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View Full Version : A contributing reason for high unemployment

05-11-2011, 12:28 PM
Our society considers certain people as "unemployment." There are large sections of people that we marginalize into certain low-paying jobs. That is where the "burger flipping jobs" thing comes in. Some have very little choice.


05-12-2011, 10:10 AM
he was let go from a job because his employer had discovered he'd done five years in prison. He told me the boss said, "You're one of our best workers, but we have to let you go."

So, what, gabs, there were no gang members back during the Bush era? You were right up there with the rest of the Dems back then, slapping Bush for these exact classes of job.

Yes, crime has its consequences beyond itself. People don't want to hire a thief to man their registers, or to settle their accounts. However, let's look at the above quote from your article for a moment. Every application has a section where they ask you if you've committed any felonies within the last five years or whatever. You're certain that this person didn't just get fired for lying on his application? It happens a lot, I know because I've held those burger-flipping jobs you're talking about, and most companies have a policy to fire those who are found to have lied on their app.

As well, there's statute of limitations to be considered. Past a certain point, you are not required to mention it any longer, because you've kept your nose clean.