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View Full Version : Gov Daniels Defunds Planned Parenthod in IN

red states rule
04-30-2011, 03:59 AM
Now we will hear the screams of the left how women in the state on IN no longer can get "health care"

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said today he will sign a controversial bill that cuts off government funding to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.

Indiana will become the first state to take such action.

"I supported this bill from the outset, and the recent addition of language guarding against the spending of tax dollars to support abortions creates no reason to alter my position," said Daniels, a Republican.

The governor is currently weighing whether to run for president next year. Daniels has drawn fire for saying there should be "a truce on the so-called social issues until the economic crisis is resolved."

Daniels said he expects to sign the Indiana bill in the next week or so.

The Indiana legislation would cut $3 million in federal money to Planned Parenthood that the state distributes for family planning and women's health programs. The bill also bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy unless the life of the woman is threatened.


05-08-2011, 01:54 AM
Now we will hear the screams of the left how women in the state on IN no longer can get "health care"

PP is the nation's largest provider of sexual and reproductive health care you fucking ignorant douche. You defund it - you WILL have more unplanned pregnancies and you WILL have more single mothers on the welfare rolls. If that's what you want, go for it.

red states rule
05-09-2011, 02:23 AM
PP is the nation's largest provider of sexual and reproductive health care you fucking ignorant douche. You defund it - you WILL have more unplanned pregnancies and you WILL have more single mothers on the welfare rolls. If that's what you want, go for it.

They are the one of the nations beggest providers of abortions, and thousands of innocent lives will be saved and their deaths will not be paid with taxpayer money

05-09-2011, 12:02 PM
They are the one of the nations beggest providers of abortions, and thousands of innocent lives will be saved and their deaths will not be paid with taxpayer money

Taxpayer money isn't used to fund PP abortions shit for brains. The taxpayer subsidies go to funding things like BIRTH CONTROL for POOR WOMEN which REDUCES THE DEMAND FOR ABORTION. Is that too complicated for you to understand?

05-09-2011, 07:18 PM
They are the one of the nations biggest providers of abortions, and thousands of innocent lives will be saved and their deaths will not be paid with taxpayer money

If you are Pro Life then just say it. To continue to chant the "untrue" mantra about tax payers funding abortion is tiresome and just plain wrong.

Federal law bars Planned Parenthood from using tax dollars for abortion. In 1976, three years after the landmark Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, Congress passed the Hyde Amendment which bars the use of taxpayer funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
It annually is attached to the congressional spending bills.

Planned Parent may not be the best choice, but for many women it is.
There are not a whole lot of choices for many of these women for the services and health care provided.
I would prefer to see PP receive the tax dollars for birth control, early detection, and treatment service as a proactive cost saver rather than wait until we are footing the bills at a much higher cost for not providing these services in some way.

There are at last count ~424,000 kids in foster care in the US. Go get one!

red states rule
05-10-2011, 03:27 AM
If you are Pro Life then just say it. To continue to chant the "untrue" mantra about tax payers funding abortion is tiresome and just plain wrong.

Federal law bars Planned Parenthood from using tax dollars for abortion. In 1976, three years after the landmark Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, Congress passed the Hyde Amendment which bars the use of taxpayer funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
It annually is attached to the congressional spending bills.

Planned Parent may not be the best choice, but for many women it is.
There are not a whole lot of choices for many of these women for the services and health care provided.
I would prefer to see PP receive the tax dollars for birth control, early detection, and treatment service as a proactive cost saver rather than wait until we are footing the bills at a much higher cost for not providing these services in some way.

There are at last count ~424,000 kids in foster care in the US. Go get one!

I am amazed hoiw anyone thinsk Planned Parenthood- whose major funding comes from abortion- is about anything much but abortion?

You pretty much have to want to get pregnant when you’re not ready these days with all the resources available to prevent it.

Go to Wal Mart and you have choices on prevention right on the shelf

It is so sickening to read/hear all the “reasons” we need to kill the unborn.

05-10-2011, 04:36 AM
PP is the nation's largest provider of sexual and reproductive health care you fucking ignorant douche. You defund it - you WILL have more unplanned pregnancies and you WILL have more single mothers on the welfare rolls. If that's what you want, go for it.

