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View Full Version : Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingram "Right Wing Slut"

red states rule
05-25-2011, 06:12 PM
Will we hear from NOW, women libers like Sen Boxer, or will the President of NBC fire Sgt Schiltz over this sexist comment?

Probable not since the slur was directed at a conservative women and mother of two children

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LLeGQr9TK6g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-25-2011, 06:20 PM
Will we hear from NOW, women libers like Sen Boxer

"woman/women" and "Sen Boxer" in the same sentence? That's a laugh! She's more of a piece of garbage.

red states rule
05-25-2011, 06:23 PM
"woman/women" and "Sen Boxer" in the same sentence? That's a laugh! She's more of a piece of garbage.

We all now the liberal group NOW is always looking for any women being slured and insulted like this and I was going to post their response to Sgt Schultz's sexist insult

But I can't seem to find it

The same way the NAACP never has a response to racist insults aimed at Justice Thomas

05-25-2011, 06:54 PM
Don't you just love that new civil tone the left is so famous for?

05-25-2011, 07:09 PM
Typical. Ingram doesn't like Obama's policies, she's called a racist. She criticizes him for enjoying a beer in Ireland while Joplin lays in ruins, she's a right wing slut.

The blatant and venomous hate spewed by progressives like Schultz is detestable to say the least.

On a side note, looks like he got 1 week's unpaid suspension for it. Whoopdeedoo.

05-25-2011, 07:37 PM
Hmmm. "Talk slut".

I've heard "gossip whore" but never "talk slut".

05-25-2011, 08:17 PM
http://www.politico.com/blogs/onmedia/0511/MSNBC_suspends_Schultz_for_calling_Ingraham_a_slut .html

05-25-2011, 08:20 PM
"woman/women" and "Sen Boxer" in the same sentence? That's a laugh! She's more of a piece of garbage.

"slut"...totally unacceptable

"piece of garbage".... perfectly acceptable.

it makes sense in some alternate universe, perhaps. ;)

05-25-2011, 08:23 PM
"slut"...totally unacceptable

"piece of garbage".... perfectly acceptable.

it makes sense in some alternate universe, perhaps. ;)

Maybe the difference is one being paid for his words on a show? If/when someone pays me for what I discuss publicly, I will watch how I state my words.

And calling Boxer garbage is quite tame considering what she really deserves to be called.

05-25-2011, 08:25 PM
http://www.politico.com/blogs/onmedia/0511/MSNBC_suspends_Schultz_for_calling_Ingraham_a_slut .html
From the article:
"MSNBC management met with Ed Schultz this afternoon and accepted his offer to take one week of unpaid leave for the remarks he made yesterday on his radio program..."


05-25-2011, 08:27 PM
From the article:
"MSNBC management met with Ed Schultz this afternoon and accepted his offer to take one week of unpaid leave for the remarks he made yesterday on his radio program..."


Agreed, big difference between "paid leave" and being forcefully "suspended". The way the schmucks work there it wouldn't surprise me if it's paid either, probably just doing a little lip service and CYA to the masses.

05-25-2011, 08:28 PM
Maybe the difference is one being paid for his words on a show? If/when someone pays me for what I discuss publicly, I will watch how I state my words.

perfectly understandable.

red states rule
05-25-2011, 09:49 PM
perfectly understandable.

Yes it is

It was a classless and tasteless comment from a classless and tasteless liberal

So it is understandable why you would find it understandable

Now if Rush Limbaugh or Dean Hannity would have made the same comment about a liberal you would be red faced with hysteria and demanding they be fired

05-25-2011, 09:55 PM
Anyone who feins surprise at the latest in a long line of "Insane Liberal Outbursts", has obviously not been privy to the American political scene of the last 40 years or so.
After you get passed the outrage of their classless tirades. You eventually settle down, and realize that there has never been a better time to "consider the source".
While having little to nothing of any consequence to add to any given issue. They frequently revert to gross emotionalism, in total frustration of their blind allegiance to a political ideology that has never been able to prove any reason for it's existence.
As never but never has any government even remotely resembling socialism-marxism-progressivism-communism-ETC.. Been able to maintain anything that can be called effective ( except of course for the carpetbaggers that rule same ).
Ed Schultz reminds me of the best of the worst, as the left wing media tries desperately to maintain it's "balance" in a high wire act that is generously dominated by the Conservatives on Fox, and Talk Radio.
You only need take note of the fiasco known as "Air America", to understand the problems liberal broadcasting has been having in staying afloat.
A few short years ago George Soros pumped a reported 300 million into a floundering left wing talk show, that never showed any sign of political survival. Hosted by Al Franken, and Janeane Garafolo, a duo sure to give rise to questioning the "law of natural selection". Proved indelibly only the fact that the electorate, and people in general were tired of being lied to. While never posting ratings that warranted writing home about.
Now the three major networks, CNBC, MSNBC, and a sprinkling of local stations are in more trouble than they'll ever let you know about.
So let Ed have his 15 minutes of fame. It means nothing to anyone of any consequence, and has one large bright spot. That being ( even for a liberal ) whomever has to stoop to that level of ambience, must be scared to death. My advice to Laura Ingram is simply "Keep doing whatever it is that you are doing". Sit back and watch the left self destruct........................ONE MORE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!

