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03-18-2011, 08:28 AM
Jimmy Carter will be really bummed out..... :laugh2:

INEFFECTUAL, invisible, unable to honour pledges and now blamed for letting Gaddafi off the hook. Why Obama’s gone from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘Er, maybe we shouldn’t’...

Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/235196/Barack-Obama-The-Weakest-President-in-history-Barack-Obama-The-Weakest-President-in-history-#ixzz1GxQRi100

03-18-2011, 09:12 AM
There's a whole bunch of ouch in there but it's mostly foreign issues which most of his voters care not a whit about.

03-18-2011, 03:35 PM
Just goes to show we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

03-18-2011, 11:28 PM
There's a whole bunch of ouch in there but it's mostly foreign issues which most of his voters care not a whit about.

Many of the sway voters, i.e. independents, do care, but even more important are two issues, obama care, and the economy of course. These two will sink him,

Like carter the farter, he will be four years & out. But carter will have more of a l-egacy, NOBODY will forget the gas lines, rationing, the hostages and the bungling in the desert of the rescue attempt that was due to his micro managing, 18-21% interest rates. The list of his inefficiency is of course MUCH longer, but those issues are LEGACIES,s

His 3 legacies:
1. Gas rationing
2. Iran hostages
3. Totally suck ass economy

Which puts him as worse than Obama, and in my opinion, the worst ever.

03-18-2011, 11:35 PM
Many of the sway voters, i.e. independents, do care, but even more important are two issues, obama care, and the economy of course. These two will sink him,

Like carter the farter, he will be four years & out. But carter will have more of a l-egacy, NOBODY will forget the gas lines, rationing, the hostages and the bungling in the desert of the rescue attempt that was due to his micro managing, 18-21% interest rates. The list of his inefficiency is of course MUCH longer, but those issues are LEGACIES,s

His 3 legacies:
1. Gas rationing
2. Iran hostages
3. Totally suck ass economy

Which puts him as worse than Obama, and in my opinion, the worst ever.

Valid points, however the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet. Obama's still got plenty of bungling time between now and 2012.

03-19-2011, 12:06 AM
Valid points, however the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet. Obama's still got plenty of bungling time between now and 2012.

WOW ! Did you really say that???

Great point, I hadnt thought of that,

03-19-2011, 03:09 AM
Many of the sway voters, i.e. independents, do care, but even more important are two issues, obama care, and the economy of course. These two will sink him,

Like carter the farter, he will be four years & out. But carter will have more of a l-egacy, NOBODY will forget the gas lines, rationing, the hostages and the bungling in the desert of the rescue attempt that was due to his micro managing, 18-21% interest rates. The list of his inefficiency is of course MUCH longer, but those issues are LEGACIES,s

His 3 legacies:
1. Gas rationing
2. Iran hostages
3. Totally suck ass economy

Which puts him as worse than Obama, and in my opinion, the worst ever.

I agree, but other than #2, the harm wasn't permanent. Obama's will be very long term. What he's done with health care and how people regard it may be the worst thing since employers started providing insurance to everyone for everything.

His cynical use of political, class, and race warfare has divided the country in ways not seen in over 70 years.

He's purposefully set the country on a road to mediocrity in world affairs, bringing it and the world to a crisis stage which will not fully play out in his term, even if he were to win reelection.

While many will agree that Clinton and Bush II had some very bad and some very good points in their administrations, like Carter I don't think the same will be said of Obama. Perhaps the best that can be said is that 'the race barrier' was broken for the Presidency, other than that, can't think of a thing.

03-19-2011, 01:16 PM
I agree, but other than #2, the harm wasn't permanent. Obama's will be very long term. What he's done with health care and how people regard it may be the worst thing since employers started providing insurance to everyone for everything.

His cynical use of political, class, and race warfare has divided the country in ways not seen in over 70 years.

He's purposefully set the country on a road to mediocrity in world affairs, bringing it and the world to a crisis stage which will not fully play out in his term, even if he were to win reelection.

While many will agree that Clinton and Bush II had some very bad and some very good points in their administrations, like Carter I don't think the same will be said of Obama. Perhaps the best that can be said is that 'the race barrier' was broken for the Presidency, other than that, can't think of a thing.

I agree particularly with the long term harm, especially with "worst thing since employers started providing insurance to everyone for everything."

BUUUUUUUUUTTT, I'm thinking of "legacies", and I do so with a very open mind to others opinions. I pretty much know what Carters legacies are (which is probably why he was the only president who has been so vocal after his term, to try to make people remember him for something other than his four years of disaster)

but it will be interesting what Obama's legacies will be.
As for the health care, since it isnt finalized, I'm not sure how the "legacy" of it will turn out.

