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05-25-2011, 01:05 PM
ConReps are always talking about the bogus "War on Christmas" and "War on Easter."
But what about the current House of Reps continuing War on Women?
It's not just about abortion. It's about basic human rights.
Read this article I got while I was out of town earlier this week:


05-25-2011, 01:27 PM
It's a well known fact the Republicans hate women more than they hate Muslims, gays, the coloreds and are involved in a vast conspiracy to eliminate the female sex entirely.


05-25-2011, 01:34 PM
^You forgot old people too.

05-25-2011, 01:54 PM
ConReps are always talking about the bogus "War on Christmas" and "War on Easter."
But what about the current House of Reps continuing War on Women?
It's not just about abortion. It's about basic human rights.
Read this article I got while I was out of town earlier this week:


It is about abortion, period. That they do other stuff too doesn't change that. If I were running a chop shop, the cops wouldn't stop simply because I also ran a daycare in the place.

05-25-2011, 05:32 PM
Why is the federal government funding this stuff to begin with? It's completely unconstitutional. If you want government funding these programs, have your state governments do it. Otherwise, get private citizens to fund it. As charity should be private in the first place.

Stop outsourcing your responsibility to the federal government.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 04:26 AM
ConReps are always talking about the bogus "War on Christmas" and "War on Easter."
But what about the current House of Reps continuing War on Women?
It's not just about abortion. It's about basic human rights.
Read this article I got while I was out of town earlier this week:


Many people feel life is precious and is a gift from God. They do not believe it should tossed out like a piece of garbage. Or that taxpayer money should fund the murder of the unborn

Maybe one day you will feel the same way

05-26-2011, 08:54 AM
..or the 'war' to protect un-born women?

I'd like to see a 'war' to extend reproductive rights to Males...that'd be true equality.

05-26-2011, 09:20 AM
There will always be a "War on ...." until we just let each other be and stop trying to force people to live the way that we think is the correct way. And that statement goes both ways before anyone digs into it.

..or the 'war' to protect un-born women?

I'd like to see a 'war' to extend reproductive rights to Males...that'd be true equality. I will have to hollar out an 'Amen' to that.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 09:23 AM
Why isn;t this taught in Medical School? Why should taxpayer money be used to train these people on murdering the unborn?

Let them use their own money if they to learn how

05-26-2011, 11:07 AM
I'd like to see a 'war' to extend reproductive rights to Males...that'd be true equality.

Until men have to worry about getting pregnant and carrying a child for nine months, they have no "reproductive rights."

Otherwise, the general level of cluelessness in this thread is amusing. :)

05-26-2011, 11:08 AM
Until men have to worry about getting pregnant and carrying a child for nine months, they have no "reproductive rights."

Otherwise, the general level of cluelessness in this thread is amusing. :)

Yep, it's always the entire board that's clueless, simply because they have a different opinion than you. LOL :poke:

05-26-2011, 11:18 AM
Yep, it's always the entire board that's clueless, simply because they have a different opinion than you. LOL :poke:

That is usually how it goes, is it not? :p

05-26-2011, 11:20 AM
That is usually how it goes, is it not? :p

I am NEVER clueless. I may be wrong at times, but I have a clue I'm wrong at least!

05-26-2011, 11:22 AM
I am NEVER clueless. I may be wrong at times, but I have a clue I'm wrong at least!

Wrong! You are clueless when I say you are! Dang, I can't believe you are clueless about being clueless! :p

05-26-2011, 11:24 AM
Wrong! You are clueless when I say you are! Dang, I can't believe you are clueless about being clueless! :p

I am only clueless when a woman says I am clueless if she shows me her boobs.

05-26-2011, 03:05 PM
There will always be a "War on ...." until we just let each other be and stop trying to force people to live the way that we think is the correct way. And that statement goes both ways before anyone digs into it.

I will have to hollar out an 'Amen' to that.

I'm not trying to force anyone. Im trying to convince them to be correct.

And there is a correct way to live.

05-26-2011, 03:05 PM
Until men have to worry about getting pregnant and carrying a child for nine months, they have no "reproductive rights."

Otherwise, the general level of cluelessness in this thread is amusing. :)

So you're a bigot. Got it.

05-26-2011, 03:06 PM
I am only clueless when a woman says I am clueless if she shows me her boobs.

Don't give her that power brother! lol

05-26-2011, 03:41 PM
Until men have to worry about getting pregnant and carrying a child for nine months, they have no "reproductive rights."

Otherwise, the general level of cluelessness in this thread is amusing. :)

So you're a bigot. Got it.

Not only a bigot - a "woman" who simply falls into her logical fallacies when she hasn't the intellectual equity to debate the issues.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 03:46 PM
Not only a bigot - a "woman" who simply falls into her logical fallacies when she hasn't the intellectual equity to debate the issues.

She is going downhill. She probably thinks manual labor is a mexican obstetrician

05-26-2011, 04:46 PM
How can you "debate" an issue that you can't understand? When a man gets a woman pregnant, he is out nothing. He has no legal obligations whatsoever.
When you guys were trolling around in your earlier years, looking to hook up with whatever female you could find, how often did you think about getting pregnant? Obviously zero, right?
None of you guys have ever been left holding the bag with a kid you don't want or need. You have never been a single mother, unable to find work or maintain a steady income. You go right on strutting your stuff, looking for the next conquest.

