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View Full Version : Bush's war becomes Obama's albatross

04-26-2011, 01:11 PM
My friend Beth sent me a few things about the Middle East conflicts that I have been reading this morning. Seems as though the bogus war that made the Bush administration so unpopular now threatens to do the same to Obama.
One of Obama's primary platforms in his 2008 election bid was to scale down and eventually end U.S. involvement in the Bush War. Instead, Obama has accelerated American involvement. This plus the stagnant economy has sunk Obama's popularity among liberals.
If Obama has a hope of regaining liberal support, he needs to stop kowtowing to military hawks who enjoy the continued slaughter of U.S. troops in the Middle East.

04-26-2011, 01:26 PM
... military hawks who enjoy the continued slaughter of U.S. troops in the Middle East.

Can you provide a listing of those?

04-26-2011, 01:45 PM
My friend Beth sent me a few things about the Middle East conflicts that I have been reading this morning. Seems as though the bogus war that made the Bush administration so unpopular now threatens to do the same to Obama.
One of Obama's primary platforms in his 2008 election bid was to scale down and eventually end U.S. involvement in the Bush War. Instead, Obama has accelerated American involvement. This plus the stagnant economy has sunk Obama's popularity among liberals.
If Obama has a hope of regaining liberal support, he needs to stop kowtowing to military hawks who enjoy the continued slaughter of U.S. troops in the Middle East.

You needed 'Beth' to enlighten you to this?

red states rule
04-26-2011, 04:02 PM
My friend Beth sent me a few things about the Middle East conflicts that I have been reading this morning. Seems as though the bogus war that made the Bush administration so unpopular now threatens to do the same to Obama.
One of Obama's primary platforms in his 2008 election bid was to scale down and eventually end U.S. involvement in the Bush War. Instead, Obama has accelerated American involvement. This plus the stagnant economy has sunk Obama's popularity among liberals.
If Obama has a hope of regaining liberal support, he needs to stop kowtowing to military hawks who enjoy the continued slaughter of U.S. troops in the Middle East.

Playing the "blame Bush" card again Gabby?

You forgot about GITMO, and terrorists being put on trial in Federal counrts here in the US

Bottom line is Gabby, Obama is unpopular due to his own ineptness and many failed polices

04-27-2011, 05:51 AM
It is Bush's fault that Obama is inept as Commander in Chief???

Never underestimate a lib's capability for twisted logic!

04-27-2011, 02:27 PM
My friend Beth sent me a few things about the Middle East conflicts that I have been reading this morning. Seems as though the bogus war that made the Bush administration so unpopular now threatens to do the same to Obama.
One of Obama's primary platforms in his 2008 election bid was to scale down and eventually end U.S. involvement in the Bush War. Instead, Obama has accelerated American involvement. This plus the stagnant economy has sunk Obama's popularity among liberals.
If Obama has a hope of regaining liberal support, he needs to stop kowtowing to military hawks who enjoy the continued slaughter of U.S. troops in the Middle East.

Okay, so see if we've got this straight: We're supposed to honor and respect our troops, because of the great sacrifices they've made, except of course for our generals, who clearly just enjoy killing? Not just killing, but slaughtering our own troops? At what rank does their prior military service stop counting, and they become these "hawks" you're calling them?

Yeah, I don't think you have the spine for the retraction on that point. Obama outranks every general in the military, that's why he's the commander-in-chief, so you know what, fine, we'll say it's all his generals running the. Guess what? Now it's even more his fault, one for the wars that are continuing and increasing in number (Forgot that little Libyan incident, did we?), but two, because he is supposed to be the one in charge, and if he has no ability to stand up to his generals, then he clearly shouldn't be the president

04-27-2011, 03:30 PM
I'm only pointing out who started the abysmal war. The troops are only doing their jobs, laying down their lives so that the Bushies (and lately the Obama hawks) can enjoy their war.

04-27-2011, 03:37 PM
I'm only pointing out who started the abysmal war. The troops are only doing their jobs, laying down their lives so that the Bushies (and lately the Obama hawks) can enjoy their war.

So no listing from you then?

red states rule
04-27-2011, 04:35 PM
I'm only pointing out who started the abysmal war. The troops are only doing their jobs, laying down their lives so that the Bushies (and lately the Obama hawks) can enjoy their war.