Kennedy: Assasination

LBJ: Great Society disaster

Nixon: Watergate

Carter: Overall economic disaster, Energy crisis,, Iran hostages (he couldnt get them back),

Reagan: Reaganomics
Won the cold war

Bush: Read my lips

Clinton: Monica Lewinsky and "I never had sexual relations..." while wagging his finer

Bush: How he handled 9/11 and WMD's and hopefully (we will see how history plays it out, but the press didnt want to cover the fact that he won the Iraq conflict) how he won in Iraq, defeating Hussein

Obama: First black president....then ?????

Of course, as was pointed out to me by the big jet plane, he isnt done yet. HAHAHHA, disaster looms, but the question will be ,,,which disastes will loom the largest as far as historians are concerned.

03-19-2011, 08:36 PM
Very good comments.

Me own $02:

Woodrow Willson was one of the worst in history for involving us in WW1 which very directly lead to WW2.

FDR made a bad Depression a Great Depression, (the USA had the worst experience in the entire world in terms of breadth n' depth of the 1930s Depression).

One VERY BAD thing FDR did that haunts us to this very day is to dinigrate the Judiciary by creating a rule of men, (and now women) in black robes. He packed the US Supreme Court with stooges who allowed the tenth amendment to be overturned by judicial fiat.

Unfortunately generations of dim wit Democrats n' Liberal/Progressive termites view the US Cornstitution as a "living breathing" document that the tyrants in black robes modify as they see fit.

One of the primary things that made the American revolution in 1776 special was the corncept of the "rule of law". Dim wit "ends justify the means" modern Democrats don't hold the Cornstitution as a special codification of our Great Republic.

LBJ was real a piece of werk, (right behind Carter in terms of massive damage to our Republic). He lied us into a war, (never was a "Gulf of Tonkin incident"), and micromanaged it from the White house instead of allowing our military to crush the enemy. Treasonous pukes like Hanoi Jane Fonda and John "PUKE" Kerry who openly werked with our enemies became the heros of the hard Left and the dim wit Democrats almost elected PUKE Kerry the termite to the office of POTUS!

Nixon was a very Liberal Republican and terrible POTUS who grew Nanny Gubment in scope and size.

Carter was the worst modern POTUS, (by a wide margin), as he undercut our very solid ally in Iran and arranged for the distinction of the USA as "the Great Satan" in the Islamic world. Had he beaten Reagan we would have had to fight the USSR as only 40% + of our jet fighters could even lift off the tarmac due to lack of spare parts. Reagan saved our collective butts.

Obamaprompter is in a league by hissef. In jus' over two years he has ballooned our debt in an unprecidented fashon. He has been sooooooo distructive primarily due to Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Horrible Harry Reid, (especially Pelosi).

He has always voted "present" and allowed others with political courage to lead, and this is his first real job and he is failing by any objective measure.

He NEVER tells the truth butt: he talks all the time, and those who voted fer the fruit fly jus' luv the reverb in his voice.

He rewards bad behavior and punishes good behavior. The damage he can cause over the next two years is VERY substantial.

Me thinks he will exceed Carter's worthlessness.

Respectfully, JR

03-20-2011, 06:43 AM
Carter was singularly bad, I cannot find anything that he managed correctly. Even the attempt to make peace in the ME was in the long term worse than when he started. What he managed to do in Iran intentionally and unintentionally will continue to haunt us for years/decades to come.

Obama seems similar, but worse in the sense of what he's done and continues to do domestically in particular. He's taken an economy in trouble and made it worse in every conceivable way. Like Carter, he finds America a country to be apologizing for and ashamed of. He's engineering it to 2nd state status, intentionally and succeeding in doing so.

Of all the presidents mentioned in the previous posts, the only one that belongs in the same chapter as these two, IMO, would be Wilson. While brilliant, he wasn't as much so as he thought. He was a racist quite unparalleled in the history of the presidency, considering the time period he was living in.

All the others, whether Democrat or Republican had their missteps, successes, personality caused disasters, and unexpected breakthroughs in areas of responsibility. Some moved the country on one front, some on others, but none of them despised the country or their countrymen.

03-20-2011, 09:38 AM
Carter was singularly bad, I cannot find anything that he managed correctly. Even the attempt to make peace in the ME was in the long term worse than when he started. What he managed to do in Iran intentionally and unintentionally will continue to haunt us for years/decades to come.

Agreed: Carter as a modern POTUS is in a league by hissef. #1 worst modern POTUS!!!! :laugh2: :laugh2:

Obama seems similar, but worse in the sense of what he's done and continues to do domestically in particular.

Main diffference: Nasty Nancy, (one of the most effective Speakers of the House in history), in terms of gettin' deals done in the face of the American people regardless of what they want.

