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Mr. P
04-23-2011, 08:50 PM

04-24-2011, 10:45 AM
That explains the missing Mr. P. And it appears there's lots you can't talk about, at least at this time. My best to you Sir.

04-24-2011, 05:09 PM
That explains the missing Mr. P. And it appears there's lots you can't talk about, at least at this time. My best to you Sir.

I think he'll talk when ready. I know some via pm, but can't breach that. Let's just say all of us are proud to know him and wish him the very best of luck with this endeavor. :salute:

04-24-2011, 05:48 PM
I thought he was out. Oh well, hope all is well.

04-25-2011, 12:15 PM
Lots of call for Retired Aviators at Rucker :) I took a shit-load of pics there...lol :)

P - I have a good friend in the Avn Bde S3. Holler.

04-25-2011, 07:15 PM
Whatever it is you're up to Mr. P, I hope you're safe!

Mr. P
04-25-2011, 09:26 PM
All is well..nothing covert or secret is going on. I'm very busy with some training now. I'll be back around as soon as possible which may be about another month.

On thing I will say is that all of you would be proud of the young folks I'm running into here that are in flight school. Americas BEST! :salute:
Well, a 4Am get up for me in the morning..Later folks

Mr. P
04-30-2011, 03:29 PM
Hi folks!

Just a brief bit on what's going on.

Some of you may recall that last fall I was contacted by some folks here in lower Alabama requesting my presence at the U.S Army Flight School. Well, after many hoops here I am.

Currently I am in a course that ultimately results in teaching an advanced portion of the student flight training program. I've been here in the past doing the same but that was 1986 and as you might imagine things change in the government. So, I am learning about all of those "government" changes and getting used to the new equipment ( including a survival vest that has everything in it but the kitchen sink, weights at least 10 lbs and must be worn during every flight (DAMN)), dusting off and polishing my skills. Once accepted by the GOV I'll again begin teaching these youngsters how to fly from point A to point B without ever seeing the ground by the U.S. Army standards, but also offering them the benefit of my many years of real life experience I have acquired. The books are great but real life experience in the environment, well, there just isn't any substitute in aviation and I look forward to adding to their education.

It's an intense course I am in. In two weeks I've had 6 written tests and one flight check-ride with more tests and one more check-ride to come.

Welp, that's about it for now guys...cept to say these kids, the ones I've talked with so far, are impressive!

Mr. P :salute:

05-03-2011, 07:10 AM
So you are back doing what you love to do. Pretty dang lucky! I am jealous!

Mr. P
07-21-2011, 12:23 AM
Well, my first two students took their final end of course evaluation (about 4 hrs long) and both made an 88% (High B). :thumb:
They have moved on to the next phase of training and I have started two new students, both have great potential.



07-21-2011, 01:19 AM
Well, my first two students took their final end of course evaluation (about 4 hrs long) and both made an 88% (High B). :thumb:
They have moved on to the next phase of training and I have started two new students, both have great potential.



Good work, Mr. Teacher! ;) It's hot as hell up here too! Even at 1 am with AC on!