red states rule
05-25-2011, 10:01 PM
Schultz knows nothing

and the world would be better off he would say nothing as well

05-25-2011, 10:52 PM
Let him say what he wants. It just exposes the left as the "compassionate" people they are.

red states rule
05-25-2011, 10:53 PM
Let him say what he wants. It just exposes the left as the "compassionate" people they are.

and the few listeners he has for his radio show, and the even fewer viewers he has for his TV show this entire situation will be resume enhancement

red states rule
05-26-2011, 12:29 AM
Now that Sgt Schultz is gone for a week will NBC continue to allow Chris Matthews to continue his nonstop sexist attacks on Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin?

red states rule
05-26-2011, 05:00 AM
Laura Ingraham has responded to Sgt Schultz's "apology"

Re. the crude comments made about me by Ed Schultz on his radio program: First, I was surprised to learn that Ed Schultz actually hosted a radio show. Is it only available online? Second, I have to get back to recording the audio edition of my new book "Of Thee I Zing." Now I'm tempted to insert one additional zing--about men who preach civility but practice misogyny.


05-26-2011, 11:38 AM
He was an idiot to say it and I glad they punished him.

All radio should be this dilligent

05-26-2011, 03:01 PM
He was an idiot to say it and I glad they punished him.

All radio should be this dilligent

Yeah, punishing him once out of like thousands of times he's been crude, rude, and uncivil commentary and behavior. Very diligent here.

05-26-2011, 03:27 PM
Well, she is a right wing slut. You can't fault someone for telling the truth.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 03:33 PM
Well, she is a right wing slut. You can't fault someone for telling the truth.

So classy of you Gabby, and you are constantlly whining about "hate" coming from the right

red states rule
05-26-2011, 03:36 PM
Gabby should pay attention and learn about being an adult, civil, and how to show some class

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/opUVsIufWog" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-26-2011, 04:59 PM
If you are trying to refer to Dr. Laura as "civil," then obviously you have never listened to her radio show.

red states rule
05-26-2011, 05:02 PM
If you are trying to refer to Dr. Laura as "civil," then obviously you have never listened to her radio show.

Ms Ingram is not a DR Gabby. I suspect you have her mixed up with someone else which does not surprise me

I have listened to her show and I have seen her fill in on Fox News as a host

She is very civil. Something you know little about

red states rule
05-26-2011, 05:29 PM
Now the liberal media is "reporting" the story

Spinning would be a better description

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/102129" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-26-2011, 07:29 PM
If you are trying to refer to Dr. Laura as "civil," then obviously you have never listened to her radio show.

When did you become an expert on civility? I would hope that someday you would. But I havent seen much evidence of it.

Side note: I rather like civility. I recently ordered George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior. I'm extremely excited to get a copy of it. (I know, I am a geek, but reading good books are so much fun!).

I was able to purchase it for less than $10. I would highly recommend it. Maybe more people would become as great as our best President. I picked up some Ben Franklin books too. It was a great deal.

Sorry I just wanted to share. didnt meant to derail. Im just excited.

05-26-2011, 07:31 PM
Ms Ingram is not a DR Gabby. I suspect you have her mixed up with someone else which does not surprise me

I have listened to her show and I have seen her fill in on Fox News as a host

She is very civil. Something you know little about

To be fair, civility is a virtue lost on almost everyone who participates in internet message boards. Why do you think so many people get banned for being unable to be nice even when we disagree?

05-26-2011, 07:57 PM
Laura Ingram and Dr. Laura are two different people.