Once again Gabby

Playing the "blame Bush" card again Gabby?

You forgot about GITMO, and terrorists being put on trial in Federal counrts here in the US

Bottom line is Gabby, Obama is unpopular due to his own ineptness and many failed polices

Tell me Gabby, how is that "hope and change" going for you? :laugh2: Gas is around $5/gal out there in CA right?

04-27-2011, 05:35 PM
The title of the thread should be "Obama is the Kenyan word for albatross"

04-27-2011, 05:48 PM
The title of the thread should be "Obama is the Kenyan word for albatross"

:laugh: Gotta spread the rep.

red states rule
04-27-2011, 05:49 PM
:laugh: Gotta spread the rep.

Took care of it for you Gaffer

04-27-2011, 07:43 PM
You forgot about GITMO, and terrorists being put on trial in Federal counrts here in the US

What does this have to do wit Bush starting an illegal and immoral war?

04-27-2011, 08:24 PM
I'm only pointing out who started the abysmal war. The troops are only doing their jobs, laying down their lives so that the Bushies (and lately the Obama hawks) can enjoy their war.

Because you are an avid Bush hater ... you cannot see the truth Gabby. Obama is now responsible for these wars ... as pointed out previously, is the CIC...he has as much power to end these wars as Bush had to start them. If we are still at war 3 years into his presidency...you need to ask yourself why he isn't more effective.

Take off your blinders Gabby.

04-27-2011, 09:12 PM
Because you are an avid Bush hater ... you cannot see the truth Gabby. Obama is now responsible for these wars ... as pointed out previously, is the CIC...he has as much power to end these wars as Bush had to start them. If we are still at war 3 years into his presidency...you need to ask yourself why he isn't more effective.

Read my original post. My entire point is that Obama is now responsible for the war. And that it could cost him a lot of support in 2012.

04-27-2011, 09:21 PM
Read my original post. My entire point is that Obama is now responsible for the war. And that it could cost him a lot of support in 2012.

If that were the only thing he really fucked up, he might stand a chance of re-election.

04-27-2011, 09:26 PM
Bush started an illegal and immoral war and screwed the entire country up the butt for four years, but still won re-election.

I believe Obama's fate will rest not on his own merits, but with who is running against him. A moderate Republican will stand an excellent chance. A wacko like Palin or a crazy teabagger will get slaughtered.

04-27-2011, 09:33 PM
Bush started an illegal and immoral war and screwed the entire country up the butt for four years, but still won re-election.

I believe Obama's fate will rest not on his own merits, but with who is running against him. A moderate Republican will stand an excellent chance. A wacko like Palin or a crazy teabagger will get slaughtered.

Right...wanting a less intrusive government and hanging onto more of the money you earn makes one a crazy teabagger...you're a fucking idiot!

04-27-2011, 11:57 PM
What does this have to do wit Bush starting an illegal and immoral war?

Hm, I recall him getting the votes for it. Weird.

04-28-2011, 12:13 AM
Right...wanting a less intrusive government and hanging onto more of the money you earn makes one a crazy teabagger...you're a fucking idiot!

You weren't in favor of any of this during the Bush years. Why change views now?

04-28-2011, 10:12 AM
I'm only pointing out who started the abysmal war. The troops are only doing their jobs, laying down their lives so that the Bushies (and lately the Obama hawks) can enjoy their war.

Again with the hawks bit? At what point did our generals stop being troops? Also you did not explain this point in your OP yet:

military hawks who enjoy the continued slaughter of U.S. troops in the Middle East

You just accused some of our troops of enjoying the continued slaughter our own troops. This isn't me putting words in your mouth, gabby. You picked this line.

And what of the Dems who voted for the prior war? Interestingly you say nothing of them, only Bush & Co.. And if the Dems were so righteous, and if the war was illegal, why has absolutely no one brought charges against Bush for it? Let me be clear, I've been against the war for years, but it doesn't change that our congress approved it.

Now, what about Libya? Still skipping that one, with Bush completely out of office. Obama's promises thus far seem to have lasted just long enough to make it into the oval office, then were immediately abandoned. It's not just the wars: GITMO is still open, we were kept from viewing the HC bill (so much for transparency in goverment), more bailouts, etc.

04-28-2011, 10:38 AM
Now, what about Libya? Still skipping that one...

