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View Full Version : Are You Ready to Pay $50 for a 100-Watt Bulb?

red states rule
05-20-2011, 04:09 AM
Start stocking up on those 100 watt bulbs now folks!!!

Two leading makers of lighting products are showcasing LED bulbs that are bright enough to replace energy-guzzling 100-watt light bulbs set to disappear from stores in January.

Their demonstrations at the LightFair trade show in Philadelphia this week mean that brighter LED bulbs will likely go on sale next year, but after a government ban takes effect

The new bulbs will also be expensive — about $50 each — so the development may not prevent consumers from hoarding traditional bulbs.

The technology in traditional “incandescent” bulbs is more than a century old. Such bulbs waste most of the electricity that feeds them, turning it into heat. The 100-watt bulb, in particular, produces so much heat that it‘s used in Hasbro’s Easy-Bake Oven.

To encourage energy efficiency, Congress passed a law in 2007 mandating that bulbs producing 100 watts worth of light meet certain efficiency goals, starting in 2012. Conventional light bulbs don’t meet those goals, so the law will prohibit making or importing them. The same rule will start apply to remaining bulbs 40 watts and above in 2014. Since January, California has already banned stores from restocking 100-watt incandescent bulbs.

Creating good alternatives to the light bulb has been more difficult than expected, especially for the very bright 100-watt bulbs. Part of the problem is that these new bulbs have to fit into lamps and ceiling fixtures designed for older technology.


05-20-2011, 05:08 AM
Just another example of Obama's war on the Middle class. Who in their right minds actually believes that the average American has the bucks to shell out $50 for a light bulb?

05-20-2011, 07:04 AM
CFLs don't cost $50.

05-20-2011, 07:28 AM
Wonder if this applies to professional lighting as well...hrm... I have several 1000w bulbs for my hot-light kit.

05-20-2011, 07:49 AM
CFLs don't cost $50.
LED lights, however, do. CFLs use mercury, therefore, they cannot be disposed of in the trash, but mush be taken to a hardware store or a facility that is licensed and equipped to handle them.

This is the government's way of getting you to quit using high wattage lightbulbs.

This strikes me as the height of irony. A government that does not have the will or the energy to get its own house in order, is on the verge of bankruptcy, and cannot address its own problems has all of the will and all of the energy to dictate to the rest of us (most of us DO have their houses in order, and are not on the verge of bankruptcy).

This is like Charles Manson taking it upon himself to preach to the rest of us the virtues of non-violence.

P.S. Now here's another thing. Telecommuters in my company are now required to submit two photos of their workspace at home. This will give the company the right to tell tell telecommuters what they should do to fix up their workspaces in order to conform to ergonomic guidelines set by, who else, the government.

05-20-2011, 08:02 AM
LED lights, however, do. CFLs use mercury, therefore, they cannot be disposed of in the trash, but mush be taken to a hardware store or a facility that is licensed and equipped to handle them.

The premise of the thread is incorrect. ;) Not that CFLs don't have their drawbacks of course.

05-20-2011, 08:37 AM
I don't have any cfl bulbs. I will be stocking up on regular high wattage light bulbs over the coming months. If I had any cfl bulbs and they burned out they would go in my trash bag and get put in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.

If the govt regulates it, I will ignore it.

05-20-2011, 10:00 AM
Not really an issue for me since I live in California and have already adjusted to my benefit. My entire home is outfitted with CFL's. They aren't that expensive and we've seen the savings in our electricity bill. LEDs will come down in price when the masses are ready for them and everyone will benefit from that. But, I agree with many of you in that I don't like having a seemingly good thing forced upon me by government.

05-20-2011, 11:56 AM
Just another example of Obama's war on the Middle class. Who in their right minds actually believes that the average American has the bucks to shell out $50 for a light bulb?

If Congress passed the law in 2007, what does that have to do with Obama? Your knee jerk reactions make no sense at times.

To encourage energy efficiency, Congress passed a law in 2007 mandating that bulbs producing 100 watts worth of light meet certain efficiency goals, starting in 2012.

05-20-2011, 02:45 PM
If Congress passed the law in 2007, what does that have to do with Obama? Your knee jerk reactions make no sense at times.

Okay, have to agree with Gabs, here. This one isn't on Obama, although he bears some responsibility for being a senator at the time if he voted in favor of it, but it wasn't his legislation, and Bush would've stamped approval on it.