But some of the reason the rate of pregnancy is so high is because there aren't really any consequences to risky sex. Yes, if you're fucking a guy who has no condom on, you're both choosing to take a risk of getting pregnant.

05-10-2011, 11:36 AM
If Pot was legal Planned Parenthood is like a Head Shop Chain that sells it.
the financial ban is like telling the Head Shop it's not getting funding for their rolling papers, bongs, brownie recipe books etc.

Everything Planned parenthood does encourages or facilitates sex and abortion.

In most areas there are public health clinics for STD testing. Cheap protection is available in plenty of places. Good health info is available at school. If they are really concerned about just HEALTH. Most of the Planned Parenthoods don't even have nurses on staff UNLESS they do abortions so i'm not sure what the state is losing but a rabid unregulated Abortion on demand business racket that preys on adults and minors.

red states rule
05-11-2011, 04:19 AM
One state down now 49 to go

and end all Federal funding as well

Why should the taxpayer fund the murder of the unborn?

05-11-2011, 10:13 AM
If Pot was legal Planned Parenthood is like a Head Shop Chain that sells it.
the financial ban is like telling the Head Shop it's not getting funding for their rolling papers, bongs, brownie recipe books etc.

There's no shortage of stupidity here I see.

Everything Planned parenthood does encourages or facilitates sex

I'm sure without PP's encouragement people just wouldn't have sex. I for one never even thought of having sex until PP came along.

and abortion.

How the hell does the birth control pill encourage abortion? IT PREVENTS PREGNANCY you moron, you can't get an abortion if you're not pregnant, CAN YOU?

05-11-2011, 10:14 AM
One state down now 49 to go

and end all Federal funding as well

Why should the taxpayer fund the murder of the unborn?

They aren't you ignorant fucktard. PP uses taxpayer funding to subsidize STD testing and contraception. If you defund them there will be more abortions, not less. Can you really be this fucking stupid?

05-11-2011, 10:16 AM
But some of the reason the rate of pregnancy is so high is because there aren't really any consequences to risky sex.

Uhhh, yes there is. I know a guy with HIV and Hep-B. I'd say those are pretty big consequences. Maybe you slept through sex ed?

Yes, if you're fucking a guy who has no condom on, you're both choosing to take a risk of getting pregnant.
Planned Parenthood provides free and reduced cost condoms to the poor as well as subsidized birth control pills. Not quite sure what your point is.

05-11-2011, 10:58 AM
Spider you know the Head shop analogy is almost spot on.

I'm sure without PP's encouragement people just wouldn't have sex. I for one never even thought of having sex until PP came along.
You'd never be told to stop if you went into one either.

How the hell does the birth control pill encourage abortion? IT PREVENTS PREGNANCY you moron, you can't get an abortion if you're not pregnant, CAN YOU?
Birth Control Pill is ineffective 9% of the time. And only works if you use it. Which doesn't always happen with irresponsible teens from time to time. Also NO ONE should be prescribing drugs under the table to teens without a parents OK. period.

Planned parenthood is not a Birth Control pill BTW.

05-11-2011, 12:39 PM
Spider you know the Head shop analogy is almost spot on.

Its spot on stupid. Rolling papers are needed to smoke weed. Birth control pills aren't needed to have an abortion. In fact - when used properly, the user of birth control pills will almost never have to get an abortion. So the analogy is about as retarded as it gets.

Birth Control Pill is ineffective 9% of the time.

You're so full of shit. If that were true my wife and I would have about 45 children by now.

And only works if you use it. Which doesn't always happen with irresponsible teens from time to time. Also NO ONE should be prescribing drugs under the table to teens without a parents OK. period.

Great. What's your fucking point?

Planned parenthood is not a Birth Control pill BTW.

And a head shop isn't a joint, what's your point? Are you being stupid on purpose?

05-11-2011, 01:14 PM
Its spot on stupid. Rolling papers are needed to smoke weed. Birth control pills aren't needed to have an abortion. ...

