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View Full Version : Will The Dems and Liberal Media Be Outraged OBL Was Unarmed When He Was Shot?

red states rule
05-04-2011, 04:16 AM
Will the NY Times run an headline OBL was assassinated?

Will Pelosi demand heariongs into the conduct of the US military?

Will Reid demand full disclosure?

Will the peaceniks demand to know why OBL was denied his day in court?

I wonder what the reaction would be from these people if this had happened while Bush was in office?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on Tuesday publicly revised the administration’s account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, telling reporters that the Al Qaeda leader wasn’t armed during the assault and didn’t use one of his wives as a shield.

On Monday evening, the White House had backed away from key details in its narrative about the raid, including claims by senior U.S. officials that bin Laden had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid.

Carney read a statement to reporters Tuesday seeking to clarify discrepancies. He said bin Laden “was not armed.” When a U.S. “assaulter” approached bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader’s “wife” rushed the assaulter. That woman was shot but not killed, Carney said.

“What is true,” Carney said, is that “we provided a great deal of information with great haste.”

“Obviously, some of the information was — came in piece by piece and is being reviewed and updated and elaborated upon,” he said.

Carney told reporters that “resistance does not require a firearm” but directed questions about how bin Laden “resisted” to the Pentagon.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/54162.html#ixzz1LNDfVBOJ

05-04-2011, 06:32 AM
Lots of "details" being run out right now. I have great doubt as to the veracity of some. Whether OBL was armed or not could be significant but unless ST6 goes on Oprah and says that, it will be darned hard to verify that he was unarmed. If he was unarmed, does that mean that the CiC ordered OBL's death and NOT capture regardless of circumstances? How will that sit with the libs knowing that Obama ordered an assassination? That just mihgt tarnish someones sterling reputation!

While I'm rantimng, I have to ask where are all the libs who clamored for photographs of flag draped US casualties? Why are they not demanding the photos of (as a minimum) the enshrouded corpse of OBL? Why are the libs not shrilly decrying the fact that Obama ordered the armed incursion into a soveriegn nation without UN sanction? Where are ther=ir claims of the President fostering an immoral and illegal act? Where are the calls for war crime trials for Obama?

Somtimes the hypocrites get to me.

05-04-2011, 06:42 AM
Given the firefight started when the marines were in the courtyard, and obl was a few floors up, that would of bee plenty of time for him to strap a suicide bomb on under his robe. Empty hands would not mean unarmed unless you could see his whole body etc, ao I think the marines have enough of a coverstory if needed, though I also think they were told if hey found him to kill him

05-04-2011, 06:50 AM
Noir, I agree with you on that one. No gun does not mean unarmed. I too think the plan was to shoot him on sight, no quarter given. His death alleviates a lot of problems that his capture would have raised.

red states rule
05-05-2011, 04:34 PM
Noir, I agree with you on that one. No gun does not mean unarmed. I too think the plan was to shoot him on sight, no quarter given. His death alleviates a lot of problems that his capture would have raised.

Much better then having the ACLU defend OBL, and trying to put the US on trial.

Having Chris Matthews "report" on the trial of Pres Bush and the USA would be sickening