All in all, CFLs are the new standard. The old tech is out of date, and yeah, it needs to go away. The CFLs are a little bit more pricey, but the one I'm using now was the same one I bought back around the time this legislation was passed, and it's still going strong, and it's not using nearly as much power.

red states rule
05-20-2011, 04:18 PM
Okay, have to agree with Gabs, here. This one isn't on Obama, although he bears some responsibility for being a senator at the time if he voted in favor of it, but it wasn't his legislation, and Bush would've stamped approval on it.

All in all, CFLs are the new standard. The old tech is out of date, and yeah, it needs to go away. The CFLs are a little bit more pricey, but the one I'm using now was the same one I bought back around the time this legislation was passed, and it's still going strong, and it's not using nearly as much power.

Screw em. I am stocking up on 100 watt bulbs and will continue to use them

This is the way the enviro wackos operate. One day, some how, some way, we might have alternative sources of energy, It will not be cheaper then what you are using now and it may not be as plentifu,l but it is better for the collective

05-20-2011, 05:02 PM
Screw em. I am stocking up on 100 watt bulbs and will continue to use them

This is the way the enviro wackos operate. One day, some how, some way, we might have alternative sources of energy, It will not be cheaper then what you are using now and it may not be as plentifu,l but it is better for the collective

So, how do you enjoy those old pre-WWI planes? Oh right, those have outlived their usefulness. Well, certainly you must still be using a computer that takes up your entire living room? Oh wait, no, those are gone too.

My point had nothing to do with the environment. It has to do with the fact that the regular light bulbs are now archaic. Edison wouldn't want us still using them, hence why he invented light bulbs in the first place, to get rid of the gas light that was used at the time. CFLs are cheaper long term, so knock yourself out on wasting money on what are now crap bulbs just for the sake of doing it.

And what do you need 100 watt bulbs for? I mean, what do you need to light that a 40 60 or 75 just isn't cutting it?

red states rule
05-20-2011, 05:05 PM
So, how do you enjoy those old pre-WWI planes? Oh right, those have outlived their usefulness. Well, certainly you must still be using a computer that takes up your entire living room? Oh wait, no, those are gone too.

My point had nothing to do with the environment. It has to do with the fact that the regular light bulbs are now archaic. Edison wouldn't want us still using them, hence why he invented light bulbs in the first place, to get rid of the gas light that was used at the time. CFLs are cheaper long term, so knock yourself out on wasting money on what are now crap bulbs just for the sake of doing it.

And what do you need 100 watt bulbs for? I mean, what do you need to light that a 40 60 or 75 just isn't cutting it?

I did not know it was any of YOUR business what light bulb I used. You sound like a government bureaucrat. What's next? Will you ask how much water my toilet uses with each flush? Or how much I use my A/C in the summer?

Wow, It is sad to see how many people will bow down to the government and live their lives the way they are told

05-21-2011, 01:58 PM
Until such time that the allmighty government will give me a grant[FREE_MONEY] to update and modernize my aged abode with improved natural lighting sky lights ect. i will continue to use the most economical means within my reach to light my home. that just happens to be 100watt dollar store brand regular bulbs.that I too am stock piling.

red states rule
05-21-2011, 02:12 PM
Until such time that the allmighty government will give me a grant[FREE_MONEY] to update and modernize my aged abode with improved natural lighting sky lights ect. i will continue to use the most economical means within my reach to light my home. that just happens to be 100watt dollar store brand regular bulbs.that I too am stock piling.

I went to Wal Mart and got 5 more boxes

I forgot a couple items and I will pick up a couple more boxes of 100 watt bulbs once again

Screw the government. I will burn whatever damn light bulb I want to

05-21-2011, 05:58 PM
Start stocking up on those 100 watt bulbs now folks!!!

The 100 watt equivalent CFLs are only like 2 bucks if you buy a 6 pack. Jeez does every thread topic you post have to be WRONG?

05-21-2011, 06:26 PM
I did not know it was any of YOUR business what light bulb I used. You sound like a government bureaucrat. What's next? Will you ask how much water my toilet uses with each flush? Or how much I use my A/C in the summer?

Wow, It is sad to see how many people will bow down to the government and live their lives the way they are told

It isn't, but why continue to mass produce obsolete tech? Move on, it's not that big a deal. Go ahead and use a brighter, more cost-effective bulb that won't need to be replaced nearly as much.

05-21-2011, 06:55 PM
It isn't, but why continue to mass produce obsolete tech? Move on, it's not that big a deal. Go ahead and use a brighter, more cost-effective bulb that won't need to be replaced nearly as much.

He'd take a horse to work if someone told him he couldn't.

05-21-2011, 08:17 PM
If I ever see light bulbs at 100 watts for $50, I'll just go to Walmart and buy a $5 lamp and then buy a shitload of smaller bulbs. If smaller bulbs start to cost as much, then I start visiting my neighbor more often and when he goes to the bathroom I will steal his bulbs. :cheers2:

05-21-2011, 11:16 PM
It isn't, but why continue to mass produce obsolete tech? Move on, it's not that big a deal. Go ahead and use a brighter, more cost-effective bulb that won't need to be replaced nearly as much.

I've yet to see a reduction in my electric usage by switching to the 'new bulbs' over a year ago. In fact, instead of using 40 and 60 watt brightness, I had to replace all of the 'new ones' to 100 comparable. Even then the 'brightness' wasn't. I throw the old twisties in places like over the stove, sink, and in closets. I've spent plenty on the twisties and they do not work well.

Sometimes new tech isn't better, not at all.

05-22-2011, 01:14 AM
I've yet to see a reduction in my electric usage by switching to the 'new bulbs' over a year ago. In fact, instead of using 40 and 60 watt brightness, I had to replace all of the 'new ones' to 100 comparable. Even then the 'brightness' wasn't. I throw the old twisties in places like over the stove, sink, and in closets. I've spent plenty on the twisties and they do not work well.

Sometimes new tech isn't better, not at all.
Maybe you're going blind, ever thought of that? We've had the same CFL's in our sockets for 4 years and they are plenty bright enough.

Of course, it could be that the entire world is wrong, and you're right.

05-22-2011, 01:54 AM
Maybe you're going blind, ever thought of that? We've had the same CFL's in our sockets for 4 years and they are plenty bright enough.

Of course, it could be that the entire world is wrong, and you're right.

No, I'm not going blind. However while not fat, I am 56, but will tell you my 20 something kids also noted, though like you they could read. Unlike you, they are thin.

For the record, I could give a flying F the body type of anyone, but Tuba has made it a point.

05-22-2011, 02:30 AM
However while not fat, I am 56, but will tell you my 20 something kids also noted, though like you they could read.
Is that supposed to be a complete sentence?

For the record, I could give a flying F the body type of anyone, but Tuba has made it a point.
??? Sorry, must have me confused with another instrument.

red states rule
05-22-2011, 05:29 AM
If I ever see light bulbs at 100 watts for $50, I'll just go to Walmart and buy a $5 lamp and then buy a shitload of smaller bulbs. If smaller bulbs start to cost as much, then I start visiting my neighbor more often and when he goes to the bathroom I will steal his bulbs. :cheers2:

You got it right Jim

And do not drop those CFL's . If they break you may have to call in a Haz Mat team since the bulb has mercury in it

Read the back of the box and you will see you are paying way to much for less light and what you have to go thru to clean up a broken bulb

Right now I break a 100 watt bulb I get a broom and dutpan and thats it

But the enviro wackos are not happy with that and have to screw up your life and cost you more money for the sake of the collective

Abbey Marie
05-23-2011, 01:28 PM
It isn't, but why continue to mass produce obsolete tech? Move on, it's not that big a deal. Go ahead and use a brighter, more cost-effective bulb that won't need to be replaced nearly as much.

It might be bright, but it's a cold light. I am really sensitive to the atmosphere in my home, and I have already started stockpiling my beloved warm-glowing incandescents.

red states rule
05-23-2011, 01:31 PM
It isn't, but why continue to mass produce obsolete tech? Move on, it's not that big a deal. Go ahead and use a brighter, more cost-effective bulb that won't need to be replaced nearly as much.

Obsolete to whom? YOU? The hovernment? The enviro wackos?

What business is it of your what type of light bulb I use in my house?

What is next from you people? Determining my appliances are "obsolete" and I need to replace them with "approved" appliances?

Abbey Marie
05-23-2011, 01:55 PM
Obsolete to whom? YOU? The hovernment? The enviro wackos?

What business is it of your what type of light bulb I use in my house?

What is next from you people? Determining my appliances are "obsolete" and I need to replace them with "approved" appliances?

