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05-12-2011, 12:13 PM
So much for that absurd theory:


05-12-2011, 02:14 PM
So much for that absurd theory:


Oh dear, you mean torturing a person might just impinge upon them a desire to lie to get the pain to stop? I had no idea that humans would react in such manners.

05-12-2011, 05:25 PM
In a statement, Mukasey said McCain "is simply incorrect," on the bid Laden leads and interrogation.

Mukasey said Mohammed disclosed the nickname of the courier "along with a wealth of other information, some of which was used to stop terror plots then in progress." He said another detainee, captured in Iraq, disclosed that the courier was a trusted operative of Mohammed's successor.

Mukasey, who was President George W. Bush's last attorney general, said former intelligence officials have said that up to 2006 valuable leads came from prisoners who were subjected to harsh techniques, including waterboarding.

"Harsh interrogation techniques were both effective and lawful," Mukasey said.


05-12-2011, 05:39 PM

Huh, imagine that, the guy who used to be attorney general is backing up the stance that Bush no doubt put him in position for holding. Fancy that?

05-12-2011, 05:48 PM
Huh, imagine that, the guy who used to be attorney general is backing up the stance that Bush no doubt put him in position for holding. Fancy that?

As opposed to the man your drooling over? Was McCain present for any of these interrogations? Hell, for that fact, who DO you think was present at Gitmo? And maybe at "secret prisons" the CIA has in other countries? Why do you think the DIRECTOR of the CIA stated the same as Mukasey?


Something tells me that the Director of the CIA would be more informed than McCain. Like I said last week, you're seeing some "CYA" right now in regards to the torture and other techniques, but whether you guys agree or not IT WAS used against these prisoners and IT DID yield useful information, and apparently LOTS of it.

05-14-2011, 04:18 AM

The reason McCain doesn't want to admit that torture will get valid information is that he doesn't want anyone to think that he gave up information when he was tortured.

05-14-2011, 07:50 AM
The one argument made against torture that I can't stand and argue against all the time is the "if we do it then our enemies will do it to our guys". Name one enemy that has captured any of our troops and not tortured them. We don't go to war with nice guys and people that think like us. We go to war against fascist dictators, fascist religion groups and communists. hmmmm sorta like the current administration.