She didn't skip it, just implied that BO is so weak minded that he can be led down any path that they choose. Which may explain...

04-28-2011, 12:29 PM
She didn't skip it, just implied that BO is so weak minded that he can be led down any path that they choose. Which may explain...

I believe that Obama's primary fault is that he listens to and values the judgement of other people above his own. Dubya had the same flaw. Both are/were weak minded.

04-28-2011, 01:36 PM
You weren't in favor of any of this during the Bush years. Why change views now?

Sorry toots, but that's a totally baseless statement.

04-28-2011, 05:41 PM
I try my best not to feed the trolls as of late, but I have my bad days. But when I see people start with the "illegal, immoral war" crap, and they outright refuse to acknowledge the many Dems who voted in favor, and the Security Council that was a majority led Dem team who got the intel directly, well, I can't help but be reminded of this...


Because that's what will happen to you if you continue to engage these fruit loops.

04-28-2011, 08:24 PM
Because that's what will happen to you if you continue to engage these fruit loops.

Do you realize how much sugar is in Fruit Loops? But I always loved the Toucan.

04-29-2011, 12:57 AM
FJ, MM, Dragon... you guys are wasting your time.

She has no idea why she believes what she believes, she read these inane ideas at HuffPo and MoveOn.

She won't honestly debate you, she merely comes here to spew out bullshit to rile people up. Just trollin'.

04-29-2011, 02:11 AM
Playing the "blame Bush" card again Gabby?

You forgot about GITMO, and terrorists being put on trial in Federal counrts here in the US

Bottom line is Gabby, Obama is unpopular due to his own ineptness and many failed polices

Bottom line-- gov't is failing the people. We are a govt of the people, for the people...so we have failed. What can you do? I'll support you.

red states rule
04-29-2011, 03:07 AM
Bush started an illegal and immoral war and screwed the entire country up the butt for four years, but still won re-election.

I believe Obama's fate will rest not on his own merits, but with who is running against him. A moderate Republican will stand an excellent chance. A wacko like Palin or a crazy teabagger will get slaughtered.

People vote with their pocket books Gabby. Libs call that being greedy

If things are pretty much the same in November 2012 as they are now, regardless who the Republican candidate is, Obama lose in a massive landslide

Deep down you know that, and that is why you are so upset. You are watching the power of your party slip away and that pisses off every liberal I know

red states rule
04-29-2011, 03:22 AM
Bottom line-- gov't is failing the people. We are a govt of the people, for the people...so we have failed. What can you do? I'll support you.

Do everything possible for CONSERVATIVES to win the Senate in 2012

and make Obama a failed one term President

04-29-2011, 07:17 AM
FJ, MM, Dragon... you guys are wasting your time.

Nah, it takes no time at all to expose simplistic logic.

red states rule
04-30-2011, 04:40 AM
Come on Gabby - you are talking about the CIC!!


04-30-2011, 09:04 PM
You weren't in favor of any of this during the Bush years. Why change views now?

Gabby ... what do you think turned us into the Tea Party? We have wanted less government and less taxes way before Bush was elected. I think you'll find that a lot of us have wanted this since Carter was president ... we are conservatives after all and it takes a lot to get us to protest .. but now that we've started, look out.

04-30-2011, 10:05 PM
Gabby ... what do you think turned us into the Tea Party? We have wanted less government and less taxes way before Bush was elected. I think you'll find that a lot of us have wanted this since Carter was president ... we are conservatives after all and it takes a lot to get us to protest .. but now that we've started, look out.

Very well said. Many 'Republicans are libertarians in many aspects, they just don't know it.'

05-01-2011, 07:23 PM
"Illegal and immoral war" - George W. Bush got the consent of the Congress before putting boots on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, thus making those wars legal per the US Constitution.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_war_by_the_United_States#Military_e ngagements_authorized_by_Congress

What else has Obama done that Bush has been accused of doing?

That Patriot Act... gee, it is still in effect, isn't it?

Warantless wiretaps? ditto

Gitmo? Ditto again

Rising gasoline prices. When it happened during Bush's tenure it was because he was in bed with his buddies at the oil companies... what's the excuse now?

Bush screwed up the economy. And Obama is doing a bang up job of straightening things out.. why he got unemployment down to 8.8 percent! And how about inflation?