And RSR, you shouldn't be in this topic at all. You totally have no clue what is going on, nor will you ever.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 04:49 PM
How can you "debate" an issue that you can't understand? When a man gets a woman pregnant, he is out nothing. He has no legal obligations whatsoever.
When you guys were trolling around in your earlier years, looking to hook up with whatever female you could find, how often did you think about getting pregnant? Obviously zero, right?
None of you guys have ever been left holding the bag with a kid you don't want or need. You have never been a single mother, unable to find work or maintain a steady income. You go right on strutting your stuff, looking for the next conquest.

And RSR, you shouldn't be in this topic at all. You totally have no clue what is going on, nor will you ever.

You talk like the child is a punishment Gabby. Last I checked a women needs the man to create the kid. Why should the mother murder the child because she acted in a irresponsible manner

Gabby you adobted your daughter. If all women were like you she would have been murdered before she had a chance to live

Consider that please

As I said most people cosider a child a gift form God you make it sound like a curse. If "doctors" want to be trained in that field let them pay for it own their own and not the taxpayer

05-26-2011, 04:56 PM
I'm not talking merely about abortion. I am talking about a woman's right to gain basic health services.
There is even a potential law passed by the house where a woman would have to consent to an interview and examination to determine whether she was raped or not.
I am not getting into the whole "life begins at conception" debate. All I am saying is that lawmakers should not be playing politics with the health and well being of women.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 04:59 PM
I'm not talking merely about abortion. I am talking about a woman's right to gain basic health services.
There is even a potential law passed by the house where a woman would have to consent to an interview and examination to determine whether she was raped or not.
I am not getting into the whole "life begins at conception" debate. All I am saying is that lawmakers should not be playing politics with the health and well being of women.

and taxpayer money should not be used to murder the unborn

Gabby, since when is a Doctor who went to Medical School is not trained in a procedure that is (sadly) legal?

You =can have you abortions Gabby and you can kill the babies - not just paid for with taxpayer money

As far a "womens health" I wish you were as concerned about the childs health

Harry Reid offered that lame excuse in defense of PP which makes about 85% of its money off abortions

05-26-2011, 07:33 PM
How can you "debate" an issue that you can't understand? When a man gets a woman pregnant, he is out nothing. He has no legal obligations whatsoever.
When you guys were trolling around in your earlier years, looking to hook up with whatever female you could find, how often did you think about getting pregnant? Obviously zero, right?
None of you guys have ever been left holding the bag with a kid you don't want or need. You have never been a single mother, unable to find work or maintain a steady income. You go right on strutting your stuff, looking for the next conquest.

And RSR, you shouldn't be in this topic at all. You totally have no clue what is going on, nor will you ever.

No legal obligations? Really? Which is why there is an entire branch of the law dedicated to force men and women to meet their legal obligations ot their children.

And even if your claim is true, there is still a moral obligation. Maybe if you stopped putting men down more would want to keep their obligations.

05-26-2011, 07:36 PM
I'm not talking merely about abortion. I am talking about a woman's right to gain basic health services.
There is even a potential law passed by the house where a woman would have to consent to an interview and examination to determine whether she was raped or not.
I am not getting into the whole "life begins at conception" debate. All I am saying is that lawmakers should not be playing politics with the health and well being of women.

No one is stopping you from going to a doctor or a clinic to recieve health services. But I have no responsibility to take care of you. You have the responsibility to take care of you, followed by your family, and then last your local community. If I choose to provide charity to you, it's my right and privilege to do so.

Now, you don't have to right to take my hard earned money through the use of force for your personal benefit. No matter how much you whine and moan, you don't have a right to rob people.

Maybe you should stop being selfish and actually encourage selfless charity. If you believe these services should be provided free of charge, then start a non-profit. Start a charity. Raise services to do so. Dont steal from your neighbor.

Such immoral behavior is disgusting and offensive to good people everywhere.

05-26-2011, 08:56 PM
Until men have to worry about getting pregnant and carrying a child for nine months, they have no "reproductive rights."

So you do believe in an inherent inferiority in the opposite gender? Good to know. Then since we have no rights, we have nor responsibilities either, not for say... child support?

05-26-2011, 11:49 PM
and taxpayer money should not be used to murder the unborn

Gabby, since when is a Doctor who went to Medical School is not trained in a procedure that is (sadly) legal?

You =can have you abortions Gabby and you can kill the babies - not just paid for with taxpayer money

As far a "womens health" I wish you were as concerned about the childs health

Harry Reid offered that lame excuse in defense of PP which makes about 85% of its money off abortions

You have absolutely no clue what you are trying to talk about.


red states rule
05-27-2011, 02:57 AM
You have absolutely no clue what you are trying to talk about.


Spoken like true liberal overwhelmed by facts and has no rational response to offer

05-29-2011, 01:20 AM
^You forgot old people too.

