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View Full Version : Polar Ice Rapture Misses Its Deadline

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:49 AM
Another doom and gloom prediction from the enviro wackos that goes bust

Is anyone really surprised? When will people wake up to and admit the pending apocalypse of glaobal warming is a myth?

While Harold Camping spends this week trying to wipe egg off his face after real-world events spectacularly falsified his prediction that the Christian rapture would occur on May 21, global warming alarmists are similarly trying to wipe egg off their faces after real-world events spectacularly falsified their predictions of an imminent polar ice rapture.

This week, a 1979 Palm Beach Post article resurfaced in which Steven Schneider, who for the past 30 years was one of the most prominent global warming alarmists, claimed the west Antarctic ice sheet could melt before the year 2000 and inundate American coastlines with up to 25 feet of sea level rise. Obviously, the west Antarctic ice sheet was not raptured away last century, and New Yorkers can still drive rather than swim to work.

If Steven Schneider was the only alarmist making spectacular – and spectacularly wrong – predictions about global warming and polar ice melt, then perhaps we could simply write it off as a single person who walked a little too far off the deep end. But spectacularly wrong global warming predictions, about polar ice and many other global warming-related issues, is par for the course for global warming alarmists.

Mark Serreze, a researcher with the federally funded National Snow and Ice Data Center, frightened the masses in June 2008 by claiming there was a 50-50 chance the North Pole would be ice-free in the upcoming summer. The media reported Serreze’s prediction with a frenzy rarely equaled even among media-created global warming scares. Adding fuel to the fire, global warming alarmists lined up in droves to add their John Hancock to Serreze’s claim. Many prominent alarmists even claimed Serreze was too conservative with his prediction.

For example, Peter Wadhams, head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group at England’s Cambridge University, told the June 27, 2008, London Independent, “People are expecting this [Arctic ice melt] to continue this year and it is likely to extend over the North Pole. It is quite likely that the North Pole will be exposed this summer – it’s not happened before.”

As it turned out, the North Pole never came close to melting, with the Arctic Ocean containing 1.65 million square miles of sea ice at its 2008 minimum.


05-27-2011, 06:09 AM
Red your a conspiracy theorist. Why would all the scientist lie? What does Forbes know about science? EVERYBODY KNEW that the Ice capes would melt. All the Real scientist all the newspapers all the politicians. Even many republicans supported doing something. Did they make a mistake and cover up the truth too? Now here you come after the fact claiming people were wrong. HA HA , with your so called facts and so called scientist. Where were they in 1999 when EVERYBODY KNEW global warming was true.
Give it up RED, it's a good thing that all these bogus global warming laws are going on the books now anyway. There may not have been any melting YET (but I still believe SOME scientist reports that ice went to Syria). But Driving less and Carbon credits are good for the earth. AlGore's policies are Good And Don't give me that Crackpot science about CARBON BEING Good for the plants and such. We can't pull back on the Carbon credits shcemes now, that would like admitting a mistake or something, and Global warming is Still a THREAT. Despite the evidence we should all still be very afraid and still trust the doom sayer scientist even though they have been wrong and cherry picked the science, lied in reports and ignored valid contrary opinions. (all those items can be dismissed because some of those denyer wrote books or were in the wrong party or something significant like that) We should stay the course and indeed to do more Against AlGlobalWarmda.

just a bit thoughtful sarcasm Red.
I think your post is Right on, I agree 100 percent.

05-27-2011, 06:28 AM
Red is once again running around with blinders on! Of course the ice caps melted. Where do you think all the tornadoes are coming from?

05-27-2011, 06:52 AM
Yeah, I notice that the media isn't harpooning the global warming alarmists. I have some eggs I could throw if Al Gore would just let me get close enough.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:42 PM
Red your a conspiracy theorist. Why would all the scientist lie? What does Forbes know about science? EVERYBODY KNEW that the Ice capes would melt. All the Real scientist all the newspapers all the politicians. Even many republicans supported doing something. Did they make a mistake and cover up the truth too? Now here you come after the fact claiming people were wrong. HA HA , with your so called facts and so called scientist. Where were they in 1999 when EVERYBODY KNEW global warming was true.
Give it up RED, it's a good thing that all these bogus global warming laws are going on the books now anyway. There may not have been any melting YET (but I still believe SOME scientist reports that ice went to Syria). But Driving less and Carbon credits are good for the earth. AlGore's policies are Good And Don't give me that Crackpot science about CARBON BEING Good for the plants and such. We can't pull back on the Carbon credits shcemes now, that would like admitting a mistake or something, and Global warming is Still a THREAT. Despite the evidence we should all still be very afraid and still trust the doom sayer scientist even though they have been wrong and cherry picked the science, lied in reports and ignored valid contrary opinions. (all those items can be dismissed because some of those denyer wrote books or were in the wrong party or something significant like that) We should stay the course and indeed to do more Against AlGlobalWarmda.

just a bit thoughtful sarcasm Red.
I think your post is Right on, I agree 100 percent.

