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05-21-2011, 07:06 PM

A poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute on Thursday confirmed what several other national pollsters have found: A majority of Americans now support marriage rights for same-sex couples. The poll found that 51 percent of Americans supported legalizing gay marriage compared to 43 who opposed legalization.


05-21-2011, 07:45 PM
In related news: A majority of Americans have stopped beating their wives, too.

05-21-2011, 07:51 PM
In related news: A majority of Americans have stopped beating their wives, too.

It wasn't that long ago a majority of Americans did hate gay people.

05-21-2011, 08:14 PM
Tis a sad day for America if these polls truly reflect the feelings of the entire nation. And it's not that I/we hate them, rather we hate the abnormal behavior they engage in and we hate the fact that society is "learning" to "accept" the abnormal as an equal.

05-21-2011, 10:20 PM
It wasn't that long ago a majority of Americans did hate gay people.

You need to learn that most people on this forum don't believe blatant fibs like this. :cheers2:

05-22-2011, 01:10 AM
Tis a sad day for America if these polls truly reflect the feelings of the entire nation. And it's not that I/we hate them, rather we hate the abnormal behavior they engage in and we hate the fact that society is "learning" to "accept" the abnormal as an equal.

LOL!!! Sure you don't hate them, you just hate who they are!! GOT IT!

You're probably gay yourself. Most homophobes are.

05-22-2011, 01:11 AM
You need to learn that most people on this forum don't believe blatant fibs like this. :cheers2:

Its true. Not so long ago the majority of Americans hated gays so much they didn't even want them to be able to have the same legal benefits as heterosexuals.

red states rule
05-22-2011, 05:46 AM


OK, you want to live your life by polls?

How about these polls? Will you now change your tune on these isssues?

•64% Still Put Border Security Ahead of Legalizing Illegals Already Here

•55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, 53% Believe It Will Increase Deficit

53% say, generally speaking, tax cuts help the economy

48% say decreases in government spending will help the economy.

So ST are you ready to flip on these issues, or will you dismiss these polls that go against your liberal ideology?

red states rule
05-22-2011, 05:52 AM
Tis a sad day for America if these polls truly reflect the feelings of the entire nation. And it's not that I/we hate them, rather we hate the abnormal behavior they engage in and we hate the fact that society is "learning" to "accept" the abnormal as an equal.

Jim, I would not put to much into this poll. When I see numbers like these that go against much of what Amercia had been saying I dig a little deeper.

This poll does NOT give a breakdown of the sample by political party. Rememebr when the liberal media was so excitied Obama's approval had hit 60%?

Well if you took time to dig into the numbers you founbd they sampled TWICE as many Dems as they did Independents and Republcans. It was like taking a poll of the CNMBC Newsroom and getting excited Obama has a high approval number

I suspect the same thing happened here. The fact they did not publish their sample tells me alot and they did something to get the results they wanted

05-22-2011, 01:52 PM
LOL!!! Sure you don't hate them, you just hate who they are!! GOT IT!

I live close enough to the West Village in NYC, which is queer central, could be there in about 20-30mins tops. If I "hated" them that much I would just go there and beat a few of them up. My "gay bashing" is simply limited to threads such as this one. I'd say the people that are active in what I just stated, and many are, are the ones who hate them.

You're probably gay yourself. Most homophobes are.

Can you articulate how I have an irrational fear of queers? Disagreeing with abnormal activity doesn't mean I fear them. If I moved somewhere where queers were forbidden, then I might consider that a little irrational. Not agreeing with their actions and finding it vile and despicable doesn't mean I fear them at all.

And I thought you were supposed to be "smart" according to your past posts and "resume" from the LSU area. Are you really going to imply people are gay because they don't agree with the actions of queers, or them being allowed to marry? :poke:

05-22-2011, 04:35 PM


I find it interesting how you make it as though there are only two choices, you either support homosexual marriage, or you hate them.

Isnt it possible to oppose homo marriage for reasons other than hating them?
This is very typical of how lilberals come to false conclusions.

05-22-2011, 04:57 PM
Tis a sad day for America if these polls truly reflect the feelings of the entire nation. And it's not that I/we hate them, rather we hate the abnormal behavior they engage in and we hate the fact that society is "learning" to "accept" the abnormal as an equal.

