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04-17-2011, 10:06 AM
http://www.booktv.org/Program/12266/Make+It+in+America+The+Case+for+ReInventing+the+Ec onomy.aspx

Very interesting talk

America Must create items of Value, Duh,
Financial Services are not a value product and will go where the manufacturing is...

Make It in America: The Case for Re-Inventing the Economy

Andrew Liveris

About the Program

Andrew Liveris, Chairman and CEO of the Dow Chemical Company, argues that in order to restore America we need to restore its manufacturing base. During this event at the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Liveris is introduced by former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell.

About the Authors

Andrew Liveris

Andrew Liveris has worked at The Dow Chemical Company for 34 years. He is also president of the International Council of Chemical Associations and is a member of the U.S. President's Export Council.

04-17-2011, 10:18 AM
http://www.booktv.org/Program/12266/Make+It+in+America+The+Case+for+ReInventing+the+Ec onomy.aspx

Very interesting talk

America Must create items of Value, Duh,
Financial Services are not a value product and will go where the manufacturing is...

That's probably nothing but the same old saw, "restore manufacturing" but offer nothing in concrete proposals that will encourage it's restoration.

Some cliff notes:
* New infrastructure
* R&D that’s cutting edge
* Education that leads the world
* A pro-trade policy that creates a level playing field with limited tariffs and barriers to entry
* An alternative energy strategy that will secure the abundant energy that industry needs to remain competitive
* Regulatory reform
* U.S. tax policies that support manufacturing – not mitigate against it
* Reform in civil justice needed to support advanced manufacturing and end lawsuit abuse

I would like to see the specifics to those bullet points but I would bet that they all point to increasing government involvement in what should be the realm of private enterprise.

Our manufacturing will NEVER approach the levels of before because of various reasons but the major thing we could do goes to the last two points; 1. Eliminate the corporate income tax, and 2. Tort reform.

I don't see those getting past Congress anytime soon.

Oh, and Financial Services goes to capital markets efficiency, one of our greatest advantages. ;)