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View Full Version : Why Liberals Hate Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin

red states rule
03-28-2011, 02:59 AM
Star Parker hits it out of the park with this one

Liberals are afraid of them - very afraid

Thomas and Palin are particularly threatening to liberals because their lives fly in the face of liberal mythology. According to this mythology, the essential and ongoing struggle in our nation is a power struggle of interests between “haves” and “have-nots” rather than an ongoing struggle for human freedom.

According to this mythology, there is an elite class of “haves” who, by virtue of fate and birth, control power and wealth. They are conservative because their only interest is to keep things as they are.

Fighting against this conservative elite are noble “have-nots”, struggling, by any means possible, to get their fair share and against wealth distributed by an unjust and blind fate.

A high profile conservative, whose very life and personal history poses an open challenge and affront to this mythology, is a liberal’s worst nightmare.

If being a conservative means simply protecting the bounty passed on to you by your forebears, why would a man from a poor black family in the south, or a woman from a white working class family in Alaska, be a conservative? No less a conservative whose conservatism plays a role in a successful professional life?

The liberal answer is that the only way this could be possible is that this is an individual of dubious character, on the take, and being paid off handsomely by conservative powers that be.

After all, in the liberal mindset, the government plantation, carefully grown and nurtured by liberals over these years, supposedly on behalf of our unfortunate “have-nots”, should be the natural home for anyone of modest background and no inheritance.

Not only should that individual want to live on the plantation, but you’d think they would want to participate in the noble cause of keeping it growing.

The federal government plantation now sucks out one quarter of our economy. Seventy percent of federal spending now amounts to checks government cuts and mails to individuals.