You have to spread some rep around to others before you can give it to Jimmyc again

I basically grew up on my own, as some of you know, so I was not influenced one way or the other.
There were a few guys that everyone knew was homosexual, in fact, one guy, we will call him Tom, (cuz that is his name)was a pretty ghood friend of mine. I even spent the night at his house a few times. One of those times, he tried to seduce me, but he soon realized that I found absolutely NOTHING about the male body sexually atttractive,, but we remained friends, he accepted that I turned him downs, he was no threat to me, and I NEVER TOLD any of our friends what he tried to do.

I KNOW Im not homophobic or hate homosexuals. But that doesn't mean I have to accept all the crap the "politically active" homosexuals are trying to cram down my throat.

I have NEVER,NEVER, NEVER in my life thought of, wanted to, or did express, do or say anything to a homosexual in my life.

BUt now, with this continual cramming, I'm really getting pissed off,and for the first time in my life I have thought about, if I was around a homosexual in public or private, that I would like to rip them a new asshole (course that would only make it easier for him to have a threesome). I feel like telling them "I have nothing against you personally, but the group of people who represent you, and if you support them, you also, can kiss my fucking ass (oppps, not an insult to them) and go back into the closet, and quit trying to force us to accept your fudge packing, butt fucking behavior as NORMAL"

Just a note, every female that I have talked to about this, have also said
they find the image, photos or porn of two guys together, grosses them out.

05-22-2011, 05:39 PM

You're probably gay yourself. Most homophobes are.

And those that hate Al Qeada are Al Qeada
those that hate Jews are Jews
those that hate Jerry Lewis are Jerry Lewis..

05-22-2011, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I had a guy that I was in elementary school, junior high and then high school with. We hung around here and there after HS but lost touch. I kinda always suspected, but since he never made a pass at me or did stuff in front of me, I treated him as any other friend. Then we got in touch again when we were like 23. We went to some bars here and there and that's when I really noticed he had no desire in women and I kind of felt like he was trying to be too friendly with me. He took me to show me his new apartment one night, which turned out to be the basement of someones house. He showed me his bedroom and it was fitted for him and his "friend" who just happened to be another guy, but there was only one bed. I remember the weird feeling I got, felt sorta sick & couldn't get out of there quick enough!

My Mom called me years later and asked me if I remembered his name. Of course I did, we were in school together and friends for so many years. He was just arrested with a friend of his for molesting a child. They did mandatory testing and he was HIV+. That was the last I ever heard of anything about him. :wtf::puke:

05-22-2011, 06:09 PM
OK, you want to live your life by polls?

No, actually. Thanks for asking though.

05-22-2011, 06:11 PM
I live close enough to the West Village in NYC, which is queer central, could be there in about 20-30mins tops. If I "hated" them that much I would just go there and beat a few of them up.

Why would you do that? You could go to jail for that.

Can you articulate how I have an irrational fear of queers? Disagreeing with abnormal activity doesn't mean I fear them.
Wanting everyone to be "normal" does make you a Communist though.

Are you really going to imply people are gay because they don't agree with the actions of queers, or them being allowed to marry? :poke:
Science says that homophobia is linked to homosexual arousal.


05-22-2011, 06:13 PM
Isnt it possible to oppose homo marriage for reasons other than hating them?

Not really. How anyone could oppose the children of homosexuals having two married parents and not hate homosexuals is hard for me to comprehend.

Its also possible to oppose it out of fear and/or ignorance I suppose.

05-22-2011, 06:15 PM
And those that hate Al Qeada are Al Qeada
those that hate Jews are Jews
those that hate Jerry Lewis are Jerry Lewis..

Haven't seen any scientific evidence of that.

But speaking of Al Qaeda - interesting how they profess to hate adultery and fornication but don't mind going out to strip clubs before they kill themselves for Allah, huh?

05-22-2011, 06:17 PM
Yeah, I had a guy that I was in elementary school, junior high and then high school with. We hung around here and there after HS but lost touch. I kinda always suspected, but since he never made a pass at me or did stuff in front of me, I treated him as any other friend. Then we got in touch again when we were like 23. We went to some bars here and there and that's when I really noticed he had no desire in women and I kind of felt like he was trying to be too friendly with me. He took me to show me his new apartment one night, which turned out to be the basement of someones house. He showed me his bedroom and it was fitted for him and his "friend" who just happened to be another guy, but there was only one bed. I remember the weird feeling I got, felt sorta sick & couldn't get out of there quick enough!

Yep. Homophobe. When normal heterosexuals feel like a homosexual is coming onto them, they use these things called "words" to express themselves and simply say something like "sorry dude, you may have gotten the wrong idea, I like girls and only girls"

He was just arrested with a friend of his for molesting a child. They did mandatory testing and he was HIV+. That was the last I ever heard of anything about him. :wtf::puke:
Dude all gays molest children and have HIV, didn't you get the memo?

Funny how a place like Baton Rouge Louisiana - not exactly the gay mecca of the world - has the 2nd highest rate of HIV in the nation.

05-22-2011, 06:34 PM
Why would you do that? You could go to jail for that.

Didn't say I wanted to, if you read correctly. But I imagine you're just trolling now.

Wanting everyone to be "normal" does make you a Communist though.

Ummm... Ok, as opposed to wanting people to be abnormal. Again, I believe you're just trolling.

Science says that homophobia is linked to homosexual arousal.


Again, trolling, unless of course you want to take a shot at showing those of us against gay marriage and queers to have an "irrational fear".

05-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Yep. Homophobe. When normal heterosexuals feel like a homosexual is coming onto them, they use these things called "words" to express themselves and simply say something like "sorry dude, you may have gotten the wrong idea, I like girls and only girls"

Again, trolling. He never actually hit on me, or he would have received a few words and a punch in the mouth.

Dude all gays molest children and have HIV, didn't you get the memo?


Funny how a place like Baton Rouge Louisiana - not exactly the gay mecca of the world - has the 2nd highest rate of HIV in the nation.

And you're stating this, why? WTF does it have to do with my friend who contracted HIV? Oh, never mind, you were trolling again.

05-22-2011, 07:13 PM


Okay, Spidey, everything after this post is pretty much pure crap, and I say this being in agreement that the poll is a good thing. Stop hurting the cause you're espousing, and let the grown ups talk.

Normalcy is determined by the majority of society. Hence why dueling was considered the norm for centuries, but would now be considered abnormal, if not met with outright horror. In fact, in the 1600s, it was the norm to kill all the Christians in a township you owned who did not follow your particular form of Christianity.

As to gays, they harm no one but themselves, possibly. My dad is gay, and he's helped thousands through his work with AA. In fact, now that he's retired, he's looking to go on the talking circuit. He also helps with Veteran counseling, seeing as how he was a marine back in Vietnam. Trying to "act straight" was a huge part of his drinking. He doesn't have a limp wrist, or talk any higher, or anything else. You'd have to ask him, or catch him on a date to figure it out.

I do get some of the hate, though. It's not even so much the fact of what they do, really, but there are gay men and women who are rubbing it in the faces of people. That's going to piss off anyone after a while. We'll take a member of my gaming group. He makes mention of the fact that he's gay something in the vicinity of 5 times a night when we game. It gets damned annoying, it's not like we forgot since the week before or anything.

The true aim of people seeking real equality are basically just looking for the ability to be left alone about it, to be able to be who they are without any fanfare and such. This is much the same way my dad views: If it gets to actual acceptance, then people stop talking about it, much like we don't talk much about heterosexual sex all that often. It simply occurs, and everyone pretty much minds their own business.

05-22-2011, 07:25 PM
Okay, Spidey, everything after this post is pretty much pure crap, and I say this being in agreement that the poll is a good thing. Stop hurting the cause you're espousing, and let the grown ups talk.

Normalcy is determined by the majority of society. Hence why dueling was considered the norm for centuries, but would now be considered abnormal, if not met with outright horror. In fact, in the 1600s, it was the norm to kill all the Christians in a township you owned who did not follow your particular form of Christianity.

As to gays, they harm no one but themselves, possibly. My dad is gay, and he's helped thousands through his work with AA. In fact, now that he's retired, he's looking to go on the talking circuit. He also helps with Veteran counseling, seeing as how he was a marine back in Vietnam. Trying to "act straight" was a huge part of his drinking. He doesn't have a limp wrist, or talk any higher, or anything else. You'd have to ask him, or catch him on a date to figure it out.

I do get some of the hate, though. It's not even so much the fact of what they do, really, but there are gay men and women who are rubbing it in the faces of people. That's going to piss off anyone after a while. We'll take a member of my gaming group. He makes mention of the fact that he's gay something in the vicinity of 5 times a night when we game. It gets damned annoying, it's not like we forgot since the week before or anything.