Paper isn't needed if you don't plan to smoke.
Pills aren't needed if you don't have sex. Neither are gov't condoms or other protection and "education" paraphernalia Spider.
it's a great analogy.

...If that were true my wife and I would have about 45 children by now.
A smart man would check the facts before responding.
And maybe your wife went to planned parenthood without letting you know.

And a head shop isn't a joint, what's your point? ...

my point, you make it sound as if it's the only thing PP does is dispense Birth control pills. They do more damage than that.

Spider if PP's non abortion services are so vital why don't you and folks of your mindset just donate to make up for the gov't shortfall here. PP would love to have your help. All of your gentle and kind persuasion here has not even started to adjust my thinking yet. Maybe a few more insults will make your arguments seem more credible overtime.

But I'm not giving PP a dime.

05-11-2011, 04:45 PM
Paper isn't needed if you don't plan to smoke.
Pills aren't needed if you don't have sex.

Not everyone smokes dope. Everyone has sex. Just about. Except for the clergy, children, the very old, and you apparently.

A smart man would check the facts before responding.
And maybe your wife went to planned parenthood without letting you know.

She did go to Planned Parenthood. 12 times a year in fact. To get her birth control pills. You're an ignorant twat.

Spider if PP's non abortion services are so vital why don't you and folks of your mindset just donate to make up for the gov't shortfall here.
You benefit from it just as much as I do, so you're going to pay, too, that's why.

05-11-2011, 07:03 PM
All PP needs to do is STOP supplying abortions or giving information about them. If they really were for "planned parenthood" than they would be helping to plan for the birth and upbringing of children not the needles slaughter of them.

No I am not a "no abortion ever" person but to utilize abortion as a means of birth-control is disgusting and barbaric at the least. You can try to defend your position but ultimately if they STOPPED abortions than they would NOT have lost their funding by Gov. Daniels.

If your mature enough to spread your legs and screw whatever your mature enough to get your own freaking contraception if not put your legs together or stay out of between a pair until you can afford to either prevent or take care of your OWN accidents!!!!

05-11-2011, 07:09 PM
All PP needs to do is STOP supplying abortions or giving information about them.
No they don't. Sometimes people need abortions.

If they really were for "planned parenthood" than they would be helping to plan for the birth and upbringing of children not the needles slaughter of them. The upbringing of children? Sorry, but Republicans aren't for helping anyone do that. So stop lying.

No I am not a "no abortion ever" person but to utilize abortion as a means of birth-control is disgusting and barbaric at the least. Yeah. That's why PP mostly provides the pill and condoms as far as its birth control services.

If your mature enough to spread your legs and screw whatever your mature enough to get your own freaking contraception if not put your legs together or stay out of between a pair until you can afford to either prevent or take care of your OWN accidents!!!!

"Get your own freaking contraception?" Sorry, but how is buying birth control pills from PP NOT "get your own freaking contraception" ? Are you mentally handicapped?

05-11-2011, 07:13 PM
Not everyone smokes dope. Everyone has sex. Just about. Except for the clergy, children, the very old, and you apparently.
the clergy, children, the very old, and i apparently don't smoke much pot either.

She did go to Planned Parenthood. 12 times a year in fact. To get her birth control pills. ...
Spider, In all seriousness i apologizes for making that comment. it was out of line on my part. God guide you and you family.

You benefit from it just as much as I do, so you're going to pay, too, that's why.
I'm not gonna pay if I live in Il it looks like. And as Gaffer mentioned 49 states to go. People should have a RIGHT TO CHOOSE what we do with our OWN MONEY shouldn't we?

05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
I'm not gonna pay if I live in Il it looks like. And as Gaffer mentioned 49 states to go. People should have a RIGHT TO CHOOSE what we do with our OWN MONEY shouldn't we?

Tax receipts aren't your own money, they become the money of the taxing authority and hence the collective property of the people represented by the government. If you cut off subsidies to birth control in your state, unplanned pregnancies will rise, I guarantee it. If that happens, you'll have more claims for welfare for single mothers and low income families, and if you don't pay them, you'll get all the social problems associated with children whose parents can't make ends meet.

We got the pill from PP and it saved us maybe $20 a month. $20 a month is a lot to some people. Don't think it would have made the difference between pill and no pill for us - but it could for a lot of people.

05-11-2011, 09:37 PM
Tax receipts aren't your own money, they become the money of the taxing authority and hence the collective property of the people represented by the government. If you cut off subsidies to birth control in your state, unplanned pregnancies will rise, I guarantee it. If that happens, you'll have more claims for welfare for single mothers and low income families, and if you don't pay them, you'll get all the social problems associated with children whose parents can't make ends meet.

We got the pill from PP and it saved us maybe $20 a month. $20 a month is a lot to some people. Don't think it would have made the difference between pill and no pill for us - but it could for a lot of people.

Or here's one: Deprived of the easy way out solution, they will take more care about who their partners are, and adapt accordingly. You know, like all those pesky humans do.

05-12-2011, 12:55 AM
Or here's one: Deprived of the easy way out solution, they will take more care about who their partners are, and adapt accordingly. You know, like all those pesky humans do.

WTF are you even talking about?

red states rule
05-12-2011, 03:23 AM
They aren't you ignorant fucktard. PP uses taxpayer funding to subsidize STD testing and contraception. If you defund them there will be more abortions, not less. Can you really be this fucking stupid?

Meanwhile abortions make up about 40% of PP's revenue

Yea, womens health

05-12-2011, 09:12 AM
Meanwhile abortions make up about 40% of PP's revenue

Yea, womens health

Hey that's great you can read from a right wing playbook


well done ya piece of sheep!!!! I'm presuming if you directed me to your "source" the above propaganda from the "Oakland Right To Life" group would be all I get?

red states rule
05-16-2011, 03:57 AM
Hey that's great you can read from a right wing playbook


well done ya piece of sheep!!!! I'm presuming if you directed me to your "source" the above propaganda from the "Oakland Right To Life" group would be all I get?

No, PP's own numbers


In brief: If a pregnant woman walks into a Planned Parenthood, she almost always walks out no longer pregnant.

But the entire counting process here is based on arbitrary terms. Planned Parenthood, in making these stats that bloggers and politicians repeat, never really defines what a "service" is. Is a service a visit? Does it make sense to use "service" as a unit? Does a pregnancy test really deserve the same portion of Ezra Klein's pie chart as a vasectomy, an abortion, or a primary care client?

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/04/planned-parenthoods-number-games#ixzz1MVJLk6cz

05-16-2011, 07:52 AM
No, PP's own numbers


Most of PP's service aren't for pregnant women. They're for women trying to not become pregnant and/or get an STD. Dude why does you doctor prescribe you moron pills?

05-16-2011, 05:24 PM
OK ST I have to ask, do you know how much money we are talking about being "defunded"? Or are you just spouting off a lot of nonsense??

we are only talking 1.4 million dollars in state funding, this is only an issue due to PP REFUSAL to halt abortions. if as YOU say abortions make up such a tiny part of their service it should be a no brainer that they STOP abortions to maintain their full funding..

Direct quote

"The case made by Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a false alarm and their claims that women will go without health services are false," Schneider said in a statement Wednesday. "Our new law will allow Planned Parenthood to continue to receive taxpayer funding if they simply stop performing abortions. The decision is now theirs to make."

I will also add that part of the reason for the defunding is due to the great Obama care. The way the federal govt makes it possible for EVERYONE to have medical care is by slapping all the uninsured people on Medicaid, now Indian has defunded the Medicaid funds to PP in order to shift those monies over to take care of ALL Medicaid recipients not just he one terminating a life...

Do you understand now or is it just all about keeping poor women down....?????

05-16-2011, 05:56 PM
here is another quote. I know you will not like the source that is why I will only use the NUMBERS that are verifiable other places..

Planned Parenthood of Indiana is reporting revenue of $15,670,306 in 2010 with $2,008,760 coming from government contracts and grants. Planned Parenthood of Indiana annually does more than 50% of the total chemical and surgical abortions done in Indiana.So your telling me the 1.4 million at stake is going to bankrupt this organization and cause them to turn away ALL poor women??