Tip O'Neal was not nearly as much of an "ends justify the means" Speaker fer Carter, so the DOMESTIC damage, (over four years), was not as great as the fruit fly has managed, (by jus' votin' "present" n' signin' a few papers :laugh2: ), in jus' two years.

He's taken an economy in trouble and made it worse in every conceivable way. Like Carter, he finds America a country to be apologizing for and ashamed of. He's engineering it to 2nd state status, intentionally and succeeding in doing so.

Not sure it is intentional, (as I can't read the minds of others).

I jus' think the fruit fly has ZERO experience running anything EVER prior to becumin' POTUS. :laugh2:

We all know he hung out with Jerimiah "the Bull Frog" Wright......, n' Bernadine Dohrn, n' William Ayers gave him his political start in Hyde Park, n' the cute little fruit fly was mentored by Commie: Frank Marshall Davis. So he knows how other famous termites think and behave...... butt: HE VOTES PRESENT FROM THE BACK BENCH WHILE OTHERS (LIKE PELOSI DO THE REAL HEAVY LIFTING)!!!! :laugh2:

Of all the presidents mentioned in the previous posts, the only one that belongs in the same chapter as these two, IMO, would be Wilson. While brilliant, he wasn't as much so as he thought. He was a racist quite unparalleled in the history of the presidency, considering the time period he was living in.

Hmmmmmm........ Wilson was a very bad POTUS (n' since 1900 he is the #3 in terms of the very worst fer America, IMHO). That said: he very clearly had a terrible effect on the entire world, (so the world may rank him THE WORST AMERICAN POTUS IN HISTORY), as America's entry in WW1 absolutely set the very bloody stage fer WW2. We, (as a nation), had ZERO interest in WW1 and like a typical Liberal/ Progressive termite: Wilson sent our troops to die fer a cause we had no bidness being envolved in FOR ANY REASON.

I think LBJ, (#2 in my book), was MUCH worse fer the USA then Wilson. He lost a war for us THE ONLY LOSS IN HISTORY, that he had personnally lied us into. He ruined generations of poor blacks by traping them with dependancy on Nanny Gubment with his failed Great Society, and he started the inflation machine that took 15 years to get under corntrol, (THANKS RONALD REAGAN, n' Paul Volker, [Volker was and still is a dim wit Democrat]) :thumb:

All the others, whether Democrat or Republican had their missteps, successes, personality caused disasters, and unexpected breakthroughs in areas of responsibility. Some moved the country on one front, some on others, but none of them despised the country or their countrymen.

Obamaprompter has only had two years to do the damage he has done.

One of the real SIGNIFICANT problems fer the world is the WELL KNOWN FACT THAT JAPAN IS SOOOOOOO FAR IN DEBT THEY CAN NOT PAY IT BACK, (THEIR DEBT). (MATHMATICS 101). That is what makes this earthquake and nuclear issue sooooooo significant.

Obamaprompter with Nasty Nancy's critical help has driven the USA very close to the same mathmatical point as Japan in terms of runnin' up loads of debt.

Obamaprompter has voted "present" with his 2011 budget that very clearly moves us in Japan's direction, (with respect to debt), butt: it seems he is looking fer the newly voted in Republicans ta try ta correct course so he can vote "present" n' claim that was his plan all anong, (with lots of reverb fer the folks who vote fer fruit flies).

In the next two years we can get to the same mathmatical point as Japan, (in terms of credit worthiness), and the dim wit Democrat termites now in power are werkin' real hard to do this very thing.

Obamaprompter will vote "present" no matter which side prevails. If the dim wit Democrats in the Senate and house can bankrupt us he will vote present....if the Repubicans in the House can keep us from the brink he will vote "present".....

The adoring Hard Left (so called: "main stream media") will cheer the Prompter fruit fly no matter what happens in the debt battle now bein' waged in 2011; and the 2012 election that will decide the fate of this Great Republic.

If the Obamaprompter gets the second term the sun will really set on God's Country and Barack Hussein Obama will be the #1 worst POTUS in HISTORY will have ZERO close corntenders!!! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Me overpriced $02.

03-20-2011, 12:48 PM
Main diffference: Nasty Nancy, (one of the most effective Speakers of the House in history), in terms of gettin' deals done in the face of the American people regardless of what they want.

Tip O'Neal was not nearly as much of an "ends justify the means" Speaker fer Carter, so the DOMESTIC damage, (over four years), was not as great as the fruit fly has managed, (by jus' votin' "present" n' signin' a few papers :laugh2: ), in jus' two years.

I base my knowledge on an American Experience episode on PBS recently about Jimmy and it talked about how he worked with the opposite agenda than those on Capitol Hill. Jimmy wanted to rein in spending while they were demanding a scratch my back sort of approach. Contrasted to BO and the Capitol Hill Dems this time around, they were rowing the boat in the same direction. I would say that those two are taking different paths to get to the bottom of the list.

03-20-2011, 01:18 PM
I base my knowledge on an American Experience episode on PBS recently about Jimmy and it talked about how he worked with the opposite agenda than those on Capitol Hill. Jimmy wanted to rein in spending while they were demanding a scratch my back sort of approach. Contrasted to BO and the Capitol Hill Dems this time around, they were rowing the boat in the same direction. I would say that those two are taking different paths to get to the bottom of the list.

"PBS" eh? :laugh2:

Ya really think ya can believe anything PBS says about the legacy of a PREMIER ICONIC Liberal/Progressive termite like Jimmy "the worthless one" Carter? :laugh2:

If ya do I have a bridge fer sale............. n' it floats!!!! :laugh2:

Carer was determined to "cut spending" on our military after we had been defeated, (by the enemies within like Hanoi Jane and PUKE Kerry) and demoralized by losin' a major war...... where we won every single battle. What a clown he was..... :laugh2:

Carter was as arrogant as ya get....n' he fancied hissef as an "outsider" peanut growin' bible thumpin' termite feller, who was "chosen" ta help the sun set on America.

Truth is he was very VERY incompetent.... n' Americans decided they wanted the sun ta rise on America n' voted fer Ronald Reagan the GREAT!!!! :thumb:

The difference is Jimmy tried to micromanage everything, (includin' undercuttin' his own staff), and be as forceful n' nasty as possible. AFTER ALL: he did run GA before bein' POTUS, ya know.

This current fruit fly POTUS is the exact opposite: he follows the NCAA basketball tourney, plays golf n' hangs out in Rio while other adults run the place.....

Jimmy never was one ta vote "present"....n' he can't get his nasty anti semitic mouth shut since.... or stay outta causin' America as much trouble as a former POTUS can create fer the Country he seems ta hate. Think about the disaster in North Korea...... or Hugo Chavez' election? (Jus' ta name a few of many anti American things the "worthless one" has done since bein' flushed down the terlet

Nope... I don't agree with PBS at alllllllllllll.

The two POTUSes are as different as night n' day...n' I'm not talkin about race niether!!!!!!

The one point I do agree with ya on is they are both findin' their own way to the bottom of the pile......

Me overpriced $.02. JR

03-20-2011, 03:34 PM
Merc I agree with most all you said here. I only see one discrepancy with your post. We did not lose in Vietnam. That is a revised history that the media loves to tell us. Nixon withdrew the troops and turned the war over to the south Vietnamese. Everything was secured and there were no problems until the dims voted to cut all aid to SV. That allowed the north to attack and take over. South Vietnam lost their war thanks to our dimwit congress. We didn't lose anything.

Saying we lost the war is like saying we were wiped out during Tet. More silly liberal propaganda. :salute:

03-20-2011, 05:07 PM
Merc I agree with most all you said here.

Thanks. I usually agree with what you post as well.

I only see one discrepancy with your post.


We did not lose in Vietnam.

Sure we did Gaffer. Hanoi Jane n' John PUKE Kerry, and the propagandists in the Hard Left media like Walter Cronkite forced a withdrawal and the territory we held fell to the Commies. That is how ya loose a war while winning every battle.

That is a revised history that the media loves to tell us.

I don't agree Gaffer.

The media states lots of things, n' I think I sort it out as well as anyone....

That said: I may have only one functional brain cell.....butt: I was alive and know we lost that war. AT HOME: NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

Nixon withdrew the troops and turned the war over to the south Vietnamese. Everything was secured and there were no problems until the dims voted to cut all aid to SV. That allowed the north to attack and take over.

Yup.... that means that North Vietnam won the war: Gaffer.... WE DIDN'T....NO MATTER HOW ANYONE SPINS IT.

South Vietnam lost their war thanks to our dimwit congress. We didn't lose anything.


Saying we lost the war is like saying we were wiped out during Tet.

NOPE... WE wiped them out in the "Tet offensive".... the Liberal media fed kool aid to their viewers and readers and broke our will ta win. If ya can't see the difference I can't help ya.....

More silly liberal propaganda. :salute:

Well.......sorry ya think I'm silly...... I'd look in the mirror if I were you.

Respectfully, JR

03-20-2011, 05:31 PM
Wasn't calling you silly Merc, was referring to the media.