05-26-2011, 07:58 PM
Laura Ingram and Dr. Laura are two different people.

Perhaps Gabby was thinking of Laura Ingalls?

05-26-2011, 08:03 PM
Perhaps Gabby was thinking of Laura Ingalls?

That's what I was wondering. All those Lauras get confusing. they all look alike you know.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 02:38 AM
Perhaps Gabby was thinking of Laura Ingalls?

She may have also been thinking about Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

Of course if a conservative called a liberal women a slut, Gabby would be scraming for the conservative to be fired

05-27-2011, 10:22 AM
Don't you just love that new civil tone the left is so famous for?

Lets remember your side was talking second amendment solutions for people you dont agree with not too long ago.

I never saw one person on the right condem the statements.

05-27-2011, 11:34 AM
Lets remember your side was talking second amendment solutions for people you dont agree with not too long ago.

I never saw one person on the right condem the statements.

That's it, get in there and change the subject.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:35 PM
Lets remember your side was talking second amendment solutions for people you dont agree with not too long ago.

I never saw one person on the right condem the statements.

The topic is Sgt Schiltz and liberal tolerance

Here are a few examples thatnks to Al Gores Amazing internet

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.mrctv.org/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdkUkU2G2G" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.mrctv.org/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdkUkU2G2G" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>


<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/oQ7r5ivupTU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-27-2011, 04:08 PM
Well, she is a right wing slut. You can't fault someone for telling the truth.

If you are trying to refer to Dr. Laura as "civil," then obviously you have never listened to her radio show.

WTF? Did you just immediately jump to the conclusion that "Laura" was Dr. Laura Schlessinger without reading or knowing the facts?

Maybe YOU should offer to sit out for a week too! With pay I'm sure while the lefties pat you on the back and make excuses for you in private! :lol:

red states rule
05-27-2011, 04:26 PM
WTF? Did you just immediately jump to the conclusion that "Laura" was Dr. Laura Schlessinger without reading or knowing the facts?

Maybe YOU should offer to sit out for a week too! With pay I'm sure while the lefties pat you on the back and make excuses for you in private! :lol:

Calling Gabby an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people in the world Jim

05-27-2011, 04:47 PM
WTF? Did you just immediately jump to the conclusion that "Laura" was Dr. Laura Schlessinger without reading or knowing the facts?

Maybe YOU should offer to sit out for a week too! With pay I'm sure while the lefties pat you on the back and make excuses for you in private! :lol:

Actually, Gaffer and I have deduced that she was referring to Laura Ingalls, from Little House on the Prairie. It's only logical.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 04:49 PM
Actually, Gaffer and I have deduced that she was referring to Laura Ingalls, from Little House on the Prairie. It's only logical.

When I think of Gabby the show that comes to mind is "Little Outhouse on the Prairie"

05-27-2011, 04:51 PM
When I think of Gabby the show that comes to mind is "Little Outhouse on the Prairie"

Hmmmm. Missed that one. Is it on Chris Matthew's new network?

red states rule
05-28-2011, 05:07 AM
Update of the "apology"

Here is what Sgt Schiltz said hours BEFORE the "apology"

I'm here (singing along to background music of David Bowie's "Fame"). ... Well, come on back in here! (in loud voice, apparently to his radio crew). OK, let me give you a classic of how this all works. This is how it works. Now in recent days, we have had Rush Limbaugh talk about, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger and drowning the maid in relationship to the Kennedys. They get away with that, OK? Uh, Sean Hannity can refer to John Kerry's wife as a scumbag during the campaign. Fair enough? I think it is.

So now the right wing is trying to gin up this story that I have called Laura Ingraham a slut. I referred to her as a talk slut. Which, by the way, I got some email, people agreed with me on it. It's a war out there! It's a cultural war is what we have in America. Uh, if I offended some women out there, I apologize. Now what Laura Ingraham was talking about was going after President Obama for having a beer, and she's not the only one, this other dude on Fox was talking about it too, going after President Obama for having a beer overseas when there's a tornado going on in the United States.

Now I believe it's almost becoming a tradition that when you go to Ireland, I believe it was Ronald Reagan that did the same thing. So in the heat of the moment and the passion of it all, I guess I used a term that has got the Michelle Malkins of the world upset. And we all know that she is an honest broker when it comes to fair vernacular in the arena of debate and politics. OK? But I just want to make sure that if there are any ladies out there who were offended that I used that term, I do apologize, I didn't mean to offend you. I did refer to Laura Ingraham as a talk slut.

Now, does she walk the streets? No, I know she doesn't. Is she a slut in the terms of whoring around? No, but I used it as a term that I think it's low rent for her to go down that road and describe our president when it's been paralleled in the past, the behavior of a president overseas, does just that. I thought it was low rent. My terminology was wrong, I should not have done it, and I certainly do not think that she is of that level of character, OK? I hope (makes kissing or kiss-off sound, depending on your perspective) everybody on the right wing is happy now!

But seriously, lefties, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's like there's a different standard. Now, are you going to catch Rush Limbaugh apologizing for what he said to the Kennedy, about the Kennedy family about how Schwarzenegger couldn't be related to the Kennedys because if he was he would have taken the maid and drowned her? Now that kind of stuff is fair game, right, for them. This is why the Michelle Malkins of the world have no credibility whatsoever. But they will try to bring whatever pressure they possibly can on lefty talkers! We're not allowed the license of passion of the moment. We're not allowed the license of saying something that might be somewhat off-color but not intended to be offensive to the group but maybe depicting of one.

So, uh, and I don't know Laura Ingraham, I don't hang out with the right-wing talkers, I don't even go to their conventions, I believe I told you that yesterday. I don't like being around them. I think they're trying to destroy the country. Look at what they are doing to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Look what they've called the president. Look how they've given us record number of filibusters and supported it on talk radio, I don't like any of them. I admit it! I'm guilty! I don't like 'em! But I don't think she's a slut.

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/jack-coleman/2011/05/27/ed-schultzs-genuine-contrition-msnbc-preceded-churlish-non-apology-rad#ixzz1Ndl4iYPn

red states rule
05-28-2011, 12:15 PM
Now liberal women who claim thye stand for fair and equal treatment of women everywhere, are pissed off Sgt Schultz was suspended

Go figure

It is also typical how the left is defending Sgt Schultz by saying "conservative" hosts do the same thing but can't produce any audio or video

On Thursday, liberal talk-radio hosts Randi Rhodes and Stephanie Miller each protested the one-week suspension of MSNBC host Ed Schultz for calling Laura Ingraham a “talk slut” on his radio show. Miller said of the S-word: “So, I wear it proudly. Some right women are soooo sensitive!”

It’s understandable Randi Rhodes might think this isn’t offensive. She was suspened by Air America for yelling that Hillary Clinton was a “big f—ing whore” in 2008. But she was really upset at the Schultz apology and suspension, insisting Schultz had used the word on her, too, and neither found it offensive:

RHODES: So, they suspend him for saying that on his radio show - the MSNBC show suspends him. Now, I don't know if he's been suspended for his comments or for moonlighting! I have no idea what's going on there!

But I will tell you that the right wing does not do this to their hosts, they just don't! They let them say anything and they do! They call the President every name -- you're talking about the President of the United States of America! They call him every name in the book, everything! They say he hates white people! They say everything about this president! They say everything about people like me, they call me a Nazi, they call me uh Randi Bin Laden. They’ve questioned my patriotism personally, they have questioned my love of country...these people who have had absolutely no experience loving their country, I mean, loving the country! They, uh, they've never really loved!

And, you know, it's so interesting to me that the left media is always suspending their hosts! You know... it's the weirdest thing in the world! And like I said, in 2004, Ed called me Randi slut...I don't know what that is, and maybe I'm thinking he just gets excited calling women sluts! So I guess the message would have been, if I were his manager, uh, you know a lot of sluts would charge extra for that, be careful.

You know, I don't know what his deal is, I don't know why he plays like that, but he does, he's always been, you know, kind of in nasty - um, he went on a tirade in 2007 that was so unbelievable and I got on the air uh, you know after that, and people were calling me going did you hear what he said about you did you hear...and, you know, I have my response....we went back and found it...I said, you know, when all this happened and I was the target, what was it that I said exactly, what was it that I you know - how did I react to - because you know they demanded his head on a platter! You know, they wanted him to be fired!

Then Rhodes played an archived response of her comments, explaining her position:

RHODES: I never asked for anybody to be fired or suspended...I didn't need an apology, I just figured you know this is the business I have chosen! You know - and the right wing just goes absolutely bat crap crazy...I want his head on a platter...I want him fired...I want him suspended....I want...why do they do that and how come people on my side actually acquiesce?

