!!!!

03-19-2011, 11:50 PM
Weren't you the one who bitched about personal attacks??

hahhahaha, bwahahahhaahhaha BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH !!!!!

I have no clue as to what you are talking about, girlie. Everybody, left or right, that participates on this particular board understands or should that juvenile shit-slinging is not only tolerated but encouraged by the management. Do you think that's funny? Or are you trying to disguise your sadness, whining and drama queening with inappropriate and non-sensical humor? You do know there is a psychiatric term and treatment for that, don't you? Talk to your doctor about it.


red states rule
03-20-2011, 05:49 AM
I have no clue as to what you are talking about

Once again you are spot on PB

Inflation is back

Gas prices soaring

Unemployment is still high

People are losing their homes because they cannot find work

Obama is pissing thru tens of trilions of of taxpayers money while racking up trillions in additional debt

Yet is your world he is doing a great job. Why? Beciasue he is a liberal and party trumps truth with you everytime

03-20-2011, 06:09 AM
I hEverybody, left or right, that participates on this particular board understands or should that juvenile shit-slinging is not only tolerated but encouraged by the management.

Show ANY link to back up your claims, you old drunken piece of garbage. Like I have always said, you pop in here every now and again to just shit in threads, have no desire to debate, no desire to backup your claims, and then disappear (likely into an alcohol induced coma).

Now backup your rants with facts, or quietly go and fuck yourself. I'm tired of you continually ranting about staff here when all they do is help you when you whine like a bitch.

There, how's that for juvenile shit slinging, drunkard?

03-20-2011, 06:59 AM
Can you not stay on point?

That was on point. He/you likely claim the stimulus as an "accomplishment," yet it failed based on the administrations own projections.

03-20-2011, 08:54 AM
Show ANY link to back up your claims, you old drunken piece of garbage. Like I have always said, you pop in here every now and again to just shit in threads, have no desire to debate, no desire to backup your claims, and then disappear (likely into an alcohol induced coma).

Now backup your rants with facts, or quietly go and fuck yourself. I'm tired of you continually ranting about staff here when all they do is help you when you whine like a bitch.

There, how's that for juvenile shit slinging, drunkard?

How's that for juvenile shit-slinging? Typical for the board though unusual for you, jimbo. I do debate, I do back up my claims and I don't disappear. I slow down but I never just disappear. I don't intend to debate managerial actions here with you, jimbo. I would suffer for that and you know it but your question reveals all that anyone needs to know about you, your board and your policies. One definitely needs more information to competently describe this joint and I've been around quite a while and can read between the lines better than most. BTW, although I remain dry since July 18, 2010 I don't get angry when someone spitefully brings up my prior drinking. It reveals more about them than anything to do with me.

How's that for juvenile shit-slinging? Indeed.


03-20-2011, 09:12 AM
How's that for juvenile shit-slinging? Typical for the board though unusual for you, jimbo. I do debate, I do back up my claims and I don't disappear. I slow down but I never just disappear. I don't intend to debate managerial actions here with you, jimbo. I would suffer for that and you know it but your question reveals all that anyone needs to know about you, your board and your policies. One definitely needs more information to competently describe this joint and I've been around quite a while and can read between the lines better than most. BTW, although I remain dry since July 18, 2010 I don't get angry when someone spitefully brings up my prior drinking. It reveals more about them than anything to do with me.

How's that for juvenile shit-slinging? Indeed.


How's that hangover today, shitbird? Have a shot of vodka, heard that works wonders the day after a bender!

03-20-2011, 10:03 AM
I have been in shock at the lack of leadership from our president with everything going on in our country and the world. After the total devestation of the earthquake,I was watching the news everyday thinking to myself.."where is Obama?,what does he have to say?"

He only came out and spoke on Libya after the press pounded him too. I am seriously starting to think this guy is trying to remove the U.S. from number 1....or is really this removed from reality?

03-20-2011, 10:11 AM
For all his arrogance and narcissism I think the term dark lord no longer applies. He's proved to be nothing more than a Stepnfetchit.

03-20-2011, 03:23 PM
How's that hangover today, shitbird? Have a shot of vodka, heard that works wonders the day after a bender!

He's a bird! He's a bird turd!!



03-20-2011, 03:30 PM
I have been in shock at the lack of leadership from our president with everything going on in our country and the world. After the total devestation of the earthquake,I was watching the news everyday thinking to myself.."where is Obama?,what does he have to say?"

He only came out and spoke on Libya after the press pounded him too. I am seriously starting to think this guy is trying to remove the U.S. from number 1....or is really this removed from reality?

I really hate to say this, krisy, but if you aren't seeing the leadership and commitments to peace and goodwill of President Barack Hussein Obama then you are intentionally keeping yourself ignorant. That's not a fatal flaw in your personality but it's not a pretty one either.



03-20-2011, 03:34 PM
I really hate to say this, krisy, but if you aren't seeing the leadership and commitments to peace and goodwill of President Barack Hussein Obama then you are intentionally keeping yourself ignorant. That's not a fatal flaw in your personality but it's not a pretty one either.

When GWB went into Iraq with one of the reasons to assist the people being systematically killed by Saddam and his henchmen - he was a "reichwing chickenhawk" and should never have involved himself in another country unless the US was in danger.

Obama bombs Libya and he is committed to peace.

You lefties crack me up!! :lol:

03-20-2011, 07:37 PM
When GWB went into Iraq with one of the reasons to assist the people being systematically killed by Saddam and his henchmen - he was a "reichwing chickenhawk" and should never have involved himself in another country unless the US was in danger.

Obama bombs Libya and he is committed to peace.

You lefties crack me up!! :lol:

Apples and oranges, bird turd. But just to clarify, I am in no way supportive of foreign intervention and particularly American intervention in Libya. Is it not primarily British and French aircraft doing whatever they are doing with respect to these issues? And I maintain that President Barack Hussein Obama IS committed to peace and goodwill towards men. Have you ever read any good novels or non-fictional war tragedies, jimbo. They give you a broader perspective on the concepts than you presently demonstrate.


03-20-2011, 08:11 PM
Apples and oranges, bird turd. But just to clarify, I am in no way supportive of foreign intervention and particularly American intervention in Libya. Is it not primarily British and French aircraft doing whatever they are doing with respect to these issues? And I maintain that President Barack Hussein Obama IS committed to peace and goodwill towards men. Have you ever read any good novels or non-fictional war tragedies, jimbo. They give you a broader perspective on the concepts than you presently demonstrate.


Both attacked a country that posed no danger to the USA, yet the majority of cuckoo lefties treat the CiC differently.

And no, while the French and British have sent in fighter jets, the majority of damage and deaths have been from tomahawk missiles from US ships and subs.

I'm all for military action and killing more terrorists and dictators, but I also like pointing out the daily hypocrisy of the left nitwits.

03-20-2011, 08:25 PM
Both attacked a country that posed no danger to the USA, yet the majority of cuckoo lefties treat the CiC differently.

And no, while the French and British have sent in fighter jets, the majority of damage and deaths have been from tomahawk missiles from US ships and subs.

I'm all for military action and killing more terrorists and dictators, but I also like pointing out the daily hypocrisy of the left nitwits.

I continue to call apples and oranges on your analyses, jimbo, but whatever I also stated my opposition to intervention in Libya JUST LIKE I DID ON THE IRAQ ISSUE. Now, it turns out, just who has been proven correct on that issue? ME.

Now, just how much difference has there been in the deaths and destruction from tomahawk missiles and French and British fighter jets? I would be VERY interested in seeing those numbers and even more especially where you are getting them from. Or are you just blowing out your ass like most reichwingers (Gawd, I thought we had retired that word) do when at a complete loss for truth as it diminishes their own positions.


03-20-2011, 08:34 PM
Now, it turns out, just who has been proven correct on that issue? ME.


Just exactly what part of the success in Iraq did you predict? Which members of the board were wrong about it?

03-21-2011, 12:10 AM
Just exactly what part of the success in Iraq did you predict? Which members of the board were wrong about it?

I said all of the reasons that the gwb cabal were tauting for war in Iraq were lies and I was correct then based on what information I had then. We KNEW that Saddam had no nuclear capabilities or serious intents for them. We KNEW that he had no WMD's as we had inspectors there that TOLD us they were not there. We KNEW that our only and best supporter for war in Iraq was doing so for personal reasons and was a known liar. As it turns out, all of his information has been proven lies just like we KNEW at the time. gwb and his cabal whined about the genocide of his own people. That had been going on ever since the day we pulled out of Iraq in 1991 but most of the pictures and information to that effect was from before Desert Storm. The Shia, Kurds and Baathists just don't get along and apparently never will. The Shia and Kurds constantly gave Saddam Hussein heartburn and he dealt with it in the manner in which his population is accustomed. Que Sera Sera.

Although I find the behavior of Saddam Hussein towards his people abhorrent it was still a problem that was blown completely out of proportion and should have been solved as an internal matter in a sovereign nation.


03-21-2011, 10:01 AM
I said all of the reasons that the gwb cabal were tauting for war in Iraq were lies and I was correct then based on what information I had then. We KNEW that Saddam had no nuclear capabilities or serious intents for them. We KNEW that he had no WMD's as we had inspectors there that TOLD us they were not there. We KNEW that our only and best supporter for war in Iraq was doing so for personal reasons and was a known liar. As it turns out, all of his information has been proven lies just like we KNEW at the time. gwb and his cabal whined about the genocide of his own people. That had been going on ever since the day we pulled out of Iraq in 1991 but most of the pictures and information to that effect was from before Desert Storm. The Shia, Kurds and Baathists just don't get along and apparently never will. The Shia and Kurds constantly gave Saddam Hussein heartburn and he dealt with it in the manner in which his population is accustomed. Que Sera Sera.

Although I find the behavior of Saddam Hussein towards his people abhorrent it was still a problem that was blown completely out of proportion and should have been solved as an internal matter in a sovereign nation.


ROFL...we KNEW huh?


03-21-2011, 10:33 AM
ROFL...we KNEW huh?


It was being reported about on all credible news media. Yes. We KNEW and we KNEW without doubt.


03-21-2011, 11:21 AM
It was being reported about on all credible news media. Yes. We KNEW and we KNEW without doubt.


Watch the video and then come back and tell me that we KNEW that there were no WMDs before we went into Iraq. Face it, you're still just a partisan hack who thinks the sun sets and rises in your messiah's ass.

03-21-2011, 12:12 PM
I'm all for military action and killing more terrorists and dictators, but I also like pointing out the daily hypocrisy of the left nitwits.

I'm reminded of Team America: World Police. America--fuck yeah!!!
Because that's what America's all about-- where's that in the Constitution???

I think the problem we have here is a failure to communicate. The slogan Change We Need was reverred by many because we do need change. Obama's poll numbers falling are clearly an indication of the change we didn't get. No doubt his being biracial was a poignant change from past presidents, but obviously there's more to a man than his race. Now with Libya being attacked, clearly reminiscent of Iraq, we see again that no change has occurred; so there's more to a man than his party. Perhaps the slogan has changed, but not the mode or motive; just more of the same high hopes with no goal to be found. Terrorism, WMD, dictatorships, oppressive govts-- high hopes and aspirations don't equate to solutions. Aside from oil resources, where is the American benefit. I certainly can't believe in good will being a realistic motive, or goal for that matter-- not when less than a decade ago we attempted the same, but to no avail. Or in T-square in China with tanks running over protestors; it seems we're ever-ready to pounce on a country when they're unstable and most vulnerable, not when they are truly under the thumb of an oppressive regime. We certainly don't need Libya as an ally. The only benefit I can muster is restoration of foreign respect through cooperation, but the only countries on board are france and britain, and these aren't countries we have broken ties with(hell we bailed them out twice already). No, the only countries we need work to rebuild relations with are the arab states and I dont see them jumping in to help; they're just sitting back and shaking their heads, disgusted with yet another foreign intervention we have no place getting involved in. Villify the current pres all you want, the bucks stops with him, but the issues plagueing our country aren't his fault, not entirely anyways; GWB didn't solve any probs either, so don't tell me the fly problem is attributable to Obama when the only dogshit GWB picked up was what his father should of in '91.

03-21-2011, 10:41 PM
...you, your board and your policies. One definitely needs more inform and can read between the lines ...


Left wing liberals code for "I make this shit up myself"

By the way, if your sobriety time is accurate, congratulations :beer: