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04-05-2011, 04:57 PM
While one can't go wrong with underestimating the American votes, one wonders how he can reverse what is becoming a rush towards the one termer. The fact that he announced so early that he's running for the second term, (yeah, he never stopped), certainly seems more like a warning off of Clinton and others that may be setting up a challenge in the primaries.

It's not just the late night folks sending out warnings and expressing their disapproval at Bush III:


Obama must take lead on budget plan
By: Douglas E. Schoen
April 4, 2011 01:23 PM EDT

President Barack Obama is in trouble. Big trouble.

Despite the news that unemployment has dropped, Obama is still in trouble. The most recent Rasmussen poll shows that only 22 percent of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction – the lowest since Obama took office. This is a clear indication that the administration is veering dangerously off course.

Food costs and oil prices are now spiking to alarming levels. So there is every reason to believe that the president’s approval rating – which fell below 50 percent, to 47.6 percent, in the most recent Real Clear Politics average — will continue to slide in the weeks and months to come.

Moreover, Obama’s short-term strategy of striking a centrist pose on budgetary matters and demonstrating at least a rhetorical commitment to job creation and regulatory reform may not matter if he continues to vacillate. His unwillingness to offer clear plans and policies has been evident lately – both domestically and overseas.

To turn these numbers around, what the president and the Democrats need to do is to adopt a new strategy on fiscal matters.

Instead of remaining disengaged, Obama must take the lead in developing a plan for a balanced budget. This needs to address the administration’s short-term and long-term strategic concerns — offering a long-term path to economic growth, tax reform, fiscal stability and energy independence, even as it holds spending and the size and scope of government constant or more likely, reduced...

04-05-2011, 08:24 PM
Don't see him getting much more than his core base in 2012.
I estimate his core base at about 30-33 per cent.

Many dems will sit this one out.

04-05-2011, 08:29 PM
Don't see him getting much more than his core base in 2012.
I estimate his core base at about 30-33 per cent.

Many dems will sit this one out.

I agree. I suspect the next election will be a landslide to rival Reagan's beating carter. The tea party is not going to let the repubs run another mccain type.

04-05-2011, 10:19 PM
I agree. I suspect the next election will be a landslide to rival Reagan's beating carter. The tea party is not going to let the repubs run another mccain type.

I hope you and Trinn are correct, butt: methinks yer underestimating north of $1 Bill the Chicago thug will have in his wallet. The unions are real excited n' they know the Chicago knee breaker is reliable fer their particular needs, (especially SEIU). N' Commie Federal Judges as well.

He has bailed on most other Liberal/Progressive termite chit he made as campaign promisses, (when his lips move he is lyin' to ya), BUTT: termite leanin' voters are all about "the ends justifies the means", (very unlike Cornservatives), and wobbly moderates go the way the ol' wind blows n' luv the reverb in the lyin' prompter readin' fruit fly's voice.

The combination of the bully pulpit, where Obamaprompter flaps his gums frequently, (far more then any modern POTUS ever has), and the Billion + $ will be very VERY hard ta beat: IMHO. Sure hope I'm wrong....

Look at his high personal approval ratings :laugh2:
vs his job approval #s ta see me point.

It's gonna be real close.

TRUMP looks VERY INTERESTING. :thumb: :2up:

The self promotin' "Donald" is the toughest Mutha F***** on the planet, n' maybe the only hope. Stay tuned..... NOT IN THE BAG: IMHO.

Congress: Republican sweep in 2012.

Me overpriced $.02. :salute:

:boobies: I jus' had ta use this smilie! Sorry Trinn. :happy0203:

red states rule
04-06-2011, 03:37 AM
Here is another sign Obama is in big trouble. The liberal media is telling people the truth about what happens during a government "shutdown"

It really does not shutdown

Unlike when Clinton was President, the liberal media is worried Obama and the Dems would be blamed for a shutdown this time - so they have to tell the truth this time

WASHINGTON – Social Security checks would still go out. Troops would remain at their posts. Furloughed federal workers probably would get paid, though not until later. And virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, would remain open.

That's the little-known truth about a government shutdown. The government doesn't shut down.

And it won't on March 5, even if the combatants on Capitol Hill can't resolve enough differences to pass a stopgap spending bill to fund the government while they hash out legislation to cover the last seven months of the budget year.