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2011/05/28/female-liberal-talk-radio-hosts-side-ed-schultz-rant-against-laura-ingra#ixzz1NfUOt5qo

05-29-2011, 12:20 AM
Will we hear from NOW, women libers like Sen Boxer, or will the President of NBC fire Sgt Schiltz over this sexist comment?

Probable not since the slur was directed at a conservative women and mother of two children

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LLeGQr9TK6g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Who is this guy?

05-29-2011, 12:22 AM
Hmmm. "Talk slut".

I've heard "gossip whore" but never "talk slut".

Guess it takes a raging liberal to come up with the most vile things to say.

05-29-2011, 12:26 AM
Anyone who feins surprise at the latest in a long line of "Insane Liberal Outbursts", has obviously not been privy to the American political scene of the last 40 years or so.
After you get passed the outrage of their classless tirades. You eventually settle down, and realize that there has never been a better time to "consider the source".
While having little to nothing of any consequence to add to any given issue. They frequently revert to gross emotionalism, in total frustration of their blind allegiance to a political ideology that has never been able to prove any reason for it's existence.
As never but never has any government even remotely resembling socialism-marxism-progressivism-communism-ETC.. Been able to maintain anything that can be called effective ( except of course for the carpetbaggers that rule same ).
Ed Schultz reminds me of the best of the worst, as the left wing media tries desperately to maintain it's "balance" in a high wire act that is generously dominated by the Conservatives on Fox, and Talk Radio.
You only need take note of the fiasco known as "Air America", to understand the problems liberal broadcasting has been having in staying afloat.
A few short years ago George Soros pumped a reported 300 million into a floundering left wing talk show, that never showed any sign of political survival. Hosted by Al Franken, and Janeane Garafolo, a duo sure to give rise to questioning the "law of natural selection". Proved indelibly only the fact that the electorate, and people in general were tired of being lied to. While never posting ratings that warranted writing home about.
Now the three major networks, CNBC, MSNBC, and a sprinkling of local stations are in more trouble than they'll ever let you know about.
So let Ed have his 15 minutes of fame. It means nothing to anyone of any consequence, and has one large bright spot. That being ( even for a liberal ) whomever has to stoop to that level of ambience, must be scared to death. My advice to Laura Ingram is simply "Keep doing whatever it is that you are doing". Sit back and watch the left self destruct........................ONE MORE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!

The left-wing media have no concept of "grace under pressure". They are completely incapable of exhibiting "grace" under any circumstance as you so eloquently pointed out.

05-29-2011, 12:27 AM
and the few listeners he has for his radio show, and the even fewer viewers he has for his TV show this entire situation will be resume enhancement

I expect to one day wake up and there will be a reality show titled "Former Left-Wing Media Failures" ... and this guy, Matthews, Olberman, Couric, Gibson, The View ..... will all be participants.

Anyone else you can think of?

Oh, wait .... the first one to go .... Dan Rather.

red states rule
05-29-2011, 05:42 AM
The left-wing media have no concept of "grace under pressure". They are completely incapable of exhibiting "grace" under any circumstance as you so eloquently pointed out.

Hate toward conservative women is not only normal but accepted

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/102177" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-31-2011, 01:47 AM
To be fair, civility is a virtue lost on almost everyone who participates in internet message boards. Why do you think so many people get banned for being unable to be nice even when we disagree? Is that why I was banned from the DU board, hahah,m just kidding

05-31-2011, 01:54 AM
She may have also been thinking about Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

Of course if a conservative called a liberal women a slut, Gabby would be scraming for the conservative to be fired

I seem to recall Hillary Clinton getting pissed off cuz someone used the term "hysterical" when describing how she was acting at one time.

red states rule
05-31-2011, 02:32 AM
I seem to recall Hillary Clinton getting pissed off cuz someone used the term "hysterical" when describing how she was acting at one time.

This might be what you are talking about

Hillary Clinton Hysteria

Christopher Hitchens and then Stanley Crouch summing up M(r)s. Clinton. There is no way around the uncomfortable fact that both men use the world ‘hysterical’ to pin the tail on a complex of emotional pathologies that’s inseparable from Hillary Clinton’s womanhood. As mannish as she sometimes tries so hard to be, Clinton makes no sense and would not exist as she is as a man. Her madness is a very special kind of female madness, a kind that results in a body of female voters of a certain age and a certain disposition and certain personal history to back her campaign with a steely dedication that in men would be called fanaticism but in these women probably requires some other name.