Earlier today, Planned Parenthood of Indiana issued a press advisory touting a total of five adoption placements, making its abortion to adoption placement ratio 1,116 abortions for every 1 adoption placement. Yaa real nice pushing real hard for "planning parenthood" seem to me they push just the opposite!!

Indianapolis, IN – Indiana’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood of Indiana, is reporting 5,580 abortions done in 2010, an increase of more than 2% in the number of chemical and surgical abortions done at its abortion clinics in 2010 as compared to its 5,452 reported abortions for 2009. The increase amounts to 128 more abortions done in 2010 as compared to 2009. The numbers are reported in Planned Parenthood’s 2010 annual report recently posted on its website. That amounts to half of all medicaid patients seen by PP in Indiana since there are approx. 9,000 that utilize PP serivices in the state of IN..

Sorry forgot the link


05-17-2011, 12:51 AM
If you are Pro Life then just say it

There are at last count ~424,000 kids in foster care in the US. Go get one!

Apparently then legalized murder of unborn children isnt stopping kids from winding up in foster care.

Besides, almost all of the kids in foster care are there for reasons other than they werent aborted by the mother even though she wanted to.

Im wondering what direct experience you have with foster care. I was in foster care more than once, and the terrible conditions of kids in foster care as presented on tv and the movies simply isnt as prevelant as they make it appear.

Since the late 1970's (when roe v wade occured) to 2010, the # of kids in foster care is about the same, so obviously legalized abortion has had zero influence on how many kids wind up in foster care.

77% of kids in foster care wind up back with their birth parents, relatives, or become emancipated (which was my case)

The number and percentage of kids adopted peaked in the 70's, so apparently legalized murder of unborn children actually had a negative influence on the numbers of children adopted.

05-17-2011, 12:55 AM
There are at last count ~424,000 kids in foster care in the US. Go get one!

Not to mention that the liberals mantra of saying if you oppose abortion then you need to adopt a kid to prove it is assnine and fucking stupid as dirt on a hot dog.

If I were to save a homeless man from being shot and murdered, does that mean I have to take hiim into my house and care for him? Its the exact same concept

05-19-2011, 11:55 AM
So your telling me the 1.4 million at stake is going to bankrupt this organization and cause them to turn away ALL poor women??

No, I don't think I told you that. maybe you can quote me where you think I said that, and we can discuss.

05-19-2011, 11:55 AM
if as YOU say abortions make up such a tiny part of their service it should be a no brainer that they STOP abortions to maintain their full funding..

Yeah you're still a moron.

05-19-2011, 12:03 PM
No, I don't think I told you that. maybe you can quote me where you think I said that, and we can discuss.Your whole argument is that PP will suffer and NOT be able to supply services to poor and needy women. If not bankrupt than severly limited in their funds. You will note the amount we are talking about here is less than 10% of their total revenue.

Yeah you're still a moron.Translation you have nothing inteligent to say due to the fact that I am correct. Your just a freaking inbread idiot

So answer the damn question since its such a "stupid" one. Why don't they just stop providing abortions in Indiana, to be able to collect the funds, they supposedly so deperately need to keep all those underprivlidged women in birth control pills.....:poke:

05-19-2011, 12:11 PM
Your whole argument is that PP will suffer and NOT be able to supply services to poor and needy women.

This is actually closer to to my argument.

...able to supply services to as many poor and needy women.

Why don't they just stop providing abortions in Indiana,

Because then people in Indiana would probably not be able to get one.

05-19-2011, 02:13 PM
This is actually closer to to my argument..
Split hairs much????

Because then people in Indiana would probably not be able to get oneREally??? care to prove that. Your telling me PP is the ONLY performer of legal abortions in the state of IN?? Wow you really are an ignorat dumbf**k aren't you!?!!?

red states rule
05-20-2011, 03:43 AM
Most of PP's service aren't for pregnant women. They're for women trying to not become pregnant and/or get an STD. Dude why does you doctor prescribe you moron pills?

But the point has been proven most of the services PP provides is the murder of the unborn.

So much for womens health