In San Francisco, it may even become the government's business what your junk looks like.

red states rule
05-23-2011, 03:24 PM
In San Francisco, it may even become the government's business what your junk looks like.

Well Abbey, San Francisco's junk has been in our business for as long as I can remember


05-23-2011, 07:27 PM
What the gov't tells us to do something and Gaffer, Red, And Jim don't want to OBEY? You mean the gov't may be wrong on this one?


There's hope for you guys yet.
I hear real Rebellion in the air on this one. :laugh:

Great. I agree.
They want to force me to buy Mercury Filled Bulbs because it will COST "us" less.
Force Perfectly safe U.S. manufacturers out of biz over an imagined energy scarcity in the future. When did our corrupt politicians become so wise and farseeing? What about the landfills full of mercury seeping into the water supply? Any future thought on that?

If they wanted to really make energy changes they would Fund an major Electric car Project and dozen other new energy projects. Instead of the BS nanny state change you light blubs or else crap.

Dragon, why are incandescent lights obsolete? Its old but there's nothing wrong with the tech. Cement is old tech, Nails are old tech. Pulleys and block are old and still have great use. Old and obsolete are 2 different things.

The only thing this will do is make more people criminals for just living.

Possibly more than criminals. in the crazy extreme hoarders may be considered evil "Eco-terrorist".

05-23-2011, 09:18 PM
What the gov't tells us to do something and Gaffer, Red, And Jim don't want to OBEY? You mean the gov't may be wrong on this one?

You misread me over a few stances. I disagree with the government, past and present, with just about everything. I think 99% of them are damn crooks. I think almost all politicians should be non-paid jobs and employed by citizens who truly want to make a difference for their states or local areas. I side with "them" on a few heated subjects, but that's extremely minimal out of the billions of things I distrust.

red states rule
05-24-2011, 05:07 AM
What the gov't tells us to do something and Gaffer, Red, And Jim don't want to OBEY? You mean the gov't may be wrong on this one?


There's hope for you guys yet.
I hear real Rebellion in the air on this one. :laugh:

Great. I agree.
They want to force me to buy Mercury Filled Bulbs because it will COST "us" less.
Force Perfectly safe U.S. manufacturers out of biz over an imagined energy scarcity in the future. When did our corrupt politicians become so wise and farseeing? What about the landfills full of mercury seeping into the water supply? Any future thought on that?

If they wanted to really make energy changes they would Fund an major Electric car Project and dozen other new energy projects. Instead of the BS nanny state change you light blubs or else crap.

Dragon, why are incandescent lights obsolete? Its old but there's nothing wrong with the tech. Cement is old tech, Nails are old tech. Pulleys and block are old and still have great use. Old and obsolete are 2 different things.

The only thing this will do is make more people criminals for just living.

Possibly more than criminals. in the crazy extreme hoarders may be considered evil "Eco-terrorist".

Why are companies leaving the US? Could it be the US has a high corporate tax rate and the current administartion has shown its hostility toward business? The envior wackos increasing the cost of doing business with laws and regulations like this? Or Obamacare which will sharply increase the benfits the employer must pay?


This is an insane overreach of government power and I would like to see many more people give the FEds a one finger salute when they try to enforce their enviro wacko crap

05-24-2011, 06:16 AM
You misread me over a few stances. I disagree with the government, past and present, with just about everything. I think 99% of them are damn crooks. I think almost all politicians should be non-paid jobs and employed by citizens who truly want to make a difference for their states or local areas. I side with "them" on a few heated subjects, but that's extremely minimal out of the billions of things I distrust.

I know , i'm just messin with ya'll there.

Why are companies leaving the US? Could it be the US has a high corporate tax rate and the current administartion has shown its hostility toward business? The envior wackos increasing the cost of doing business with laws and regulations like this? Or Obamacare which will sharply increase the benfits the employer must pay?


This is an insane overreach of government power and I would like to see many more people give the FEds a one finger salute when they try to enforce their enviro wacko crap


They'll have ta Pry my light bulbs from my well lite energy wasting fingers.

I wonder how much energy they'll spend policing light bulb use?

red states rule
05-24-2011, 06:17 AM
I know , i'm just messin with ya'll there.


They'll have ta Pry my light bulbs from my well lite energy wasting fingers.

I wonder how much energy they'll spend policing light bulb use?

If they show up on my fornt porch I will turn on the 100 watt light I have on the outrside so they can clearly see the wattage on the bulb