Fewer than half of the 2.1 million federal workers subject to a shutdown would be forced off the job if the Obama administration followed the path taken by presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. And that's not counting 600,000 Postal Service employees or 1.6 million uniformed military personnel exempt from a shutdown.

So we're talking fewer than one in four federal workers staying at home. Many federal workers get paid on March 4, so it would take a two-week shutdown for them to see a delay in their paychecks.

The rules for who works and who doesn't date back to the early 1980s and haven't been significantly modified since. The Obama administration hasn't issued new guidance.

The air traffic control system, food inspection, Medicare, veterans' health care and many other essential government programs would run as usual. The Social Security Administration would not only send out benefits but would continue to take applications. The Postal Service, which is self-funded, would keep delivering the mail. Federal courts would remain open.

The cherry blossoms in Washington would bloom as usual, and visitors to the city would be able to park and see them in all their glory around the Tidal Basin.


04-06-2011, 03:44 PM
I'd like to see it shutdown. The federal govt is so screwed up, and its spreading the infection to state and local govts.

04-07-2011, 12:36 AM
I'd like to see it shutdown. The federal govt is so screwed up, and its spreading the infection to state and local govts.

That would give a political gift to dim wit Democrats.

Not werth it.

Paul Ryan's plan deals with Trillions not jus' 30-60 Bill, n' the Republicans need the Senate in 2012, (and they have the wind at their backs if they can avoid givin' the dim wits a gift now).

Me overpriced $.02, JR

04-07-2011, 07:32 AM
Don't see him getting much more than his core base in 2012.

if he gets that....did you see what Rachel Maddow said about him this week?....

04-07-2011, 12:45 PM
if he gets that....did you see what Rachel Maddow said about him this week?....

Hey PMP....

Rachel Maddow is a militant, (used figuratively), Lesbo.... not really part of Obamaprompter's base.

That said: we live in very volitile times, with crisis after crisis headed our way. Ever since 1932: most people vote fer dim wit Democrats in times of crisis. The dominate media, (MSM) is Hard Left, (Fox is the only growin' outlet butt: still a small slice).

I hope the Republicans can show skill in keepin' the focus on Paul Ryan's winnin' budget as opposed ta slippin' into a political fight that the MSM can batter them with.

Republicans need to win the Senate in 2012, n' retain the House, even if Obamaprompter n' his unions, (reverb from the bully pulpit), gets enough votes to retain his job. Gonna be close IMHO, butt: to early to tell.

The "Donald" is a breath of fresh air, n' may be able ta pull it off.

Me overpriced $.02. JR

04-09-2011, 12:46 AM
While one can't go wrong with underestimating the American votes, one wonders how he can reverse what is becoming a rush towards the one termer. The fact that he announced so early that he's running for the second term, (yeah, he never stopped), certainly seems more like a warning off of Clinton and others that may be setting up a challenge in the primaries.

It's not just the late night folks sending out warnings and expressing their disapproval at Bush III:


Center will be leaning right.

04-09-2011, 12:00 PM
I agree. I suspect the next election will be a landslide to rival Reagan's beating carter. The tea party is not going to let the repubs run another mccain type.

No it won't be a landslide. The press is on full bore for The Obama, and the Democrats will fall in line, hold their nose and vote for him. It will be the same old crap, saying that the GOP wants to starve grandma and deny kids health care, and the idiots will fall for it, again.

04-09-2011, 12:12 PM
No it won't be a landslide. The press is on full bore for The Obama, and the Democrats will fall in line, hold their nose and vote for him. It will be the same old crap, saying that the GOP wants to starve grandma and deny kids health care, and the idiots will fall for it, again.

I'm not so sure, Wisconsin's results really were pretty good, in spite of full court union and MSM press:


04-09-2011, 03:07 PM
I'm not so sure, Wisconsin's results really were pretty good, in spite of full court union and MSM press:

I've become convinced that Americans are too fearful of personal responsibility. Yeah the last election was hopeful but that's just going to cause more people to back off and try to get towards the middle. That plus they don't want to see the first black president fail.

04-09-2011, 07:07 PM
I've become convinced that Americans are too fearful of personal responsibility. Yeah the last election was hopeful but that's just going to cause more people to back off and try to get towards the middle. That plus they don't want to see the first black president fail.

Hope yer wrong...... butt: ya have some very good points..... n' yer a funnnnnnnnnny dude!

JR :thumb: :2up: