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View Full Version : Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal immigration

05-10-2011, 05:52 PM
President Obama is back to maximum campaign mode, liberally sprinkling lies where they will do the most good... or harm, depending on whether you're concerned with re-election or concerned for your country.


He just finished a speech in Texas, supposedly on the problems of illegal immigration. I haven't finished going thru the speech yet, but every example I've heard him give so far for "immigrants" who helped the country, has cited LEGAL immigrants as the good guys. And of course the NY Times is carrying the same water dutifully, pretending the problem is one of LEGAL immigration instead of the real problem, illegal immigration.

It's almost as if Obama wants to tell people:

1.) There's no difference between legal immigrants and illegal aliens who crash the border. That's like saying there's no difference between Granny depositing and withdrawing money from her bank account, and a thug who robs the place at gunpoint or an embezzler who steals it all.

2.) People who oppose his plans (i.e. Republicans), are opposing LEGAL immigrants, instead of opposing the illegal aliens crashing the border by the millions.

I have a question for him: If the only way you can make your opponents look bad is to lie about what they say and support... what does that tell you about what the opponents actually DO say and support?

It's the same old shuck-and-jive we had to deal with last decade. Then, these liars and con artists promoted exactly this line of falsehoods and deceptive twists of the truth, until huge numbers of Americans rose up, called and wrote their Congressmen, and finally got the amnesty plans thrown out of Congress.

Looks like the con men didn't get the hint. Apparently a repeat of Nov. 2, 2010 will be needed, more than once, to get rid of this silliness once and for all.

05-10-2011, 06:13 PM
Obama is a politician. What did you expect him to say? When you are campaigning, you speak to an audience and tell them what they want to hear. This has been happening for centuries. Therefore, this is a useless thread.

05-10-2011, 06:22 PM
When you are campaigning, you speak to an audience and tell them what they want to hear.
Translation: "We Democrats are so deeply into the habit of lying to people to fool them into supporting us while concealing our real agenda, that we can't talk any other way any more."

And this glittering gem comes from... who else... little gabby.

Therefore, this is a useless thread.
Translation: "Quit telling the truth about us for Crissake!! How do you expect us to impose socialism if you keep reminding people what we're really about???"

05-10-2011, 06:26 PM
No one on the ConRep side raised a dissenting voice when Dubya placed the 2004 GOP Coronation in Manhattan just weeks short of the Sept. 11 (the latest political convention ever) and made national security the main focus.

Like I said, you speak to your audience. Obama was not speaking to dissenting voices.

05-10-2011, 06:40 PM
No one on the ConRep side raised a dissenting voice when Dubya placed the 2004 GOP Coronation in Manhattan just weeks short of the Sept. 11 (the latest political convention ever) and made national security the main focus.
Little gabby's slowing down. This time, it took her two whole posts before she tried to change the subject to George W. Bush.

Like I said, you speak to your audience. Obama was not speaking to dissenting voices.
TRANSLATION: "If you lie about your opponents to people who agree with you, it doesn't count."

Another glittering gem from the board's premier leftist airbrain, gabby.

Back to the subject:
I have a question for Obama: If the only way you can make your opponents look bad is to lie about what they say and support... what does that tell you about what the opponents actually DO say and support?

05-10-2011, 07:29 PM
Obama is a politician. What did you expect him to say? When you are campaigning, you speak to an audience and tell them what they want to hear. This has been happening for centuries. Therefore, this is a useless thread.

So then why do you post every Republican lie that comes to the surface like they should personally be stoned. As well, you just said it yourself: It's business as usual. Too bad his entire campaign last time was hinged on change. How much change is it to use the same exact tactics, and achieve the same amount of promises?