But Rev, you missed the BIGGEST CRIME committred by Pres Bush. He wiped out the hurricans!!

What Has Bush Done With Our Precious Hurricanes?
Some of us are old enough to remember a time when the mighty hurricane still roamed the high seas in vast herds, wild and free, unspoiled by the destructive force of man's greed. Not so long ago, scientists marveling at the sheer number of hurricanes worried that they might run out of names for them. Now, with yet another mild season drawing to a close and less than 15 storms to show for it, many are left wondering what is responsible for the disappearance of our beloved Hurricanes, not to mention our free $2,000 ATM cards.

Meteorologists predict that global warming will cause weather to become increasingly unpredictable, thus covering their asses for generations to come. And if it weren't for the ATM cards, I might be able to dismiss Bush's involvement entirely. But with the price of oil skyrocketing and the economy in the crapper, it's just too much of a coincidence for the hurricanes to completely vanish right now when working families need them the most. The Red Cross may have provided food and water, but it was the $2,000 ATM cards FEMA distributed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that helped many such families purchase such vital necessities as booze, drugs and porn.

Indeed, the adult entertainment industry has been the hardest hit by the sudden lack of hurricanes, losing about 11 percent in sales since 2006. That's money Bush has practically stolen right out of the DNC coffers - and Hillary's war chest.

I'd like to encourage my readers to fill the void by going out and buying up as much smut as they can, but the inconvenient truth is that it's impossible to find porn that's printed on recycled paper these days. Trust me, I've tried. The best alternative I can think of is to go ahead and buy a lot of porn anyway, and then place it all in the proper recycling bin afterwards. I understand this might be difficult for those of you who didn't exercise your Right to Choose and now have children running around your house as punishment, so I'd suggest you instead donate the porn to your local elementary school so that it can be used as instructional aids when President Obama's Kiddie Sex Ed program takes effect. If Hillary wins, however, I'm sure she can find someone within her close inner circle who would be more than happy to hold all your porn for safekeeping, at least until our beautiful hurricanes return and once again rain ATM cards down upon the those Bush has deemed fit to starve to death.


05-27-2011, 08:11 PM
Ahh RED, We Conspiracy theorist have to stick together buddy.

We Climate denyer are still crackpots as far as the movers and shaker Scientist and some upper crust think thanks.

There was this meeting in April About Scientist wanting to "experiment" to save us all, without our permission or public notification, from the deadly Global warming that gonna kill us all.


Tweaking the Climate to Save It: Who Decides?

To the quiet green solitude of an English country estate they retreated, to think the unthinkable.

Scientists of earth, sea and sky, scholars of law, politics and philosophy: In three intense days cloistered behind Chicheley Hall's old brick walls, four dozen thinkers pondered the planet's fate as it grows warmer, weighed the idea of reflecting the sun to cool the atmosphere and debated the question of who would make the decision to interfere with nature to try to save the planet.

The unknown risks of "geoengineering" — in this case, tweaking Earth's climate by dimming the skies — left many uneasy.

"If we could experiment with the atmosphere and literally play God, it's very tempting to a scientist," said Kenyan earth scientist Richard Odingo. "But I worry."

Arrayed against that worry is the worry that global warming — in 20 years? 50 years? — may abruptly upend the world we know, by melting much of Greenland into the sea, by shifting India's life-giving monsoon, by killing off marine life.

If climate engineering research isn't done now, climatologists say, the world will face grim choices in an emergency. "If we don't understand the implications and we reach a crisis point and deploy geoengineering with only a modicum of information, we really will be playing Russian roulette," said Steven Hamburg, a U.S. Environmental Defense Fund scientist.

The question's urgency has grown as nations have failed, in years of talks, to agree on a binding long-term deal to rein in their carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas emissions blamed for global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.N.-sponsored science network, foresees temperatures rising as much as 6.4 degrees Celsius (11.5 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100, swelling the seas and disrupting the climate patterns that nurtured human civilization.

Science committees of the British Parliament and the U.S. Congress urged their governments last year to look at immediately undertaking climate engineering research — to have a "Plan B" ready, as the British panel put it, in case the diplomatic logjam persists.

Britain's national science academy, the Royal Society, subsequently organized the Chicheley Hall conference with Hamburg's EDF and the association of developing-world science academies. From six continents, they invited a blue-ribbon cross-section of atmospheric physicists, oceanographers, geochemists, environmentalists, international lawyers, psychologists, policy experts and others, to discuss how the world should oversee such unprecedented — and unsettling — research.

An Associated Press reporter was invited to sit in on their discussions, generally off the record, as they met in large and small groups in plush wood-paneled rooms, in conference halls, or outdoors among the manicured trees and formal gardens of this 300-year-old Royal Society property 40 miles (64 kilometers) northwest of London, a secluded spot where Britain's Special Operations Executive trained for secret missions in World War II.

Provoking and parrying each other over questions never before raised in human history, the conferees were sensitive to how the outside world might react...there's more..