Well, crap ..... I'm old, white, upper middle-class, employed, and a female .... I'm screwed. :slap:

05-29-2011, 01:21 AM
Stop outsourcing your responsibility to the federal government.

Love it! :clap::clap:

05-29-2011, 01:35 AM
How can you "debate" an issue that you can't understand? When a man gets a woman pregnant, he is out nothing. He has no legal obligations whatsoever.
When you guys were trolling around in your earlier years, looking to hook up with whatever female you could find, how often did you think about getting pregnant? Obviously zero, right?
None of you guys have ever been left holding the bag with a kid you don't want or need. You have never been a single mother, unable to find work or maintain a steady income. You go right on strutting your stuff, looking for the next conquest.

And RSR, you shouldn't be in this topic at all. You totally have no clue what is going on, nor will you ever.

Gabby, you are so wrong. Plenty of men are left "holding the bag" by paying child support for a child they didn't plan for. The saddest thing is that there are a lot of men that would be ecstatic to be "holding the bag" but the woman decided she didn't want to be "tied down" and took that option away from them.

Giving up 9 months of your life to give another the gift of life is nothing compared to the grand scheme of things.

BTW ... do you have any figures on how many infants there are in orphanages/foster care (and I'm not talking about high risk babies - just the norm) because no one wanted to adopt them? A woman does not have to be "tied down" at all. They can give the child up for adoption.

I still don't understand why you think that not using tax monies to fund abortions will take away a woman's right to medical care. Are you saying only those women who are pregnant actually get medical care?

red states rule
05-29-2011, 06:13 AM
It seems Gabby offensive has been trurned back due to a strong barrage of incoming facts

Oh well, now Gabby is back to just being offensive

05-29-2011, 11:54 AM
you know what, I've gotten angrier about this bit as I've thought about it? As a man, I'm honestly offended, so you know what, we're gonna have this talk

How can you "debate" an issue that you can't understand?

Have you ever thought about what would make for a good father? Well, you can't, because you can't be a father, so you can't possibly have any relevant opinion on the subject, according to your "logic".

When a man gets a woman pregnant, he is out nothing.

Well here, you're just wrong, clearly. Most men actually do take the time to try and help out, and do what they, so right there they are out both time and energy. Next of course, we have financial, with child support payments if they're not married, and various expenses for the child. Again the majority of men are active in their kids lives, so again, you are wrong Gabby.

He has no legal obligations whatsoever.

Really? So then you can't go to prison for not paying your child support?


You can even sue for paternity, so that whole "he didn't sign the birth certificate" thing doesn't fly.

When you guys were trolling around in your earlier years, looking to hook up with whatever female you could find, how often did you think about getting pregnant? Obviously zero, right?

I've never trolled, and this may surprise you, Gabs, since you have such a low opinion of us, but most guys are looking for relationships, and most of yes, actually have or can get access to protection. And you know what? Yes, we do think about getting pregnant, hence why there are guys who don't want kids out there, some of which get a vasectomy. Other men do want kids, so they've thought about it.

None of you guys have ever been left holding the bag with a kid you don't want or need.

Excuse, do I even need to post the statistics on single fathers in this country? And guess what, no one, not one person on this whole planet "needs" a kid, just as I don't need to the lotto, I just want to very, very much. And no woman has ever been left holding the bad with a kid she doesn't want or need, either.

Yes, she has to go through pregnancy, but that has nothing to do with keeping the child, as giving a child away for adoption is incredibly easy these days.

You have never been a single mother, unable to find work or maintain a steady income. You go right on strutting your stuff, looking for the next conquest.

You are a misogynist, Gabs, plain and simple. Here's a question: Why is it only the fault of men that women get pregnant outside of rape? You have two people having consensual sex, both of whom know that the guy doesn't have a condom on, so how does the woman escape all responsibility for choosing to let him have sex with her? In every sex ed. class that had even the slightest bit of responsibility on the subject, they taught that both partners need to take precautions.

I'm going to share a secret here with you: Mate selection is up to the female. This is why men are trying to impress you, to demonstrate worthiness, on the hopes that you'll choose to be with them. You, the woman, are the deciding vote.

05-29-2011, 12:42 PM
As for the article, are we supposed to be surprised that a liberal is whining about bureaucratic social programs being cut? I'm not GOP fan, but I'm also no fan of the constant dependency-driven, statist liberal who wants big brother to provide for everyone. The smallest thing is seen as an attack, and its seen as a "war". If that fat ass author had actually seen what war is like he wouldn't be saying that.

As for your signature, that's a little egotistic as it wasn't him, but rather a Seal Team in conjunction with the CIA that took care of Osama.

05-29-2011, 03:05 PM
ConReps are always talking about the bogus "War on Christmas" and "War on Easter."
But what about the current House of Reps continuing War on Women?
It's not just about abortion. It's about basic human rights.
Read this article I got while I was out of town earlier this week:

This may be bad legislation, or it might not, but since when is Federal support of Planned Parenthood "a basic human right"?

05-29-2011, 03:19 PM
This may be bad legislation, or it might not, but since when is Federal support of Planned Parenthood "a basic human right"?

And of course this "basic human right" must be funded at the Federal level. :rolleyes: