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View Full Version : Hey, We Got Our Own Unexpected Results Of The Economy!

04-29-2011, 05:24 AM
Well it's Reuters, so they don't say that, but guess what? Most Americans are not feeling about the economy what they are being told by the administration via the media:


(Reuters) - More than half of Americans say the U.S. economy is in a recession or a depression despite official data that show a moderate recovery, according to a poll released on Thursday.

The April 20-23 Gallup survey of 1,013 U.S. adults found that only 27 percent said the economy is growing. Twenty-nine percent said the economy is in a depression and 26 percent said it is in a recession, with another 16 percent saying it is "slowing down," Gallup said...

And the Reuters headline, ...drumroll...:

Most Americans say U.S. in recession despite data: poll

Dang those pesky Americans and their cynicism!

Joe Steel
04-29-2011, 06:34 AM
Well it's Reuters, so they don't say that, but guess what? Most Americans are not feeling about the economy what they are being told by the administration via the media:

Obviously, Republicans' record of economic disaster is continuing.

04-29-2011, 07:19 AM
Obviously, Republicans' record of economic disaster is continuing.
You could be struck by lightning and would probably blame the Republicans...

The penchant for you left wingers to disregard the obvious is astounding.

I work at a Defense Contractor and have to listen to this rhetoric... it's not the President's fault that people are being laid off, it's the.... drumroll... SecDef Gates' fault!

04-29-2011, 04:48 PM
I work at a Defense Contractor and have to listen to this rhetoric...

We know why you are happy with the current economy. You have your hands in everyone's pockets. The way to cut the debt is to eliminate defense contractors.

red states rule
04-29-2011, 04:53 PM
Why would anyone be surprised the near still born economy? Only liberals think that increasing the cost of doing business, raising taxes on the producers, and impoising more regulatons on business will inspire people to go out, take risk, and hire new workers

But to the rest of us who live in the real world we are not surprised Obama's policies are draggging the US economy down further and further

04-29-2011, 04:55 PM
You could be struck by lightning and would probably blame the Republicans...

The penchant for you left wingers to disregard the obvious is astounding.

I work at a Defense Contractor and have to listen to this rhetoric... it's not the President's fault that people are being laid off, it's the.... drumroll... SecDef Gates' fault!

Okay, to be fair, Bush's policies did get the ball rolling, but then, I don't really think he was either conservative nor a Republican. He certainly didn't conserve anything, and actively worked to reduce to power of the Congress, which is certainly against the setup of a Republic, where the power was in the Senate/Legislature.

However, to also be fair, Obama's policies have pretty much just made it worse, with even more increased spending and federal power, and yet another war in the middle east. He actually takes more of a hit since he campaigned as doing the exact opposite.

Now, to be fair to the left, Joe is off the reservation entirely, because even a lot of my liberal friends are seeing what's going on with Obama. I mean, I know it sounds improbable, but basically, he's to the political left of gabby.

Most of the left-wing isn't Sharpton, Joe Steel, and Gabosaurus however. It's just that they're the loudest voice, much like most conservatives are not Beck, RSR, and johnwk. I think, for most of them, it's more a matter that they honestly believed the promises that were made by Obama when he ran, which is going to hurt the hell out of him next year, seeing as he's O-fer on that count.

Think about who he was running against at the time. We had a big Dem icon in Hilary, and a big Rep icon in McCain, and I think that a lot of people wanted a change, thinking that some new blood could be only be a help. Of course, Obama gave the kind of promises even Jesus would've been hard pressed to pull, but again, people wanted to believe.

red states rule
04-29-2011, 04:57 PM
Okay, to be fair, Bush's policies did get the ball rolling, but then, I don't really think he was either conservative nor a Republican. He certainly didn't conserve anything, and actively worked to reduce to power of the Congress, which is certainly against the setup of a Republic, where the power was in the Senate/Legislature.

However, to also be fair, Obama's policies have pretty much just made it worse, with even more increased spending and federal power, and yet another war in the middle east. He actually takes more of a hit since he campaigned as doing the exact opposite.

Now, to be fair to the left, Joe is off the reservation entirely, because even a lot of my liberal friends are seeing what's going on with Obama. I mean, I know it sounds improbable, but basically, he's to the political left of gabby.

Most of the left-wing isn't Sharpton, Joe Steel, and Gabosaurus however. It's just that they're the loudest voice, much like most conservatives are not Beck, RSR, and johnwk. I think, for most of them, it's more a matter that they honestly believed the promises that were made by Obama when he ran, which is going to hurt the hell out of him next year, seeing as he's O-fer on that count.

Think about who he was running against at the time. We had a big Dem icon in Hilary, and a big Rep icon in McCain, and I think that a lot of people wanted a change, thinking that some new blood could be only be a help. Of course, Obama gave the kind of promises even Jesus would've been hard pressed to pull, but again, people wanted to believe.

Tell me are you better off then you were four trillion dollars ago?

04-29-2011, 04:59 PM
with gas prices at 4.20 a gallon and food prices going up is it any doubt that people aren't optimistic about the the hope and change????

Personally I am certain that if the gas and food prices don't go down soon, we are headed for another recession. I don't see how it can be avoided.

red states rule
04-29-2011, 05:02 PM
with gas prices at 4.20 a gallon and food prices going up is it any doubt that people aren't optimistic about the the hope and change????

Personally I am certain that if the gas and food prices don't go down soon, we are headed for another recession. I don't see how it can be avoided.

and libs want to raise taxes on oil companies knowing damn well the added cost will be added to the price at the pump

Not that they give a damn about that basic economic fact Trigg

04-29-2011, 05:31 PM
We know why you are happy with the current economy. You have your hands in everyone's pockets. The way to cut the debt is to eliminate defense contractors.

What a totally programmed, ignorant post. Seriously Gabby, you can be a bit more original.

04-29-2011, 05:52 PM
with gas prices at 4.20 a gallon and food prices going up is it any doubt that people aren't optimistic about the the hope and change????

Personally I am certain that if the gas and food prices don't go down soon, we are headed for another recession. I don't see how it can be avoided.

Not optimistic? Damn, they see the writing on the wall:


More people believe we are in a depression than a recession. The fewest believe we are in recovery, just ahead of them are those that think we've entered a new slow down.

Depression #1, Recession #2, Slow Down Pretty Distant #3, Recovery Distant #4.

red states rule
04-29-2011, 05:56 PM
Not optimistic? Damn, they see the writing on the wall:


More people believe we are in a depression than a recession. The fewest believe we are in recovery, just ahead of them are those that think we've entered a new slow down.

Depression #1, Recession #2, Slow Down Pretty Distant #3, Recovery Distant #4.

The voters agree

According to the experts, this ought to be "Obama Country." In the 2008 presidential election, the Obama "Hope and Change" machine scored big in western Pennsylvania, carrying the region with nearly 58 percent of the vote. But this week, there's little evidence of that support here in the Steel City, where more than 70,000 freedom-loving Americans have gathered for the National Rifle Association's 140th annual meeting.

On Wednesday, while NRA officials were making final preparations for the "Three Rivers Celebration of American Values," President Barack Obama made an unanticipated visit to the White House pressroom for a "special announcement." Several police officers -- veterans of the campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan or both -- were in the security operations center here when a duty officer announced that the television networks were interrupting regular programming for live coverage of urgent presidential remarks.

Because this was transpiring on the 206th anniversary of the first U.S. Marine expedition -- to "the shores of Tripoli" -- it occurred to some that the commander in chief might be going to deliver an important message about the current chaos in Libya, the Middle East or Afghanistan. But no, POTUS had something of far greater consequence on his mind -- more crucial than American troops fighting a two-front war, the NATO-generated stalemate in North Africa or a bloodbath in Syria. He wanted to talk about his birth certificate.

Obama's blessedly brief comments, delivered without the aid of a teleprompter, stunned everyone in the room. "You've got to be kidding me!" and "They broke in for that?" were the least onerous expletive-deleted comments from the "audience" in the security center.

Their critique had nothing to do with where Obama was born. Little was said about why he had waited -- "for 2 1/2 years," by his own admission -- to resolve what he described as "this kind of silliness." Instead, the overwhelming sentiment was colossal disappointment that the leader of the Free World had stooped to whine about being "distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers" while our nation confronts monumental problems.

"I'm ashamed to say, I voted for him," one of the policemen said to me as we walked out of the command post. He continued: "My National Guard unit was called up for duty in Iraq while Bush was president. After Obama was elected, I volunteered to go to Afghanistan with a police (mobile training team). Though I didn't agree with George Bush about Iraq, I never doubted he really meant it when he said he cared about all of us over there and prayed for us every day. But all Obama thinks about is himself."


04-29-2011, 06:00 PM
The voters agree

Obama is black. So is Cain. Well, vote for Cain. They have different non-executive experiences. Go GOP, better than Dems!

04-29-2011, 08:36 PM
We know why you are happy with the current economy. You have your hands in everyone's pockets. The way to cut the debt is to eliminate defense contractors.

Don't feed the little troll

red states rule
04-30-2011, 03:37 AM
Don't feed the little troll

You know I am a sucker for a stray cat Karl :laugh2:

04-30-2011, 01:30 PM
I really dont get the point of the poll.

Who cares what people 'think' about growth? how can anyone objectively evaluate the growth of a national economy without referencing data? The real stats are what matters and they point to slow growth.

It's like when polls talk about the "fear" of an event, for example news reports that say 'Knife crime in this area is falling, but fear of knife crime is on the increase' Who cares? The fear of a zombie apocalypse may be at an all time high. But what people feel -fear in regards to knife crime or whether we are in a recession with respect to the OP- has no bearing on reality.

red states rule
04-30-2011, 01:34 PM
I really dont get the point of the poll.

Who cares what people 'think' about growth? how can anyone objectively evaluate the growth of a national economy without referencing data? The real stats are what matters and they point to slow growth.

It's like when polls talk about the "fear" of an event, for example news reports that say 'Knife crime in this area is falling, but fear of knife crime is on the increase' Who cares? The fear of a zombie apocalypse may be at an all time high. But what people feel -fear in regards to knife crime or whether we are in a recession with respect to the OP- has no bearing on reality.

"slow growth" Noir - try near stillborn

This after a trilion dollar "stimulus" and several "job bills" passed by Dems

Bottom line the insane spending, record deficits, and soaring energy prices are dragging down the US economy

Yet Obama and his supporeters in the liberal media are telling us we are in a "recovery"

04-30-2011, 02:06 PM
"slow growth" Noir - try near stillborn

This after a trilion dollar "stimulus" and several "job bills" passed by Dems

Bottom line the insane spending, record deficits, and soaring energy prices are dragging down the US economy

Yet Obama and his supporeters in the liberal media are telling us we are in a "recovery"

http://www.tradingeconomics.com/economics/ChartImg.axd?i=chart_09332b4eb0484fadb67a1346f7ff1 d77_26.png&g=4ff7b16300af44e5bb63ecc05bdb5f27

+ is growth and 1.8 is slow. You can define it as stillborn if you like, I define it as slow growth.

What it certainly is not is negative, like most people 'feel' it is, which is why I don't get the point of the OP poll.

04-30-2011, 10:51 PM
Tell me are you better off then you were four trillion dollars ago?

Not any better off than we were 8 trillion dollars ago.
And gdp adjustments don't tell a much better story.

04-30-2011, 10:54 PM
I really dont get the point of the poll.

Who cares what people 'think' about growth? how can anyone objectively evaluate the growth of a national economy without referencing data? The real stats are what matters and they point to slow growth.

It's like when polls talk about the "fear" of an event, for example news reports that say 'Knife crime in this area is falling, but fear of knife crime is on the increase' Who cares? The fear of a zombie apocalypse may be at an all time high. But what people feel -fear in regards to knife crime or whether we are in a recession with respect to the OP- has no bearing on reality.

This has got me worried too!!! I'd better go buy more ammo.

red states rule
05-02-2011, 03:56 AM
http://www.tradingeconomics.com/economics/ChartImg.axd?i=chart_09332b4eb0484fadb67a1346f7ff1 d77_26.png&g=4ff7b16300af44e5bb63ecc05bdb5f27

+ is growth and 1.8 is slow. You can define it as stillborn if you like, I define it as slow growth.

What it certainly is not is negative, like most people 'feel' it is, which is why I don't get the point of the OP poll.

That is what the liberal media is "reporting" now Noir. Considering the massive amount of government spending that has taken place and this is what we have to show for it?

I keep asking ny liberal coworkers if they are better off now then they were four trillion dollars ago - and they do not have much to say

05-02-2011, 11:58 AM
What a totally programmed, ignorant post. Seriously Gabby, you can be a bit more original.

I've said before that gabby and people of her ilk on this board, don't actually believe these posts they put up. They are doing it merely to get attention and generate controversy, and possibly to increase the activity on the board. Not to try to make any actual points.

The stuff they say is far to pat, far too trite, to actually be the product of a sentient mind - someone actually trying to state any truth. It's merely what they figure will generate the most reaction.

Unfortunately, as you point out, Kathianne, their posts are getting so silly that they don't even accomplish that any more. Actual humans, of any stripe, will simply give them a puzzled look and move on to other things.

red states rule
05-07-2011, 07:23 AM
It is clear Pres Obama is a new chapter in US history


05-07-2011, 02:59 PM
I really dont get the point of the poll.

Who cares what people 'think' about growth? how can anyone objectively evaluate the growth of a national economy without referencing data? The real stats are what matters and they point to slow growth.

It's like when polls talk about the "fear" of an event, for example news reports that say 'Knife crime in this area is falling, but fear of knife crime is on the increase' Who cares? The fear of a zombie apocalypse may be at an all time high. But what people feel -fear in regards to knife crime or whether we are in a recession with respect to the OP- has no bearing on reality.

They are giving their own personal POV and what they are experiencing, regardless of what they are being told.

If the govt claims the recession is over, jobs are on the increase, etc, etc, but yet, what was once a two income household is now still only a one income household, and the price of gas skyrocketing, and food prices on the rise (mayo is nearing $5 a jar), then their personal experience is NOT that the economy is recovering.

If enough people are still saying they are not experiencing a recovery, then that is telling you that the reports and data being presented by the govt must be wrong or incomplete somehow.

For example, the administration is claiming job creation is on the rise, they cited that over a million people who were unemployed found work in the last year or so,

But what they failed to present is the actual UNEMPLOYMENT RATE went UP,,,

red states rule
05-09-2011, 03:42 AM
They are giving their own personal POV and what they are experiencing, regardless of what they are being told.

If the govt claims the recession is over, jobs are on the increase, etc, etc, but yet, what was once a two income household is now still only a one income household, and the price of gas skyrocketing, and food prices on the rise (mayo is nearing $5 a jar), then their personal experience is NOT that the economy is recovering.

If enough people are still saying they are not experiencing a recovery, then that is telling you that the reports and data being presented by the govt must be wrong or incomplete somehow.

For example, the administration is claiming job creation is on the rise, they cited that over a million people who were unemployed found work in the last year or so,

But what they failed to present is the actual UNEMPLOYMENT RATE went UP,,,

What I do know is that now it costs double to gas up my small Toyota car and the tab at the grocery store keeps rising nearly every week

and yet all I hear from the liberal media is that the we are on the road to recovery

Seems to me the road is now at a dead end

05-14-2011, 12:44 AM
Well it's Reuters, so they don't say that, but guess what? Most Americans are not feeling about the economy what they are being told by the administration via the media:
The definition of "recession" doesn't have anything to do with anyone's feewings, it is based solely on GDP figures and that definition was not invented by the Obama administration you ill informed feewings-over-thoughts cock knuckled pansy.

05-15-2011, 02:19 PM
Obviously, Republicans' record of economic disaster is continuing.

:Yea, about as obvious that the republicans have been in control of the presidency, senate, and house of representatives the last three years

05-15-2011, 02:30 PM
The definition of "recession" doesn't have anything to do with anyone's feewings, it is based solely on GDP figures and that definition was not invented by the Obama administration you ill informed feewings-over-thoughts cock knuckled pansy.

Well with the proviso that the books have been cooked since before Clinton. You are beyond the 'tool' stage.

05-15-2011, 07:27 PM
The definition of "recession" doesn't have anything to do with anyone's feewings, it is based solely on GDP figures and that definition was not invented by the Obama administration you ill informed feewings-over-thoughts cock knuckled pansy.

The economic requirements of what constitutes a "recession" or "depression" has been changed numerous times over the years.

So, what was considered a recession 15 years ago, might not be considered one today.

05-15-2011, 08:17 PM
The economic requirements of what constitutes a "recession" or "depression" has been changed numerous times over the years.

So, what was considered a recession 15 years ago, might not be considered one today.

More words but same output. We've entered depression awhile ago.

red states rule
05-16-2011, 04:11 AM
The definition of "recession" doesn't have anything to do with anyone's feewings, it is based solely on GDP figures and that definition was not invented by the Obama administration you ill informed feewings-over-thoughts cock knuckled pansy.

Noiw we see the "stimulus" actually wiped out about ONE MILLION private sector jobs while keeping union workers on the state'local payroll


Yet we are told by the liberal media and the administration things are getting better