The facts are, we withdrew from Vietnam and the SV took over everything. There was two years of relative quiet as the north had been defeated. They even stated so. They were reoutfitted by the russians and launched an attack into the south, effectively starting a second war. The south could not fight back because they had no supplies. Our wonderful congress cut off all support and supply to them. South Vietnam lost. The US lost an ally thanks to congress and the media.

We didn't lose the war, we just didn't do anything to prevent Vietnam from falling.

03-20-2011, 05:49 PM
Wasn't calling you silly Merc, was referring to the media.



The facts are, we withdrew from Vietnam and the SV took over everything.


There was two years of relative quiet as the north had been defeated.

I agree with the "relative quite", butt: North Vietnam was never defeated, and the war went on.

They even stated so.

They said a lot of things that were not true. THEY DID NOT LOSE THE WAR: GAFFER.

They were reoutfitted by the russians and launched an attack into the south, effectively starting a second war.

The USSR never stopped "outfitting" them: Gaffer. There was no "second war".

The south could not fight back because they had no supplies.

They could have fought back, butt chose to run.....

Our wonderful congress cut off all support and supply to them.

That is VERY TRUE. The enemy within.

South Vietnam lost.

So did we Gaffer; real sorry ya can't see that.

The US lost an ally thanks to congress and the media.

And a war: Gaffer.

We didn't lose the war, we just didn't do anything to prevent Vietnam from falling.

We shall have to agree to disagree.

Respectfully, JR

03-20-2011, 06:21 PM
Bottom line? Were FUCKED.............:cheers2:

03-21-2011, 05:54 AM
"PBS" eh? :laugh2:

Ya really think ya can believe anything PBS says about the legacy of a PREMIER ICONIC Liberal/Progressive termite like Jimmy "the worthless one" Carter? :laugh2:


The two POTUSes are as different as night n' day...n' I'm not talkin about race niether!!!!!!

The one point I do agree with ya on is they are both findin' their own way to the bottom of the pile......

Me overpriced $.02. JR

American Experience is either generally fair, compared to some PBS shows anyway, or easy to see through the bias they do show. I don't generally disagree with anything you said and my comment was limited to dealings with Congress. It was also fairly brutal about many of his failings but they did try to play up the peace treaty beyond its importance IMO.

I will measure Carter's incompetence differently. He was a competent fellow with every wrong instinct and idea when it came to national leadership and circumstances (abysmal Fed performance) that magnified greatly his errors.

03-21-2011, 10:26 PM
Wasn't calling you silly Merc, was referring to the media.

The facts are, we withdrew from Vietnam and the SV took over everything. There was two years of relative quiet as the north had been defeated. They even stated so. They were reoutfitted by the russians and launched an attack into the south, effectively starting a second war. The south could not fight back because they had no supplies. Our wonderful congress cut off all support and supply to them. South Vietnam lost. The US lost an ally thanks to congress and the media.

We didn't lose the war, we just didn't do anything to prevent Vietnam from falling.

GAFF GAFF GAFF...You are so absolutely right. We defeated the North. Our intentions were never to take over the North, but only to stop them from taking over the South. That we succeeded in, in fact, we so resoundly defeated them that they agreed to the Paris peace talks with Henry Kissinger representing the US.

They signed the agreement, Sout Vietnam was left intact, and whole, the North agreed to stop military operations in the South and we would stop bombing the North

Then a few years later, the North pretty much figured our at home political cllimate was not prepared to go back to SV, so they tried some minor excursions into the South to test us, no response by us, so they stepped it up until it became apparent the weak kneed liberals had enough contol on policy, that we wouldn't support the South anymore, and they just ran it over.

I've been saying this for a number of years now, people are always shocked when I say we won Vietnam war., but they can't and don't ever refute it.

Sorry Ol Merc, no spin, "Just the Facts maam, and I lived through it also, just missed being drafted, but I still have my draft card.

03-21-2011, 11:11 PM
GAFF GAFF GAFF...You are so absolutely right. We defeated the North. Our intentions were never to take over the North, but only to stop them from taking over the South. That we succeeded in, in fact, we so resoundly defeated them that they agreed to the Paris peace talks with Henry Kissinger representing the US.

They signed the agreement, Sout Vietnam was left intact, and whole, the North agreed to stop military operations in the South and we would stop bombing the North

Then a few years later, the North pretty much figured our at home political cllimate was not prepared to go back to SV, so they tried some minor excursions into the South to test us, no response by us, so they stepped it up until it became apparent the weak kneed liberals had enough contol on policy, that we wouldn't support the South anymore, and they just ran it over.

I've been saying this for a number of years now, people are always shocked when I say we won Vietnam war., but they can't and don't ever refute it.

Sorry Ol Merc, no spin, "Just the Facts maam, and I lived through it also, just missed being drafted, but I still have my draft card.

Nothin' ta be sorry about, we jus' dissagree that's all. :thumb:

Since the North Dominated the entire Country and we left I think history is as clear as it can be. That said: I have only one functional brain cell.....

Ya don't win when the other side has their way in my book.... maybe if I tried some of yer n' Gaff's smoke I could see clearly eh? :happy0203::happy0203:

03-22-2011, 12:44 PM
Nothin' ta be sorry about, we jus' dissagree that's all. :thumb:

Since the North Dominated the entire Country and we left I think history is as clear as it can be. That said: I have only one functional brain cell.....

Ya don't win when the other side has their way in my book.... maybe if I tried some of yer n' Gaff's smoke I could see clearly eh? :happy0203::happy0203:

two ways to look at this

Since it was communism we were fighting, and communism is pretty much gone worldwide, seems to me WE HAVE HAD OUR WAY

also, suppose N Korea invaded S korea today, and we just pulled out, does that mean we lost the Korean war which took place over 50 years ago?

03-22-2011, 05:36 PM
GAFF GAFF GAFF...You are so absolutely right. We defeated the North. Our intentions were never to take over the North, but only to stop them from taking over the South. That we succeeded in, in fact, we so resoundly defeated them that they agreed to the Paris peace talks with Henry Kissinger representing the US.

They signed the agreement, Sout Vietnam was left intact, and whole, the North agreed to stop military operations in the South and we would stop bombing the North

Then a few years later, the North pretty much figured our at home political cllimate was not prepared to go back to SV, so they tried some minor excursions into the South to test us, no response by us, so they stepped it up until it became apparent the weak kneed liberals had enough contol on policy, that we wouldn't support the South anymore, and they just ran it over.

I've been saying this for a number of years now, people are always shocked when I say we won Vietnam war., but they can't and don't ever refute it.

Sorry Ol Merc, no spin, "Just the Facts maam, and I lived through it also, just missed being drafted, but I still have my draft card.

I've been arguing the same point for years just as you have. I lived through it too. And I was actually over there. The old "we lost the war" statements always grit on my nerves and I have to say something concerning the real history.

03-22-2011, 10:36 PM
two ways to look at this

Since it was communism we were fighting, and communism is pretty much gone worldwide, seems to me WE HAVE HAD OUR WAY

We have won the "Cold War" with the USSR.

The place blew up and all the Eastern Europe Countries are again soveriegn.

Communism still exists, and the "ends justify the means" dictates that the enemy within carries on.

Soooooo USSR is clearly down, butt:

Frank Marshall Davis' protégé: Obamaprompter is our POTUS, n' he n' his Liberal/Progressive (n' in some cases Commie), termites are tearin' us apart very rapidly.

We shall know in 50 to 100 years if we have "beaten" Communism.

No fat Lady has sung yet.

also, suppose N Korea invaded S korea today, and we just pulled out, does that mean we lost the Korean war which took place over 50 years ago?

Most likely the South would (and surely could) crush them....

That said: if the enemy within' cut off all their military spares n' withdrew like we did in Vietnam......... yes if the North had their way we would have lost the Korean war.

Spades are spades.......

The ends justify the means.....

Freedom is never free.

Hope that helps ya see clearly.

03-22-2011, 10:38 PM
I've been arguing the same point for years just as you have. I lived through it too. And I was actually over there. The old "we lost the war" statements always grit on my nerves and I have to say something concerning the real history.

Sorry to get on yer nerves Gaffer......

Butt: I politely disagree.

Respectfully, JR

03-23-2011, 10:33 PM
So, there was no such thing as WWII, it was really just a continuation of WWI.

We have won the "Cold War" with the USSR.

The place blew up and all the Eastern Europe Countries are again soveriegn.

Communism still exists, and the "ends justify the means" dictates that the enemy within carries on.

Soooooo USSR is clearly down, butt:

Frank Marshall Davis' protégé: Obamaprompter is our POTUS, n' he n' his Liberal/Progressive (n' in some cases Commie), termites are tearin' us apart very rapidly.

We shall know in 50 to 100 years if we have "beaten" Communism.

No fat Lady has sung yet.

Most likely the South would (and surely could) crush them....

That said: if the enemy within' cut off all their military spares n' withdrew like we did in Vietnam......... yes if the North had their way we would have lost the Korean war.

Spades are spades.......

The ends justify the means.....

Freedom is never free.

Hope that helps ya see clearly.

03-23-2011, 11:57 PM
So, there was no such thing as WWII, it was really just a continuation of WWI.

No there were very clearly two distinct Wars with winners n' loosers.

The one directly lead to the other however.

When ya parse things ta win a debate the chit gets a bit silly.

