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05-16-2011, 05:54 AM
Maybe not quite yet. There are links to the 10 part series that Investor's Business Daily did on Carter a long while back:


It is nowadays said by many that Barack Obama is the worst president in American history. If this is so, President Obama will have eclipsed a mark that most observers believed would stand unchallenged until the final trumpet: The abysmal record of James Earl “Jimmy” Carter.

...JIMMY CARTER: Profile in Incompetence

* Part I: Look Who’s Talking — So Jimmy Carter calls the Bush administration “the worst in history.” This from the man who wrecked the world’s greatest economy and made a nuclear Iran and North Korea possible.
* Part II: ‘Malaise’ Maestro — When it comes to economic performance, there’s no contest: Apart from the early years of the Depression, Jimmy Carter’s brief tenure as president was the worst in the 20th century.
* Part III: Carter Planted Seeds Of Al-Qaida — After being told over and over by President Jimmy Carter that America’s ability to influence world events was “very limited,” the Soviet Union believed him and invaded Afghanistan. And al-Qaida was born.
* Part IV:Iran: Carter’s Habitat For Inhumanity – In the name of human rights, Jimmy Carter gave rise to one of the worst rights violators in history — the Ayatollah Khomeini. And now Khomeini’s successor is preparing for nuclear war with Israel and the West.
* Part V: Carter’s Red Carpet — On President Jimmy Carter’s watch, more territory was lost to tyranny than at any other time since Yalta. And he’d have us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear.
* Part VI: A Feeble President – When men of strength are presented with difficult problems, their responses are firm and decisive. Jimmy Carter spent four years as president of the United States responding with weakness.
* Part VII: Friend Of Dictators – In foreign policy, Jimmy Carter proved his presidency the worst ever by subordinating U.S. interests to his vague “human rights” policy. All he did was enable dictators to take him to the cleaners.
* Part VIII: Camp Hype — It’s often asserted that while Jimmy Carter’s presidency was marred by error and incompetence, the peace deal he brokered at Camp David was an unmitigated triumph. Time to pop that bubble, too.
* Part IX: Carter’s Oil Crisis – Of all the errors Jimmy Carter committed, none has earned him more well-justified scorn than his handling of the 1970s energy crisis. True enough, he didn’t cause it. But he did make it much, much worse.
* Part X: Carrying Over Carter’s Ineptitude – In 1976, Americans thought they were sending an outsider to the White House. Today, the same policies so thoroughly discredited by Jimmy Carter’s disastrous presidency define the Democratic Party.

So there you have it: The definitive chronicle of Jimmy Carter’s rotten presidential record. You may want to bookmark this page for future reference, just in case you encounter someone who doesn’t realize just how bad Carter really was. And the next time one of your conservative friends swears that Barack Obama is the worst president in history, you can send them this post and say, “Maybe he’s not the worst — yet.”

Of course, Obama’s still got another 20 months remaining in office, so he might hold the uncontested title soon enough.

05-16-2011, 07:31 AM
Right now they suck in different ways. It will take quite some time to see if BO eclipses Carter's historical suckness.

05-16-2011, 07:35 AM
I think carter is slated for second place. The fool in chief is already tied with him in incompetency. Two terms of either one would completely destroy the country.

05-16-2011, 07:57 AM
Maybe not quite yet. There are links to the 10 part series that Investor's Business Daily did on Carter a long while back:

Ask this guy if Carter and Obama are alike


05-16-2011, 04:31 PM
Ask this guy if Carter and Obama are alike


the credit for finding Bin Ladin doesn't all go to bambam.

05-16-2011, 06:36 PM
You have to be pretty warped to think Obama even comes close to being as incompetent as Carter. Even Dubya isn't close to Carter, and that is going pretty low.

05-16-2011, 06:49 PM
You have to be pretty warped to think Obama even comes close to being as incompetent as Carter. Even Dubya isn't close to Carter, and that is going pretty low.

Funny were you alive when Carter was president?? I was, granted I wasn't THAT old but I remember how my parents talked and acted and how tight everything was. Much like now. Is he worse.. we have 2 more years to find out don't we. He is already fast approaching that threshold and is only half way through his term..

Give him time gabs.... give him time!!!!!

05-16-2011, 10:01 PM
At the very least Obama isnt selling beer yet. Lets hope that we can look back on Obama's time in office as we do now for Carter's inept ride. That will mean Obama didnt totally destroy the USA. Is it 2012 yet?