The true aim of people seeking real equality are basically just looking for the ability to be left alone about it, to be able to be who they are without any fanfare and such. This is much the same way my dad views: If it gets to actual acceptance, then people stop talking about it, much like we don't talk much about heterosexual sex all that often. It simply occurs, and everyone pretty much minds their own business.

Ya know, being 100% at the other end of the spectrum on this topic, I just wanted to say that this was an excellent post. I can actually respect your POV on the topic based on this post. I've debate this topic for many, many years now - and your post has been the best I have read. Honestly, it won't change my stance, but I thought it would be nice to point out a good post, for once, even if we don't agree.

05-22-2011, 07:57 PM
Ya know, being 100% at the other end of the spectrum on this topic, I just wanted to say that this was an excellent post. I can actually respect your POV on the topic based on this post. I've debate this topic for many, many years now - and your post has been the best I have read. Honestly, it won't change my stance, but I thought it would be nice to point out a good post, for once, even if we don't agree.

Well, see? That's the thing, is we don't have to agree, as long we can co-exist. It's like Einstein said, “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”

If I attempt to force a change in your mind, then you'll just dig in, same as I would roles reversed. It's just human nature, and this is what posters such as Gabs and Spidey don't get at all. You cannot force acceptance.

For instance, it wasn't the forced integration of schools that brought about the great strides in race relations. It was speakers like Martin Luther King, Jr. who brought a message of peace. He didn't try to cram it down your throat. He told you what his goal was, and let you come around in your own time. There's a millions of smaller examples of this, and that's what made for the honestly great stories of the time.

05-22-2011, 08:07 PM
Those that hate republicans Are republicans...

Those that hate conservatives are conservatives...

Those hate religion Are Religion...

Those that hate tofu are Tofu...

05-22-2011, 08:17 PM
Those that hate republicans Are republicans...

Those that hate conservatives are conservatives...

Those hate religion Are Religion...

Those that hate tofu are Tofu...

See, that the argument against anti-homosexuality I never got. I mean, okay there are examples where that's true, but it is by no means the majority of people who have a problem with homosexuality. By marginalizing how they feel about it, the people making the argument are only increasing the anger that others feel, like their feelings can't possibly be legitimate.

05-25-2011, 11:43 AM
So, first you say this:
"Wanting everyone to be "normal" does make you a Communist though."

Then you say this"

Yep. Homophobe. When normal heterosexuals feel like a homosexual is coming onto them, they use these things called "words" to express themselves and simply say something like "sorry dude, you may have gotten the wrong idea, I like girls and only girls"

So, its ok for you to expect normal behavior out of Jimnyc, or else he is a homophobe, but if he expects normal behavior out of others, he is a commie.

U gotta love it, damned if you do, damned if you dont

05-25-2011, 12:03 PM
Most homophobes are.

"Homophobe" (n): A term invented by homosexual advocates as a propaganda tool, in an attempt to pretend that a natural dislike of homosexual relations somehow inexplicably involves fear.

05-25-2011, 12:52 PM
Homo means same, sexual is self explanitory and Phobia means fear.

It was not made up by any political advocate

05-25-2011, 12:54 PM
Homo means same, sexual is self explanitory and Phobia means fear.

It was not made up by any political advocate

Maybe not - but 99.99% of the time it's used incorrectly as the person who disagrees with homosexuality or gay marriage does not have any type of fear of these people.

05-25-2011, 12:56 PM
If they dont dislike gay people why appose it?

05-25-2011, 12:57 PM
If they dont dislike gay people why appose it?

As stated previously, many of us don't think their abnormal activities should be accepted into society as normal. We don't hate them, we just disagree with their activities and don't think laws and such should be changed to suit their lifestyle changes.

05-25-2011, 01:51 PM
If they dont dislike gay people why appose it?

It boils down to just feeling wrong to those people. As I've stated pretty thoroughly earlier on in the thread, I'm pro-gay marriage, and I have a gay dad and gay friends. The difference is the why of it. I, for instance, hate beets. I am not afraid of them, and I understand that there are people who quite enjoy them. The very smell of them makes me nauseous, however.

Actually, most of the time, it isn't even hate unless someone keeps :poke: -ing them about it, and then they get pissed off because of the aforementioned poking, not as much about the actual subject matter.

Like I said earlier, by marginalizing how they feel as just being a fear of gays, or worse, trying to say that they're just secretly gay themselves, it going to get a pretty obvious reaction

05-26-2011, 02:13 AM
Homo means same, sexual is self explanitory and Phobia means fear.

It was not made up by any political advocate

The first use of the word homophobia is credited to George Weinberg who coined the term in the late 1960s, later discussing it at length in a book in 1972. The first use in print, however, was by activists Jack Nichols and Lige Clarke in their May 23rd column in Screw magazine, 1969.

05-26-2011, 10:40 AM

05-26-2011, 10:47 AM


05-26-2011, 11:15 AM
Thank you for your link.

Its pretty typical for mental health proffessionals to coin medical terms in their work.

05-26-2011, 12:37 PM

the link is not to an original source, but you can google itl.

You were right when you said its two words, homo, meaning same
and sexual, or phobe meaning fear,

but at the same time lil acorn was right in that it was only recently put together like that, and IT WAS FOR POLITICAL REASONS, NOT MEDICAL
Reading the great Jimny C's link, it states that the high and mighty Weinberg was attempting to get homosexuality out of the list of mental problems, and to get wider acceptance of the homosexuals and their behavior.

Of course, i have never met a Psychiatrist who was very normal at all, everyone I have met had some serious socializing problems, and one got totally hoodwinked by someone in a custody hearing, they often are incompetent stupid people..
The fact that he has published so many books in so many languages doesnt matter to me one bit, I can find more common sense coming out of the mouth of a meth addict down at the local corner, than I can from some people with PHD's.

Universities are so money hungry these days, starting in the 60's, that they strictly follow PC rules.

You dont gain immediate widespread friends and support by always telling the truth, look at what they did to Jesus our Christ

05-26-2011, 12:49 PM

Thanks for that, funny how in continuing reading it says, "...show the general public their irrationality towards gays", that is Wikipedia talking, npot a quote from the "god doctor"

Im not a historian, but from what I have read, which is considerably more than most, nations that crumble from the top spot in the world, always coincides with the widespread acceptance, followed by a larger participation in, homosexual activity

05-26-2011, 01:23 PM
It wasn't that long ago a majority of Americans did hate gay people.

Hmmmm, so you HATE all conservatives, and have an irrational fear of them. Explains alot.

05-26-2011, 03:02 PM
a majority of Americans never hated gay people.

Hate has nothing to do with the opposition to destroying traditional marriage.

05-26-2011, 05:06 PM
a majority of americans never hated gay people.

Hate has nothing to do with the opposition to destroying traditional marriage. absolutely 100% right.!!!

Abbey Marie
05-26-2011, 05:12 PM
Yeah, I had a guy that I was in elementary school, junior high and then high school with. We hung around here and there after HS but lost touch. I kinda always suspected, but since he never made a pass at me or did stuff in front of me, I treated him as any other friend. Then we got in touch again when we were like 23. We went to some bars here and there and that's when I really noticed he had no desire in women and I kind of felt like he was trying to be too friendly with me. He took me to show me his new apartment one night, which turned out to be the basement of someones house. He showed me his bedroom and it was fitted for him and his "friend" who just happened to be another guy, but there was only one bed. I remember the weird feeling I got, felt sorta sick & couldn't get out of there quick enough!

My Mom called me years later and asked me if I remembered his name. Of course I did, we were in school together and friends for so many years. He was just arrested with a friend of his for molesting a child. They did mandatory testing and he was HIV+. That was the last I ever heard of anything about him. :wtf::puke:

All too common. And exactly the type of stand-up guy who might become a priest.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2011, 05:16 PM
Okay, Spidey, everything after this post is pretty much pure crap, and I say this being in agreement that the poll is a good thing. Stop hurting the cause you're espousing, and let the grown ups talk.

Normalcy is determined by the majority of society. Hence why dueling was considered the norm for centuries, but would now be considered abnormal, if not met with outright horror. In fact, in the 1600s, it was the norm to kill all the Christians in a township you owned who did not follow your particular form of Christianity.

As to gays, they harm no one but themselves, possibly. My dad is gay, and he's helped thousands through his work with AA. In fact, now that he's retired, he's looking to go on the talking circuit. He also helps with Veteran counseling, seeing as how he was a marine back in Vietnam. Trying to "act straight" was a huge part of his drinking. He doesn't have a limp wrist, or talk any higher, or anything else. You'd have to ask him, or catch him on a date to figure it out.

I do get some of the hate, though. It's not even so much the fact of what they do, really, but there are gay men and women who are rubbing it in the faces of people. That's going to piss off anyone after a while. We'll take a member of my gaming group. He makes mention of the fact that he's gay something in the vicinity of 5 times a night when we game. It gets damned annoying, it's not like we forgot since the week before or anything.

The true aim of people seeking real equality are basically just looking for the ability to be left alone about it, to be able to be who they are without any fanfare and such. This is much the same way my dad views: If it gets to actual acceptance, then people stop talking about it, much like we don't talk much about heterosexual sex all that often. It simply occurs, and everyone pretty much minds their own business.

Really? You must not watch TV. It's practically plastered on there.

Abbey Marie
05-26-2011, 05:17 PM
a majority of Americans never hated gay people.

Hate has nothing to do with the opposition to destroying traditional marriage.


05-26-2011, 06:00 PM
All too common. And exactly the type of stand-up guy who might become a priest.

yea, and of course then the critics/media would say "see, another child molesting priest"

05-26-2011, 08:54 PM
Really? You must not watch TV. It's practically plastered on there.

No, no, there's a difference. that's flashing it in front of people for the sake of pandering ratings. We don't discuss it save on educational shows.

05-27-2011, 08:43 AM
Really? You must not watch TV. It's practically plastered on there.

Are you talking about gay characters? Because not all is "plastered." Happy Endings = plastered, Modern Family = not plastered; of the shows I watch that is.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2011, 08:55 AM
Are you talking about gay characters? Because not all is "plastered." Happy Endings = plastered, Modern Family = not plastered; of the shows I watch that is.

I was responding to and disagreeing with the assertion that we in America don't talk about hetero sex.

05-27-2011, 08:56 AM
I was responding to and disagreeing with the assertion that we in America don't talk about hetero sex.

My apologies. Just trying to catch up this morning.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2011, 08:58 AM
No, no, there's a difference. that's flashing it in front of people for the sake of pandering ratings. We don't discuss it save on educational shows.

Not sure what you mean by "discuss", but there is so much sex on the airwaves, magazines, billboards, really everywhere, that there isn't really anything left to discuss. Additionally, I don't think the reason for the sex ("pandering for ratings") is relevant to the quantity put out there.

05-27-2011, 12:32 PM
No, no, there's a difference. that's flashing it in front of people for the sake of pandering ratings. We don't discuss it save on educational shows.

Actually we do all the time on virtually every level.
Arnold has a love child
That one democrat, John something? has a love child
so and so is sleeping with angie
so and so is bysexual
so and so claims he isnt gay

the only reason nobody comes out and says they are heteosexual, unless defending themselves, is because the overwhelming majority of people are, and it is the "default" posistion (think I might try that posistion with my wife tonight:laugh:

I was thinking through what you said, and I couldn't come up with anny way we could be discussing it in the way you mention, can you "make one up"?

Abbey Marie
05-27-2011, 01:16 PM
Has anyone else seen the latest KY commercial?
The couple is in bed, and he says something like "She puts it in her...", and she says "He puts it on his..". Etc.

Sorry to be graphic, but I think it makes my point.

05-27-2011, 09:49 PM
Actually we do all the time on virtually every level.
Arnold has a love child

Oh joy, a headline point built to grab attention for the sake of selling papers. As well, where was the discussion in any of that. Pretty much every report or whatnot I've seen says nothing of their sex lives, only the titillating part that yes it did occur. Me saying "Hey, I got pizza" is not a discussion of pizza, it's a statement of an occurrence

That one democrat, John something? has a love child

Edwards, and again, no real discussionm just the juicy bits.

so and so is sleeping with angie

Again, a statement of a fact, not a discussion of heterosexual sex itself

so and so is bi-sexual

this starts to lean into the aforementioned homosexual sex discussion.

so and so claims he isnt gay

A statement of fact, but not a discussion, also about homosexuality as opposed to heterosexuality.

the only reason nobody comes out and says they are heteosexual, unless defending themselves, is because the overwhelming majority of people are, and it is the "default" posistion (think I might try that posistion with my wife tonight:laugh:

I was thinking through what you said, and I couldn't come up with anny way we could be discussing it in the way you mention, can you "make one up"?

That's just it, we don't really. Everyone pretty much knows that heterosexual sex is pretty normal, and there's no need to discuss it outside of a direct topical situation (sex ed., i.e.), or an abnormal situation occurs (such as, say, a sitting president has sex with an intern in the oval office, somehow involving cigars in the affair). The parenthetical thought there would be an example of an actual discussion, in which we hear about actual sex, not just a mention of the effects of it.


Has anyone else seen the latest KY commercial?
The couple is in bed, and he says something like "She puts it in her...", and she says "He puts it on his..". Etc.

Sorry to be graphic, but I think it makes my point

But again, no real discussion, just an ad for some lube, and they skirt use of any terms. We'll flash sex all over the place, but we don't really talk about it.

05-28-2011, 01:08 AM
That's just it, we don't really. Everyone pretty much knows that heterosexual sex is pretty normal, and there's no need to discuss it outside of a direct topical situation (sex ed., i.e.), or an abnormal situation occurs (such as, say, a sitting president has sex with an intern in the oval office, somehow involving cigars in the affair). The parenthetical thought there would be an example of an actual discussion, in which we hear about actual sex, not just a mention of the effects of it.

But again, no real discussion, just an ad for some lube, and they skirt use of any terms. We'll flash sex all over the place, but we don't really talk about it.

Actually, thats flashing sexuality, not sex.

You say we dont reallly talk about heterosex, but my quesstion is, by your parameters, is it possible? If its not possible, its irrelevent

05-28-2011, 01:16 AM
That's just it, we don't really. Everyone pretty much knows that heterosexual sex is pretty normal, and there's no need to discuss it outside of a direct topical situation (sex ed., i.e.), or an abnormal situation occurs (such as, say, a sitting president has sex with an intern in the oval office, somehow involving cigars in the affair). The parenthetical thought there would be an example of an actual discussion, in which we hear about actual sex, not just a mention of the effects of it.

But again, no real discussion, just an ad for some lube, and they skirt use of any terms. We'll flash sex all over the place, but we don't really talk about it.

I think I undeerstand what you are saying.

On another note, in a previous post, I put this up:
"Thanks for that, funny how in continuing reading it says, "...show the general public their irrationality towards gays", that is Wikipedia talking, npot a quote from the "god doctor" "

I didnt finish the thought. Its interesting how Wikipedia ASSUMES if people dislike or disapprove of homosexuality, then it is an "irrational fear"

Abbey Marie
05-28-2011, 08:56 AM
That's just it, we don't really. Everyone pretty much knows that heterosexual sex is pretty normal, and there's no need to discuss it outside of a direct topical situation (sex ed., i.e.), or an abnormal situation occurs (such as, say, a sitting president has sex with an intern in the oval office, somehow involving cigars in the affair). The parenthetical thought there would be an example of an actual discussion, in which we hear about actual sex, not just a mention of the effects of it.

But again, no real discussion, just an ad for some lube, and they skirt use of any terms. We'll flash sex all over the place, but we don't really talk about it.

What would you consider "talking about it"? It's not really all that complex an act.

05-28-2011, 12:05 PM
Actually, thats flashing sexuality, not sex.

You say we dont reallly talk about heterosex, but my quesstion is, by your parameters, is it possible? If its not possible, its irrelevent

Oh no, we knew where he came, hence why the dress was admitted, and know what acts were performed, and when. We passed "flash" a ways back on that one.

The best reaction someone gay could hope, that being acceptance, is essentially a shrug of the shoulders, and an "okay?". Basically, we don't discuss in depth any fully normal facet of our life. Nobody talks about why there are black people, for instance. They simply are, and they're a normal part of the world, so no point in having that talk. We don't have discussion anymore over whether the earth is round or flat, because we've accepted the point that it's round, and would only have the talk if, by chance, someone went flat-earther for some unknown reason.

It's the whole "Dog bites man" vs. "Man bites dog" Thing. We are far more curious about the latter, than we are the former.

05-28-2011, 01:06 PM
Oh no, we knew where he came, hence why the dress was admitted, and know what acts were performed, and when. We passed "flash" a ways back on that one.

The best reaction someone gay could hope, that being acceptance, is essentially a shrug of the shoulders, and an "okay?". Basically, we don't discuss in depth any fully normal facet of our life. Nobody talks about why there are black people, for instance. They simply are, and they're a normal part of the world, so no point in having that talk. We don't have discussion anymore over whether the earth is round or flat, because we've accepted the point that it's round, and would only have the talk if, by chance, someone went flat-earther for some unknown reason.

It's the whole "Dog bites man" vs. "Man bites dog" Thing. We are far more curious about the latter, than we are the former.

The earth is round? I beg to differ.