From North Vietnam's point of view, (Vietnam went Commie in the 1930s) they started in the late 1940's to early 1950's wuppin' the French who wanted their colony back that the Japanise held durin' WW2. We gradually replaced the French, and we never lost any battles against these VERY TOUGH people who had fought the Chinese since the three digit ages, (n' wupped 'em). They won in 1975 when they domiated the real estate.

We lost the War and the North took over the South (where we were) due to the US Congress dominated by dim wit Democrats cut off all money n' military spares to South Vietnam.

We lost that war due to politics not our fierce military. Who wants to F*** WITH THE US MARINES, n' all that follows?

Some places ya jus' can't have and history shows ya if ya look a wee bit. I don't think anyone will ever dominate the United States of America if it gets right down to it, (fer example).

Political wars are another thing for a Democracy, (within a Republic) like we have in America.

Ya must get and keep the American people or ya may loose a war eventually.

Respectfully, JR

03-26-2011, 09:50 AM
Oh goody..... the WORST MODERN POTUS Jimmy "the Worthless One" Carter is hanging our with our enemy. :laugh2: :laugh2:

Ya think Obamaprompter is gonna wup Jimmy in the race to the terlet of past POTUSes, (hopefully Obamaprompter is a past POTUS in 2012).

"The visit, made at the invitation of the Cuban government, raised the possibility that Carter would get involved in the case of U.S. aid contractor Alan Gross, recently sentenced to 15 years in prison for providing illegal Internet access to Cuban groups.

The case has strained U.S.-Cuba relations after a brief warming under President Barack Obama"

03-26-2011, 10:00 AM
Say it ain't sooooooooo.........

If ya own one of the big three news netwerks n' ya cheer lead an inexperienced fruit fly feller into the office of POTUS, ya get ta hang out in the WHITE HOUSE, n' the company ya run gets ta pay ZERO taxes on $14B in profit.

BTW: it also helps ta own a few of the other 535 folks who make the rules.......wink....wink.

Ain't politics CHICAGO style fun? Yippeee yahooo :laugh2: :laugh2:

"The company reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States."


red states rule
03-28-2011, 03:10 AM

red states rule
03-28-2011, 03:12 AM
Valid points, however the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet. Obama's still got plenty of bungling time between now and 2012.


03-28-2011, 07:35 PM
I've been arguing the same point for years just as you have. I lived through it too. And I was actually over there. The old "we lost the war" statements always grit on my nerves and I have to say something concerning the real history.

I can only imagine, as I have seen it in every Nam Vet I have ever talked to, how angry you must have been when we simply allowed the north to take over the South, which, many felt it meant the lives of over 50,000 of our best, died for absolutely nothing.

03-28-2011, 07:52 PM
[COLOR="blue"]No there were very clearly two distinct Wars with winners n' loosers.

The one directly lead to the other however.

When ya parse things ta win a debate the chit gets a bit silly.

Sounds like yer bitchin that I brought a gun to a gun fight.

Parse? You sound like yer readin strait out of Obama's "how to win a debate and obscure the facts" book.
Listen son, my pointing out facts by asking questions isn't silly, neither are the lives of the men who WON that war.
But refusing to answer questions in a debate just shows the color of one's spine, and how similar it is to the shades of those senators and congressmen who refused to fund the South, when the Funded BY THE COMMIES NORTH, ran over the South.

[From North Vietnam's point of view, (Vietnam went Commie in the 1930s) they started in the late 1940's to early 1950's wuppin' the French who wanted their colony back that the Japanise held durin' WW2. We gradually replaced the French, and we never lost any battles against these VERY TOUGH people who had fought the Chinese since the three digit ages, (n' wupped 'em). They won in 1975 when they domiated the real estate..

We lost the War .
And what war was that? The one that just ended recently, its conclusion having been reached when the North signed a treaty and agreed it was over?
The one where they cried UNCLE because we were kicking their arses?

[and the North took over the South (where we were).

Not sure who you mean by "we",

[due to the US Congress dominated by dim wit Democrats cut off all money n' military spares to South Vietnam..

ahhhh, so now you are getting close to the truth.

[We lost that war due to politics not our fierce military. Who wants to F*** WITH THE US MARINES, n' all that follows?.

So, isn't your military's presence required for you to be involved in a war?
Please, just answer the question, it's a YES or NO question. Dont act like a dogged liberal and try to dodge it, it will only show cowardice and proof that you know you are wrong.


03-29-2011, 09:21 AM
Sounds like yer bitchin that I brought a gun to a gun fight.

Where did ya find me "bitchin' " about "guns" or "fights"? Do ya really think we are in a gun fight?

I generally bring a nuclear weapon ta gun fights...... :happy0203:

Are ya smokin' somethin' again? :lol:

Parse? You sound like yer readin strait out of Obama's "how to win a debate and obscure the facts" book.

