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red states rule
05-06-2011, 04:40 AM
The writer must have talked to some of my liberal co-workers because he describd them perfectly

Do you know any libs like these?

The Obama Administration is all about the psychotherapy of the left. I didn't quite get it before. But I think that for liberals the goal of this administration is not:

(a) to have the country thrive and prosper;

(b) to win an unwanted war against maniacs from the 7th century who attacked us on 9/11;

(c) to mobilize the civilized world, to make common cause against these barbarian throwbacks.

The war on terror can be won if we treat it like the war against the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Soviet Union. Three great struggles, three wins for America and decent people around the world.

But no. That is not the goal.

The goal is to do psychotherapy on America. That's what they mean by "Hope" and "Change." They hope that you change.

First we elect a man with no visible qualifications, but who fits all the standards of "cool" for preadolescents. Then we have to prove that our idiotic choice was right -- that Obama can be a great president in spite of his utter lack of experience and qualifications.

That's why the media need to overlook and cover up the last two years of bumbling incompetence. Liberals who constantly accuse decent people of "racism" also have to drown their fears of their own racist impulses. They really can't think straight. Try to ask them a straight question, and they can't answer it.

With Obama the left has trapped itself with a cool-dude incompetent who suffers from personal grandiosity. Liberals lost their heads two years ago, but they can't admit it. Instead, they have to fix their historic mistake by hullaballooing the fantasy Obama is a "really Commanding Commander in chief" as one of their babbling airheads said the other day.

Now Obama, who has run his whole life as a phony pacifist, suddenly is supposed to look like George S. Patton. The left-o-mob is eager to make it look that way, and of course millions of suckers will fall for it just like last time.

Lying is so much part of their way of being that one more Big Lie means nothing. After all, it's only adults who worry about the truth.

To conservatives Obama will be a successful president if he does his best to keep this country safe and strong. That's not what the left is looking for. No, they want to fix Obama until he turns into a good-enough president, because only that will assuage their racial guilt. And then of course they want to do state-coerced therapy on the rest of us, to indoctrinate us into their own neurosis.

That's their paradise. Reality has nothing to do with it. They don't believe in it.

Neurosis. Keep that in mind, and let's all hope he can blunder through the next 24 months until we get a chance to vote for an adult. With half the country in full-scale delusion we might have a 50-50 chance.