05-16-2011, 10:57 PM
Well, let's look at this objectively:

** Our country has not been attacked since Obama took office.

** Obama has not yet ordered the invasion of a sovereign country for no reason.

** Obama admits the mission has not yet been accomplished.

How can anyone surpass Jimmy Carter, a president so ignorant he made Gerald Ford look good.

History is better viewed in retrospect. That way, your imagination doesn't warp or give in to revisionist thought.
My father-in-law is a wonderful guy, but he believes Reagan was a good president. Proof positive that memory can get corrupted over time.

05-17-2011, 05:39 AM
... but he believes Reagan was a good president.

Perhaps because he gets his opinion from actually being there instead of a one-sided article that he barely understands.

05-19-2011, 12:28 PM
Well, let's look at this objectively:

** Obama has not yet ordered the invasion of a sovereign country for no reason.

Give him time, he's already giving ultimatums regarding Libya.


Obama delivered an ultimatum to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi that he must immediately implement a ceasefire in all parts of Libya and allow international humanitarian assistance, or risk military action against his regime.

05-19-2011, 02:05 PM
Maybe not quite yet. There are links to the 10 part series that Investor's Business Daily did on Carter a long while back:


While the list is quite long, it isnt complete. Carter screwed up sooo much I doubt any one person can come up with a complete list.

I lived thru Carter, & LBJ too, and now Obambam, probably the three worst presidents in history.

One thing, as Gabby mentioned, you always have to give it time to make a final judgement on someone, thats why in baseball you have to be retired for 7 years before you can be eligable for the hall of fame.

CARTER: Waiting in line for HOURS to get gas. If you ran out of gas on say the 10th day of the month, and your license plate ended in an odd number, you couldnt buy any gas till the next day.,

Interest rates were well above 20%

At the same time inflation was rampant

He was so whimpy he couldnt get our hostages out of Iran

Due to his micro managing (same problem LBJ had) he totally fucked up the rescue attempt that ended in one of our helicopters crashing and burning in the desert

And to top it all off, CARTER didnt stip being an incompetent foolish idiot for a President, but he has continued to this day by not honoring what all other presidents in history have done, not criticizing the policies/actions/politics and personality of the sitting president.
So carter managed to worsen his spot in history long after he was kicked out of office by a great majority of the American public.

Right now, to me, its a no brainer, Carter was the worst.

red states rule
05-20-2011, 03:29 AM
Ask this guy if Carter and Obama are alike


Please explain how the death of OBL will lower the cost of gas, put people back to work, reduce the record number of people on food stamps, and the growing number of people losing their home to foreclosure

Then Obama will be better then Carter. Until then Obama is the second term of Carter

red states rule
05-20-2011, 03:33 AM
Well, let's look at this objectively:

** Our country has not been attacked since Obama took office.

** Obama has not yet ordered the invasion of a sovereign country for no reason.

** Obama admits the mission has not yet been accomplished.

How can anyone surpass Jimmy Carter, a president so ignorant he made Gerald Ford look good.

History is better viewed in retrospect. That way, your imagination doesn't warp or give in to revisionist thought.
My father-in-law is a wonderful guy, but he believes Reagan was a good president. Proof positive that memory can get corrupted over time.

Reagan was a great President Gabby - and the voters approved of the job he was doing in a crushing landslide of the Dem opponent

Any comments Gabby or will you ignore this historical fact?


red states rule
05-21-2011, 05:47 AM
You have to be pretty warped to think Obama even comes close to being as incompetent as Carter. Even Dubya isn't close to Carter, and that is going pretty low.

With Obama followers, it is clear you can't fix stupid


05-21-2011, 06:58 AM
carter was inept and incompetent. The dark lord is evil and cunning.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 07:00 AM
carter was inept and incompetent. The dark lord is evil and cunning.

True but he is incompetent and we are all paying the price in more ways then one

05-21-2011, 08:15 AM
True but he is incompetent and we are all paying the price in more ways then one

I think what appears to be incompetence is carefully orchestrated to destroy this country. carter was a buffoon on the order of joe biden. There's a much darker element to this administration. His intentions are not to govern but to rule.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 08:18 AM
I think what appears to be incompetence is carefully orchestrated to destroy this country. carter was a buffoon on the order of joe biden. There's a much darker element to this administration. His intentions are not to govern but to rule.

I disagree Gaffer. His incompetence has been shown with his many gaffes, and sheer contempt for those who disagree with him

He actually thinks people can be silenced by calling them racists and I doubt if he is mocking the Tea Party like he did a Town Hall

Obama's best traits is his arrogance and his incompetence. He is worried about 2012 as he sees his poll numbers settle back into the low 40's

05-21-2011, 08:20 AM
I disagree Gaffer. His incompetence has been shown with his many gaffes, and sheer contempt for those who disagree with him

He actually thinks people can be silenced by calling them racists and I doubt if he is mocking the Tea Party like he did a Town Hall

Obama's best traits is his arrogance and his incompetence. He is worried about 2012 as he sees his poll numbers settle back into the low 40's

I agree with Gaffer on this. Carter really was incompetent and naive. Obama is really against the West, not just the US. Gaffes are not the measure of a president, nor is partisanship.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 08:25 AM
I agree with Gaffer on this. Carter really was incompetent and naive. Obama is really against the West, not just the US. Gaffes are not the measure of a president, nor is partisanship.

When I see Obama continue to offer the same failed polices that have been tried only a year before with dismil results; when I see Obama call his political opponents enemies; or mock a growing political party with a smirk on his face; I chalk that up to incompetence

Hey I am not saying Obama does not have a distain for the US, capitalism, anyone who speaks up and disagrees with him; and he said he would transform the nation - but I do see the second coming of Carter in him

05-21-2011, 08:48 AM
When I see Obama continue to offer the same failed polices that have been tried only a year before with dismil results; when I see Obama call his political opponents enemies; or mock a growing political party with a smirk on his face; I chalk that up to incompetence

Hey I am not saying Obama does not have a distain for the US, capitalism, anyone who speaks up and disagrees with him; and he said he would transform the nation - but I do see the second coming of Carter in him

We disagree then. While there is a second coming of carter in him I do feel he's much worse than carter. I think obama is worried about reelection but I think he is trying to find a way to become a dictator. He sees himself as a ruler not a servant of the people.

carter was a fool, obama is a megalomaniac. If I believed in that sort of stuff I would say he qualifies as an antichrist candidate. I don't call him the dark lord because of his skin color. He's not a hitler, he's more of a mussolini. The similarities of the tactics are really quite shocking when you look at them.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 09:01 AM
We disagree then. While there is a second coming of carter in him I do feel he's much worse than carter. I think obama is worried about reelection but I think he is trying to find a way to become a dictator. He sees himself as a ruler not a servant of the people.

carter was a fool, obama is a megalomaniac. If I believed in that sort of stuff I would say he qualifies as an antichrist candidate. I don't call him the dark lord because of his skin color. He's not a hitler, he's more of a mussolini. The similarities of the tactics are really quite shocking when you look at them.

I believe Obama is worse then Carter as well Gaffer. I see the results of his economic policies everyday at work. The only reason the foreclosure rate has slowed is due to the banks slowing the process of doing the paperwork.

I am seeing people who have not made payments for over 2 YEARS and are still in the f/c process

More and more people are writing in asking for help due to recent job loss and/or reduction of income

Gas prices, while they have dropped a few cents recently, have doubled since Obama took office

Obama is a man-child who is in way over his head. He is devout liberal who sees government as the answer to all issues, and is determined no matter the damge it cuase, to expand the cost and size of government

Incompetence with continuing proven failed policies, and arrogance thinking he is always right and the rest of the world is wrong

05-21-2011, 09:40 AM
I believe Obama is worse then Carter as well Gaffer. I see the results of his economic policies everyday at work. The only reason the foreclosure rate has slowed is due to the banks slowing the process of doing the paperwork.

I am seeing people who have not made payments for over 2 YEARS and are still in the f/c process

More and more people are writing in asking for help due to recent job loss and/or reduction of income

Gas prices, while they have dropped a few cents recently, have doubled since Obama took office

Obama is a man-child who is in way over his head. He is devout liberal who sees government as the answer to all issues, and is determined no matter the damge it cuase, to expand the cost and size of government

Incompetence with continuing proven failed policies, and arrogance thinking he is always right and the rest of the world is wrong

The only difference in our views is that you see things from a political stand point, while I see a darker deviousness that goes beyond politics. We both see the same results.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 09:42 AM
The only difference in our views is that you see things from a political stand point, while I see a darker deviousness that goes beyond politics. We both see the same results.