Obamaprompters' book yer sayin'?

Hmmmmmmmmmm....... :laugh2: :laugh2:

Listen son, my pointing out facts by asking questions isn't silly, neither are the lives of the men who WON that war.

"Son"? are you my momma? :laugh2: :laugh2:

But refusing to answer questions in a debate just shows the color of one's spine, and how similar it is to the shades of those senators and congressmen who refused to fund the South, when the Funded BY THE COMMIES NORTH, ran over the South.

Nothin' wrong with me "SPINE"........ momma..... are yer panties comphy?

And what war was that? The one that just ended recently, its conclusion having been reached when the North signed a treaty and agreed it was over?

Commies always lie cheat steal..... ends justify means n' all that good chit: momma.

The one where they cried UNCLE because we were kicking their arses?

Ya talkin' toooooo yersef: momma?

Not sure who you mean by "we",


ahhhh, so now you are getting close to the truth.

Truth yer sayin'.......


So, isn't your military's presence required for you to be involved in a war?
Please, just answer the question, it's a YES or NO question. Dont act like a dogged liberal and try to dodge it, it will only show cowardice and proof that you know you are wrong.

If you really were my momma I may do what ya tell me ta do.....


Butt: since ya jus' think yer my momma..........


03-29-2011, 03:09 PM

Burp...............pfffffffffffft. [/COLOR]

soo, you're one brain cell takin the day,,,,errr, week off?

Yea, expected so much, told my kids too, before you responded,

err, didn't respond,,,,I knew you would bail, run away little boy,

PS....One who LUVs a GRL isnt usually a girl, as is the case for me, so, you actin like a kid, so I had to spank you as your daddy would...

you lose,,,,

03-29-2011, 07:40 PM
soo, you're one brain cell takin the day,,,,errr, week off?

Nope..... n' BTW: young girls shouldn't smoke whacky tabaceeeeee either.... :laugh2:

Yea, expected so much, told my kids too, before you responded,

Bet yer kids thinks ya need a new set of panties toooooooooo.....

err, didn't respond,,,,I knew you would bail, run away little boy,

Didn't respond ta what? Ya still think yer my momma?

Ya really need a new set of panties, they are prolly all bunched up... in a real big wad or some such....... which makes ya kinda huffy.......:laugh2:

PS....One who LUVs a GRL isnt usually a girl, as is the case for me, so, you actin like a kid, so I had to spank you as your daddy would...

A teen aged girl spanked me yer sayin'? Not hardly...... I don't play with teen aged girls.

BTW.......how does a teen aged girl have kids? :laugh2:

you lose,,,,

Not hardly pseudo momma...... get a fresh set of panties you will feeeeeeeel lots better.......n' maybe you should share yer imagination issues with yer Mom or Dad..... :laugh2:

04-04-2011, 12:53 AM
Looks like I won, just like we did in Nam.

we won
we won
we won


Nope..... n' BTW: young girls shouldn't smoke whacky tabaceeeeee either.... :laugh2:

Bet yer kids thinks ya need a new set of panties toooooooooo.....

Didn't respond ta what? Ya still think yer my momma?

Ya really need a new set of panties, they are prolly all bunched up... in a real big wad or some such....... which makes ya kinda huffy.......:laugh2:

A teen aged girl spanked me yer sayin'? Not hardly...... I don't play with teen aged girls.

BTW.......how does a teen aged girl have kids? :laugh2:

Not hardly pseudo momma...... get a fresh set of panties you will feeeeeeeel lots better.......n' maybe you should share yer imagination issues with yer Mom or Dad..... :laugh2:

04-04-2011, 01:45 PM
Looks like I won, just like we did in Nam.

we won
we won
we won


:lol: OH girlfriend........ sorry ta break it to ya.......

YA GOT SPANKED!!!!! :happy0203: :happy0203:

:laugh2: :poop: :upyours: :ahole: :banana: :pee: :fu:

04-04-2011, 01:57 PM
Pssssssst..... please don't let young kids see the above post...

N' change those panties.... you will not be sooooo huffy if yer comfy... :happy0203:

04-05-2011, 01:58 AM
:lol: [color="blue"]oh girlfriend........ Sorry ta break it to ya.......

Ya got spanked!!!!! :happy0203: :happy0203:

:laugh2: :poop: :upyours: :ahole: :banana: :pee: :fu:

blah, blah,blah,,,you lose

04-05-2011, 07:40 AM
blah, blah,blah,,,you lose


Gotta luv those smiles. :happy0203:

04-05-2011, 02:53 PM
Both of you please stop trashing a decent thread. Thanks.