Where do you start with news like this?
They will not give up the Hoax. Or even debate it.
And now they want to GEO-ENGINEER the Atmosphere to FIX IT?!!!?
It's seems unreal.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 08:13 PM
Ahh RED, We Conspiracy theorist have to stick together buddy.

We Climate denyer are still crackpots as far as the movers and shaker Scientist and some upper crust think thanks.

There was this meeting in April About Scientist wanting to "experiment" to save us all, without our permission or public notification, from the deadly Global warming that gonna kill us all.

there's more..

Where do you start with news like this?
They will not give up the Hoax. Or even debate it.
And now they want to GEO-ENGINEER the Atmosphere to FIX IT?!!!?
It's seems unreal.

Rev we may not always agree but damn I am glad you are here

You keep the board interesting and you do not BS about what you think

If we can ever meet dinner is on me. OK?

05-27-2011, 08:31 PM
Rev we may not always agree but damn I am glad you are here

You keep the board interesting and you do not BS about what you think

If we can ever meet dinner is on me. OK?

:beer: I'll buy the drinks.
Mines root beer but you get what you like.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 08:31 PM
:beer: I'll buy the drinks.
Mines root beer but you get what you like.

My drink is A&W root beer

red states rule
05-28-2011, 06:12 AM
Hey Rev, another update on the lefts view of global warming

It's Official: Al Gore is the Messiah
Even after Al Gore received an Oscar for his sweeping environmental epic, An Inconvenient Truth, some still dared question his facts, as if he simply plucked them out of the asses of hand-picked scientists in order to advance his socialist agenda. But now, the time for debate really is over, for Al Gore has a Nobel Prize, and must therefore be worshiped as a God.

No one would have guessed that Europeans would give Gore a European award in Europe for his tireless efforts to turn America's economy over to a consortium of Europeans, but they did. The Nobel Peace Prize is imbued with special powers that transform terrorist leaders, flatulent blowhards, and bumbling idiots into beloved international statesmen above all reproach - as long as they openly show disdain for America. Al Gore can now count himself among those honored few. No longer will he be brushed off as a self-obsessed pinhead who airbrushes his crotch and pays lesbians to teach him how to be a man. He is now a Nobel Laureate, and all must surrender themselves completely to his will. Any hesitation or resistance will not only be considered an insult to the Nobel Commission, but a threat to the very existence of the human race and punishable as such.

The Earth's climate has remained relatively static and unchanging for millions of years, but thanks to Bush it is now spinning violently out of control. Global temperatures have risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit in the 20th Century alone, and there appears to be no relief in sight. Still, there is hope. Al Gore can save us from ourselves, but he'll need our complete, unquestioning obedience. With a Nobel Prize, he will certainly be entitled to it.

Plus, he can use the $1.5 million to pay his annual power bill.


05-28-2011, 02:19 PM
And now they want to GEO-ENGINEER the Atmosphere to FIX IT?!!!?

I don't know, we geo-engineered the F' out of Yellowstone and look how that turned out. Drive the wolves out and the place goes to hell.

red states rule
05-28-2011, 02:23 PM
I don't know, we geo-engineered the F' out of Yellowstone and look how that turned out. Drive the wolves out and the place goes to hell.

The enviro wackos are getting desperate. NONE of their doom and gloom fairy tales have come true

You have to remember, alot of government funding in at stake so they hve to do something (even if it will not work)

06-01-2011, 09:55 PM
Big City Leaders of the World meet and now Agree to BORROW MONEY from World Bank to pay to FIX the none existent climate problem.

This is the scam of the 21 century happening in slow motion folks.

Leaders of the C40 Mayors Summit on climate change said Wednesday the group had reached a financing agreement with the World Bank to help the world's major cities better adapt to climate change.

"The partnership with the World Bank creates opportunities for financial support," said New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

"If we don't stop polluting our world right now, and continuing to spill greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the consequences may be very well irreversible," Bloomberg said.

The 40 major cities whose mayors are attending the Sao Paulo conference -- including New York, Jakarta, Mexico City, Berlin, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro and Paris -- are responsible for 12 percent of global greenhouse emissions.

"Cities are also paying big price of climate change," said World Bank president Robert Zoellick.

Zoellick told the mayors that he would make it easier for cities to use the Bank, as part of an effort to make available as much as $6.4 billion the Bank has earmarked for climate relief programs.

Private initiatives, said Zoellick, could lift that amount to as much as $50 billion.

"The memo of understanding between the World Bank and C40 is a window of access for cities," added Zoellick, and should help them gain "more access to develop strategies, mitigation, technical assistant".

Former US President Bill Clinton, whose foundation works with the C40 group, also praised the agreement.

But he said one of the biggest problems with going green was financing.

This is the fourth C40 summit, but the first one held in the southern hemisphere.

On Thursday, the mayors meet with local authorities to discuss urban planning, public transport, capturing contaminated gas, and green industry.