You may have a point there Gaffer, but Obam will have no choice but to run on his record in 2012

and the candidate the Republicans pick had better be ready to rub Obama's nose in his record - and not worry about the charges of racism that will come from the liberal media and the Dems

05-21-2011, 09:58 AM
You may have a point there Gaffer, but Obam will have no choice but to run on his record in 2012

and the candidate the Republicans pick had better be ready to rub Obama's nose in his record - and not worry about the charges of racism that will come from the liberal media and the Dems

Exactly. I want someone running against him that's not afraid to offend and name names. The media will protect the dark lord at all costs so whoever it is better be prepared for that.

I like the idea of Cain and West running. The race card would be trumped at every playing with that pair and the dark lords record would destroy him.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 10:03 AM
Exactly. I want someone running against him that's not afraid to offend and name names. The media will protect the dark lord at all costs so whoever it is better be prepared for that.

I like the idea of Cain and West running. The race card would be trumped at every playing with that pair and the dark lords record would destroy him.

Michele Bachmann is not afraid to tell the truth. Anyone who can piss off Chris Matthews mearly by breathing has to be doing something right

05-21-2011, 10:30 AM
Michele Bachmann is not afraid to tell the truth. Anyone who can piss off Chris Matthews mearly by breathing has to be doing something right

Yeah she's a good one too. There are a number of good candidates out there that just haven't committed yet. I want to see new blood in the running and not the old guard who never do anything but compromise and give in.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 10:33 AM
Yeah she's a good one too. There are a number of good candidates out there that just haven't committed yet. I want to see new blood in the running and not the old guard who never do anything but compromise and give in.

On that we do agree on Gaffer

A candidate who can offer the voters a side by side compariosn of their polices VS Obama's will win hands down

and I will enjoy watching Chris Matthews and the Obama ass kissers at MSNBC having to cover the election.

I did enjoy watching them as the results came in on Nov 2, 2010

05-21-2011, 12:07 PM
Being the second coming of carter it would only be fitting that he lose even worse than carter did. That would be true justice. I might even be forced to turn on msnbc to watch the heads explode. :beer:

red states rule
05-21-2011, 12:12 PM
Being the second coming of carter it would only be fitting that he lose even worse than carter did. That would be true justice. I might even be forced to turn on msnbc to watch the heads explode. :beer:

I would like to see Chris Matthews announce Obama has lost by 9:15pm on election night. Then we can watch the staff at MSNBC go into a state of mourning and start bashing the voters as a bunch or racists

red states rule
05-22-2011, 06:13 AM
Being the second coming of carter it would only be fitting that he lose even worse than carter did. That would be true justice. I might even be forced to turn on msnbc to watch the heads explode. :beer:

and Gaffer this video sums up who we need offer up to the voters. Lbs keep telling us NOT to nominate a true conservative. We need to offer up another middle of the roader like McCain

Of course we know what will happen

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/101936" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red states rule
05-22-2011, 11:44 AM
Got this in an email this morning

How do you spell F-A-I-L-U-R-E

F- Nearly $5 Trillion added to the national debt since taking office.

A - $4 (plus) a gallon gas.

I - 9% unemployment.

L - 15% plus underemployment.

U - Obamacare - 38% approve 55% disapprove.

R - Gitmo; closing deadline misses by 487 days - and counting.

E - Presenting, as a gift of state, the Queen of England an ipod with his speeches on it.

That’s Barack Obama! The United States’ first affirmative action president.

red states rule
05-24-2011, 07:59 AM
You have to be pretty warped to think Obama even comes close to being as incompetent as Carter. Even Dubya isn't close to Carter, and that is going pretty low.


05-24-2011, 08:03 AM
Is Obama worse than Carter? Of course, Carter is not in the White House and Obama is! :coffee:

05-24-2011, 02:17 PM
Is Obama worse than Carter? Of course, Carter is not in the White House and Obama is! :coffee:

Maybe so, but the way Carter has always continuted to mouth off to the media you would think he is still in office

red states rule
05-24-2011, 02:22 PM
Maybe so, but the way Carter has always continuted to mouth off to the media you would think he is still in office

In his mind he probably thinks he is

05-24-2011, 02:26 PM

red states rule
05-24-2011, 02:28 PM