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04-04-2011, 07:40 PM
Nearly all know I lost my teaching position last June, after 11 years. It's been tough. I've been subbing, mostly 5 days a week. Just not enough to make ends meet.

So once again the house is going up for sale. The past few weeks, took a break in applications and have been cleaning like the Queen is coming. This past weekend had the hordes of family and friends to do the stuff I couldn't. So, there's been holes dry walled and new doorknobs added throughout. Kitchen cabinets now close without closing together. Magnets gone from refrigerator and all scrubbed down. Still needs another week, but we're getting there.

All the doors have been primed and now in process of being painted. Touch ups of the walls being done.

Slowly but surely we're 'staging' the rooms. I've two guest bedrooms and one serves as an office too.

The patio is being fitted with some of the furniture from my brother's that will detract from poor landscaping by the association in the back. The living room has been spruced up with some new art work from a gift and entertainment center too, though the big screen doesn't play anything but my dvd's, as I canceled cable last summer. LOL!

04-04-2011, 07:57 PM
Sounds like it's coming together nicely. Hopefully you can have a quick sale. Those minor repairs can be very time consuming.

While none of the schools will admit to it, the age factor comes into play when your looking for another position. Hopefully something comes available for you soon.

04-04-2011, 08:08 PM
Sounds like it's coming together nicely. Hopefully you can have a quick sale. Those minor repairs can be very time consuming.

While none of the schools will admit to it, the age factor comes into play when your looking for another position. Hopefully something comes available for you soon.

I think age plays a part, as does my hearing deficits. Some too is that I've been screwing around between trying to pay the mortgage, filling out applications for teaching and other venues, getting the house ready to sell-but being scared to do so.

I finally made up my mind. Sell. Get the apps out for teaching. Get the insurance license updated. Work pt at insurance and do subbing next year, with eye on apps for February. Once house is sold and daughter married can go anywhere.

04-04-2011, 08:16 PM
Sounds like a plan. It's really a matter of just making up your mind to do it and move ahead. It can be worrisome but once you have no more commitments to take care of you can move ahead in any direction you choose. Being able to relocate is a real plus.

04-04-2011, 08:21 PM
Sounds like a plan. It's really a matter of just making up your mind to do it and move ahead. It can be worrisome but once you have no more commitments to take care of you can move ahead in any direction you choose. Being able to relocate is a real plus.

Yep, once the house is sold, what will be, will be. I've already got housing arranged, at very low costs. So it will be a matter of gaining employment and rebuilding credit rating. How one can have an 'excellent rating' at 53 and below 600 at 55 is astounding. Especially when income change was so dramatic. But it is what it is. So I'll cope.

04-04-2011, 08:35 PM
I haven't had any loans or mortgage payments in 20 years. I have no credit rating at all. As far as banks go I don't exist. :rolleyes:

Sounds like you'll get things together over the next few months. You may have to go into survival mode for a while but that shouldn't be too difficult or too long.

04-05-2011, 03:35 AM
Good job, Kathi!

So did you apply for the Alaska position?

04-05-2011, 02:52 PM
Good job, Kathi!

So did you apply for the Alaska position?

That'll have to be for next year, can't this year with the wedding on Oct. 2. I'm bummed cause I think that might have worked out.